Strong offshores medium size waves, what board?
Weight and volume for stiff offshores.... MC pro tow or Webster desert storm work well IMO
Yahoo 7' single fin.
Or an 8' Yahoo widowmaker.
They would be my go to boards - but it depends on your definition of medium size.
Something with the wide point forward....and some weight....not epoxy
If u think a bodyboard could do the trick I reckon u need a stronger offshore wind . A five fin claw from tom hoye is the best ever & u can surf waves that are choppy offshore winds
Those pics have fresh wind on the waves but they aren't far out enough to get the chop as much as I assumed . Still small not medium size
Try to find a mini driver in PU instead of of difference when dealing with chop and offshores
Ok good gs best of luck with the medicine
gs, no piss and definetly no mull let the psche drugs do there job
no nicotine either, can mess with Clopine type meds.
Today the waves were smoking if you could get in the right spot and down the fac withthe howling offshore wind.
Got me thinking about other similar times and what equipment would be most suitable.
Besides training and doing laps in a pool regularly.