Tropical South Pacific Storm Pre Australia Day

Been so interesting looking at the progression of each run from what I think is an EC based forecast I check.
Craig mentioned in his report that EC was the only one predicting the best case scenario, but damn if that won't produce a run of good swell for the entire east coast running for 3 or more days later next week.
Too far out to have any confidence, but there is always hope. :-)

These systems have a tendency to underestimate swell periods and arrival times (due to the small spatial scale of the cyclone, and the coarse resolution of the model). Therefore, I'd add an extra 12-18 hour error margin on the arrival time. Won't be very consistent but could see some 5-6ft sets about the place IMO.

Sorry don't know if this is the right place.. but is it just my computer or is the QLD surf extended forecast not up yet? sometimes takes a few hrs after being posted but never this long, might just not be online yet?

I know this is a bit far out, and involving cyclones, hard to predict, but at least one of the models has a much larger cyclone possibly forming in the coral sea on top of a long fetch of easterly winds from a high from 4 to 5 days from now.
As well as a low on the coast bringing more rain to northern and central qld beforehand.
But the later one is progged to produce something mind boggling, with the possibility of a another bucketing for Brisbane. That is looking at around the 102 hour mark onwards, so still a fair way out there and what happens if it forms into a cyclone being unpredictable, but holey moley batman.

holy shit Batfink!! If it comes off anything like GFS is suggesting, its going to be a monster.
Lets see if the other models start to think the same in time.

That's effectively what I said Don. I just gave a ballpark 12-18 hours time range as that's what I'd allow for here in Sydney. Models have the swell in midday Saturday. I reckon it could arrive as early as late Friday.

Unreal! Nothing at Byron yet, or any buoys to the south.

Showing at Byron Buoy now.
I note that GFS is progging a fairly decent tropical storm to brew out east of Fiji later this weekend and into early next week as it tracks southwards, compressing up against a high well to the east of New Zealand in the process. This would generate a good looking swell for the east coast around the weekend of 29th/30th January.
I note that EC is not really interested although ACCESS is trying.
Too early to have any real opinions?