Paddle/Surf Board

Love to hear how you get on with this!

Why not a Desert Storm ? Webster

Whereabouts in NSW? Gonna pay a bit for courier with a board that size. Best it was built close by.

Try Bruce Heggie surfboards in Ulladulla. Terry Glass maybe able to help.
There is a bloke that travels up /down NSW coast delivering boards.
Yep, my mate managed to get his 'beast' to Rote - no easy task.

Webster 'Desert storm' for sure ...he makes them up to 12ft long,

12 ft desert storm will knee paddle @ 126 litres & turn as well
For my next board I want to get a beast. Around 11 to 12 foot, 21 odd by 3 1/2 odd. Essentially a prone/knee paddle machine but also relatively maneuverable for the size.
(I don't want to go the SUP route)
Why? After a shoulder reconstruction I need to build paddle fit, but also paddle cross country so to speak and surf some unpopulated breaks often too small/fat/unreachable for conventional equipment. Ergo, another excuse to get in the water.
Any opinions as to a board maker who would tackle such a project? ( I have a couple sounded out but keen to hear alternate opinions). There are some makers in the States that do these boards - but is there anyone here - hopefully in NSW?