Suggestions for Fish / small wave surfboard?

Simon Anderson Nomad or a Five Spark.

I have a five spark which flies down the line. You could surf it as a quad when it is fast and hollow and drop back to a thruster when it gets softer.

mcsc, I’ve had a Phil Myers 6 channel quad for about 18 months now and it is hands down the best small wave board I’ve ever had. For point waves you’d never look back. He calls it a Stub channel, it’s fairly wide in the tail and I went for the swallowtail. Absolutely love this one. I’ve got 5 plugs in it but to be honest the quad is the better option and if ordering again I wouldn’t worry about the extra plug.

Or get in touch with your inner hipster
Consider modern version of a twin keel
This one .... works well as a thruster or quad. Keel fins + small back rears have worked the best... good from knee to head high and a halfísh

It's not mine, this one's a keeper

Yes a 5-7 twin keel
with sidecuts - ala Mick Mackie style - makes for tight carving arcs if your that way inclined
Really fast and fun in tiny point waves,. also goes well in good stuff
a very different feel - and interesting to ride

Yes a 5-7 twin keel
with sidecuts - ala Mick Mackie style - makes for tight carving arcs if your that way inclined
Really fast and fun in tiny point waves,. also goes well in good stuff
a very different feel - and interesting to ride

I was reluctant to, but since cycd put one up I will too. The best small wave board I have ever ridden that goes well from knee high in to the overhead range, two words-
Dirty Dingo.

All these look good but a bit on the clunky side for mine.
Try the Simon Anderson Spud Nick. I have a 5'11''. Best paddling and speed driving board I have ever owned, by a long way. Gets in early, great for summer slop and goes just as well in one and a half to double overhead perfection. Sets up as a quad or thruster but I've only ever used it as a quad.
I have had a few Simon boards and they are always good, but this has been the best of the bunch for me.
Definitely like the 5-Spark too for a bit more length. Spud Nick is virtually the same, just a bit shorter and chunkier.
Such a good board for the small slop and will perform in much better waves as well.

I really couldn't say MCSC, i think it's EPS.
I love it though, can't praise it enough.

5'11" 5 spark as new $200 neg Gumtree Cronulla.

Hey mcsc
Try the Lost Puddle Jumper. Not a groveler . A great small wave board that surfs like a HP short board. The shape of the thing looks like a groveler but turns like a short board. Make sure to get the volume right.
No flat bottom to V in this board. More HP bottom.

I second the Lost PJ, picked up one second hand about 8 months ago out of interest, surfs from thigh high to a couple of feet OH (as long as it is not super hollow when OH). A couple of mates have borrowed it for a surf, both now have one. Since I have had it I have sold both my old fish and a Mal, and I loved all of those boards, the PJ is more fun and never seems to need adjustment from how you surf your normal board.

Just got myself a 5'6 Anchovy by Jye Byrnes. It's a quad fish. Looks old school however with the exception of the outline it has all the modern attributes.
I'm 55, 80kg and it flies. Fast, turns and drives really well. Only surfed it in sub 3 foot, but it's instantly my new go to board. It's completely different to my normal boards and has been a real surprise. Might be worth trying something completely different?
On the subject of moving around on boards, I recall going for a surf with Nicky Wood back in the day. He had a new board. Gave it a good look and feel, put it down on the sand and then stomped his feet on the deck putting depressions where he wanted his feet to be when he surfed it. Blew me away, but worked for him.

Very nice more pics please rocker and deck...dimensions and cost ?

5 9 x 19 1/4 x 2 5/16 volume for the new crew 27.5
single to double through fins
rails low
flattish rocker - will upload a profile pic tomorrow
slight hip in the right spot
glassed strong with 3/4 on deck so that I can put a ding in the front lighter glassed area when the board inevitably lands on my head - been happening for 15 years or so now
nose and tail I left up to the shaper - Tony Pryor up here in Tugun. cost? 500 notes Tony is a terrific bloke and happy to meet requests.
money well spent I feel - the finish, curve, foil, glass is A-grade. Plus, the underarm test when I picked it up today can only be described as delicious.
typical - not a wave to be seen. so its going to stand next to its 12 buddies for a while I feel. there are going to be fingerprints allover it by the time I get it in the water.

Awesome looking board discostu. $500 that mates rates? Sounds very good. Yep, want to guarantee a flat spell? Get a new board....

Looks real good.

That's a bargain then.

Go see Glen Winton if you're on the Goldie (he's at Cabba), he's back shaping full time now....2-3 week turn around.
I'm looking for a board to have fun on when the points are small. Something that keeps flow and drive down the line, but you can still get it on rail.
Anyone got a sled they'd recommend?