
I saw 'gold bless America' above, and talk of Brisband classics - so how about 'chill out America'. A Chopper Division classic. And some good Brisband story in the comment below the vid.
The first link is a more recent live version, not the best.
this is the original '92 version, rage clip

and Icandig - you werent too late for the Bris punk scene, the early 90's you could have been in the thick of it.
the zzz boat cruises - check this ripper

That's a classic clip GreenJam. Cheers.

blackers wrote:That's a classic clip GreenJam. Cheers.

Sitting around...

The same old doco on NITV tonight. Still like watching it. Anyone watching?

Caught it seeds, few to come sbs or abc I think ozzy and kiss. Chuck was held in high regards both from musicians and the fans. Massive influence to many.

Best day of the week?


Smashing the tunes out Rob.
How cool is the photo of Tony Alva on the Fu Manchu cover.
Dig those guys.

Didn't know it was Tony Alva, a little amp up.

Finest of Wine.

Ripper tune.

Early 80's Smacked Out dirty shot triple overdose...dedicated to Malcolm Owen (Ruts).
Malcolm lived long enough to record the most hauntingly raw song of any era...tough gig!
Top shelf wake up calls are from another time in space...none dare follow in their trax.
tbb can assure the crew that these trax had no equal then or since...they are the real deal!

keep on hoggin on'

The Chats new album came out this week. This one’s my favourite. Proud dad, best served with beer

stuff sando

'Get Fucked' is getting some great reviews, hey Sando? Difficult second album done, sky's the limit.

Sweet, keeping the ol' pub rock traditions well and truly alive. Every reason to be proud Sando.

Cheers all. . Yeah Stu, lots of people tell me they like it. They are supporting GnR (was meant to be the fooies) this year which will give them more exposure. Thanks everyone.

Better play 6 L GTR again

Cant embed this but Meanies TV episode music and interview half an hour long, quite a few episodes of other bands/artist that might interest some too.

Tight lines.

Good BAD song

Following on from Rob. Driving tunes.

Driving songs huh...?
These guys from Japan are worth checking out:-

Better fuel up then.

Nice work gents.

Nice work gents.

No repeats this time.

Been watching Pistol on (believe it or not) Disney.
Not bad for the song reminders and cultural references of the time. Story and acting get a little naf at times. Anyhow - here are some tunes from the show.

and here's Johnny and his commentary on the series.

Ben's Tunesmiths answering the call for #1 swellnet Lifeline Classic
Bringing out the best in the crew...we got yer back...Salute!
Supporters pack is on it's way...locked in!
swellnet Drum Circle rolls out support for #1 swellnet Lifeline Classic
Have a fantastic weekend Craig & swellnet ...thanx to crew & all for sharing the stoke!
Grun keep sounding better with each & every yer work Ben! *****
Please pass on our compliments to the band.
Ben's Tunesmiths have officially dedicated Manyana as swellnet soundtrack for 2022 Lifeline Classic.

Talking about drummers, Danny counting down 5,4,3,2,1 across that whole bridge section is incredible... along with everything else he does really. Probably been posted already but it's always worth watching again.

David Byrne mentioned Gabriels

Too soon?

blackers needs a bookend...way too soon or never too late to squeeze in an Oz Classic?
Minstrels live well ahead of our time or maybe we just caught up with ourselves.
If ever a Song is too perfect for the's time for the Kings of the World.

Ah TBB, thanks for pulling me up. Don't want to offend but feel it's all a bit over done.
Local lads and lass giving it a ping. Seems appropriate.

Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.