ORMUS - What is it ?

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish started the topic in Sunday, 22 Jan 2012 at 1:46am

ORMUS is a acronym for Orbitally Rearranged Monotomic Elements, a "new" group of elements rediscovered in the 70s by wealthy Arizona farmer David Hudson.

These are the known Ormus elements:* Cobalt* Nickel* Copper* Ruthenium* Rhodium* Palladium* Silver* Osmium* Iridium* Platinum* Gold* Mercury. So basically your Precious Metals, and PGEs - Platinum Metal groups.

Ormus can be precipitated from a number of sources, by a number of methods.

Sources - A few of those being pure gold & silver, spring water, and commonly sea water - since the oceans are the "soup" of the earth, they contain ALL elements, as such ORMUS elements can be easily obtained from sea water.

Methods - Many ORMUS gatherers use the Ph method. Another way of collection is by running springwater or seawater through a magnetic trap. Another is White Gold from pure gold as the Egyptians did.

What has this got to do with surfing?

Well, we all love the tuberide experience, were time slows / stands still and the exhileration that ensues. Its hard to quantify and dunno if its been scientifically investigated, but we will all agree, something is different inside a barrel, to some greater or lesser degree.

ORMUS elements have an energy that be anywhere from subtle and unseen, to dynamic and expolosive.

Which has led me to ponder the relationship between ORMUS elements and the energy produced inside a barrel.

In short, does the vortex and compression of seawater, that we know as a barrel, produce ORMUS elements (similar to the magnetic trap method) which partly contribute to the undisputed magic that is inside a tube.? I beleive so.

On a physical level, ORMUS elements can be ingested. A couple of people are sourcing ORMUS commercially in Aust. One guy on the Gold Coast, another in Albany, these are often described as Precipitated Ocean Minerals. Or you can source it yourself (with extreme care).

The effects of ingesting ORMUS on a simple level are deep profound sleep, reduced hunger amongst much more. It operates on all levels from physical, spiritual, metaphysical and beyond.

Its origins go back to the Egyptians, pre Biblical times and further into the history of alchemy.

You may consider this all tripped out wank. That's cool, doesn't worry me.

However, if you wish to investigate ORMUS further there are numerous books in publication, or you can start from the links here...


(just putting the topic out there, so try not to gronk too hard.)

bigwayne's picture
bigwayne's picture
bigwayne Sunday, 22 Jan 2012 at 2:32am

mr thefish , oh my goodness! we have a live one here!

crisp's picture
crisp's picture
crisp Sunday, 22 Jan 2012 at 2:38am
e wrote:

Well, we all love the tuberide experience, were time slows / stands still and the exhileration that ensues. Its hard to quantify and dunno if its been scientifically investigated, but we will all agree, something is different inside a barrel, to some greater or lesser degree.

It's called FLOW - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)

"For the most part (except for basic bodily feelings like hunger and pain, which are innate), people are able to decide what they want to focus their attention on. However, when one is in the flow state, he or she is completely engrossed with the one task at hand and, without making the conscious decision to do so, loses awareness of all other things: time, people, distractions, and even basic bodily needs. This occurs because all of the attention of the person in the flow state is on the task at hand; there is no more attention to be allocated."

bigwayne's picture
bigwayne's picture
bigwayne Sunday, 22 Jan 2012 at 2:52am

mr crisp , you my faithful friend are a bloody genyarse,even one can understand that

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish's picture
sidthefish Sunday, 22 Jan 2012 at 2:56am

so yoga ? yes. But is that all ? Definitively ? and why so, mainly only in a barrel? a full rail cutty at speed requires the same focus.

please name the other circumstances in your life that produce this FLOW, on the level a deep long barrel does.

and of course, by default, wikipedia -the be all and end all of knowldge- gets pulled up.

god help us when jimmy wales runs out of donors.

crisp's picture
crisp's picture
crisp Sunday, 22 Jan 2012 at 3:05am

If you have access to any peer review psychology journals you will be able to do your own investigation. I cannot be bothered to enlighten you. Knowledge is a discovery best left to ones own desire. That link was a starting point for you.

Personally, i've experienced this in many different ways while surfing, other sports and even studying. You said "i dunno if it has been scientifically investigated" I just pointed out it has. Nothing more nothing less.

Good luck with your journey.

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish's picture
sidthefish Sunday, 22 Jan 2012 at 3:22am

Appreciate that crisp and big wayne.

Expected response.

for all.


take it or leave it.

JoannBuchanan's picture
JoannBuchanan's picture
JoannBuchanan Friday, 27 Feb 2015 at 5:42pm

I've been recently reading in http://ormusgoldelixir.com about Monoatomic Gold or ormus gold elixir. Does anybody reading this take it? Assuming this is the case, what are your encounters with it? Is it worth the money? Is there anyplace on the net that offers real information on its gathered DNA altering long-term effects?

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Friday, 27 Feb 2015 at 11:07pm

Quote from a user..."I would say you should deffinately have your mind in the right place before trying this and it takes a while to kick in, as well it has residual effects that last at least a month or 2! if you know about aliens, extraterrestrials, and interdimmensional things then be careful! lol"

Interesting stuff Sid.
Sold ,just brought 2 months worth, will let you all know how inter-dimensional I become;)