Do you like or hate Donald Trump, and why?

dimitrios10's picture
dimitrios10 started the topic in Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 5:10pm

I am curious if you guys like DonaldTrump, or do you hate him?

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 1:27pm

Even though blowindo deleted, retracted his ludicrous assertion... again... in a nutshell.
Indoblown is ‘on it’... again.

‘Obviously not talking about Indonesia "$20 a month"

Official min wage rates in areas of Indonesia ranges from $200-$300+ a month

Although in reality labourers would get paid less, but still would be $100 to $150+ a month now.

Wage growth in Indonesia has been rising quite fast in recent years as has cost of living.‘

Hahaha, you obviously are really dreaming!!! Not according to the latest reports. Or anyone that knows anything about how ‘business’ works there. No corruption in the development and building sectors though!!!

‘Obviously’!!! Hahaha!!! FFS. Away you go!!! Take blowindo with you!!! Want a labouring job there or not? Watch out for the stampede of ozzie labourers cashing in!!!

This is from a most recent report.

‘They also complain of withheld wages and unpaid overtime, as well as frequent use of daily contract workers and unpaid laborers (like workers’ wives), which the study authors say are all also risk factors for child labor.’

‘Labor abuse in Indonesia is not unique to the palm oil industry — it has been documented widely across the garment, domestic work, and mining sectors, among others — but in recent years, palm oil has become particularly ripe for exploiting workers.‘

‘“For one thing, there is the sheer difficulty of organizing,” said Otang. “A worker has to spend 400,000 rupiah (about $28) for a one-way ticket to the regional capital.” A roundtrip could turn out to be half their monthly salary, he said.‘

Have fun! Again avoid the stampede of ozzie labourers!

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 1:54pm

@yocal, we all come to situations from different angles and perspectives so there was no intention on my part to reduce the veracity of your comments. Its just from my perspective; given my work and background where I have routinely worked and mixed with what some would describe as radical feminists I don't have a problem at all with the occasional outspoken angry woman letting rip; especially when you consider the extraordinary power imbalance between genders in business and politics . Of course, extreme political or religious (or pro-life) views angrily expressed is no way to win any argument.

Speaking of extreme, Trump mocking Professor Ford last night is unforgivable even by Trump's low standards. Professor Ford has received death threats, has had to move house and has exposed herself to the public and world gaze in testifying against Kavanaugh. The overwhelming weight of evidence of women speaking out against sexual harassment and assault around the world is that they are truthful i.e. they don't make these things up.

A spokesperson for Domestic Violence Victoria was on radio this morning; she told listeners that 20% of all women report they have been sexually assaulted and a staggering 90% of disabled women report being sexually assaulted.

Your midday comments on Kavanaugh are most telling. He has much to loose here both professionally and personally. Becoming a supreme court judge would be the pinnacle of his career, something he would have worked towards all his life but perhaps of even greater significance would be the way he personally sees himself - conservative, legal professional of high standing, religious, family man, husband, father ... and equally important would be how his wife also see him. That was all at risk by Professor Ford's testimony hence the undignified performance by the Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh is not the victim here, he is not all wide eyed and innocent, he knows what is at stake, the supreme court is where the true legislative power of America sits and he knows why Trump nominated him. The chances of getting a politically conservative supreme court is why Republicans are supporting Trump, they and their morally bankrupt president will be long gone but his judge appointees will still be there shaping the country in their conservative/ fundamental christian image. For Kavanaugh to act in such a political manner at his hearings ought to be enough to see his nomination withdrawn.

It is right and proper the suitability of this man is tested and the FBI should now be allowed to do a full and thorough investigation to impartially test the strength of his and his accusers statements.

yocal's picture
yocal's picture
yocal Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 2:56pm

Sounds like we are on a similar path of thought then @GuySmiley.

From personal experience of mine, I perceived a significant degree of guilt that Kavanaugh expressed, and perceived his fear of opening up any possible narrative about drinking tells me that he is sitting over a serious lie. Also drawing from personal experience there is no truth to the argument that 100 testaments to or examples of his great character, community service, morality and humility can be cause to disbelieve 1 truth that has been shamefully hidden. But there is only one Truth available which is: I do not know if he is guilty for sure.

I refrain from taking a side, welcome further investigation, and put my trust in the process of prevailing truth.

The public voices taking sides & blaming before the truth is verified seems to have amplified the issue & weakened the credibility of arguments from both sides of the coin. Inevitable in this climate perhaps, but that doesn't mean there is no better means with which to conduct ourselves.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 3:41pm

The FBI investigation has to be full and free of political interference and be allowed to interview any and all people that come forward to attest to Kavanaugh's suitability for the job; which is an extremely big ask of Trump and the Republicans.

More broadly, commentators are assessing what damage, if any, this will cause the Republicans in the mid-terms. Further performances from Trump like last night or a stifled FBI investigation might alienate enough women to make a real difference to their voting in just 4 weeks time. Further, there is a school of thought ultra conservative Republicans are prepared to throw the party and Trump under the bus so long as they get their "men" on the supreme court, Trump the Republican patsy, yeah its probable.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 3:50pm

@Blindboy, that link on Corbyn was very interesting, makes so much sense. Corbyn has been on my radar since he took the leader's position before the last British general election when he was ridiculed and derided even within his own party up until the point he almost became prime minister. I've noted with great interest the success of Corbyn to cut through with the voting public, even Sanders did this, and thought there were great lessons for Shorten and Labor. Neo-liberalism is now discredited and the conservatives world-wide seem to be searching for a new narrative, the timing is therefore right for parties representing working people to return to their traditional centre left position. If the tide has truely turned Boris Johnson rolling May will be disastrous for the British neo-cons. Corbyn PM!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 4:33pm


You are such a tosser.

Read my post again I state the official min wage, but straight after it that stare although that is the min wage many workers get far less, because much of Indonesias work force is off the books just cash based, no tax, no super etc

I have friends that are labourers, my family employees labourers, I've financed building works and know the rates of average pay. (with or without meals and cigarettes)

And nobody is going to work for $20 a month in Indonesia these days as a labourer not a full day 5 days a week job, even the very lowest paid jobs like a beak driver earn more than that.

Anyway pointless discussion.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 4:50pm

Blob, as I said before I am happy to accept the dominant view in western culture about when the foetus becomes human. In short it is determined by the medical,profession. You may not have baked the recipe instead of the cake but you have not addressed my point. The life of a rape victim is not in danger from a pregnancy but you said back there that abortion would be acceptable in such cases. Please clarify.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 4:52pm

I agree Guy, people here are very concerned about their future after Brexit and are ready for change.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 5:10pm

Will Brexit happen? Lots of water under the bridge before it does, a new vote perhaps!

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 5:43pm

The consequences of the uncertainty are starting to hit. Toyota have already announced a temporary shut down of their factory until they know what is happening. Given the complexity of supply chains and the almost certain changes to tariffs it is likely others will be forced to follow. Then there are the numerous British citizens working in Europe fir part of the week who face uncertainty and, at the very least, inconvenience. ....... and then there is Northern Ireland where the EU is insisting on a hard border. What a mess!

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 5:45pm


1066 to 1973 England and then Britain kept their independence - mostly thanks to a strong Navy. It was very hard won, whether it be in 1588, 1415, 1805, 1815, 1916, or 1940. They then staggeringly handed their sovereignty away joining the EEC in '73, which morphed from an economic community into an unelected bureaucracy that Trotsky might recognise. (Thankfully they kept the pound and have not suffered loss of control of their currency, as southern Europe has; while Germany has boomed*.) Now the UK will reclaim its sovereignty - very exciting. Noticeable was the stark division between London and the rest of England in the Brexit voting - valuing one's liberty is a strongly Anglo-Saxon trait.

*The Mark was pegged at an undervaluation to where it traded pre-Euro, southern Europe was included at large overvaluations to the Euro, the result has been the decimation of a younger generation's job prospects in the PIIGS as their industry was eviscerated, while BMWs are 30% cheaper and German exports boom). German TARGET2 balances bloat while huge debt runs up in the south.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 6:56pm

"...Corbyn to cut through with the voting public, even Sanders did this, and thought there were great lessons for Shorten and Labor. Neo-liberalism is now discredited ..."

I think corbyn is great!

And like you I thought he was great long before his party had no choice but to accept him. He is literally one of the few real people still standing in contemporary politics (along with sanders).

And like blindboy and yourself, I really hoped some of that influence would filter through to oz.

But, to be honest I don't see it. I don't see anyone at all, from any party, not even one independent, that represents that energy in oz. Sadly no one even close.

Whilst blindboy is all hopeful about labor stepping up to the plate, sadly, Shorten has just confirmed today, they're not gonna do it. They have no fucking idea. No direction at all. Nothing new.

Just more hoax left adopting and pushing of the the neo- liberal globalist agenda.

A sad day.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 9:23pm

"... I have routinely worked and mixed with what some would describe as radical feminists I don't have a problem at all with the occasional outspoken angry woman letting rip; ..."


I really don't have any problem with it at all. Quite often I'll back em all the way.

However, I reckon #metoo is all fucked up. Messy, twisted, and totally all over the shop due to the raging irrational momentum created by trump. A broken hateful perspective void of any balance whatsoever.

"...A spokesperson for Domestic Violence Victoria was on radio this morning; she told listeners that 20% of all women report they have been sexually assaulted and a staggering 90% of disabled women report being sexually assaulted."

I don't really dispute these fugures, and the disability figures are nothing short of disgusting. However, I think organisations such as 'Domestic Violence Victoria ' do themselves no favours at all by lumping so called 'verbal abuse' with domestic violence. Violence is violence, not a raised voice!!!

If a man was to lodge a complaint exactly the same as a woman's complaint about verbal abuse - so called 'domestic violence' - it wouldn't even get past the cop shop. Strange view of 'equality'.

re. #metoo

Are you aware of the french people's reaction to the #metoo movement?

Most interesting!

Pretty much a total rejection of the whole concept. From both men and women!

#metoo is largely an english speaking countries indulgence. Maybe not even that. The UK don't seem real interested either. Oz had a little flirt with it, but you could hardly say the movement has significant support here.

Personally I think #metoo has no significance, support, or following whatsoever beyond the party faithful....and those poor souls that are caught up in the witch hunt.

Another classic case of the left preaching to the converted, getting all fired up in the moment. Meanwhile isolating all but the most partisan of the party faithful in the process. S.O.S.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 9:13pm


Regarding your self confessed pointless post, based on a pointless, later retracted and deleted pointless initial argument, that you pointlessly wished to make pointed, although self professed pointless comments about pointlessly.

Yes you pointlessly introduced a non labour minimum wage as a pointless, and misleading introduction to the topic that blowindo introduced pointlessly, that he retracted and deleted...again... that being, ozzie labourers wanting labouring work in Indonesia.

With no facts to support your pointless introduction though. The rest of your post is at best, after your poor, misleading, unsupported off topic intro, pointless hearsay, based only on your self assessment of being an expert, a specialist in all things Indonesian.

I too know Indonesians, including business owners, employers, employees, consultants, but have supported and based my post on expert facts as reported by actual Indonesian appointed, qualified, experienced experts. Facts including these recent reported findings.

‘They also complain of withheld wages and unpaid overtime, as well as frequent use of daily contract workers and unpaid laborers (like workers’ wives), which the study authors say are all also risk factors for child labor.’

‘Labor abuse in Indonesia is not unique to the palm oil industry — it has been documented widely across the garment, domestic work, and mining sectors, among others — but in recent years, palm oil has become particularly ripe for exploiting workers.‘

However, all is not lost!!!

In the same way that you attained expert market trading/investing credentials as you fantastically, publicly bombed, you, and anyone in fact, may wish to consider this exciting breakthrough in education and training!!! And formally attain your 'Specialist in All Things Indonesian, and All Things Anywhere in All Galaxies Degree', presented by the Swillnut Club Institute of Education, Training and Development!!!??!'
The Swillnut Club Institute of Education, Training and Development offers beyond belief features such as:

* No entry requirements at all!!!
* No study whatsoever required!!!
*Degrees available in any topic in any galaxy on any planet!!!
*Attain multiple degrees in an instant... the more the merrier!!!
*No exams, no test of any sort of competency level at all!!!
*Become well above fully qualified in an instant!!!
*Become highly experienced in an instant!!!
*Study at campuses all over the country... even at east of Albany!!!
*No campus at east of Albany!!!!??!!
*Bullshitting recognized as prior learning!!!
*Racists, rapists, dunces welcome!!! Women bashers welcome, all welcome#!!!

# NB... certain conditions apply to immigrants and Indigenous Australians.

In a nutshell!!! Again!!!???

Terimah kasih pergi hilang!!!!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 10:42pm

"I had one Swillnut Beer!" & I don't remember?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 11:38pm

New Swellnet contributer - Geez, Lifty , you really nailed that guy for talking about Indonesia even though he wasn’t academically qualified to talk about it ! You sure hate it when people do that !

Lifty - Yeah !

NSC - You had a bit to say about Indonesia too, Lifty . I’ll bet you’re heavily qualified ! What are your exact qualifications ?

Lifty - Ummmm.....Well I sucked this Javanese girl’s dick in Kuta once.

NSC - Huh ???!!!

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 11:14pm

Yes I'd throw out abortion in all cases except where the mothers physical or emotional life was at stake....wherein to not abort may be the worse option.
Abortion as we use it now is a despicable, inhuman act.
There is nothing complex or grey about us killing our own children.
We think we are civilised.
Think again.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 11:22pm

'based my post on expert facts as reported by actual Indonesian appointed, qualified, experienced experts. Facts including these recent reported findings.

‘They also complain of withheld wages and unpaid overtime, as well as frequent use of daily contract workers and unpaid laborers (like workers’ wives), which the study authors say are all also risk factors for child labor.’

‘Labor abuse in Indonesia is not unique to the palm oil industry — it has been documented widely across the garment, domestic work, and mining sectors, among others — but in recent years, palm oil has become particularly ripe for exploiting workers.‘'

Oh my God, blowindo, yet another stupid, no comprehension, ludicrous red mist refex jab!!! And despite another, magnificent racist outburst, you become officially the first, the only person to ever fail at the Swillnut Club Institute of Education, Training and Development!!!!???

No doubt you'll appeal to the east of Albany campus where you completed your study, citing as your defense that there is no campus east of Albany... again... in a nutshell!!!!

F... for blowindo... again... and again... and... in a nutshell!!!

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 11:27pm

Just answer the question.
Different medicos in different places abide by different laws.
They don't decide when a foetus becomes human.
Tell me when you think a foetus becomes a human.
Stop ducking and weaving.

...and a rape victims life, and chance of a normal quality of life is in danger if her emotional distress is great enough.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Thursday, 4 Oct 2018 at 11:35pm

Concern, concern, concern... Monica who?????!!! Where, what... big deal... she asked for it, what could I do, I'm just the president for fuck's sake!!! Fuck her, do her over... again!!!! In God's name!!!! Move on!!!

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 2:10am

Dear Blob,
Lovely to hear from you again so soon. I notice you are still concerned about this issue of when a foetus becomes human. I would suggest that you stop worrying about it as I assume you are neither a doctor nor a woman and so are not really involved in any practical way in that type of decision. Your curiosity though is pleasing so as I have a few minutes I will try again.

I know this must be very difficult for you to understand as I have explained it before and you clearly failed to grasp the point. With that in mind I will try to keep it simple. The most important idea here is that not every question has a simple precise answer. Children in their concrete stage of cognitive development often have trouble with this, but I assume you have passed through puberty and should, if you stop and think about it, be able to cope with this idea.

Another big idea is that on complex questions like this society often reaches a consensus. A consensus is what the majority either agree with or are prepared to accept. Think of issues like age of consent or availability of recreational drugs. Abortion falls into this area. Available evidence from biology is clear that the embryo, being just a bal of cells, is not conscious in any meaningful way. Things are more difficult at the foetal stage and so the consensus in our society is that a medical practitioner is best placed to assess the stage of the pregnancy and the possible impact of it continuing on the woman's physical and mental health. That's it. No magic moment when human status is magically attained. I wish you success in your further researches into the topic as it raises many interesting philosophical questions. At this point though I am afraid you must direct your questions elsewhere and, if you wish them answered, I would suggest better manners and a more open mind.
Best wishes

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 2:35am

......... and one tiny point. Yes! extraordinary as it may seem, the consensus around this issue, and many others, varies from time to time and culture to culture.

davetherave's picture
davetherave's picture
davetherave Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 6:38am

that's gold blindboy, pure gold. a little sarcastic, but a bit of fun never hurt anyone.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 6:58am

What the fark are you on about Crypto

You write some stupid statement about $20 a month labour trying to be clever or something to Blowin but then go off on some stupid tangent when you get called out as it not being realistic and nowhere near the going rate for a labourer in Indonesia.

Go back and read my post NOBODY is suggesting Indonesian employers don't neglect workers, wage abuse, under paying, child labor whatever, you are trying to have an argument about something that nobody is disputing??

Basically you are just a troll as we all know very well.

Anyway like i said pointless conversation.

And BTW don't bother trying to speak Bahasa Indonesia

"Terimah kasih pergi hilang!!!!" doesnt make sense they are a combination of words that can't really be used in that order, maybe you tried to use some dodgy online translation program or something.

BTW. Im not sure who you are talking about me or Blowin, but i haven't deleted any post.

Blob's picture
Blob's picture
Blob Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 8:30am
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 10:23am

Sorry Blob/ Nothing to do with Swellnet Blob!
Wasn't it the Govt (Costello) that said: Go forth & procreate-One for Mum/Dad/Country!
Baby Bonus was paid for procreating a Blob much less birthing a child.
With job AD hiring & 1st payment of dirty deed... Treasurer became Oz #1 Pimp

Bastard nation of illegal sex workers spreading Aids procreating in non licensed brothels.
Domesticated rape approved by nation as the only sure thing... Just close your eyes Love!
Dawning of a new era The Millennial Mothers.

We know this as fact because mostly sex workers were rotating the Blob bonus turnstile.
Costello awarded the brave 3x/year effort. Hookers knighted as Australians of the year.
Payments were made at 6 month stage or (Oh bugger!...just had another Still Birth thingy.)
We hereby remember your triplet blobs as $4,987.65/66/67c...(Too Bad so Sad) No funerals!
Costello's stats skyrocketed and sex workers still had their rigs it top shape.

Govt were Pimping every fertile noble woman as their economic sex slaves.
All Babies were barcoded stripped of flesh or whatever before they even had a name.

Imagine the only thing you know for certain is that Mum/Dad love you a much as a new car.
Mum argues she never took the bribe as her precious bundle wasn't gonna be barcoded.
Even if that were true! What jury in the land would believe her? (Be like a insta Goddess!)
Soon the 1st test case of Loveless Bonus abuse? Millennial Goths The Barcode Generation.

What point a 2nd christening!
Surely the BB form says your Baby is $4,987.68c does it not? That's your signature!

Personal abortion is picketed but never do mass Govt abortions see the light of day.( Why?)
No argument from me if religious nutters went after the real almighty devil for a change.

I mean if Nation were barcoding my flock before christening...There'd be Fire! brimstone!
"But father won't that put a dent in new Church Bingo Hall?" Right you are my bastard Son!

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 11:59am

Pointless indoblown.

2 pointless F's don't make a Right!!! You can't expect your self confessed 'pointless' blithering to be given any sort of label, other than pointless blithering!!! F. Pointless... again... in a nutshell!!

Firstly, you've failed to address your pointless, misleading, off topic intro. Again...

You then ignore expert reported fact.

‘They also complain of withheld wages and unpaid overtime, as well as frequent use of daily contract workers and unpaid laborers (like workers’ wives), which the study authors say are all also risk factors for child labor.’

‘Labor abuse in Indonesia is not unique to the palm oil industry — it has been documented widely across the garment, domestic work, and mining sectors, among others — but in recent years, palm oil has become particularly ripe for exploiting workers.‘

‘“For one thing, there is the sheer difficulty of organizing,” said Otang. “A worker has to spend 400,000 rupiah (about $28) for a one-way ticket to the regional capital.” A roundtrip could turn out to be half their monthly salary, he said.‘

Then exhibit ludicrous comprehension skills!!!??

When you say, pointlessly I might add,

'BTW. Im not sure who you are talking about me or Blowin, but i haven't deleted any post.'

regarding my sentence,

'Yes you pointlessly introduced a non labour minimum wage as a pointless, and misleading introduction to the topic that blowindo introduced pointlessly, that he retracted and deleted...again... that being, ozzie labourers wanting labouring work in Indonesia.'

Now, indoblown, can you see 'you' in that sentence, and 'he' in that sentence. Now, concentrate... stay with me now indoblown... did 'you' 'retract and delete', or did 'he' 'retract and delete'??!!? indoblown... indoblown... stay with me!!! Concentrate now, do you know what 'you' means... now, what does 'he' mean... OMG you are pointless!!! OMG... F!!!??!!!

Still there is hope for you indoblown!!! Again... in a nutshell!!!

Mind you, as your 'work' is so poor, and self confessed as 'pointless', there is one grade lower than F, at the Swillnut Club Institute of Education, Training and Development, one which you have already been awarded. S.

Your mark for this year, indoblown, is... FFS!!!

In other words, you pointless fucking idiot!!! FFS!!!

This is worse than your fantastically, spectacularly ludicrous bitcoin bomb out fail!!!

Terimah kasih hilang pergi!!!!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 1:04pm

That’s actually some good advice regarding avoiding failing .

My teacher always told me that if you don’t try your hardest , youll end up failing at everything thing and you do you’ll wind up wiping other people’s sweat off gym equipment for a living.

( shivers with fear and disgust )

yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 1:43pm

This is a pretty good read about history repeating itself, but never the same way twice it would seem?

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 2:02pm

Hahaha, the best thing is rydsless, there’s not a fuck’n thing you can do about it except hide and skulk and watch, just like you always do!!! Come on in, bring ya new mmmaaaayttes, little chickenshit sykply poppins, the rapists and pedophile priests ‘social worker’, fuckin’ bozo!!! Bring the little brave but hidden, squirming blowindo maggot too! Chickenshits of a feather forever!!!

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 2:07pm

Good read Yorkes, albeit sobering.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 2:18pm

Fuck that rydsless, I'll end up like you, FFS hahahahahahahah fuck that... fuckin' 'ell look what happened to you!!! Fuckin' 'ell!!!!

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 2:18pm

No more names. From anyone, of anyone.

I've deleted a few posts.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 4:50pm

@Blob, you have shown yourself to have some humour so I'm wondering what's your view of Satan's typewriter? Is it sinful?

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 5:19pm

Surely it’s nearly time for another spell for crypto?
You can tell when his posts change from mindless dribble to aggressive yelling and furious keyboard finger punching that thy end is near

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 5:46pm

Peak weirdo is imminent.

Imagine being his teacher at one of the institutions he attends and receiving his essays.....

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 5:51pm

Thanks yorkessurfer that was a good read

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 6:09pm

Haha, imagine you two bullshittin gronks without this, just back to being slapped up and down the beach by all and sundry. Still goofball, at least ya got ya new gargantuan craft. Not happening though hey, no one lookin’ inside, screaming, fffaarkk, goof’s goin’ it!!! Na, just a fuck’n rabbit in the fuck’n headlights chucking a stobie down the face, they reckon!!!! Again... and again... and again... and... maybe ‘try annuver set a hi techy red farkin fins’ aye, or 8 of the cunts... hahahahahahaaaaaaarrrr’... ya gotta fuck’n laugh... again... and again and again and...

Meanwhile some loopy geeky blowindo fucker pleading for anyone ‘east a Albany... pweasth be my fwend... you down’t even hath to sthpeek to me oar nuffinkth...’

Ludicrous fuck’n cratfted up fuck’n gronks... surfin’s doomed!!! In a nutshell!!!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 6:20pm

Cant talk. I gotta go train someone .

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 6:24pm


You do know cut and pasting your own post and quoting yourself doesn't actually give your post any more credibility or substance.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 6:25pm

Ha ha...Blowin wish there was a like or up vote button... :D

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 8:54pm

Sorry , Yorkes.

Just more same ol’ , same ol’ anti Trumpism overreach.

“The racial division, cultural conflict, and political polarization Trump has encouraged and intensified will be difficult to heal.....Growing income disparity will be extremely difficult to halt, much less reverse.”

It was the decades of Neo liberals striving towards globalisation that exacerbated any internal issues in the US through the resultant decline in living standards . People get poorer , life gets worse and they look for someone to blame.

Not to mention the msm manipulating the populace into the frothing anti Trump stance. Previously he was just another self interested , kooky politician .
Articles like this make him out to be worse than finding a testical in your cornflakes.

yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Friday, 5 Oct 2018 at 9:11pm

Hey blowin I’m glad that you had a read of the article even if you don’t agree with much of it.

I think rather than focusing just on Trump and his perceived failings is the authors suggestion of parallels politically and economically to the period between the great wars of the 20th century and the time we now live in?

Have we really learned our lesson from that period or is human nature and the ability of the powers that be to play to our base emotions such that we are doomed to repeat past mistakes?

Anyway I thought I’d throw some red meat to the Swellnet political junkies.

Chew away........

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 6 Oct 2018 at 7:04am

Just read the article (or as much as i could bear too), agree just another extremely over the top anti trump article, if the media keep pumping this type of tripe out, who knows Trump could even get re-elected.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 6 Oct 2018 at 8:22am

"...Just read the article (or as much as i could bear too),"

Yep same. I usually like yorkesurfers input but I couldn't even finish it.

The premise of the article may well have been valid, if they could discern between causes and symptons.

...and delete about ten trump's from the article.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 6 Oct 2018 at 8:31am

How's that FBI investigation going guysmiley?

Youse have got what you wanted.

Are you following proceedings?

Perhaps a better question would be...are you accepting of proceedings?

If you are struggling perhaps this is the problem...

"...Even as we must treat accusers with seriousness and dignity, we must hear out the accused fairly and respectfully, and recognize the potential lifetime consequences that such an allegation can bring. If believing the woman is the beginning and the end of a search for the truth, then we have left the realm of justice for religion."

...oh the irony!

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Saturday, 6 Oct 2018 at 8:41am

Clearly the FBI investigation was extremely thorough interviewing and checking all allegations made by old associates of Kavanaugh in the public domain.

Who could doubt his personal qualities required for a US Supreme Court Justice from his calm measured thoughtful rebuttal of the accusations from all those paid Democrat flunkies.

Same as the BS as when the last conservative Neil Gorsuch was nominated............

Move along please nothing to see here.........oh and Trump is also completely innocent you just have to read Breitbart to know the real truth.

As you were folks.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 6 Oct 2018 at 12:04pm

Due and proper process ought to supported regardless of political persuasion.

Of course this FBI investigation wasn't full and thorough so its findings can rightful be questioned. Its a pity because the American public just got duded and two of its executive institutions (the FBI and the Supreme Court) now has less public support and confidence than they deserve.

But again I note that this is the same FBI that the right are today celebrating that has been under sustained criticism from Trump since his campaign days initially over not finding Clinton "crooked" and most recently for not taking his word that his campaign wasn't helped by Russia.

I'm confused sypkan is the FBI #fakenews or #goodnews this week? Perhaps you can explain.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 6 Oct 2018 at 12:06pm

@blob, you got your answer on satan's typewriter?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 6 Oct 2018 at 1:37pm

"...I'm confused sypkan is the FBI #fakenews or #goodnews this week? Perhaps you can explain.'

Well since you ask...

it's #astonishingnews....

Astonishing that the FBI has spent years and years, and millions and millions - possibly billions of dollars, doing research on kavanaugh and they've got nothing. Absolutely nothing.

You mention the bias of the FBI, I reckon the bias of the FBI only consolidates the fact they've got nothing. Absolutely nothing.

They fucking hate him so much, so so much, yet all the agents and resources of the FBI found nothing.

The bias of the FBI is clear as fuck when you look at stuff like wikileaks and the strzok texts. Also the use of fusion gps 'research' as evidence enough to investigate trump.

Research covertly and crookedly funded by Hilary. Not worth a pinch of shit research. Possibly illegal research from a corrupt process. So yeh crooked hilary doesn't really sound like overstating it.

And to top it all off, last night planet america said ford has family connections to fusion gps.

Yeh there's bias, but it ain't strengthening your argument any...