Gold Coast flat spell?

The end is in sight but don't hold your breath for anything of real substance north of the border.

I could cry. Was it around this time last year we had a record flat spell that lasted like 6 weeks?

6 weeks! Nooo... I've gotta take the girl to the Cooly airport at 6am tomorrow and was hoping to get a wave somewhere after. Guess I'll pack the fishing rod instead...

I can't take it any more...
Loading up and cruzin the NSW north coast for the next few days, gotta find a wave before I go crazy... :p

Are you guys forgetting what season it is? It's late Winter, almost Spring, and as much as I hate to say it, the conditions we've had the last week or so are very TYPICAL for this time of year.
And we shouldn't really be complaining in SE Qld, as winter was way above average swell wise in our neck of the woods.
All downhill from here I'm afraid....probably until say late November, when hopefully La Nina spruces up some early season cyclones or at least some tropical low developments out to our east. Until then, enjoy the colder water and NE windswell poo.

Gee, thanks wise sage, that has really cheered me up.

stop showin those line up shots of Bells, I have a cramp in my wrist and run outa tissues!!!!

Can ya hear it?........boing boing

Just got back from road trippin.
Drivin 1,580kms
4 days of consistently fun waves
knowing that my local break was flat as a tack while I was away getting shacked...

when goldy is small hit ballina or yamba it can
be a ft on the coast but its always 2 bigger over there. :)
When is it going to end? Any swell on the way?