next run of swell

We've got out own charts, have a look here..

Speaking of our next run of swell, I was wondering if Steve could advise why he hasn't mentioned in today's SE Qld forecasts of any E/NE swell from the developing low south of New Caledonia over late Friday and into Saturday?
I know for NE NSW there's bigger fish to fry closer to home with the developing low off the Nth NSW coastline over the weekend, but for us SE Qlders that will have little to no impact on our swell until later Monday, hence all eyes (well my eyes anyway) will be looking eastwards (with a touch of NE in them).

Pigdog, I use the following for Vicco:
And this for the East Coast:
I find them to be a pretty useful indicator of what's coming up.....
Haven't checked the Swellnet in-house ones will do that now...

Speaking of our next run of swell, I was wondering if Steve could advise why he hasn't mentioned in today's SE Qld forecasts of any E/NE swell from the developing low south of New Caledonia over late Friday and into Saturday?
By: "donweather"
Thanks Steve :)
looks like poor vico might miss the run of swell were going to get in the southern ocean when this blocking high in the great australian bight gets broken by a low, i wish i lived in WA or Bali possibly looking good there...(the global swell forcasting animation i use is wetsands and its shit what other ones are there to use?)