Shocker of a summer for VIC

i got classic bells last friday 3 to 4 foot, straight swell good winds been windsurfing a shit load the last week and a half! and on friday got bells 5 to 6 foot with a light onshore wind with a super small crew out! been in the water every day since i broke up from work over a week ago! its been good times! its funny going surfing now after being windsurfing for 2 years, your in the water on all the shit days getting you fix still surfing waves then you go for a surf super mellow watching wave starved people going 4 up drop ins catching anything they can get there hands on! and the hot days fun swell and offshores have not been around since 95! doing that last turn at gunna seeing lines stacked to the hirizon in the middle of summer! fuk autum though i love may in vicco bring on winter!
Whats going on with the surf in Vicco this summer. What happened to the hot days, fun swells and offshores for the east coast. Planned to surf every day on my 3 weeks off but its been shit! Looks like christmas eve and christmas could be decent for the dawny but then it goes to crap again! Bring on autumn