Long Range GFS Charts - Indian Ocean
Don, generally I find 180 hours more than enough, as the models hardly tend to agree out this far.
And if they do agree, any swell being generated in the Indian Ocean at the end of the run, will hit WA/SA and Vicco 2-4days later, and 5 days up towards Indo generally. So you already have a 300hr forecast just by using the already available charts.
I'm looking to better understand where in the Indian Ocean the strongest Indo swells come from. My understanding is l should be looking for blobs in the 50E to 70E - 40S range. Depending on the fetch angle obviously. But l have no real idea..........
Hoping to be able to pick a couple of solid Bali swells nice and early for hit run missions
Thanks Donweather
I'll keep a close eye on this storm and see what l can learn
Does anyone have a link for long range GFS charts in the Indian Ocean. I've got them for the North and South Pacific's but can't find the long range GFS charts for the Indian Ocean. By long range I'm talking about 180hrs-384hrs.