Friction Free Finless Fun

Tried it on my mal when I broke all my fins, did not end well.

Derek Hynd is working on finless surfboards at the moment and has been doing some interesting things. Donnovan Frankenriter has tried them out about 10 years ago without much luck.
Boogers do it all the

Yeah it's all good, I just mentioned it because some esteemed shapers have beenn saying that finless gives unlimited speed and no friction etc.

Tried it once after i'd lost all 3 fins in the one surf thought what the hell, lost control and straight over the falls snapped my board straight in half....

yeah the curvy outline and rocker makes it very difficult on a shortie. if you have an old 1 try it uppside down and nose back. works a treat....well better then the usual way up...
id put money on in my lifetime there being be huge advancments in designs for finless boards. derek is scratching the surface. alaias and derek are the prof. maybe little keel fins or... i dunno. i do know its fun as hell doing diffeent stuff. especially after yourve surfed perfection for a week and it drops to 2-3´

^^ Hey slow down!!

Have you seen these boards that Tom Wegener has just release with GSI -
looks very cool. Best of both worlds - An alaia that floats.

toms a blatent salesman might be the yank in him? and its just a foam alaia. im sure there will be better designs soon! i surfed almost as good on a lid! but its a good start to get the ball rolling.
&feature=player_embedded#!@more. looks like fun but have another look. on the spot spins arent to special. not knockng you buddy keep it up if it floats your boat!!! been much much worse attempts! peace!!!

I've been promised a test ride on one of the Seaglass Alaias. Never been particularly curious about alaias - too backward looking for mine, more museum exhibits than functional surfcraft - but I'm pretty keen to have a go on one of those. Old design made from modern materials.

who cares for function? really?
if that was true youd only ride a sup or mal up to 3´+ fatness, a lid on slabs, and only tow in in massive shit etc. doing different stuff/pushing the limits is where the extra bit o excitment comes from.
after surfing back to back(why not it happens!) 4-6´perfect cooly points riding a short board at average fat 2-3´ points dosent really cut it. a mal or an alaia will bring much more satisfaction.
not for function just for fun.
as for the function argument, standing on a lid beats any surfcraft in short 1 foot wedges. where you wouldnt even look at on any other board. buuuut on fat or barreling points its fun too!
we all gotta judge make the world more interesting! just gotta keep our heads while calling people out for their different opinions.

i got no footy sorry but hes a youtube link of chris won at trestles.
&feature=relatedthis shows my point. imagine a developed NEW design!!! ive seen and heard shapers talking about so many crazy weird shapes and ideas but if you look at whats done on a normal boog....
these finless designs dont need all the crap dh(not the worst offender) puts on em... buuuut do whatever you wanna if your enjoying yourself huh?

sorry bout the yank attitude but this is a better example of why its the best craft in tiny waves stay with it a minute!!!

annnnnd its also a clear demonstration of different things ´working´ just fine. the different approch between an alaia, a shorty, a mal and a lid etc. is huge but they all ´work´ in their own way. this is why i dislike the industry full of blind sales men leading the blind sheep.
try a different board and give it a few weeks to understand the different mechanics of it and youll surf better on your normal board. be it after a few weeks readjusting again.

google bob simmons. itll open your mind to the reality we dont see!!!

The man and the sea : Vimeo
Some more of D Hynd at Jbay

Got hold of a bryan bates drifter 7"0 , made with epoxy & stringerless pu blank , diagonal glassed . Feels fairly light hope it don't break . Pretty confident with epoxy tho seeing bryan glassed it up himself . Can't wait to try it

caml wrote:Got hold of a bryan bates drifter 7"0 , made with epoxy & stringerless pu blank , diagonal glassed . Feels fairly light hope it don't break . Pretty confident with epoxy tho seeing bryan glassed it up himself . Can't wait to try it
Just met Bryan and his girl Hayley over in bali caml .... he mentioned he was doing one for you. I had a go of the 7'4 drifter he had with him. Heaps of fun, if there were more peeling/mal waves down south I would consider one.... he is also keen to work on stringerless vacuum bagged guns, might be trying one out potentially in the future.... really good guy to boot eh.

Yeah cy cool . well theres millions of peeling mal waves its just they are uncrowded & not actually on the surfing maps so u have to surf without many good surfers at the main well known breaks . Everywhere I look these waves are there but no ones interested because they dont barrell it seems . Thats ehy having the equipment to boot allows you to surf heaps more at these less popular spots . I hope bryans boards can get me where im aiming with less fins with less stringers too

Salsa breaks in the finless - Deus Ex machina
A wild looker from Chris Garrett

Watched a guy called roger hall surf a fin less board he,d designed. Didnt seem to have drift or that weird surfing where guys just seem to ride out of , or correct when a board spins out one way or the other. Seemed to have drive and direction. Havent ridden one though.
anyone doin it ? who has tried it ? thoughts ???