TC Anthony

Shear is tearing it to bits Don.
Only hope for re-intensification is a drift back westwards.

Wild Wilma? haha :D

I vividly remember at the height of the Brisbane floods watching the Channel 9 coverage late at night when their weatherman (lets call him Goose) struck fear into what was an already suffering community by predicting 384hrs out (16 days) that "a destructive cyclone" was going to centre itself over SE QLD.
I guess we can now assume that "Goose" was so far off the mark and more intent on milking the C9 agenda than providing any established evidence of his prediction. In reality though any sensible person with the slightest bit of nouse could have sworn that a Graphic Designer hidden in the C9 basement concocted the perfect storm.

Yeah, using a 384hr forecast chart by GFS and giving it a 30% chance.
No idea at all!!
So Steve, et al, we gonna see anything from TC Anthony in the Northern Coral Sea? Compact fetches are always hard to call swell from (noting WW3 struggles with these systems). JTWC are calling for an intensification of TC Anthony as it stalls NW of New Caledonia tomorrow, with core winds gusting up to 85knts!!!
Biggest question is, how much of this swell will be blocked by the Great Barrier Reef.
I'm thinking we may just see some diluted NE groundswell make it into the Sunny Coast possibly late Wednesday but more so into Thursday. I'm calling 3-4ft on Thursday assuming JTWC/GFS forecast comes off.