Vaccinate or not

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak started the topic in Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020 at 6:20pm

I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 31 Oct 2022 at 6:22pm

Oct-March 2023 WHO Pop Charts
Base Case = Ongoing Outbreaks > Limited impact on Global Economy
Surge Scenario 1 = Large increase in Hospitalizations may impact on Global Economy
Surge Scenario 2 = Large increase in Deaths > Health Mandates will heavily impact Global Economy
Covax : ( Support Hesitant Vax % ) # Priority is Risk of CoVax Waning & CoVax resistant Variants
Pretty much just keep mopping up there own mess!

Immune Refocusing drives the Convergent Evolution
tbb will share current frontline science debate of Pandemic
Immune Refocusing (5 past 12)
Convergent Evolution (Quad Flu Variants)

Next Global Outbreak will involve mixed variant waves.

Global Covid Data is trending down but Experts warn that Covid is again rising.
US Wastewater samples show rise in Covid to equal 2021 levels.
[+] WW rising ^ order ~ ^Ohio ^Wisconsin ^New York ^Illinois , Maine) + Colorado

25 Oct 2022 Expert Predictions of rising Global Wave.
*Germany had concerning rapid Hospitalisations > Cases should keep falling to 1st Feb 190,000 cases
Will likely spread thru Europe in coming weeks.
*Singapore XBB surge in transmissions & Hospitalizations but less severe.
*US will increase by 1/3 to 1st Feb 1m

Cases Rise slowly from Oct 16.7m > 1st Feb Peak 18.7m
Deaths rise slowly from Oct 1,660 > 1st Feb Peak 2,748

ABC Norman Swan says it will be a Global (All seasons) Outbreak
Admissions : 2 dose offers next to no protection + Virus is growing more virulent to vaccine

Recent Europe outbreaks > N/S-West Pacific outbreaks give rise to the Global rise thought.
Japan / South Korea / Taiwan / Hong Kong / Singapore / Indo / NZ / Oz are trending up.

Mystery of Oz Missing Moderna > 15m Bivalent Doses
Pfizer Bivalent approved by TGA

27th Oct (Post Vax Review) Health Minister is still trying to secure any Bivalent Vax from either?

US Pfizer Vax
2nd Quarter 2023 US Open Market Vax price.(10,000% mark up)
500m doses = 100m / $20 > 400m / $30 > Next doses > A lot more!
Pfizer : US $110-$130 / dose (Each dose costs US $1.18 to produce with Govt funded supply lines)

Origin Wars
WIV Aussie Lab Rats Dani & Eddie failed to sell boss's Animal of Origin Lucky Dip! (Mean eyes & Furry!)

US Senate Committee : "Chinese Vax origin dates back to (12 Nov 2019) WIV Covid breach"

nevertuold's picture
nevertuold's picture
nevertuold Thursday, 24 Nov 2022 at 3:23pm

Yes mate they want another lockdown desperately. Not enough "citizens" battling financially/depending on the po lie ticians and taking gates poison. For any galahs still on the fence,,, I was at my brothers 50th recently here in South Oz and I managed to catch up with his best mate of 35 years. This chap is a former bikie squad copper, CIB, police prosecutor (not for long he was too honest), and now a seargant. He asked me what I thought of convid, and I told him I dont buy into it one little bit. I was surprised to hear him say he didn't either. He then proceeded to confirm my suspicions that the "pizza gate" saga here in this state was completely fabricated (look it up), and how many were appalled that they were being sent to make sure the citizens stayed home. All fking lies.

truebluebasher wrote:

Oct-March 2023 WHO Pop Charts
Base Case = Ongoing Outbreaks > Limited impact on Global Economy
Surge Scenario 1 = Large increase in Hospitalizations may impact on Global Economy
Surge Scenario 2 = Large increase in Deaths > Health Mandates will heavily impact Global Economy
Covax : ( Support Hesitant Vax % ) # Priority is Risk of CoVax Waning & CoVax resistant Variants
Pretty much just keep mopping up there own mess!

Immune Refocusing drives the Convergent Evolution
tbb will share current frontline science debate of Pandemic
Immune Refocusing (5 past 12)
Convergent Evolution (Quad Flu Variants)

Next Global Outbreak will involve mixed variant waves.

Global Covid Data is trending down but Experts warn that Covid is again rising.
US Wastewater samples show rise in Covid to equal 2021 levels.
[+] WW rising ^ order ~ ^Ohio ^Wisconsin ^New York ^Illinois , Maine) + Colorado

25 Oct 2022 Expert Predictions of rising Global Wave.
*Germany had concerning rapid Hospitalisations > Cases should keep falling to 1st Feb 190,000 cases
Will likely spread thru Europe in coming weeks.
*Singapore XBB surge in transmissions & Hospitalizations but less severe.
*US will increase by 1/3 to 1st Feb 1m

Cases Rise slowly from Oct 16.7m > 1st Feb Peak 18.7m
Deaths rise slowly from Oct 1,660 > 1st Feb Peak 2,748

ABC Norman Swan says it will be a Global (All seasons) Outbreak
Admissions : 2 dose offers next to no protection + Virus is growing more virulent to vaccine

Recent Europe outbreaks > N/S-West Pacific outbreaks give rise to the Global rise thought.
Japan / South Korea / Taiwan / Hong Kong / Singapore / Indo / NZ / Oz are trending up.

Mystery of Oz Missing Moderna > 15m Bivalent Doses
Pfizer Bivalent approved by TGA

27th Oct (Post Vax Review) Health Minister is still trying to secure any Bivalent Vax from either?

US Pfizer Vax
2nd Quarter 2023 US Open Market Vax price.(10,000% mark up)
500m doses = 100m / $20 > 400m / $30 > Next doses > A lot more!
Pfizer : US $110-$130 / dose (Each dose costs US $1.18 to produce with Govt funded supply lines)

Origin Wars
WIV Aussie Lab Rats Dani & Eddie failed to sell boss's Animal of Origin Lucky Dip! (Mean eyes & Furry!)

US Senate Committee : "Chinese Vax origin dates back to (12 Nov 2019) WIV Covid breach"

gsco's picture
gsco's picture
gsco Sunday, 22 Jan 2023 at 7:22pm

ok and I'll start it off with something hopefully everyone will find not only funny but also useful: I hope everyone is heeding Canada's top doctor's latest covid health advice Wear a mask while having sex, Canada's top doctor suggests.

And remember: “The lowest risk sexual activity during COVID-19 involves yourself alone,” she added....

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 22 Jan 2023 at 7:42pm
Daryl Gibson's picture
Daryl Gibson's picture
Daryl Gibson Thursday, 7 Sep 2023 at 12:41pm
Stok wrote:

Not only fewer people in the lineup, but no anti-vaxers!

Read into it however you like - you either trust the system (and listen to scientists, peer reviewed research, trials etc) or you don't (and listen to outspoken doubt casters, comedians, celebrity chefs etc.).

Daryl Gibson's picture
Daryl Gibson's picture
Daryl Gibson Thursday, 7 Sep 2023 at 12:42pm

Well said, still there too

Daryl Gibson's picture
Daryl Gibson's picture
Daryl Gibson Thursday, 7 Sep 2023 at 1:13pm
Supafreak wrote:

I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?

Daryl Gibson's picture
Daryl Gibson's picture
Daryl Gibson Thursday, 7 Sep 2023 at 1:14pm
Daryl Gibson wrote:

Well said, still there too

The replies are interesting because the question gets to the heart of some of the cognitive dissonance society is dealing with now. The thought that we might be responsible for the number of people we infect is a serious lift for many, and so they respond with vitriol.
If you have Long Covid—has anyone responsible for your infection ever truly apologised?

B.B.Blitz's picture
B.B.Blitz's picture
B.B.Blitz Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 2:35pm

So any of you pro jabbers now regretting your decision?The vitriol against the unvaxxed still warranted?....Genuinely interested to hear if peoples views have now changed...A lot of questions need answering re the whole covid\vax thing, will we ever get the answers?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 3:10pm


There has been so much information that has been released regarding the covid vaccines since we were forced ( I had to work ) to take a couple .

I am really still angry how ALL politicians Panicked when confronted by an Unknown new disease .

My freedoms were removed , for the so called , common good .

My mother has had 6 shots ( can't have more ) .

Just told my eldest daughter , this week , that covid will be around for a long time .

That ONE strain in the Future may be really serious .

I also said , never have another shot ( gave a disclaimer ) .

Go with fate and your immune system .

This WILL all happen again , unless we learn from what an Iron Dome Lock Down does to people .

The promises of the Drug companies re their effectiveness sounded unbelievable , to me , at the time .

Almost like they had planned for it , as new drugs usually take much longer to be tested .

As usually the case , with unbelievable things , they were lies .

No one has gone to jail for these lies , by the way .

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 3:04pm

I will never ever forget how we were treated and how certain people (stok, roadkill, olddog) reacted like scared little piglets and did everything they were told without questioning it.

Covid is a fucking contagious cold, and they locked the entire world down to make sure they jammed an experiment into everyone that didnt ever stop transmission.

Michael Adam's picture
Michael Adam's picture
Michael Adam Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 3:40pm

Swellnet were pro lockdowns, censorship and vax.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 3:45pm
Michael Adam wrote:

Swellnet were pro lockdowns, censorship and vax.

I gotta disagree. The swellnet team had their own reasons for vaccination, however they definitely didn't censor us in the forums.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 4:13pm

Guessing Michael was not referring to management .

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 4:16pm

Still wetting your bed over a little jab Burls. No such thing as pro jab, either anti vax cultists or normal people. I will never regret being part of 90% of the world's population who got the jab and being caring and thoughtful enough to protect my very old fragile parents in a nursing home from an earlier grave. The only regret I have is only getting 3 days in lockdown to kick back and get paid to go surfing.
If you were one of the millions who died you probably wouldn't be on here still flogging your dead horse. Boris Johnson was recently in the shit for not locking down soon enough from a lot of angry relatives of those who died. Try telling them it was just a little sniffle. The only person I know who reacted like a scared little piggy was you. There you go I took the bait, but that's it from me, I really couldn't give a shit. You should try to move on like the rest of the world, you must have been really traumatized.
Btw tell your mum Kmart has a special on plastic sheets.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 5:02pm

Old Dog , U were ONE of the lucky 1's , it seems .

Got to enjoy being locked down .

The surf is more than 5km from where I lived .

Gosh , a three day lockdown probably would feel like a nice long weekend .

In Melbourne , we were locked down for months .

Our children were not allowed to play in a park , let alone go to school.

As I said above , SO much new information has been revealed and continues to come out .

I hope everyone now agrees it came out of a lab and was a human made .

I haven't moved on .

The Medical people are STILL promoting kids get the fn jabs .

That is a CRIME imho .

We are still traumatised by an Iron Dome Lock Down .

Happy for U that U can move on from it as it still haunts me .

My mother seems to get sick all the time so I asked her how many jabs she had , 6 .

She said she needed them to travel .

So , no regrets and nothing to teach an Old Dog on this subject , then .

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 6:57pm

Old dog got his medical advice from a receptionist. I wouldn't waste any time on him.
I will also never forget Pop Down, neither will 10s of millions of people around the world.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 7:10pm

There is 1 question I ask a person I care about .

What's more important , Freedom , or Equality ?

The answer for humans , is the same as for ALL living things , Freedom .

I declare an interest in this Thread .

Don't care about people thought in the past .

Will try and not mention names in the future .

The efficacy of the drugs in question are for ALL to see on SN thanks , mainly , to TBB .

Read them , no where near what was promised .

Was also told they were SAFE longterm .

As they have been Proved to be NOT as good , maybe they are not as fn safe as well .

What do U ALL think should happen next time ?

It will happen , unfortunately , the odds are against us .

The debate on this was similar to the ref .

A fn screaming match ffs !

SN contributors , nearly every one , are great at giving insightful comments and some at so good at complaining but fn shithouse at looking an issue and trying to work out what to DO , imho !

Other threads , I don't have much Skin in the Game .

This is different as it's very personal .

I make so many mistakes , most here have seen some .

This treatment of Millions of Australian's should not have happened .

We lost our individual freedom .

I have a lot to learn about what I should do next time .

Would like to hear what others would want Australia to do next time .

Fuck last time !

I really would like to , respectfully , debate this issue , with anyone .

It's important 2 me .

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 7:22pm

Good on ya Pop Down. Keep it going and let's not ever let these criminals get away with it ever again.
Plenty of good influential people stood tall when it mattered. Novak Djokovic is by far the biggest sports star to not back down.
People like Joe Rogan who had a massive audience also stood tall. Then there was the doctors that went against their own people to stand up. These are the heros.

We laugh at boot lickers like olddog, stok and roadkill.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 7:28pm

@ Pop Down, Yes, very lucky, I still haven't had covid (touch wood) despite living life normally. I did get very sick of the insults from Burls though, just for doing the right thing by society and getting the jab. I had no side effects, not even a sore arm, and have never felt better. I still laugh when I think back to all the ridiculous claims he made about immune destroying death jabs and Govt. lies to control the sheep and the new world order. One giant world wide conspiracy so big Pharma could clean up etc. etc. Once you go down the internet rabbit hole it's hard to get back to the real world. Call me naive but I still believe that while the world may have panicked and overreacted, it was all done in good faith to protect the vulnerable and the struggling health system. We will never really know what the situation would have been if 90% of the population hadn't been jabbed. Anyway, I'm busy packing and will be off-grid for a week so take care from one old bastard to another. Cheers.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 7:38pm

easy for olddog to be so blase about it all... when as he says, his experience amounted to a 3 day surf trip...

that's not a shot at the dog, its just that where and what you expeienced, had a huge influence on your life and your take on what was happening

I still honestly cannot believe what melbourne went through, and how some are still so willing to just suck it up... the old "...its easier to fool someone than convince someone they've been fooled..." springs to mind...

if Im honest, corona was some of the best years of my life, never locked down once, enjoyed some remote area goodness, enjoyed some quiet indo goodness, and generally enjoyed two years of quietness all together, was a headfuck, and the disease a bitch... but in hindsight, it was a hoot...

having said that, corona was way more than the sniffles burliegh... was... way more... at the beginning... and even now....

re. vaccine, I don't really regret gettting it, but I consciously avoided the mrna bullshit, and very glad I did... won't be getting anymore, and am still missing job opportunities to avoid getting more - which is just plain criminal from my perspective - given what we now know...

this is still one of best things I've read on covid, well worth your time

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 7:42pm

and needle points 1,11, and 111 the best expose on the vaccine 'efficacy' lie

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 7:57pm

Now: Covid has exhausted itself – top Russian epidemiologist
Although new strains of the virus may yet appear, it no longer has significant pandemic potential,

By April 2020 data was available from 3 Navy ships (2 US and 1 French) with a "captive" close living population of about 7000 young and healthy people to infect. Result:
- 75% infection rate
- 1 death !!!!!!!!!!
By April 2020 quality data was also available from the Diamond Princess in Japan. High infection rates, older age groups. Mostly mild symptoms. No deaths among those below 70 from memory.

So next time we should really follow the science (not pretend to to keep a desired narrative pure and simple) and target measures to suit the data - not the fear drummed up by the media, pharma, the excited (some epidemiologists were frothing at the attention and drama) and and the compromised (Fauci).

Lockdowns were a major costly over reaction, economically, socially, education wise and led to poor health outcomes for many (e.g. undiagnosed cancers - some estimated at 30% under normal levels).

Inevitably good data will be available very early if they look to situations like the above examples.. Demand it be acted upon. Then be a bit brave and strategic. Sweden did both with better results than most.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 7:53pm
B.B.Blitz wrote:

So any of you pro jabbers now regretting your decision?The vitriol against the unvaxxed still warranted?....Genuinely interested to hear if peoples views have now changed...A lot of questions need answering re the whole covid\vax thing, will we ever get the answers?

Why would anyone actually regret the decision to get vaxed?

Im not going to bother ever getting another boaster but i dont regret getting vaxed.

BTW. Weirdly while the rest of the family have had Covid twice, i havent had it yet, which i find weird as whatever they normally get no matter what i do i get it.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 8:16pm

Some people regret getting vaccinated because they have had health issues ever since. I , like sypkan , avoided the mRNA vaccines and went with AZ and only got vaccinated purely so I could travel overseas and also because I didn’t think traditional vaccines were a big risk . 8 Australian women died as a result of AZ vaccine that statically would have survived covid . There’s plenty of info on why some people don’t get covid . I couldn’t find the original article I read on it but it had something to do with a gut protein that some people have. This wired article touches on it a bit .

Stok's picture
Stok's picture
Stok Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 8:19pm

Had to drop back in to say hi to the old crew!

Can see Burleigh's still trembles everytime someone mentions vaccines. Must be tough.

@sypkan - Maturity and inner peace was more than enough to see me through the lockdowns in Melbourne without throwing the toys from the cot. Looking back on it now, was it all necessary? probably not. at the time was it the right thing to do - probably.

One things for sure is that we're proper fucked if any similar event rolls around with a more deadly outcome, thanks to the freedumd crowds inability to understand their limits of knowledge or make any form of personal sacrifice.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 8:58pm
Stok wrote:

Had to drop back in to say hi to the old crew!

Can see Burleigh's still trembles everytime someone mentions vaccines. Must be tough.

@sypkan - Maturity and inner peace was more than enough to see me through the lockdowns in Melbourne without throwing the toys from the cot. Looking back on it now, was it all necessary? probably not. at the time was it the right thing to do - probably.

One things for sure is that we're proper fucked if any similar event rolls around with a more deadly outcome, thanks to the freedumd crowds inability to understand their limits of knowledge or make any form of personal sacrifice.

Remember when your loved Vic government opened fire with rubber bullets on protesters?

Your government put Victorian people through the longest lockdown in the world and you’re all good with that? Fuck me you’re beyond help.

I think I had covid once, I never tested. But I was sick for a couple of days and I’ve never had it since.

Yet the jabbed are getting it multiple times and still getting it. You can’t make this shit up

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 9:08pm

We were told all along by the experts and media etc. that 80% of young healthy people would have little or no symptoms. It was always about protecting the other 20% of frail, old and compromised. Lockdowns, masks and jabs saved millions of lives. Early on in some countries they were turning parks into graveyards, trucks lined up full of bodies, unprecedented scenes. We were very lucky in Aust. for holding it off until it had weakened. Calling it just a sniffle is an insult to millions who died and their loved ones. Selfish narcissism at its best. Cheers.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 9:45pm
old-dog wrote:

We were told all along by the experts and media etc. that 80% of young healthy people would have little or no symptoms. It was always about protecting the other 20% of frail, old and compromised. Lockdowns, masks and jabs saved millions of lives. Early on in some countries they were turning parks into graveyards, trucks lined up full of bodies, unprecedented scenes. We were very lucky in Aust. for holding it off until it had weakened. Calling it just a sniffle is an insult to millions who died and their loved ones. Selfish narcissism at its best. Cheers.

Surely we’re not back here again are we.
The jab didn’t stop transmission, in fact it was never tested to stop transmission. These words came from the Pfizer ceos mouth.

You are a peanut olddog. Go chew a bone

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 28 Jan 2024 at 10:32pm

We were told by the media and the experts someone wanted them to hear information , that was swallowed hook line a sinker , by 80% plus of the world ,

That a Bat Flu was created in a market in China .

That is was a World Wide Emergency and wonderful drug companies would save the day .

They are experts , u can Trust them .

Fauci is a great bloke , his wife is even nicer and is not biased at all .

F Me , the shit is ON the table for anyone willing to have a look .

The 20% who said , wait , this sounds a bit suss were told to F off and not be a racist selfish c..t .

Take one for the team they shouted .

A wonderfully open mind , No , we and the media , we are NEVER wrong !

We are THE experts , F off u ignorant buffoons . Shut up and die .

Very rude imho .

One HUGE and undeniable problem , it has been proven to false information , just ask TBB for the facts !

And some of you are happy to go through it again .

No wonder , paid to surf and have days off with no crowds .

We didn't like someone making US less equal that u guys on a fn beach .

So , who is selfish ?

Must be Melbourne's kids who didn't miss much school , just 1 year .

Personally , another Lock Down won't have any affect on me .

I am retired and will move to a beach , like so many others , were fortunate to do , last time .

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 9:55am

100%. we were lied to daily for over 1 year. The people that died WITH covid were already dying. But the people that dies from the vaccine were not.

Nobody knows the true extent of the injuries that vaccine caused fit healthy people.

people like old dog are no hopers. Clinging onto everything a man in a white coat or a receptionist tells them like it's the gospel truth. I actually can't believe he still thinks getting vaccinated to protect others is still a legit reason.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 10:46am
Stok wrote:

Had to drop back in to say hi to the old crew!

Can see Burleigh's still trembles everytime someone mentions vaccines. Must be tough.

@sypkan - Maturity and inner peace was more than enough to see me through the lockdowns in Melbourne without throwing the toys from the cot. Looking back on it now, was it all necessary? probably not. at the time was it the right thing to do - probably.

One things for sure is that we're proper fucked if any similar event rolls around with a more deadly outcome, thanks to the freedumd crowds inability to understand their limits of knowledge or make any form of personal sacrifice.

Agree with Syp and Supa on their response to the vaccines, early on when Japan noted the microlipids of the mRNA ones accumulating in certain areas our fam made a decision of absolute no to those. We've seen complications in a nephew, mum and perhaps now her brother. I think they will ease off on the boosters in future. There's also no real picture of what the infection does internally over a number of years.

As for covid itself, it's more than a flu and I think may have had nefarious origins, as we worked out in Jan 2020. I don't know of flus having spike proteins that rip their way through arteries and organs.

Locking down was a great winter of surf for my young one and I. We found out of the way spots and had a ball. Every local who didn't surf, bought a longboard - so there was that mitigating the images of uncrowded perfection. For those caught up in the lockdowns, I was happy when they got a chance to get back to the waves again. The lockdowns changed this area and turbocharged it into 'crab sandwich crowd' from any vestigial 'meat pie crew' features. It's Range Rovers at the beach now with ridiculous house prices, and many kids working summer jobs having to pay insane rents. It was better before, to be honest, when uggs and trackies were more common.

Everybody got cash for free, except us it seems. Now it's time to pay back the piper, and people are hurting from the largesse of so much printed money. It is what it is. There's no free lunch.

I still believe that the best approach to stopping it spread is just stop contact. Next time, Vic and NSW have over-ruled their health officers being in charge of the response if I understand correctly, so what's popular (yolo! me me me me) will rule - there will be no lockdowns. Next one should come in 100 years at this rate - but China just revealed they've altered a cousin to covid to have 100% death rates in mice imbued with human cells. Do you trust their lab safety and biohazard procedures? Or alternately: do you trust that the pangolin won't get randy for the bat? So, if Roadkill is correct that we're proper fucked if there's a next one, I guess my response would be to get out of Vic or NSW asap, given my situation.

Lastly, it's killed 24073 people on the current stat, in Australia. This is 48 times the number of service personel Australia lost in the Vietnam War. If you are immune compromised, or vulnerable, the major message of 'let it rip' is 'you're on your own' and many of them have died, or had severe illness. It stripped away the veil and revealed we are run as a colony to be harvested by business, who benefited. It also revealed a great lack of empathy in the society, which has continued on in other topics from 4wds trashing Gnarloo cos my camping trip, to the different experiences of the higher interest rates. Major appreciation to the medical staff, who had to (and continue to) go through so much and still have their empathy and compassion for patients - I'll keep giving it back to you guys because you are worth it.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 10:55am
velocityjohnno wrote:
Stok wrote:

Had to drop back in to say hi to the old crew!

Can see Burleigh's still trembles everytime someone mentions vaccines. Must be tough.

@sypkan - Maturity and inner peace was more than enough to see me through the lockdowns in Melbourne without throwing the toys from the cot. Looking back on it now, was it all necessary? probably not. at the time was it the right thing to do - probably.

One things for sure is that we're proper fucked if any similar event rolls around with a more deadly outcome, thanks to the freedumd crowds inability to understand their limits of knowledge or make any form of personal sacrifice.

Agree with Syp and Supa on their response to the vaccines, early on when Japan noted the microlipids of the mRNA ones accumulating in certain areas our fam made a decision of absolute no to those. We've seen complications in a nephew, mum and perhaps now her brother. I think they will ease off on the boosters in future. There's also no real picture of what the infection does internally over a number of years.

As for covid itself, it's more than a flu and I think may have had nefarious origins, as we worked out in Jan 2020. I don't know of flus having spike proteins that rip their way through arteries and organs.

Locking down was a great winter of surf for my young one and I. We found out of the way spots and had a ball. Every local who didn't surf, bought a longboard - so there was that mitigating the images of uncrowded perfection. For those caught up in the lockdowns, I was happy when they got a chance to get back to the waves again. The lockdowns changed this area and turbocharged it into 'crab sandwich crowd' from any vestigial 'meat pie crew' features. It's Range Rovers at the beach now with ridiculous house prices, and many kids working summer jobs having to pay insane rents. It was better before, to be honest, when uggs and trackies were more common.

Everybody got cash for free, except us it seems. Now it's time to pay back the piper, and people are hurting from the largesse of so much printed money. It is what it is. There's no free lunch.

I still believe that the best approach to stopping it spread is just stop contact. Next time, Vic and NSW have over-ruled their health officers being in charge of the response if I understand correctly, so what's popular (yolo! me me me me) will rule - there will be no lockdowns. Next one should come in 100 years at this rate - but China just revealed they've altered a cousin to covid to have 100% death rates in mice imbued with human cells. Do you trust their lab safety and biohazard procedures? Or alternately: do you trust that the pangolin won't get randy for the bat? So, if Roadkill is correct that we're proper fucked if there's a next one, I guess my response would be to get out of Vic or NSW asap, given my situation.

Lastly, it's killed 24073 people on the current stat, in Australia. \

No excess death rates in Australia, so it didn't kill 24073 people, these people died with Covid. there is a MASSIVE difference and one big lie told by governments to scare people into submission.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 4:40pm
Supafreak wrote:

Some people regret getting vaccinated because they have had health issues ever since. I , like sypkan , avoided the mRNA vaccines and went with AZ and only got vaccinated purely so I could travel overseas and also because I didn’t think traditional vaccines were a big risk . 8 Australian women died as a result of AZ vaccine that statically would have survived covid . There’s plenty of info on why some people don’t get covid . I couldn’t find the original article I read on it but it had something to do with a gut protein that some people have. This wired article touches on it a bit .

Interesting read, not saying im immune i might get covid in the future but it seems weird, especially the first time it was in my house hold, as i kind of didn't care thinking i will get it anyway so was real blase.

Maybe my weekly dose of ivermectin has really helped :D

san Guine's picture
san Guine's picture
san Guine Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 6:00pm

Here's the my perspective on the front line from day 1:

When our society was alerted to the threat of COVID, everyone panicked, from both Federal and State governments down to the general populous. Nobody knew anything particularly concrete about anything.

It quickly became apparent to people in medicine that this virus was nasty, not just a "few days of chest infection, then off you go...."

To give you an idea of how heavy duty those early variants were, we would have COVID patients off oxygen (high flow) often for just 60 seconds, their oxygen saturations would plummet from 90ish into the 60's, they became profoundly hypoxic. After about 1/2 an hour of maxing out the high flow therapy there saturations would creep up to the 90's again. These weren't ICU patients these were just ward patients, often with no underlying lung pathology!

On top of lockdown, at work I was in and out of full PPE every shift, still having to attend every emergency in the hospital and being ultra careful not to infect my wife who has a heart condition, it was a time of great uncertainty and it was relentless...

It was an extremely stressful time in an already extremely stressful job.

It was the loneliest period of my working life.

I ended up burning out at the start of 2022. Took 4 months off, did a lot of soul searching and a lot of soul surfing (thank you Tassie for letting me share a bit of your magic). Went back to work on the bare minimum and am really enjoying my job again!

COVID has never gone away. As is always the case with any virus, it attenuates over time becoming less virulent. However, we still have between 10-20 operational beds filled with COVID patients everyday. They are elderly or immunocompromised, it still kills fact, my own father last year.

It's real we are living with it.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 6:12pm

You’re and your colleagues are amazing people sg, hope you scored big time on your 4 months off.
Incredible what you guys and gals did in fucken horrible conditions and circumstances.
And knowing who you are, you’re one of the happiest chirpiest guys going around so to know it took that toll on you it must of been extremely dire

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 6:16pm
burleigh wrote:
velocityjohnno wrote:
Stok wrote:

Had to drop back in to say hi to the old crew!

Can see Burleigh's still trembles everytime someone mentions vaccines. Must be tough.

@sypkan - Maturity and inner peace was more than enough to see me through the lockdowns in Melbourne without throwing the toys from the cot. Looking back on it now, was it all necessary? probably not. at the time was it the right thing to do - probably.

One things for sure is that we're proper fucked if any similar event rolls around with a more deadly outcome, thanks to the freedumd crowds inability to understand their limits of knowledge or make any form of personal sacrifice.

Agree with Syp and Supa on their response to the vaccines, early on when Japan noted the microlipids of the mRNA ones accumulating in certain areas our fam made a decision of absolute no to those. We've seen complications in a nephew, mum and perhaps now her brother. I think they will ease off on the boosters in future. There's also no real picture of what the infection does internally over a number of years.

As for covid itself, it's more than a flu and I think may have had nefarious origins, as we worked out in Jan 2020. I don't know of flus having spike proteins that rip their way through arteries and organs.

Locking down was a great winter of surf for my young one and I. We found out of the way spots and had a ball. Every local who didn't surf, bought a longboard - so there was that mitigating the images of uncrowded perfection. For those caught up in the lockdowns, I was happy when they got a chance to get back to the waves again. The lockdowns changed this area and turbocharged it into 'crab sandwich crowd' from any vestigial 'meat pie crew' features. It's Range Rovers at the beach now with ridiculous house prices, and many kids working summer jobs having to pay insane rents. It was better before, to be honest, when uggs and trackies were more common.

Everybody got cash for free, except us it seems. Now it's time to pay back the piper, and people are hurting from the largesse of so much printed money. It is what it is. There's no free lunch.

I still believe that the best approach to stopping it spread is just stop contact. Next time, Vic and NSW have over-ruled their health officers being in charge of the response if I understand correctly, so what's popular (yolo! me me me me) will rule - there will be no lockdowns. Next one should come in 100 years at this rate - but China just revealed they've altered a cousin to covid to have 100% death rates in mice imbued with human cells. Do you trust their lab safety and biohazard procedures? Or alternately: do you trust that the pangolin won't get randy for the bat? So, if Roadkill is correct that we're proper fucked if there's a next one, I guess my response would be to get out of Vic or NSW asap, given my situation.

Lastly, it's killed 24073 people on the current stat, in Australia. \

No excess death rates in Australia, so it didn't kill 24073 people, these people died with Covid. there is a MASSIVE difference and one big lie told by governments to scare people into submission.

When you say there's been no excess death rates, apart from 2020, the ABS disagrees with you.
Where do you get your stats?

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 6:29pm
san Guine wrote:

Here's the my perspective on the front line from day 1:

When our society was alerted to the threat of COVID, everyone panicked, from both Federal and State governments down to the general populous. Nobody knew anything particularly concrete about anything.

It quickly became apparent to people in medicine that this virus was nasty, not just a "few days of chest infection, then off you go...."

To give you an idea of how heavy duty those early variants were, we would have COVID patients off oxygen (high flow) often for just 60 seconds, their oxygen saturations would plummet from 90ish into the 60's, they became profoundly hypoxic. After about 1/2 an hour of maxing out the high flow therapy there saturations would creep up to the 90's again. These weren't ICU patients these were just ward patients, often with no underlying lung pathology!

On top of lockdown, at work I was in and out of full PPE every shift, still having to attend every emergency in the hospital and being ultra careful not to infect my wife who has a heart condition, it was a time of great uncertainty and it was relentless...

It was an extremely stressful time in an already extremely stressful job.

It was the loneliest period of my working life.

I ended up burning out at the start of 2022. Took 4 months off, did a lot of soul searching and a lot of soul surfing (thank you Tassie for letting me share a bit of your magic). Went back to work on the bare minimum and am really enjoying my job again!

COVID has never gone away. As is always the case with any virus, it attenuates over time becoming less virulent. However, we still have between 10-20 operational beds filled with COVID patients everyday. They are elderly or immunocompromised, it still kills fact, my own father last year.

It's real we are living with it.

SG with knowledge and a medical perspective from the frontline….facts laid bare and the realty of covid.


burleigh and co.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 6:48pm

too right @goofyfoot, @sG and his colleagues were not only on a line way frontier than the rest of us, but also kept uber tapped into ANY developments as they happened, and lived it in real time, while we sat and grumpily Netflixed.

I didn't listen to news, or have socials, just heeded those more affected than me, health-workers and the vulnerable, didn't care where they got their info.

Retro-fitting resentment.. nup.. it was utterly unknown, whole-countries were being criticised for any decision, thankfully not as big-a-thing as we feared it might be.. fuck, that's good isn't it?

Lockdowns won't be allowed to happen again, and that may be to our regret. Coulda been a model we worked out, duplicitous big-Pharma-involvement and all, for the weird biological shit our crowded world may throw up for our children.

Sorry you've had to navigate these discussions with the loss of your father @sG.

I had a shitty time, as everyone did, working partially in Vic, partially in SA. My take-away, to make it right in my head, is that we got to experience a Shit-Lite for what people, who REALLY have struggles, experience in wartime, etc must feel like from day to day. Eerie, fearful, isolated, unsure, unfair, controlled, unsettled, re-assessing life, relationships and decisions, and a test of national solidarity, while looking sideways at government behaviour, for when it settled.

Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 7:12pm

Thanks for sharing that SG. Myself amongst many others on here definitely appreciated your first hand, front-line accounts & commentary during that intense Covid period. Sorry to hear about your father. Go well.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 9:21pm

So wonderful to see the above comments .

Unfortunately , I think the Jeanie is Out of the Bottle and a terrible precedent HAS been set .

None of the above makes me think it is Unset , at all .

SG , mate , well done !!!

We did panic and will do it again .

The Chinese are working on new Gain of Function Covid's now .

The World made Fauci the Covid Tzar . The No 1 Expert .

The Media loved him !

Everyone , nearly , believed him .

Unlike Global Warming with lots of experts this issue HAD !!! only 1 to judge .

PROVED to be ( with his more Powerful wife ) an Out right Charlatan and Lier .

Keep watch , more news just keeps escaping into the Light of Day .

What is an appropriate Death rate for all of US to panic again ?

Covid was close to 1% , I say 3% and Confirmed , somehow .

I don't want my age , 64 , to be counted in the 3% .

Panic rarely is an appropriate response in ANY situation .

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 9:22pm

Does that make Norman Swan an aussie mini tzar @Pop? Makes me quite proud...

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 9:59pm

Disregard previous @Pop, I get everyone's thoughts, we lived it together. If nothing else it should have brought us together. A divisive bug. Puts it into perspective, if it were actually other humans that did that harm to our society (and it has been made to be about exactly that to some)... war must be the ultimate horror, hating 'other' humans forever for whatever they have done to harm you and your loved ones. Covid was wartime writ small. For us to make of it what we will.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Monday, 29 Jan 2024 at 9:59pm
AndyM wrote:
burleigh wrote:
velocityjohnno wrote:
Stok wrote:

Had to drop back in to say hi to the old crew!

Can see Burleigh's still trembles everytime someone mentions vaccines. Must be tough.

@sypkan - Maturity and inner peace was more than enough to see me through the lockdowns in Melbourne without throwing the toys from the cot. Looking back on it now, was it all necessary? probably not. at the time was it the right thing to do - probably.

One things for sure is that we're proper fucked if any similar event rolls around with a more deadly outcome, thanks to the freedumd crowds inability to understand their limits of knowledge or make any form of personal sacrifice.

Agree with Syp and Supa on their response to the vaccines, early on when Japan noted the microlipids of the mRNA ones accumulating in certain areas our fam made a decision of absolute no to those. We've seen complications in a nephew, mum and perhaps now her brother. I think they will ease off on the boosters in future. There's also no real picture of what the infection does internally over a number of years.

As for covid itself, it's more than a flu and I think may have had nefarious origins, as we worked out in Jan 2020. I don't know of flus having spike proteins that rip their way through arteries and organs.

Locking down was a great winter of surf for my young one and I. We found out of the way spots and had a ball. Every local who didn't surf, bought a longboard - so there was that mitigating the images of uncrowded perfection. For those caught up in the lockdowns, I was happy when they got a chance to get back to the waves again. The lockdowns changed this area and turbocharged it into 'crab sandwich crowd' from any vestigial 'meat pie crew' features. It's Range Rovers at the beach now with ridiculous house prices, and many kids working summer jobs having to pay insane rents. It was better before, to be honest, when uggs and trackies were more common.

Everybody got cash for free, except us it seems. Now it's time to pay back the piper, and people are hurting from the largesse of so much printed money. It is what it is. There's no free lunch.

I still believe that the best approach to stopping it spread is just stop contact. Next time, Vic and NSW have over-ruled their health officers being in charge of the response if I understand correctly, so what's popular (yolo! me me me me) will rule - there will be no lockdowns. Next one should come in 100 years at this rate - but China just revealed they've altered a cousin to covid to have 100% death rates in mice imbued with human cells. Do you trust their lab safety and biohazard procedures? Or alternately: do you trust that the pangolin won't get randy for the bat? So, if Roadkill is correct that we're proper fucked if there's a next one, I guess my response would be to get out of Vic or NSW asap, given my situation.

Lastly, it's killed 24073 people on the current stat, in Australia. \

No excess death rates in Australia, so it didn't kill 24073 people, these people died with Covid. there is a MASSIVE difference and one big lie told by governments to scare people into submission.

When you say there's been no excess death rates, apart from 2020, the ABS disagrees with you.
Where do you get your stats?


san Guine's picture
san Guine's picture
san Guine Tuesday, 30 Jan 2024 at 6:12am

Thanks GF, Basesix, Rabbits and Pops for your kind thoughts.
The pandemic was really an awful time..
Agree Basesix that it was ‘wartime writ small’, very divisive and as a consequence we have a less cohesive less caring society

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Tuesday, 30 Jan 2024 at 7:25am

As with the others SG, thanks for your tireless work through the worst of times. Stoked you got some great waves on your break and back nice and fresh.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 30 Jan 2024 at 7:39am

Yep, medical people were the hero's of the pandemic.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 30 Jan 2024 at 7:55am

I know 2 frontline nurses and during lockdowns and Covid ebbs and flows, what those 2 nurses said and what SG said in here was informative and formed a large part of my understanding of how Covid effected many.

That frontline healthcare workers were targeted at times with anger and distrust is still something I can’t get my head around. Reading what SG has posted above the impact on healthcare staff has never really been reported.

I agree with andy, they were the real heroes and undervalued.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 30 Jan 2024 at 8:53am

My sister was like an Old Dog ( 13 years younger than I am ) on this issue .

I was like a Shag on a Rock and was the last to get 2 shots ( thought P was best but got A ) .

Was effected by lockdown more than most ( caged lion ) .

If it was all proved to have been a success ie the best response , wonderful .

Will accept all SG views , maybe the first rounds of vaxes made some real difference .

The follow ups have been proved to be , Ify , at best imho .

The shit will hit the fan on another "horror disease " and the Media will panic , it sell papers !

Above it was described that Covid hit us like a little War .

I can easily research Australia's Plans for a possible future War .

We spend billions every year preparing .

How prepared are we for another Super Bug ?

When the media is screaming for all to panic , THE PLAN needs to ready for the Politicians to ALL follow to avoid the horrible mistakes that were made in panic .

Treatment ? Does the Horse Drug really work ? At least not harm like some other drugs ?

We are NOT ready at all !

No one wants to do the hard work again !

Like ALL the big issues !

Much easier to panic and stuff it up , again .

We are so slack !

All my close family have stopped taking Covid shots .

Michael Adam's picture
Michael Adam's picture
Michael Adam Tuesday, 30 Jan 2024 at 8:58am

Ah yes, the choreographed dance moves in the empty halls…..
And now the old fashioned flu is back after its mysterious absence….