Next Federal Election

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno started the topic in Monday, 22 Jan 2024 at 2:15pm

Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.

This is how Dutton wins:

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 7 Jul 2024 at 8:15pm

Great to see clever crew are all over this Conservative UK Majority Vote.
tbb admits to leading crew up the garden path as Labour were then 'slightly' out-polling Conservatives.
Kinda feel a bit guilty for being led by the nose.


Please excuse tbb as during the original wrap all tally updates were runnin' reverse flow.
Train of thought was with reported massive 'Seat' swing it would still remain safe Labour...It didn't!
(Official Correction!) This is still now, not at first obvious but nether the less is 100% true!
Can now "Officially" reveal & share that Tories did Poll a Majority 50%+ Mandate!
One can rightly & fairly choose to flip the [ Headline ] to a Rock Solid Conservative Mandate!
Which also means it now looks more likely that Labour voters stayed away!
Such a difference a day makes in Politics! (Massive Shift in Headlines are in order!)

tbb rewrites UK Headline [ Washed Up Rishi's Dry Cleaning bill is sent to Labour Party Yuppies ]

History records the lil' soggy fellow kept his crew high'n'dry above the water line.
Feel free to check & tbb is fine to share that UK Conservatives currently poll 50.76% Votes
Ok! It looks suss but please do Tally the rise of these little guys as it locks in the real deal.
tbb will companion the Wiki Tally board to enable crew to tick off each party's conservative allegiance!

Crew will tick off All above are devout conservative Parties that would never Vote Labour.[Check!]
Also fair to allow crew to lock in another 1-2 % of Indy conservative chambers to bulk up a majority.
Then lock it in!
Crew smelt it & tbb is calling it long before UK Tabloids!
Conservatives can claim a Majority Vote Mandate on a record low turnout!
Labour wear an alarming tag of polling less than Conservatives & less than half of equal lowest poll.

Socialist Corbyn has more street cred amongst growing number of Black Arm band Nationalist Youth.
Core Labour can shirtfront Disenfranchised Youth that sway the Black Arm pendulum.
New Labour Yuppies keep off the streets > Round Pegs in the Town Square (You don't belong Today!)

Great diggin' on the youth vote VJ / crew ...a lot of them links are hard to get > behind pay walls...
If time prevails...perhaps tbb will revisit past elections...we'll see!
UK banks knocked back Murdoch > Now Poms get the Iron Curtain Shock Jock Treatment...
Sanctions 11th hr Blair Which Project but crashes UK shitshow with his carnival of Freaks train-wreck.

Recap that Farage has history...
2000 UKIP started with 100,000 > 10 years to 2010 grows to 920,000
2015 Farage Brexit = 3.9m on 66.4% turn out
2024 Murdoch / Farage were aiming for 6m+ to companion EU as #1 Opposition Party
Notice how this Vid claiming 6m Votes is not in front of masses but closer to back seat 100% Ai construct

2024 Farage wears his Putin Pyjama ensemble to Hitler Youth Rally = 4.1m on 59.9% turn out
Murdoch's Pre Printed Headline : [ Lowest Turnout = Loudest Rebel Yell ]

Crew seem to be seeking vindication of Hyper Political Global Power Base Party.
tbb is trying to unearth that as ya read in right now....just hold up!
Ok we got some kinda base foundation of Security ties on US terms or Nothing!
Possible that Trump is levering Farage as a Global tool to weasel outta wasteful defence Quangos!

Reform Background
1980's Canada[ Reform Party ] 1993 Conservative (Reverse Takeover)
2013 Farage addressed Global CPAC Conservative Political Action Conference (US)
2016 Farage Trump Tower Summit / US National Pulse +
2014 UKIP Clacton Torries > Mississippi Center for Public Policy

Project 2025 (download link here!)

Trump is aiming to slot dual citizen British Parliament Member Farage into his US cabinet.
Possibly to Bulk up US contracts by starving out o/s jobs @ NATO / Aukus / 5 Eyes

* Trump may or not need to tweak Laws to appoint foreign Aid?
* Forage is the only UK pollie that US man on the street would know!
* Forage puts more energy into US Election & offered a Job with Trump!
* Forage will likely & easily hook new EU alt right Leaders
This smells like Putin's Murdoch Super Global Right Council.
Murdoch's Times Radio / David Charter reveals this and more + Tipped Prez Trump's Exemption!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 1:16am

Very happy to read this about the new UK PM

"UK’s new prime minister, Keir Starmer, observes Shabbat, supports Israel and vows to fight antisemitism.

Starmer’s wife is Jewish, they’re raising their kids as Jews, and Friday night dinner is sacrosanct.

For the first time ever, 10 Downing St., the official residence of the United Kingdom’s prime minister, will be home to a practicing Jewish family. "

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 8:55am


ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 12:52pm

Malcolm v Spud.
You will like this one Supre lol ;)

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 2:49pm

Pretty funny I thought , I watched the Sunday project clip yesterday . Turdballs was right though . Spud the thug , could be a great slogan come election time . I won’t watch or listen to anything from 2GB , fordhams just a LNP stooge .

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 2:56pm

It's always baffled me why Turnball was in LNP and not Labor his idelogies always align more with Labor and he is constantly working against LNP.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 4:29pm

Turnbull's Mum dated ALP Sen Lionel Murphy QC & was in with Neville Wran.
He wrote for several Left Wing Student Papers & headed Socialist Student Unions
Wanted to run Australian Workers Union
Was Mentored by NSW ALP Giant Lang.
Then hooked up with Packer > In UK switched to [L] Chix Lucy & Hooked PM May to her husband
1986 : Let [L] ticket lapse
1987-97 Investment Banking Firm : [ Whitlam's Son + Turnbull + Neville Wran ]
1990's Turnbull tried to join NSW ALP
1993 PM Keating appointed Turnbull as Republican Head
1999 Turnbull made several bids to join Fed ALP as shadow finance minister and all bids were rejected.
2000 Turnbull rejoined [L] as Fed Lib Party Treasurer (Not to be confused with Govt Treasurer...Ok!)

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 4:39pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

It's always baffled me why Turnball was in LNP and not Labor his idelogies always align more with Labor and he is constantly working against LNP.

Because the idea of upping sticks, waving a tearful bye bye to Point Piiiper, and making the arduous trek out to a far flung primitive electorate such as Werriwa – as Whitlam did - was anathema to him. Abhorrent.

At least Malcolm left us with a glorious comic legacy. Those appearances on Q&A. The cabal of Hillaries at the ABC presenting him as the dashing leather jacketed second coming of a more palatable Whitlam. Hoping he’d be the one to make acceptable what their hearts were really desiring – to vote Liberal. While his cult of Qandanistas cooed and gushed over his every word, chugging down the Kool Aid. Didn’t really work out though. There’s the Snowy Hydro I suppose. And at least now they’ve got the Teals.

The message seems clear. Beware the filthy rich dilettante. Throw in Rudd and Hockey. Equally rolling in it, equally farcical. A spot of politics for a bit of a lark I guess, something to do, massage the ego. Make a difference, leave a mark, God help us.

No surprise they all ended up in faffing about in the US. A jaunt in Australian politics merely the stepping-stone to a gig where the real power is. Where such megalomaniacs think they really belong.

Throw in Rishi Sunak with that lot too. But if he says he’s gonna resist overtures from Silicon Valley, stay the course in his constituency, do it for Blighty, then of course the Brits should take him at his word.

If one must eat one’s plate of n’oblesse oblige, think I’ll take mine with a healthy serving of Gough, thank you very much.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 4:47pm

Don't worry if Trump get's in Rudd will be sent packing lol ;)

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 5:20pm

And in France the left coalition National Front has seen off the threat of the right wing National Rally

It results in 3 separate blocs in the parliament that don't really like each other, and a President (& President's party) with egg on their face. Scenes of joy amongst the left supporters gathered at rallies in Paris.

I didn't realise that in France, a swing to the right is really a much bigger deal to the Republics than what we might consider if the same thing happened here. Here is a fantastic article by a professor emeritus of French history that shows, since the 1789 revolution, a swing to the right is far more 'martial' and has ended each successive republic:

Edit: tbb if you are having trouble with paywalls, some browsers tend to take care of that, or have built-in tor that allows you to see what internationals might see.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 1:26am

Low/est UK vote turnout was mandated by Digital ID Voter enrolment
Oz / US fast track Migrant / Indigenous Votes via Medicare to void Residency & bump a few more!
Also mandates 91% Youth to enrol for free from Day 1.

UK vote Conservative demographic ages 1% / yr Can lock this in...
20yrs =20% > 30yrs =30% > 40yrs =40% 50yrs =50% 60yrs =60% > 70yrs =70%

Also note "Working Female Youth" are lowest Conservative Demographic = 15%

Conservatives mandated Govt certified Digital Voter ID to wipe out Female Youth Vote.

They recently banned 10,000s of Registered Voters without Digital ID at recent London Elections!
Wales / Scots have 16yr Voting ( But need to be 18 for Fed Election ) Strike!
UK reduces to just 20% Working Youth with Drivers Licences (vs) Senior Licences rise in # each year
Cost to get UK Youth Drivers Licence / Insurance = $5,000 + Wait up to 6 months
Scot Bus Pass [ID] 18+ Requires Bank / Birth Cert / Passport
Free Electoral ID Requires Insurance # + 3rd Strange Person Sign in!

Tories mandated $23 [ Police Check Citizenship Card ] for Youth Vote

Really wanna see why Youth say it's a Hassle & an invasion of privacy...
Can't bring Mum or Dad > You need a truck load of ID + A fuckin' Pedo Ref to drool over yer Kid!
If yer Black or Born o/s yer fucked...gonna need King Charles to stamp it!

That's precicely the Point to the digitize all Poms > Got no Digital ID > A non citizen!
They reckon there's about 5m not yet digitized > Wanna Vote then Luv Robots or be Deported.
As many as 1.2m / each demographic....
Govt wanna Brand them + All Youth coming of Age...

55 views....for super boring Manatory Election ID Card Showcase...Go Figure! All Gonna Die!

Low turnout is more to do with Public telling Govt to shove yer Pedo Ai Photo [ID] up yer arse!

2024 Youth Vote reflects Mummy's Young Country Estate Land Rover lads tap'n'go @ the Polls!
With young chix not wanting their Gym Teacher droolin' over their privates
Ain't no Young Green Voters or City Labour crew ever been in a fuckin' car nor asked for ID checks!
Youth Card Results :
10% less Labour / 4% less Green
3% rise in Conservative Youth + 13% rise in Daddy's Reform Land Rovers on Fox Hunts!

Tory Govt run a batch of Fucktard Youth Citizenship Card Ads to Digitize Goth / Insta Voters!
This is why UK Youth don't wanna fuckin' $23 Yuppie Digital Vote Card ...So Sad too Bad...
Got one of these Cards...the Govt are .01% less likely to deport you from yer Local Footy Stadium.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 6:07am
indo-dreaming wrote:

It's always baffled me why Turnball was in LNP and not Labor his idelogies always align more with Labor and he is constantly working against LNP.

Millionaire merchant banker from elite private northern beaches school who worked for Kerry Packer...
Yep Labor man....

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 7:48am
Supafreak wrote:

Pretty funny I thought , I watched the Sunday project clip yesterday . Turdballs was right though . Spud the thug , could be a great slogan come election time . I won’t watch or listen to anything from 2GB , fordhams just a LNP stooge .

How do you know if you don't listen? lol ;)
The project lol never watched it.
Wokers on steroids ;)

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 8:51am
indo-dreaming wrote:

It's always baffled me why Turnball was in LNP and not Labor his idelogies always align more with Labor and he is constantly working against LNP.

I'd say, besides his postcode, education, and bank balance, that Turnbull exemplifies the Liberal party that he grew up under. Maybe a wish to return to traditional liberal roots?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 8:55am
ashsam wrote:
Supafreak wrote:

Pretty funny I thought , I watched the Sunday project clip yesterday . Turdballs was right though . Spud the thug , could be a great slogan come election time . I won’t watch or listen to anything from 2GB , fordhams just a LNP stooge .

How do you know if you don't listen? lol ;)
The project lol never watched it.
Wokers on steroids ;)

Hook , line & sinker

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 10:03am
stunet wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

It's always baffled me why Turnball was in LNP and not Labor his idelogies always align more with Labor and he is constantly working against LNP.

I'd say, besides his postcode, education, and bank balance, that Turnbull exemplifies the Liberal party that he grew up under. Maybe a wish to return to traditional liberal roots?

Yep, Turnbull would have been prime Liberal 40 years ago.
As we know, the Libs have gone quite a way to the right since then, he probably felt he could be a moderating force.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 11:59am

Turnbull wanted to join the Labor Party but they couldn't stand to guy .

A moderating Force lol , bullshit , it's ONLY all about himself and his Selfies .

The Liberals have moved Left over the last 30 years on most issues , so there has been little to choose from .

Voldy has done a turn to the Right on Energy Policy , finally !

Immigration in Australia is different to Europe .

Countries like The Netherlands are trying to protect their Culture from a Religion .

We need to cut back as we have no where for New arrivals to Live .

TurnCoat was a disaster for the Libs , which gave Morrison his big chance to be the worst PM EVER !

Everything he touched , like the NBN , Republic , Voice , turned to Shit !

As PM , Australians saw through him and hated what they saw !

He didn't last long and , I think , never won an Election for the Libs .

A complete waste of Space and Time !!!

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 12:36pm

""Voldy has done a turn to the Right on Energy Policy , finally !"'

Nationalised nuclear energy is full on communist, so hardly 'right' or market based.

But carry on....

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 12:45pm
AndyM wrote:
stunet wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

It's always baffled me why Turnball was in LNP and not Labor his idelogies always align more with Labor and he is constantly working against LNP.

I'd say, besides his postcode, education, and bank balance, that Turnbull exemplifies the Liberal party that he grew up under. Maybe a wish to return to traditional liberal roots?

Yep, Turnbull would have been prime Liberal 40 years ago.
As we know, the Libs have gone quite a way to the right since then, he probably felt he could be a moderating force.

In what way?

Socially or economically?

Id expect historically during covid the money spent on social safety net programs would be the highest under any government, people were quite literally paid not to work, and in some cases you were better off not working, this sure aint right wing, it was bassically socialist policy.

And socially the shit that was allowed under LNP was just as bad as under Labor, be it allowing BLM protest during covid or some of the crap taught under the gunersy of safe schools program, crap like dragtime storytime(bassically grooming), women concerned about their safe spaces painted as Nazis by media and LNP leaders not having the balls to stand up for them, as to fucking scared to offend some minority group.

I mean FFS it was Turdball and LNP that got same sex marriage up. (didnt labor even penny wong vote against it when in power?)

Maybe ecomically outside of covid you might have a point less government owned for example,(privitsation started under Labor in the late 80s early 90s) but then id expect government safety nets and program's, social service's and spending is up.

But socially nah no way 40 years ago both parties wouldnt allow the shit thats happening today to happen socially, fuck they would be cancelled for some of the shit they said 40 years ago if said today.

And they would laugh in your face if you asked what a women was.

Even Bob Hawk would be written of as a bogan red neck for his Aussie larrikins spirit.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 1:08pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
AndyM wrote:
stunet wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

It's always baffled me why Turnball was in LNP and not Labor his idelogies always align more with Labor and he is constantly working against LNP.

I'd say, besides his postcode, education, and bank balance, that Turnbull exemplifies the Liberal party that he grew up under. Maybe a wish to return to traditional liberal roots?

Yep, Turnbull would have been prime Liberal 40 years ago.
As we know, the Libs have gone quite a way to the right since then, he probably felt he could be a moderating force.

In what way?

Socially or economically?

Some helpful reading from today's media:

At first glance, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s proposal to build seven government-owned nuclear power stations is a perplexing move for a party that boasts the name liberal. Unless, that is, you understand that the liberal in Liberal Party of Australia is something of an empty signifier these days.

This is because of two significant shifts that have occurred in the landscape of the right in Australia. The most passionate supporters of individual freedoms and free market capitalism are now found in the Libertarian Party, recently rebranded from the Liberal Democrats, a rebranding exercise that itself speaks to the changed meaning of the term liberal in contemporary Australia.

The Libertarian Party’s membership swelled following the experience of COVID-era lockdowns and vaccine mandates imposed by Labor and Liberal governments alike. The party has picked up (classical) liberal refugees from the Liberal Party looking for a political option genuinely committed to small government and individual freedoms. Meanwhile, conservatives in the Liberal Party have echoed trends in the US, as they so often do today, and embraced economic nationalism, with its priority for national sovereignty in strategic industries, job and wage protection for local workers (particularly from high rates of migration), and the protection of industries located in regional Australia threatened by the predation of a globalist illuminati that worships the pagan god of free trade.

This type of economic nationalism has arguably long been part of the ethos of the Liberal Party’s coalition partner, the National Party, and is a strong current in the right-wing populism exemplified by One Nation, which is squeezing the Coalition from the Right, particularly in Queensland. Conservatism’s return to economic nationalism is a natural byproduct of its profound disenchantment with liberalism that emerged following the breakdown of the uneasy tactical marriage of convenience formed between libertarians and conservatives during the Cold War (classical liberals in America adopted the label libertarian in the 1950s to distinguish and differentiate themselves from big government New Deal liberals, a linguistic change that is just now beginning to find fertile ground in Australia).

Conservatives, during the era of fusionism, paid lip service to the orthodoxies of free market capitalism, but not with the conviction of libertarians. The magical wonder of the invisible hand was always subordinate to conservatism’s true interest in family, tradition, national identity, authority and order. In the absence of the unifying evil of Soviet totalitarianism, there was little left to unite conservatives and libertarians. Moreover, each party has arrived at radically divergent interpretations of the problems currently confronting the West.

Conservatives are convinced that liberalism is responsible for all that is wrong in the West by virtue of the fact that it unleashed the human being’s inner narcissistic spirit from the civilising constraints of religion and tradition, leading to the destruction of the family, the pervasive loss of social bonds and meaning, and the wholesale degeneration of culture. Conservativism is thoroughly post-liberal now, often openly and avowedly so. One need only consult the cottage industry of books written by conservative thinkers detailing the evils of liberalism to see this phenomenon on display.

Libertarians, conversely, attribute all that is wrong in the world to the failure to take liberalism to its logical, radical end. In their view, liberalism has been hopelessly compromised and corrupted by statism, with its bloated and inefficient government, crony capitalism and woke cultural authoritarianism. This is why they have abandoned the term liberal for libertarians. Government just needs to get out of the economy and out of people’s personal lives and a golden age of prosperity is sure to follow.

Conservatives, with their undisguised statism, are now part of the problem, not the solution, as far as libertarians are concerned. If one looks beneath the surface to Australia’s political fringes, one will notice the growing populism of anarcho-capitalism among young libertarians of the right, evidence of the radical transformation of the staid, stuffy and, ultimately, conservative liberalism of the Menzies-era.

This just leaves the so-called “moderate” liberals of the Liberal Party. To conservatives and libertarians alike, they appear to be unprincipled shills virtually indistinguishable from the modern Labor Party, with its woke social values and neoliberal economic predilections, albeit sold with caring and empathetic rhetoric (neoliberalism in the Australian context simply means a mixed economy comprised of some deregulation and a lot of state intervention).

Moderate liberals differ from Labor merely around the edges, and more with an eye to identifying prudent points of safe policy difference for the purpose of winning elections. They represent the “mainstream” of the party, which is to say, just a smidge to the right of the Labor Party. Their goal is to orbit the sun of middle Australia. They have little interest in ideology.

So, Dutton’s nuclear turn is perfectly coherent in a party dominated by conservatives committed to economic nationalism, that has lost its classical liberals to Australia’s emerging libertarian movement and which contains moderate liberals looking for some modest product differentiation from Labor.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 1:34pm
Pop Down wrote:

The Liberals have moved Left over the last 30 years on most issues , so there has been little to choose from .

Voldy has done a turn to the Right on Energy Policy , finally

Think you're getting your L and R mixed up, mate.

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 1:37pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

Id expect historically during covid the money spent on social safety net programs would be the highest under any government, people were quite literally paid not to work, and in some cases you were better off not working, this sure aint right wing, it was bassically socialist policy.

Not really Indo. With Jobkeeper (which I assume you are referring to) a business got a $750/week payment for each employee if your turnover was reduced by 30%. I don't think much proof was required to prove this and it was never really policed or recovered. So where I work our company became eligible but no one was laid off so the company I work for were receiving 36 employees x $750 = $27k a week for what exactly?? That is not a socialist policy. It's a company enrichment policy.
I don't begrudge my employer one bit for becoming richer from my tax dollars. They were just able to do it thanks to one of the worst financial decisions ever made by a government that wasn't thinking of the social fabric of the population when they thought this hairbrained scheme up.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 1:48pm

That was the craziest policy ever, the sheer amount of currency juiced the economy and has required multiple interest rate rises to sterilise it - a work in progress.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 1:55pm
stunet wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
AndyM wrote:
stunet wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

It's always baffled me why Turnball was in LNP and not Labor his idelogies always align more with Labor and he is constantly working against LNP.

I'd say, besides his postcode, education, and bank balance, that Turnbull exemplifies the Liberal party that he grew up under. Maybe a wish to return to traditional liberal roots?

Yep, Turnbull would have been prime Liberal 40 years ago.
As we know, the Libs have gone quite a way to the right since then, he probably felt he could be a moderating force.

In what way?

Socially or economically?

Some helpful reading from today's media:

At first glance, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s proposal to build seven government-owned nuclear power stations is a perplexing move for a party that boasts the name liberal. Unless, that is, you understand that the liberal in Liberal Party of Australia is something of an empty signifier these days.

This is because of two significant shifts that have occurred in the landscape of the right in Australia. The most passionate supporters of individual freedoms and free market capitalism are now found in the Libertarian Party, recently rebranded from the Liberal Democrats, a rebranding exercise that itself speaks to the changed meaning of the term liberal in contemporary Australia.

The Libertarian Party’s membership swelled following the experience of COVID-era lockdowns and vaccine mandates imposed by Labor and Liberal governments alike. The party has picked up (classical) liberal refugees from the Liberal Party looking for a political option genuinely committed to small government and individual freedoms. Meanwhile, conservatives in the Liberal Party have echoed trends in the US, as they so often do today, and embraced economic nationalism, with its priority for national sovereignty in strategic industries, job and wage protection for local workers (particularly from high rates of migration), and the protection of industries located in regional Australia threatened by the predation of a globalist illuminati that worships the pagan god of free trade.

This type of economic nationalism has arguably long been part of the ethos of the Liberal Party’s coalition partner, the National Party, and is a strong current in the right-wing populism exemplified by One Nation, which is squeezing the Coalition from the Right, particularly in Queensland. Conservatism’s return to economic nationalism is a natural byproduct of its profound disenchantment with liberalism that emerged following the breakdown of the uneasy tactical marriage of convenience formed between libertarians and conservatives during the Cold War (classical liberals in America adopted the label libertarian in the 1950s to distinguish and differentiate themselves from big government New Deal liberals, a linguistic change that is just now beginning to find fertile ground in Australia).

Conservatives, during the era of fusionism, paid lip service to the orthodoxies of free market capitalism, but not with the conviction of libertarians. The magical wonder of the invisible hand was always subordinate to conservatism’s true interest in family, tradition, national identity, authority and order. In the absence of the unifying evil of Soviet totalitarianism, there was little left to unite conservatives and libertarians. Moreover, each party has arrived at radically divergent interpretations of the problems currently confronting the West.

Conservatives are convinced that liberalism is responsible for all that is wrong in the West by virtue of the fact that it unleashed the human being’s inner narcissistic spirit from the civilising constraints of religion and tradition, leading to the destruction of the family, the pervasive loss of social bonds and meaning, and the wholesale degeneration of culture. Conservativism is thoroughly post-liberal now, often openly and avowedly so. One need only consult the cottage industry of books written by conservative thinkers detailing the evils of liberalism to see this phenomenon on display.

Libertarians, conversely, attribute all that is wrong in the world to the failure to take liberalism to its logical, radical end. In their view, liberalism has been hopelessly compromised and corrupted by statism, with its bloated and inefficient government, crony capitalism and woke cultural authoritarianism. This is why they have abandoned the term liberal for libertarians. Government just needs to get out of the economy and out of people’s personal lives and a golden age of prosperity is sure to follow.

Conservatives, with their undisguised statism, are now part of the problem, not the solution, as far as libertarians are concerned. If one looks beneath the surface to Australia’s political fringes, one will notice the growing populism of anarcho-capitalism among young libertarians of the right, evidence of the radical transformation of the staid, stuffy and, ultimately, conservative liberalism of the Menzies-era.

This just leaves the so-called “moderate” liberals of the Liberal Party. To conservatives and libertarians alike, they appear to be unprincipled shills virtually indistinguishable from the modern Labor Party, with its woke social values and neoliberal economic predilections, albeit sold with caring and empathetic rhetoric (neoliberalism in the Australian context simply means a mixed economy comprised of some deregulation and a lot of state intervention).

Moderate liberals differ from Labor merely around the edges, and more with an eye to identifying prudent points of safe policy difference for the purpose of winning elections. They represent the “mainstream” of the party, which is to say, just a smidge to the right of the Labor Party. Their goal is to orbit the sun of middle Australia. They have little interest in ideology.

So, Dutton’s nuclear turn is perfectly coherent in a party dominated by conservatives committed to economic nationalism, that has lost its classical liberals to Australia’s emerging libertarian movement and which contains moderate liberals looking for some modest product differentiation from Labor.

Where was that article from @stu?

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 2:03pm
velocityjohnno wrote:

That was the craziest policy ever, the sheer amount of currency juiced the economy and has required multiple interest rate rises to sterilise it - a work in progress.

The policy basics as suggested by Combet etc at the time were sound, could not let businesses go bankrupt overnight or mass unemployment to occur adding strain to society and individuals.
How it was implemented was the failure. Companies should not have only been eligible to receive money, or if did receive mandated to pay it back if they were still proving to be profitable, such as Harvey Norman. This was LNP's gift to some, $40 billion or so.
The Home-Builder scheme was dumb from the start, adding fuel to overheated property market.
In LNP's defence, it was new territory for all, and there were always going to be mistakes made, but I would guess without govt intervention to support businesses and individuals at this time, the outcome would have been a lot worse.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 2:18pm
garyg1412 wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Id expect historically during covid the money spent on social safety net programs would be the highest under any government, people were quite literally paid not to work, and in some cases you were better off not working, this sure aint right wing, it was bassically socialist policy.

Not really Indo. With Jobkeeper (which I assume you are referring to) a business got a $750/week payment for each employee if your turnover was reduced by 30%. I don't think much proof was required to prove this and it was never really policed or recovered. So where I work our company became eligible but no one was laid off so the company I work for were receiving 36 employees x $750 = $27k a week for what exactly?? That is not a socialist policy. It's a company enrichment policy.
I don't begrudge my employer one bit for becoming richer from my tax dollars. They were just able to do it thanks to one of the worst financial decisions ever made by a government that wasn't thinking of the social fabric of the population when they thought this hairbrained scheme up.

Yes business got payments and help but so did individuals, there was all other types of payments and increases to social wealth fare.

Which ever way you paint it there hac never been a time in our history where so much social spending has happened.

And it waa needed, but just saying.

And BTW spending would have been far higher under Labor, and FSS labor couldnt even roll out a basic home insulation scheme in normal times let alone a whole web of support programs for business and individuals during a once in a life time pandemic.

"introduced in response to COVID-19.

Background to the COVID-19 Economic Response social security measures
In March 2020 the Government announced two packages of measures as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The social security measures included in these packages included:

two $750 lump sum payments to some social security and veterans’ payment recipients[2]
a Coronavirus Supplement of $550 per fortnight to recipients of JobSeeker Payment, Parenting Payment, Youth Allowance, Farm Household Allowance, Special Benefit, Partner Allowance, Widow Allowance and student payments and[3]
improved access to income support through changed eligibility criteria for JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance; and the waiver of the assets tests and some waiting periods for certain payments.[4]
On 30 March the Government also announced a relaxation of the partner income test, lowering the rate at which payment rates are reduced due to partner income.[5]

In response to the pandemic, the Government suspended mutual obligation requirements, such as job search requirements, for certain payment recipients until 8 June 2020.[6]

The economic impact of COVID-19, combined with the measures to expand eligibility to social security, saw the number of people in receipt of the main income support payments for the unemployed (JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance (Other)) double from around 820,000 in December 2019 to 1,640,000 at the end of May 2020.[7] At the end of June 2020, a total of around 2.2 million social security payment recipients were receiving the Coronavirus Supplement.[8]"

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 2:29pm

Dutton’s further foray into economic nationalism with his ‘supermarxist’ rhetoric towards the supermarkets. Albo from the Labor ’left’ mocking him for wanting to ‘adopt the communist model’. The heads of the remaining Howard Thatcherites in the Liberal party must be spinning. We’re not in Kansas anymore.

loungelizard's picture
loungelizard's picture
loungelizard Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 2:56pm

Turnbull.. Graham Richardson "the fixer" frequently said , without rancour, that of all the huge egotists he had come across in politics no-one came close to Turnbull. I don't think there was (is) any ideology there other than himself

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 3:44pm
garyg1412 wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Id expect historically during covid the money spent on social safety net programs would be the highest under any government, people were quite literally paid not to work, and in some cases you were better off not working, this sure aint right wing, it was bassically socialist policy.

Not really Indo. With Jobkeeper (which I assume you are referring to) a business got a $750/week payment for each employee if your turnover was reduced by 30%. I don't think much proof was required to prove this and it was never really policed or recovered. So where I work our company became eligible but no one was laid off so the company I work for were receiving 36 employees x $750 = $27k a week for what exactly?? That is not a socialist policy. It's a company enrichment policy.
I don't begrudge my employer one bit for becoming richer from my tax dollars. They were just able to do it thanks to one of the worst financial decisions ever made by a government that wasn't thinking of the social fabric of the population when they thought this hairbrained scheme up.

That was supposed to be the idea so people didn't get laid off, seems like it worked for you.
Plenty would have rorted it though especially big business ie HN which I think payed it back.

Whenever the gov starts hand out's the rorters come knocking, don't forget Kevin 07 and the pink batts fiasco, and building the education revolution.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 4:00pm


If the Liberals have gone Right , why are people moving to the Libertarians ?

Why would a Right Liberal Party , put TurnCoat in as Leader ???

He is so Soft little L that he doesn't know his Left from his Right .

All he does is bag the LNP , what a fn loser !

Maybe you are from Left , I am Right , so maybe , I feel the sift more than U ?

U follow politics more than me , so you're probably Right :) .

Both Parties have had almost identical policies for the last 20 years on the major issues eg Economic management , Energy policy , Immigration , Covid , Woke Stuff , Health Care .

At least Dutton has let the Canary out of the Coal mine , by pointing out our current Energy Policy is a Train Wreck and the Government Targets are totally full of shit .

Also put on the table , that current Immigration numbers are ridiculous .

The 240k LNP target is miles away from the Labor numbers , that are spitting out .
This debate was desperately needed imho .

Stopping the Boats , was the last major difference that I can remember .

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 4:09pm

hey, PoppaD,
spellbound, but miss 'Devine'..
wha' happened??

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 4:13pm
ashsam wrote:

Whenever the gov starts hand out's the rorters come knocking, don't forget Kevin 07 and the pink batts fiasco, and building the education revolution.

I remember a few weeks before the Pink Batts Fiasco was announced we received a letter from CSR Bradford informing us of a pending 25% price rise - insider information at it's finest.
Then some people died for their efforts.
One of the better rorts we've seen in a while!!
All overseen by an ex musician.
What could go wrong??

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 4:35pm

Hey Base 6

I think I signed up The Madman on a short contract which expired .

Tried again but my email address with SN is hooked on PD , a user error for sure :) !

Isn't it lucky we have AW keeping me In Line , with his wonderfully sublime View of the Environment .

Makes me often feel like a Bull in a China shop .

Let me know if U see him surfing on the Blue Bird !

I am in Bali , by myself ( gee I miss my girls , one studying in Italy and the other in Japan with 2 mates ) getting my surf fitness back Up , again .

Just in from my 9th surf , one each day here .

The first 7 were such Hard work , lost a lot of surf fitness in the month Climbing in Bhutan .

Walking to the beach has been easy , as staying @ the Pullman .

I hope you are having a ball .

Cheers mate !

Devine Madman

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 6:49pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hey Base 6

I think I signed up The Madman on a short contract which expired .

Tried again but my email address with SN is hooked on PD , a user error for sure :) !

Isn't it lucky we have AW keeping me In Line , with his wonderfully sublime View of the Environment .

Makes me often feel like a Bull in a China shop .

Let me know if U see him surfing on the Blue Bird !

I am in Bali , by myself ( gee I miss my girls , one studying in Italy and the other in Japan with 2 mates ) getting my surf fitness back Up , again .

Just in from my 9th surf , one each day here .

The first 7 were such Hard work , lost a lot of surf fitness in the month Climbing in Bhutan .

Walking to the beach has been easy , as staying @ the Pullman .

I hope you are having a ball .

Cheers mate !

Devine Madman

Pop Down. Hi. Hope you’re enjoying yourself on the west side of the Wallace Line, all those deer, squirrels, cats, monkeys , bears etc.

Finally the vail of mystery has been removed.

Didn’t know if I was Arthur or Martha.

Was like watching a Police Line up, ‘ Would the real Pop Down please step forward’.

There was Pops. Pop Down, Pop- Down, completely devine madness I must say.

So good to have you back.

For our sanity and security I need you to answer a few questions to indicate you’re not AI generated, or a Bot.

Do you wear a red and blue Demons scarf in Winter at AFL games ?

Do you often wear the aforementioned scarf with a cravat?

Did you partake in the regular consumption of the Devils Lettuce a few years ago ?

Do you like wine , but not just one glass ?

Do you visit the Victorian ski fields during AFL football season whilst your beloved team is playing at the MCG,
and finally, to really discern you are the real Pop Down,

Are you of Dutch heritage and like poffertjes ?

Dank u. AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 7:02pm

Bloody Collingwood supporters ( gee I like McCrae ) .

1. Yes , always .
2. No , never , but wear a Tie .
3. WTF ? , no .
4. Did love wine but stopped ALL alcohol consumption 4 years ago , became addicted to the shit .
5. Never .
6. Mum's Dutch and I got all her fighting spirit .

Hot4domma !

My intelligence is , probably , Artificial .

Alfred , are you now just Arthur ?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 7:10pm

We just require verification now from @adam12
- and all will be devine ;)

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 7:13pm
Pop Down wrote:

Bloody Collingwood supporters ( gee I like McCrae ) .

1. Yes , always .
2. No , never , but wear a Tie .
3. WTF ? , no .
4. Did love wine but stopped ALL alcohol consumption 4 years ago , became addicted to the shit .
5. Never .
6. Mum's Dutch and I got all her fighting spirit .

Hot4domma !

My intelligence is , probably , Artificial .

Alfred , are you now just Arthur ?

Pop Down. A befitting reply, oh, back to just Arthur. Bye for now, keep having fun big fella, you deserve it. AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 7:21pm

Thank you AW !

It's U who is the enigma imho !

U are not a BOT , but you are too Unreal imo .

You must be a bloody alien !

Character , intelligence and a fn Collingwood supporter .

It just doesn't add up .

Now I feel like Martha ffs !

I am off 4 a late surf check .

SN forecasts have been great !

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 2:01am

2100 Projected Populations.
Been running some checks on them...
Europe & Asia's pop growth can't sustain itself in the later half of the Century
South America & Mid East also back down...
All the big money heads towards Mean Age 18yrs Africa for steady long term investment without fail...

All except a handful of outer Nations take Africa on to continue growing & attracting finance!
Young Nations > Philippines 28yrs + Peru 25yrs are still young enough to attract long term investment...

Even Large highly populated mean 28yrs India ain't got the land so population declines in later century.

Boomer Nations US 39yrs + Canada 40yrs + Australia 38yrs can exploit vast land banks
Plenty of room to accommodate youthful immigrants to keep pace with younger Africa.
Outside Africa > Only these 3 large nations promise endless rising investment growth to 2100.

Meaning they must keep youthful immigration at high levels to attract long term investment.
In other words...
These Boomers forsake their own offspring in order to survive...purely because cashed up Boomers can!
Crew can actually see how Oz puts their foot on the Migration pedal to keep growth on the up...
Soon as it dips on the books...they roll out the welcome's a Fountain of Youth elixir addiction!
Each time we bring our mat in...we forfeit more investment to rival younger nations.
Sure...Mutton dressed up as lamb to fool long term investors...just keep the property market heated.
World only invests in Oz if we can guarantee long term rock solid rising property returns...

If we're too old to work then we just keep smiling and selling our arses.
This formula ain't gonna change towards 2100...expect more of the same [FOR SALE] Housing Crisis.
Our new implants keep us looking hot. youthful & in demand...cashed up sailors, aren't that fussy!

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 5:42am
truebluebasher wrote:

2100 Projected Populations.
Been running some checks on them...
Europe & Asia's pop growth can't sustain itself in the later half of the Century
South America & Mid East also back down...
All the big money heads towards Mean Age 18yrs Africa for steady long term investment without fail...

All except a handful of outer Nations take Africa on to continue growing & attracting finance!
Young Nations > Philippines 28yrs + Peru 25yrs are still young enough to attract long term investment...

Even Large highly populated mean 28yrs India ain't got the land so population declines in later century.

Boomer Nations US 39yrs + Canada 40yrs + Australia 38yrs can exploit vast land banks
Plenty of room to accommodate youthful immigrants to keep pace with younger Africa.
Outside Africa > Only these 3 large nations promise endless rising investment growth to 2100.

Meaning they must keep youthful immigration at high levels to attract long term investment.
In other words...
These Boomers forsake their own offspring in order to survive...purely because cashed up Boomers can!
Crew can actually see how Oz puts their foot on the Migration pedal to keep growth on the up...
Soon as it dips on the books...they roll out the welcome's a Fountain of Youth elixir addiction!
Each time we bring our mat in...we forfeit more investment to rival younger nations.
Sure...Mutton dressed up as lamb to fool long term investors...just keep the property market heated.
World only invests in Oz if we can guarantee long term rock solid rising property returns...

If we're too old to work then we just keep smiling and selling our arses.
This formula ain't gonna change towards 2100...expect more of the same [FOR SALE] Housing Crisis.
Our new implants keep us looking hot. youthful & in demand...cashed up sailors, aren't that fussy!

Ali G had it right ....



quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 3:48pm
Pop Down wrote:

Turnbull wanted to join the Labor Party but they couldn't stand to guy .

A moderating Force lol , bullshit , it's ONLY all about himself and his Selfies .

The Liberals have moved Left over the last 30 years on most issues , so there has been little to choose from .

Voldy has done a turn to the Right on Energy Policy , finally !

Immigration in Australia is different to Europe .

Countries like The Netherlands are trying to protect their Culture from a Religion .

We need to cut back as we have no where for New arrivals to Live .

TurnCoat was a disaster for the Libs , which gave Morrison his big chance to be the worst PM EVER !

Everything he touched , like the NBN , Republic , Voice , turned to Shit !

As PM , Australians saw through him and hated what they saw !

He didn't last long and , I think , never won an Election for the Libs .

A complete waste of Space and Time !!!

TURDbull has a 100% win record in federal elections...P draws, no losses.He beat some Labor deadHead by a seat or 2...Took the government from an Abbot landslide majority to a slim seat or 2....Him and SCUMO wont make the cut as good PMs...but could fall into the total wanKa category with all the crap Labor politicians(every single seat holder) since 1901.

SCUMO its probably the worst liberal PM, but that still puts him miles in front of any of that other mobs complete Cockroached moronic Imbociles.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 4:18pm
quadzilla wrote:
Pop Down wrote:

Turnbull wanted to join the Labor Party but they couldn't stand to guy .

A moderating Force lol , bullshit , it's ONLY all about himself and his Selfies .

The Liberals have moved Left over the last 30 years on most issues , so there has been little to choose from .

Voldy has done a turn to the Right on Energy Policy , finally !

Immigration in Australia is different to Europe .

Countries like The Netherlands are trying to protect their Culture from a Religion .

We need to cut back as we have no where for New arrivals to Live .

TurnCoat was a disaster for the Libs , which gave Morrison his big chance to be the worst PM EVER !

Everything he touched , like the NBN , Republic , Voice , turned to Shit !

As PM , Australians saw through him and hated what they saw !

He didn't last long and , I think , never won an Election for the Libs .

A complete waste of Space and Time !!!

TURDbull has a 100% win record in federal elections...P draws, no losses.He beat some Labor deadHead by a seat or 2...Took the government from an Abbot landslide majority to a slim seat or 2....Him and SCUMO wont make the cut as good PMs...but could fall into the total wanKa category with all the crap Labor politicians(every single seat holder) since 1901.

SCUMO its probably the worst liberal PM, but that still puts him miles in front of any of that other mobs complete Cockroached moronic Imbociles.

Can you give us a list of major social and economic reforms instigated by the LNP or its predecessor the UAP.

Don't rush, but it won't take long regardless.

No need to include Nuclear Testing facilities complete with human crash test dummies.


Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 5:31pm

Hey Salty

Good question , GST and Stopped the Unstoppable Boats , off the top of my head .

I also like the new Sub's .

Can you give me two from Labor , AFTER Hawke / Keating ?

edit - Thanks Quady 4 correcting my Turdball mistake .

The Win that felt like a loss , what a d head that guy is , makes me look half reasonable imho .

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 6:50pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hey Salty

Good question , GST and Stopped the Unstoppable Boats , off the top of my head .

I also like the new Sub's .

Can you give me two from Labor , AFTER Hawke / Keating ?

edit - Thanks Quady 4 correcting my Turdball mistake .

The Win that felt like a loss , what a d head that guy is , makes me look half reasonable imho .

Hi Pops

Keating proposed a GST in 1985 but was rolled by Hawke. The LNP just copied it .

I wouldn't call "Stopping the Boats" a major social or economic reform.

Since you asked there is compulsory superannuation, NBN, NDIS, Indigenous Land Rights, and repairing international relationships trashed by Morrison. That will do for now.

The LNP did get Gay Marriage up though.

The further back you go the worse it looks for the LNP.


andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 6:51pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hey Salty

Good question , GST and Stopped the Unstoppable Boats , off the top of my head .

I also like the new Sub's .

Can you give me two from Labor , AFTER Hawke / Keating ?

edit - Thanks Quady 4 correcting my Turdball mistake .

The Win that felt like a loss , what a d head that guy is , makes me look half reasonable imho .

Ah yes, the GST, Howard the highest taxing govt in our history from the party of lower taxes ..

Re boats, how do you know they were stopped, thought it was an 'on water matter' so could not be discussed.

Just don't mention planes.....

Or au pairs, or Paladin, etc etc.

1. Tax cuts for all Australians.
2. Stopped Robodebt which was responsible for over 2000 suicides...

But hey, how good are LNP.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 7:22pm

Andy M

Lol gosh , I have never heard of Robo debt , was that like a Pink Bat ?

It does sound like one of Labor's Major reforms though .

Treasures , like Costello , have tinkered with Tax cuts a gazillion times .

But it probably counts as One of Labor's Major reforms .

The GST was a much needed MAJOR reform , Keating idea I believe , but Hewson tried to bring it in first .

So Keating killed him , politically !

The Boats were those things the People smugglers use , remember ?

They kept sinking causing deaths .

Would U like to see them coming again ffs ?

The Labor view was push , pull ( or sink ) .

It took Guts to Stop them and Abbott was voted IN 2 do the Job that Labor said was impossible .

Guess what , Abbott Stopped them and the boats stopped sinking .

No planes have crashed into the sea and People Smugglers don't use them .

Perhaps someone else can try and name ONE major reform that Labor has brought in , since Keating .

Sorry Andy , your response was very poor !

Rudd did say Sorry , nothing else afterwards though .

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 7:17pm
Pop Down wrote:

Andy M

Lol gosh , I have never heard of Robo debt , was that like a Pink Bat ?

It does sound like one of Labor's Major reforms though .

Treasures , like Costello , have tinkered with Tax cuts a gazillion times .

But it probably counts as One of Labor's Major reforms .

The GST was a much needed reform , Keating idea I believe , but Hewson tried to bring it in first .

Perhaps someone else can try and name ONE major reform that Labor has brought in , since Keating .

Sorry Andy , your response was very poor !

Rudd did say Sorry , nothing else afterwards though .

Hey Pop,

Never hearing of Robodebt just demonstrates you live in a Murdoch misinformation bubble.

Hope you're enjoying a nice Seminyak sunset. .

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 7:50pm

Hey AM

Am really enjoying the Legian sunsets , gosh the banks are good .

10 days here , 10 surfs :) .

Anything that caused 2000 suicides , should have been stopped , so fair enough .

I really don't know who stopped it , or realised there was a problem with this THING called Robodebt .

So , can't agree it was a Major Social Reform .

Never heard it mentioned on SN either , but I DO miss a lot .

Abbott had a big influence on getting Rosie Batty named Australian of the Year , according to Rosie .

That was a Major Social issue being dragged out of a Very Dark cupboard and thrown into the Spotlight .

I don't like Murdoch , don't read his papers or listen to any of his radio shows .

The only paper I used to read religiously was the AFR , Fairfax .

The only radio station I listen 2 , is PBS 106.7 .

I would say I am definitely in an Information bubble , misinformation I spurt out , is quickly pointed out here .

Where's Salty ?

He started this !

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 7:59pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hey AM

Am really enjoying the Legian sunsets , gosh the banks are good .

10 days here , 10 surfs :) .

Anything that caused 2000 suicides , should have been stopped , so fair enough .

I really don't know who stopped it , or realised there was a problem with this THING called Robodebt .

So , can't agree it was a Major Social Reform .

Never heard it mentioned on SN either , but I DO miss a lot .

Abbott had a big influence on getting Rosie Batty named Australian of the Year , according to Rosie .

That was a Major Social issue being dragged out of a Very Dark cupboard and thrown into the Spotlight .

I don't like Murdoch , don't read his papers or listen to any of his radio shows .

The only paper I used to read religiously was the AFR , Fairfax .

The only radio station I listen 2 , is PBS 106.7 .

I would say I am definitely in an Information bubble , misinformation I spurt out , is quickly pointed out here .

Where's Salty ?

He started this !

Unreal Pop...
Glad ya scoring!
Loving life!!

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 8:00pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hey AM

Am really enjoying the Legian sunsets , gosh the banks are good .

10 days here , 10 surfs :) .

Anything that caused 2000 suicides , should have been stopped , so fair enough .

I really don't know who stopped it , or realised there was a problem with this THING called Robodebt .

So , can't agree it was a Major Social Reform .

Never heard it mentioned on SN either , but I DO miss a lot .

Abbott had a big influence on getting Rosie Batty named Australian of the Year , according to Rosie .

That was a Major Social issue being dragged out of a Very Dark cupboard and thrown into the Spotlight .

I don't like Murdoch , don't read his papers or listen to any of his radio shows .

The only paper I used to read religiously was the AFR , Fairfax .

The only radio station I listen 2 , is PBS 106.7 .

I would say I am definitely in an Information bubble , misinformation I spurt out , is quickly pointed out here .

Where's Salty ?

He started this !

Hi Pops,

Look above, I replied at 6.50.
