forecasts frequency

hey Bish.. thanks for your thoughts. Whilst we'd love to update our forecasts daily, it's just not possible with our limited resources. That being said, we are looking to expand our general services in other ways (can't say much more than that right now), which will hopefully address some of the points you mentioned above.
Also, Tassie surfcams have been on our menu for some time - it's just finding the host locations that's proven to be a little difficult. We hope to have a couple installed this winter.. stay tuned.

Hi Bish,
Unfortunately the S/SW swell event seen across Vicco and Tassie today under-performed as a whole which is a little disappointing.
This looks to be a result of a vigorous cold front that pushed up towards Tassie over the last couple of days not being quite as strong as expected.
Regarding the forecast being updated between 5-6pm for the South Arm. This is unfortunately the case due to me having to compile Sydney, Victoria and South Australia during the day before hand, and can't really be shifted around at this time sorry.
Thanks for you your feedback on your mission today.
Good luck over the next couple of days!
Cheers, Craig
Hi Swellnet, I've just spent the afternoon chasing the forecast big swell in Sth Tas. I did get into the water for a couple of little ones at the points (emphasis on little ...again!), but unfortunately it was onshore conditions with big lulls. I've arrived home late this arvo and checked the updated forecast, I see that Craig has amended things today (friday) since the last report on Wednesday, and this reflects what I've just experienced. If I'd had that Friday update this morning I wouldn't have bothered with the 40 min drive to the points, but of course it didn't get published until late this arvo as usual.
It's such a bummer that we've lost the surf cam at Cremorne point as this was such a good indicator to check out. And while we have the 4 hourly coastal obs from bom, they can often be off enough to give a false impression. Of course this whole forecasting thing is really dynamic and changing quickly and since the demise of Coastview, we no longer have any cams to check against reports from the likes of Swellnet and BOM. So my question is this; given the dynamic nature of surf forecasting, is it possible for Swellnet to do daily updates rather than the current three a week. It seems that more than often your reports, as good as they are, loose their usefulness and relevance quickly due to their infrequency. I know that your reporting around the country probably consumes a lot of your time and resources and I don't ask this question flippantly or meaning to be negative or anything. In fact I would consider signing up to a paid subscription type of comprehensive daily report if such a thing is feasible within your business model. Have you, or would you consider such a thing? Be nice to hear your thoughts on this.