Next Federal Election

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno started the topic in Monday, 22 Jan 2024 at 2:15pm

Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.

This is how Dutton wins:

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 1:46am

"Bloody hell, time to stay off social media for awhile. This kind of dirt is ridiculous but what can we do about it?"

it's almost like we need an e-karen or something...

you know, to target 'misinformation'

wiseowl's picture
wiseowl's picture
wiseowl Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 9:36am

It's the current govt's role to solve problems, not to exacerbate them. Blaming Howard 20 years ago for rising immigration and housing issues is just as absurd as blaming Capt Cook for all of the indigenous population's problems today.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 9:50am

Blaming every government since Howard.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 10:10am

The above is in relation to housing and all governments continuing the same approach. Shorten gave it a go but copped the rough end of the pineapple for his trouble.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 11:21am
wiseowl wrote:

It's the current govt's role to solve problems, not to exacerbate them. Blaming Howard 20 years ago for rising immigration and housing issues is just as absurd as blaming Capt Cook for all of the indigenous population's problems today.

Spot on. In business you hire a new manager to fix problems that previous managers couldn’t fix. No one would ever hire anyone if there was nothing to fix. So, the new manager is given a job to take things forward. Politicians should be treated the same. You were given the job to take us forward. Don’t hide begin the failures of your predecessors. You do that in business and you look like a useless coward. And you get sacked eventually.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 11:31am

^^ so how many years do you give the current government to fix the poor policies of all governments over the last 20 years?

^^ use your business enology if you want eg Myer has been a basket case for decades so how many years would you give a new CEO to turn it around ?

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 12:05pm

Myer has no future. It’s a redundant business model. Government’s scope and budgets are unparalleled to anything else in the economy. It would be every CEOs wet dream to have that much power, money and influence. So if anything, the scrutiny should be even greater. I think the current government is doing a good job and they deserve another term. Yeah some stuff could be better but overall, it’s a pass from my end.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 1:12pm
velocityjohnno wrote:
truebluebasher wrote:

Switching Covid Data across to Next Federal Election Front Page News...(Why!)
Liberal Covid Data or should say 100% Censored Covid Data makes NFE News
Keeping this neutral...only fair to report the truth...

All ALP Fed + ALP State Govt Covid Data is up to date for 2025 & shared openly...all free to check

All Liberal States are censoring their Covid Waves back in Mid Dec 2024...
Back in the Stone Age we go with Liberal Govts...
Wotz a Patient Ward Chart?
Wotz real time Health Data...Why we gotta inform about an outbreak in a Pandemic...
Close yer eyes & STFU > Nuthin' to see just move along in [L] Dictator Police States!

So who wants to explain this...Huh! Why are Liberal Govts always so shit at Health Data
Scomo let months slide before charting Vax then Ramped Body Bags...WTF...50 Dead / 1 wk?
Recall Gladys was a Demon > 10x worse on Vax Lies than Dan...( One Shot = No infections? )
All know if she stayed in NSW would've trumped Vic Police State overrides!

Whole fucking lot of these New Lazy arsed shithead [L] Govts are happy to kill off all their citizens...
All lining up their whinging sheeple to the slaughter yard....KILL KILL KILL.
All [L] Govts spreading Peak Pandemic Oz Wide as we speak...could not give a fuck...Killing us all daily.

Why no media say a word...Why are ALL Liberal States so fucking rude to do this to fellow Aussies?
Like this is fuckin' selfish & all know it...It's a collective Pandemic Boycott by Book Burning [L] retards.

Qld [L] Govt promised up to date daily Hospital bed data...what a load of shit!
Now 1 month behind...Sure...[L] Gold Standard.

Even employed a New Yank CHO...(Where is she then...rubber-stampin' Yank AV Scripts!)
All Liberal Hospital Crisis Data is a Month Behind stuck in 2024.
First 100 days > Lost control of State Health as promised...not up to the job...sack them all.

ALP Feds are mopping up & sharing [L] states Dec 2024 AV Data...
Wiping their Lazy [L] arses for them...expect the same from Dutto...another retard Police State!
It goes to show that [L] Govts have the data but refuse to share it with those that just elected them.
They hate you all...and don't even hide the fact...shit down yer throats they will...[Team fuckin' useless]

NT Health ramped Dec AV doses by 84% > highest Covid doses for 6 months
Qld Health new Private Health Yank Chick CEO skyrocketed AV scripts higher than Dutto's Polls.
Ramped the PBS by a massive 146% to (11,470 doses) to ward off hosptalizations...

tbb knows as fact that [L] are converting Waiting Bays into Cheap screened makeshift wards...
Lost control of the Outbreak...
tbb shared our ward + Patient was shocked as they wheeled in Midnite Covid Patient ..
Tried to fleece her...Power of Attorney as she lay dying...Us fellow patients were readin' last rites!

Anyhow...That's the highest Qld PBS AV Dosage since Jan we got Covid alright...
Meaning...Qld has shit loads of Covid but Martini Mussolini is hiding it from his people...Die Fuckers!

New Liberal Govt Qld Health
New Southern Yank Privatization
Month long Hospital Bed Censorship
New Wards popping up in Waiting Bays + Philippines Health Migration is booming as if under Scomo.
[L] ramp Philippines / Palm Health Migration during Outbreaks...
tbb knows coz his Clinic is #1 Feeder...been watching the [L] Migration wave grow as tbb writes!
Yep! Migration Signs have gone up...Davy is #1 [L] Migration Mule
Qld [L] are saving on ALP record UK / Staff Migration
Dead set fact [L] are cheap & Fly in Philippines Med crews ...despite what Fed [L] & media tell ya.
Davy is desperately flying in Asian Health Migration...(Again!) Signs are up but Media is asleep...
Ain't no Qld / Oz 1% Alt dying Media got the bottle to take on [L] 99.9% Closed shop Media Machine!

Record Ramping of Asian Health Migration + Massive US Big Pharma Drugs + Record Censorship.
Basically gonna turn Aged Care into Hospital how Southern US States rolled medicare.

Everything that Qld Lib voters rallied against > their New leader is championing...Weak as Piss!
Watch how all [L] Media stay silent on Mass Asian Migration / US Big Pharma / sock puppet...
Davy's tongue is firmly wedged up American Eagle's arse & all Qld [L] wanna be Trump's US pet State.
Now got direct Philippines / LA / Dallas Loop for Medics / WMD they come...KILL KILL KILL.

Hey tbb, hang in there and stay safe.
You ask why they do it, I suspect it is because they are incapable of feeling empathy for others. Maybe giving benefit of the doubt, they would argue gotta go for economic growth the most as rising tide pulls up all boats etc. VJ got himself onto a keelboat crew as a young fella to learn to sail, boat next door was [L] state reps, got to observe them up close and they were mean in a way not easy to explain.

Salty above, thank you for the reply, I see the results as a mix of both LNP and ALP policy over the last 40 years or so, don't disagree with you too much. Maybe 50 years, but that goes beyond my experience here.

"In my view, we have too many people trying to eke out a living on a planet which is becoming overcrowded. The prospect of a better life elsewhere and an economic model based on consumption, means most governments are willing to on take those wishing to make a new life. Add in the issues of race, culture and assimilation (when in Rome do as the Romans do) and you have all the ingredients for dissent. And that dissent has largely come in the form of the rise of the far right. Given their history any shift towards those extremes must be avoided."

Given this overcrowding, does it make sense to bring more people here, at a rate that is historically extremely strong? What does it do for woodlands surrounding cities? Natural environment? Why does the "environment party" support even higher immigration? Is this worth Australian citizens being forced out of housing and into tents? It sure creates dissent as you outlined, is it goose-step stuff to wish for the country to have a border and have immigration at the historic post-war rate of around 90,000 py? Given a vote for any of the big 3 parties seems like keeping the growth-people ponzi scheme going, why do everyday normies have to vote for "far right" nutter parties (read: parties that have a similar immigration policy that which Australia had prior to about 2004) to return to this? I don't think these far right parties are anywhere near Mussolini if you read their other policies, they are more like where the centre used to be on immigration and display nationalism with regard to things like having sovereign industry for resilience.

Hi vj

The “Right Wing Nutter Parties” will never gain a foothold in the Lower House. Some voters may direct their first preference to them as a protest, but it is the second preference that matters.

It’s the Senate where they can make their presence felt. Preference deals have seen “independents” win a seat or two and from there they can exert an influence far beyond their numbers.

You have some in the Liberal Party who would broadly fall into the nutter category but to their credit they are dropping them off the ticket.

But it is the clowns they attract that concern me. Remember Fraser Anning and the “Egg Boy” incident: his supportive thugs nearly killed the poor kid. And you have the “pro-nazi” element parading around the streets intimidating anyone in their path. Hopefully, they will never gain a serious foothold but there are people gullible enough to fall for the propaganda.

But we live in a Democracy where you are free to express your views. In 1951 Menzies held a referendum to essentially ban the Communist Party. The ALP had members who would qualify as full blown commies, but ultimately, should push come to shove, you know which side of the fence they will fall. The referendum failed, but the “Faux Commies” gradually drifted away never to be seen again, while the Liberal Party kept on banging the McCarthyism drum regardless.

The “Catch Cry” post WW2 was “Populate or Perish”, initiated by the Chifley Government and readily continued by Menzies. It’s always been the major component of population growth, now much more so that ever.

The economic model we have chosen relies on continued growth and consumption to “prosper”, and that is unlikely to change. But despite the physical size of the country, there are a number of factors which limit our population. The major one being the constant and reliable availability of water, not only for consumption but agriculture and industry.

Dutton’s Nuclear Plan will effectively double water consumption per unit of energy but he provides no detail on where this water will be sourced. LNP policy regarding the Murray Darling Basin has been an ongoing disaster for 70 years, though Angus Taylor did well out of it.

Despite public opposition, the only solution I see is to recycle water. No one is discussing that. The ALP have a broad policy on Water but I can’t find anything from the LNP. And as you point out there seems to be no consideration for other environmental factors, particularly in the aftermath of the LA fires. Too many questions go unanswered.

Dutton has started to release policy for the forthcoming election: first up we have Tax Offsets for business lunches. That will get the nation up and running again! The LNP have never provided a true Nation Building Vision, and I expect that tradition will be upheld.


andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 2:33pm

It's the system stupid!
Apologies to Bill Clinton.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 5:59pm
flollo wrote:
wiseowl wrote:

It's the current govt's role to solve problems, not to exacerbate them. Blaming Howard 20 years ago for rising immigration and housing issues is just as absurd as blaming Capt Cook for all of the indigenous population's problems today.

Spot on. In business you hire a new manager to fix problems that previous managers couldn’t fix. No one would ever hire anyone if there was nothing to fix. So, the new manager is given a job to take things forward. Politicians should be treated the same. You were given the job to take us forward. Don’t hide begin the failures of your predecessors. You do that in business and you look like a useless coward. And you get sacked eventually.

When in comes to housing issues population growth is the number one driver be it buy or rent or even prices. (demand vs supply)

All governments of the last 20 years or so hold some responsibility, but there has been a huge population increase under the current government when from a housing perspective we should have reduced our immigration numbers not increased them, of course the problem is population growth also fuels the economy and tax revenue etc

"Last week, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the official population statistics for the September quarter of 2023, which revealed that Australia’s population grew by an unprecedented 660,000 people over the year, driven by record net overseas migration (NOM) of 549,000.

In percentage terms, Australia’s population grew by 2.5 per cent, the nation’s fastest growth rate since 1952, during the post-war migration boom."

660,000 increase that's like adding the whole of Canberra population or almost the Gold Coast into the mix in one year, it's crazy and depressing.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 6:07pm
A Salty Dog wrote:

Dutton has started to release policy for the forthcoming election: first up we have Tax Offsets for business lunches. That will get the nation up and running again! The LNP have never provided a true Nation Building Vision, and I expect that tradition will be upheld.


Cheers Salty. Make Cafes Great Again

And for the nuclear, talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

To solve water, huge nation building water project taking water from the tropical north via pipelines, south to the urban areas. Agriculture springs up along the way. This with it's own environmental consequences, but it can be done.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 7:32pm
velocityjohnno wrote:
A Salty Dog wrote:

Dutton has started to release policy for the forthcoming election: first up we have Tax Offsets for business lunches. That will get the nation up and running again! The LNP have never provided a true Nation Building Vision, and I expect that tradition will be upheld.


Cheers Salty. Make Cafes Great Again

And for the nuclear, talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

To solve water, huge nation building water project taking water from the tropical north via pipelines, south to the urban areas. Agriculture springs up along the way. This with it's own environmental consequences, but it can be done.

Diverting water from the tropical north as a solution was proposed nearly 100 years ago.

Highly energy intensive and massive environmental consequences.

I spent many years working in the water and water treatment industries and in my humble unqualified opinion recycling water for capital cities would be an appropriate place to start. Existing infrastructure can be upgraded to potable standard and water then returned to existing storages. You just have to convince the public it’s safe to drink. I point out that the North Western suburbs of Melbourne already drink treated water!


I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 8:36pm

"660,000 increase that's like adding the whole of Canberra population or almost the Gold Coast into the mix in one year, it's crazy and depressing."

Don't think that's permanent?

From memory 180K is permanent ish.

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 8:40pm
A Salty Dog wrote:
velocityjohnno wrote:
A Salty Dog wrote:

Dutton has started to release policy for the forthcoming election: first up we have Tax Offsets for business lunches. That will get the nation up and running again! The LNP have never provided a true Nation Building Vision, and I expect that tradition will be upheld.


Cheers Salty. Make Cafes Great Again

And for the nuclear, talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

To solve water, huge nation building water project taking water from the tropical north via pipelines, south to the urban areas. Agriculture springs up along the way. This with it's own environmental consequences, but it can be done.

Diverting water from the tropical north as a solution was proposed nearly 100 years ago.

Highly energy intensive and massive environmental consequences.

I spent many years working in the water and water treatment industries and in my humble unqualified opinion recycling water for capital cities would be an appropriate place to start. Existing infrastructure can be upgraded to potable standard and water then returned to existing storages. You just have to convince the public it’s safe to drink. I point out that the North Western suburbs of Melbourne already drink treated water!


Colin Barnett ran a election campaign on running water from the Kimberley's to Perth.

Energy required to do so was astronomical, local decel far and away a better option.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 8:46pm
I focus wrote:

Colin Barnett ran a election campaign on running water from the Kimberley's to Perth.

Energy required to do so was astronomical...

nah, it's downhill. good pressure too, I reckon.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 8:48pm

Ha ;)

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 9:58pm

You just have to make sure you are recycling the nicest water.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 10:11am
velocityjohnno wrote:

You just have to make sure you are recycling the nicest water.

That's been the argument pursued by the anti recycling crowd, but appropriate tertiary treatment removes about 99% of those drugs.

The debate though, is still many years away.


Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 10:13am

Disappointed that the Govt is not doing anything to toughen race hate laws in this country.
Our values we have held for so many years need to be enforced in some certain new migrant members a little more seriously…
People should come here to forget their past countries problems and live as a new community….isnt that the whole idea…
Clueless Australians getting involved as well…..perhaps they should go and see the kids of Jewish heritage being escorted to school by security.
Any govt who allows race hate speech and now violence as well to prevail with no strict penalty should not be allowed to govern….
There has been virtually nothing being reported about what’s really going on….its a whole lot worse that people realise.
I’ve never seen anything as weak as this Govts current response…..
….and they DO know what’s really going on…..
This all started with “gas the Jews”at the giant Muslim gathering at the opera house and has festered ever since……really disgusting for this country.
The libs have at least have promised to stop it all and enforce jail terms for offenders……as should wimpy Albo.
Dutton might not seem all that exciting but at least he’s a good guard dog….ruff.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 10:45am
velocityjohnno wrote:

That's a good rant by Chris there, above.

Perhaps the Millennial generation is getting to that stage where something like the debt level shocks them and they turn conservative in middle age?

Debt:GDP at 40% is survivable, they reckon once it goes > 100% then day of reckoning is booked in. In mid 2000s he mentions the debt at 3%, that was after Howard/Costello basically sold everything bar the kitchen sink to pay Keating's debt. And were benefiting from a once-in-100-year mining boom windfall. They were also the ones who ramped immigration into the boom.

So what went wrong? GFC response cost quite a lot and we fired the Rudd$ stimulus canon and kept high immigration to avoid recession - we never even got close, apart from those "reject the recession" dancers on sunrise. Then the Libs in early 2010s continued high immigration, but the way to growth was increase housing prices and pump people into it, which has continued. We did this while ripping our productive industry out with a high AUD and "Dutch Disease". Rates dropped to zero, a 5000 year low, and this increase of the currency supply assisted said house prices. Inflation didn't seem to happen... it was perplexing to central bankers then, they worried that they would be trapped in very low inflation, they needed something to create a bit...

Covid gave a glimpse of what all the immigration looks like stopped, wages rose, Australians got employed more - but money printing by RBA (not gov as he asserts in video) increased currency supply greatly, and caused today's inflation shock. In fact all governments did it, keeping businesses and people's wages alive, intervening in the economy. With all the spare money and time at home, project car prices went through the roof lol. Now we have the hangover and pain, as the central banks try to rein in all that profligacy over a decade of ZIRP, the mutant child of Bernanke's QE.

Australia's growth story is, well, I don't know what it is. Tax mineral exports to benefit the people here? Long shot given they are becoming homeless and gov is just putting fuel on the fire. Maybe rein in the infrastructure spending to save money? Can't do that, infrastructure needed for all the people coming in and that's a cost of housing and providing for them. Get them all to be productive? Nah, our productivity per capita is actually falling. I can see why, in this environment, ALP has gone hard on changing the economy to be a renewable powerhouse - hope it works. We really need something big in the nation-building sense to get back on track and create downstream productivity which can pay the debt and keep those people here in a good life.

Hi vj,

He's getting a little worked up over the issue and he's dragging a few along for the ride.

But he hasn't considered the whole situation.

I understand only half the debt is sourced overseas, the rest locally. We also have a total of around $300 billion in the Future Fund, which appears not to be taken into account (though I'll stand corrected on that).

A Debt Limit was introduced by Rudd in 2007, but the legislation was repealed in 2013 by the Abbott government with the support of the Greens.

Given we don't really manufacture anything for export, the only option we have is to tax mineral exports (realistically). Efforts to do so have been frustrated by the LNP who seem convinced our way to prosperity is via a "trickle down economy". Sadly not much trickles to the very bottom.

Given nuclear energy as a power source was banned in 1998, the only viable option, given the implications of CO2 production from the combustion of coal, was to pursue a largely renewable energy source, albeit with gas back up.

Twenty years down the track, the LNP have done a bare minimum to promote renewables. With renewables now regularly supplying 40% of energy demand, Dutton now wants to put everything on hold for twenty years while we construct Nuclear Power Plants, at what will be astronomical expense.

How do you think we can achieve and maintain any sort of prosperity with that sort of mentality.

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 1:00pm
Optimist wrote:

There has been virtually nothing being reported about what’s really going on….its a whole lot worse that people realise.
I’ve never seen anything as weak as this Govts current response…..
….and they DO know what’s really going on…..

I'd be really interested as to "what's really going on". The majority of us might have missed something or are you in the federal law enforcement arena??

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 1:06pm
garyg1412 wrote:
Optimist wrote:

There has been virtually nothing being reported about what’s really going on….its a whole lot worse that people realise.
I’ve never seen anything as weak as this Govts current response…..
….and they DO know what’s really going on…..

I'd be really interested as to "what's really going on". The majority of us might have missed something or are you in the federal law enforcement arena??

A lot of dog whistling going on......

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 3:04pm

NEVER AGAIN….the Josh Frydenburg documentary shows a lot of not seen footage… was disturbing.
Worth a watch if you haven’t seen it.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 3:46pm
Optimist wrote:

Disappointed that the Govt is not doing anything to toughen race hate laws in this country.
Our values we have held for so many years need to be enforced in some certain new migrant members a little more seriously…
People should come here to forget their past countries problems and live as a new community….isnt that the whole idea…
Clueless Australians getting involved as well…..perhaps they should go and see the kids of Jewish heritage being escorted to school by security.
Any govt who allows race hate speech and now violence as well to prevail with no strict penalty should not be allowed to govern….
There has been virtually nothing being reported about what’s really going on….its a whole lot worse that people realise.
I’ve never seen anything as weak as this Govts current response…..
….and they DO know what’s really going on…..
This all started with “gas the Jews”at the giant Muslim gathering at the opera house and has festered ever since……really disgusting for this country.
The libs have at least have promised to stop it all and enforce jail terms for offenders……as should wimpy Albo.
Dutton might not seem all that exciting but at least he’s a good guard dog….ruff.

“ ….. There has been virtually nothing being reported about what’s really going on….its a whole lot worse that people realise….”

Please specify @opti, otherwise it’s just smoke and mirrors BS, thanks

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 3:53pm
Optimist wrote:

Disappointed that the Govt is not doing anything to toughen race hate laws in this country.
Our values we have held for so many years need to be enforced in some certain new migrant members a little more seriously…
People should come here to forget their past countries problems and live as a new community….isnt that the whole idea…
Clueless Australians getting involved as well…..perhaps they should go and see the kids of Jewish heritage being escorted to school by security.
Any govt who allows race hate speech and now violence as well to prevail with no strict penalty should not be allowed to govern….
There has been virtually nothing being reported about what’s really going on….its a whole lot worse that people realise.
I’ve never seen anything as weak as this Govts current response…..
….and they DO know what’s really going on…..
This all started with “gas the Jews”at the giant Muslim gathering at the opera house and has festered ever since……really disgusting for this country.
The libs have at least have promised to stop it all and enforce jail terms for offenders……as should wimpy Albo.
Dutton might not seem all that exciting but at least he’s a good guard dog….ruff.

Maybe you forgot that it was the Abbott govt that repealed Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act?

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 4:43pm

Did that ever go through?…I don’t know and I don’t know the reason for him trying.
The “Never Again” frydenburg film left a mark on me….footage I hadn’t seen before.
I’m not a Dutton fan but if he can fix what’s going on I’d vote for him and his team on that point alone…
This needs sorting and right now.
People should be able to live in or come to this country and be left alone….
I don’t see any other race or religion but one in particular yelling “kill kill kill”….in this country.
The bullies are rising up….and they want power and influence….
Resistance is not futile.
If people can’t see that in reality then I don’t know what to say.

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 4:52pm

You talking about people from all ethnicities, optimist, or is this just for Jewish people, such is your gung-ho support of Zionism, and the conflation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism? If we wanna split hairs here, Islamophobia wins the being discriminated against contest with antisemitism by a landslide in this country.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 4:59pm

Spud couldn’t fix a 1 horse race

Patrick's picture
Patrick's picture
Patrick Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 5:16pm

Will anyone fix unpaid tax recovery discrepencies?

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 5:22pm
flollo wrote:

Myer has no future. It’s a redundant business model. Government’s scope and budgets are unparalleled to anything else in the economy. It would be every CEOs wet dream to have that much power, money and influence. So if anything, the scrutiny should be even greater. I think the current government is doing a good job and they deserve another term. Yeah some stuff could be better but overall, it’s a pass from my end.

They have done a great job, haven't they.

insurances up 30-50%...Erectwicity up 50%...Rents up repayments DOUBLED...groceries up 50%...fuel up...everything is on the UP!

Tent factories UP so as to house the extra half a million blow ins we dont need.

THE worst labor government Ive seen but none of them are any good, all have the common denominator of not being able to run a chook raffle.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 5:40pm

Quad, I reckon the medical fraternity would like to study your Labor induced lisp.

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 5:48pm

People means everyone……but “ kill killl killl” is usually from one group.

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 5:57pm
seeds wrote:

Quad, I reckon the medical fraternity would like to study your Labor induced lisp.

..I'm forrowing alphaSleethies lead, Buth Sthpingstheen!

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 5:59pm
quadzilla wrote:
flollo wrote:

Myer has no future. It’s a redundant business model. Government’s scope and budgets are unparalleled to anything else in the economy. It would be every CEOs wet dream to have that much power, money and influence. So if anything, the scrutiny should be even greater. I think the current government is doing a good job and they deserve another term. Yeah some stuff could be better but overall, it’s a pass from my end.

They have done a great job, haven't they.

insurances up 30-50%...Erectwicity up 50%...Rents up repayments DOUBLED...groceries up 50%...fuel up...everything is on the UP!

Tent factories UP so as to house the extra half a million blow ins we dont need.

THE worst labor government Ive seen but none of them are any good, all have the common denominator of not being able to run a chook raffle.

Just an add on, the terrorgraff has a report that 7480 businesses have been forced to stop operating in the last 6 months.what a great economic climate the government provide.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 6:12pm

Got a number to compare that business failure figure against Quadi? A breakdown even. It's kind of meaningless without knowing how it sits in the grand scheme of things.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 7:25pm

found this blackers, recent, don't know the source (feels like written by AI...):

and this:

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 7:24pm


blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 7:29pm
velocityjohnno wrote:

found this blackers, recent, don't know the source:

Thanks VJ, I did see that and the ABS data. Can't find anything significantly different in the rates of failure. 60% of small businesses fail within 3 years, a long-term pattern. No doubt high interest rates and rents don't help, but I can't see a significant increase outside normal variations..

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 7:39pm
Optimist wrote:

Did that ever go through?…I don’t know and I don’t know the reason for him trying.
The “Never Again” frydenburg film left a mark on me….footage I hadn’t seen before.
I’m not a Dutton fan but if he can fix what’s going on I’d vote for him and his team on that point alone…
This needs sorting and right now.
People should be able to live in or come to this country and be left alone….
I don’t see any other race or religion but one in particular yelling “kill kill kill”….in this country.
The bullies are rising up….and they want power and influence….
Resistance is not futile.
If people can’t see that in reality then I don’t know what to say.

I can't tell if you're being serious or not?

First things first: I don't doubt you comment in good faith yet you're an astonishingly partisan person. This latest issue is the same. To wit, it's Labor's fault that hate speech laws aren't being amended.

The disbelief comes because your party spent years attacking those very same laws in the name of free speech. It was front and centre of the news for the better party of a year. LNP-aligned media and their attack dogs, both within parliament and without, went after Labor in the name of free speech.

"People do have a right to be bigots. In a free country people do have rights to say things that other people find offensive or insulting or bigoted."

Surely you remember that quote?

And now you're again attacking Labor, only this time for NOT amending the hate speech laws that your party spent years trying to tear down.

Think it might be time to disown the LNP, Opti.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 7:56pm
Hiccups wrote:

You talking about people from all ethnicities, optimist, or is this just for Jewish people, such is your gung-ho support of Zionism, and the conflation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism? If we wanna split hairs here, Islamophobia wins the being discriminated against contest with antisemitism by a landslide in this country.

This i what Google AI says

AI Overview

"Anti-Zionism can be antisemitic when it devalues Jewish people or their right to self-determination, or when it incites violence or hatred against Jewish people.

Examples of anti-Zionism that can be antisemitic

Denying Jewish self-determination
When anti-Zionism claims that Jews don't have the right to self-determination, or that their connection to Israel is invalid

Using antisemitic tropes
When anti-Zionism uses tropes about Jewish power, greed, or bloodthirstiness

Justifying Palestinian violence
When anti-Zionism justifies Palestinian violence as a form of resistance, while criticizing Israel's security measures

Calling for the destruction of Israel
When anti-Zionism calls for the destruction of Israel and its people

Promoting hate or violence
When anti-Zionism promotes or incites violence or hatred against Jewish people
Supporting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement

When anti-Zionism supports the BDS movement, which seeks to eliminate Israel as a Jewish state"

The problem is, lots of people dont even know what zionism is.

Zionism is only the right of the Jewish people to self determination of their existing sovereign nation, in their indigenous homeland.

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 8:13pm

How the shit happened.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 9:38pm


seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 9:48pm

Shows how AI can inadvertently be biased, ignore internationally recognised crimes by Zionists and use incorrect terminology.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 10:01pm

It can just produce complete gibberish too. Spot on Seeds.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 10:06pm

Could or would AI also take into consideration a person’s online search history to configure an answer? I know very little about this subject but wonder in this post truth world whether it’s at all possible, very scary if it is.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 10:10pm

Sounds reasonable Guy, knowing a bit how it works.
ps. Not knowing but we all know about algorithms now

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 10:26pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
Hiccups wrote:

You talking about people from all ethnicities, optimist, or is this just for Jewish people, such is your gung-ho support of Zionism, and the conflation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism? If we wanna split hairs here, Islamophobia wins the being discriminated against contest with antisemitism by a landslide in this country.

This i what Google AI says

AI Overview

"Anti-Zionism can be antisemitic when it devalues Jewish people or their right to self-determination, or when it incites violence or hatred against Jewish people.

Examples of anti-Zionism that can be antisemitic

Denying Jewish self-determination
When anti-Zionism claims that Jews don't have the right to self-determination, or that their connection to Israel is invalid

Using antisemitic tropes
When anti-Zionism uses tropes about Jewish power, greed, or bloodthirstiness

Justifying Palestinian violence
When anti-Zionism justifies Palestinian violence as a form of resistance, while criticizing Israel's security measures

Calling for the destruction of Israel
When anti-Zionism calls for the destruction of Israel and its people

Promoting hate or violence
When anti-Zionism promotes or incites violence or hatred against Jewish people
Supporting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement

When anti-Zionism supports the BDS movement, which seeks to eliminate Israel as a Jewish state"

The problem is, lots of people dont even know what zionism is.

Zionism is only the right of the Jewish people to self determination of their existing sovereign nation, in their indigenous homeland.

Haven't heard any of this at any of the protests I've been to over the last 15 months. I can't believe you got AI to look into this for you. Oh hang on, yes I can. Also, calling the BDS movement antisemitic is grasping at straws. Is wanting a genocidal regime to comply with international laws antisemitic?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 10:41pm

I used AI as the most non bias source possible.

Personally i think AI was being a bit too diplomatic.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Monday, 20 Jan 2025 at 10:46pm

And there in lies the problem.