Where did it come from?

thelostclimber's picture
thelostclimber started the topic in Friday, 15 Jul 2011 at 7:02am

The forecasts and charts all say that today should have been kind of small surf from the SW. But actually waves were about 2ft at wedge with the occasional 4ft set. that means the open beaches were closing out and averaging overhead to really well overhead. I am talking SE TAS and the south arm area.
The swell was actually quite southerly and I would say even had a bit of east in it. the NE TAS surf report, and BOM readings confirm this.

So where did it come from, because all the lines on the maps show SW?

thelostclimber's picture
thelostclimber's picture
thelostclimber Friday, 15 Jul 2011 at 7:45am

i think i just answered my own question by reading the article 'mechanics of a swell"

still easterly?

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 15 Jul 2011 at 7:53am


There was a S/SW swell forecast to arrive later yesterday across the South Arm, reaching 3-4ft before easing from 2-3ft today.

The swell was related to the system mentioned in that article, but looking closer, a fetch of S/SW gales were projected up into the state during Thursday, producing the swell.

So yes you are right there was more south in the swell than normal, but this swell should ease off overnight leaving small waves tomorrow morning.