gopatter's picture
gopatter started the topic in Thursday, 11 Jul 2013 at 10:08am

This is one for the Tas crew. For the first and last time in 39 years of surfing I got a heavily discounted Patagonia 3mm wettie on the net. Super warm but a tad tight and really not that flexible. I heard through a mate that some of the Tas crew, who have to wear 5mm rubber, put on suit - hop into a hot bath and let the rubber mould to the body and stretch a bit with the heat. I have no idea if this is an old surfers tale or it actually works. Also sounds like a great way to get heat stroke. Has anybody actually tried this?

mick63's picture
mick63's picture
mick63 Thursday, 11 Jul 2013 at 5:46pm

Drink plenty of fluids and you'll be alright!

kaiser's picture
kaiser's picture
kaiser Thursday, 11 Jul 2013 at 6:21pm

Is it glued? If so, I don't think glue, heat and stretching it will go well together

scotty123456's picture
scotty123456's picture
scotty123456 Thursday, 11 Jul 2013 at 7:22pm

Hey gopatter,

I have surfed in Tas for many years and haven't heard of anything like that suggestion.

I suspect Kaiser is right - hot water and the neoprene glue wouldn't go well together. In fact I wouldn't even put a wettie into a decently hot shower.

A few wears should stretch it out a bit. Some others wearing Patagonia here swear by how warm and durable they are - but generally admit they don't go near the flexibility of other suits.

Good luck with it!

gopatter's picture
gopatter's picture
gopatter Friday, 12 Jul 2013 at 10:21am

Thanks Mick a good stout should do and Kaiser and Scotty - they were my thoughts - heat + glue = not good. The tip actually came from a life long Tas surfer and I was surprised by it or maybe its just a bit of apple isle humor.