torquay this wensday!

It's certainly got the potential pigdog. Main problem is that the storm track is a little to north of the optimal Vic swell window - SA is looking at an XL to XXL swell event, but the swell will be a little smaller in size and a little more west in direction throughout central Vic waters, which will probably shave off wave heights in Torquay, and may downgrade it to just a L or XL event. Still, winds are looking good (if somewhat blustery) and at this stage the forecast is likely to be upgraded from 4-6ft to 6-8ft. Well worth a day off work.

how big are we talking for SA?

Similar, I've just updated the forecast. Looking at solid 6-8ft waves between Middleton and Goolwa with 5-6ft waves at Chiton and solid waves at The Dump.

Most spots, except for the most protected, will be blown out.

Wednesday is looking awesome.
Hate to bring up CW Ben but..... they're predicting 2-4ft due to the westerly nature of the swell and it seems like a large gap between the possible 6-8ft. how likely do you think that we'll be getting the 6+ as predicted?

Very confident Jonno. This system is currently positioned nicely within our swell window and will track up towards the state during tomorrow.
If this system was pushing through the Bight with the axis of the low being at 40 degrees South, then yes it would be a very westerly swell and the Surf Coast would be limited in size, but this system is currently generating 35-55kt+ winds between 40-50 degrees South and its projecting nicely up into the state.
2-4ft is a major under-call IMO

Well didn't CW change their forecast quick. Amateurs at best who are always looking over their shoulder.

Give up on those clowns at CW mate, their forecasts for the east coast are a joke... Can only assume they're the same for down there too.
A few years ago I took holidays to chase this "all time swell" they'd been forecasting. Clocked up hundreds of K's and all we got was 1-2 foot dribble for the whole week....

waitpinga or sheepies will be f**king huge

thanks for the confirmation on that fellas, guess i'll be seeing a few of you out at bells on wed then :D

So Pigdog and Jonno, you guys get out at all?? Where did you surf, how big and did you snag some bombs??

Solid 6ft sets at selected locations along the Great Ocean Road this morning (pics to come shortly). Bells would have to have been pushing 8ft at times with this swell, but the breaks between sets was considerable - you could have easily rocked up, watched for 5 mins and not seen anything bigger than 2-3ft.
I had a shocking surf.. water is so cold.. the offshore wind was so strong! I needed a longer, thicker board to get into 'em. Gloves, boots, a hood and an extra millimetre or two of rubber would have also been a good idea, just to ward off the cold between sets.

Yeah mate, got some fun ones at bells today, surfed from about 9 - 2pm. First paddle out didn't even catch one and got caught by a bomb set (atleast 8ft+ :P) and the leggy broke (luckily no damage on the board), jumped back into the car full suit an booties and back to torquay.... $43 down and then back into it.
The lulls were pretty long between sets (10-20 mins) but when they did come you could snag the odd bigger one when it had a bit of extra peak on it, size seemed to be easily 6-8ft on the sets. Had some hefty hold downs from the rogue sets that would come every 30mins - 1hour and there was quite a bit of carnage with many people suffering the long swim in boardless.
Mostly just the older crew out there on their 7ft + guns having a ball, maybe 10-15 people out at it's most crowded so plenty of room to go for it, the wave surface was really clean, very little if any chop.
Had a great day, been a long time since I've copped beatings like that though.
Good to hear you're getting out for a wave now an then too Ben! an yeah it was pretty damn freezing, sucked having to take-off blind half the time with the offshore aswell.
Thanks for the heads up with the forecast!

Cheers for your feedback guys, sounds like an epic day down there and with only a handfull of crew willing to take it on! Great work for giving it a crack!
I wish I was down there to surf it expect for the ice-headaches and after surf numbness :p
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quick bit of camera phone action to give you an idea.
i know the forcast update comes out on monday but a couple of the boys that were out at bells with us on friday arvo are talking up wensday as a xxl swell event down here i was wondering if i could get some feedback cheers!