COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

Roadkill wrote:
small world - professor Goodnow was the bloke in the finding macaronis article udo linked in the GLand book thread. Seems like he must have had an interesting life both in surfing and his profession.

old-dog wrote:@ berleigh, what part of reduces severity and death don't you get, no one ever said the vaccination was the silver bullet but used along with masks and social distancing it was hoped to ease pressure on hospitals. No one knows what situation we would be in if 90% of the population wasn't vaxxed. They have done the best they can under a changing unprecedented situation and is not a conspiracy so the govt. can take away our freedom and control us as you have always gone on about. You say the unvaxxed "pure bloods" (LOL) are less likely to get covid and triple jabbed are likely to get it multiple times which is absolute garbage and flies in the face of the data and what every expert in this field is telling us. Also you have also said it is just a sniffle but atm the equivalent of six major hospitals are packed with covid patients putting extreme pressure on the entire system. Your complete disregard for old people and the vulnerable is well documented here and is pretty disgusting to say the least . As for isolating if my boss found out one of his workers was a close contact and still came to work he would hit the roof. All I need say is I take my health advice from the experts in their fields and not some clueless conspiracy keyboard warrior who has barely skimmed the surface of a complex issue and has deluded himself into thinking he is right and the rest of the world is wrong. As for isolating, if my boss at work found out one of his workers was a close contact and still came to work he would hit the roof. You can say what you like but I'm not interested and wont be looking at this thread anyway so go your hardest. Have a nice day.
Ask our resident dopey about reduced severity.
Feels like you’re living in 2021 with what you’re talking about.
But what a good boy you are. Doing everything the news man tells you. Even if it was from 2021

Extremely disturbing stuff.
If you didn’t question what’s going on then you are part of this problem.
And yes, it’s legit

burleigh wrote:Extremely disturbing stuff.
If you didn’t question what’s going on then you are part of this problem.
And yes, it’s legit
Disturbing? So dramatic from the burleigh bedwetter.
It’s woke bs from a govt dept…only disturbing for those looking to be disturbed or outraged. The rest of us don’t really care.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Extremely disturbing stuff.
If you didn’t question what’s going on then you are part of this problem.
And yes, it’s legit
Disturbing? So dramatic from the burleigh bedwetter.
It’s woke bs from a govt dept…only disturbing for those looking to be disturbed or outraged. The rest of us don’t really care.
Ah yep. Swellnets number one dopey doesnt care. Just like you didnt care about getting your vaccines. Tell us how sick you were with Covid after these 3 vaccines toady.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Extremely disturbing stuff.
If you didn’t question what’s going on then you are part of this problem.
And yes, it’s legit
Disturbing? So dramatic from the burleigh bedwetter.
It’s woke bs from a govt dept…only disturbing for those looking to be disturbed or outraged. The rest of us don’t really care.
Ah yep. Swellnets number one dopey doesnt care. Just like you didnt care about getting your vaccines. Tell us how sick you were with Covid after these 3 vaccines toady.
I think you have used that comeback 30 times already. Maybe try something different? Or is that all you have now, the burleigh bedwetting village idiot. Ha ha ha.

Write Queensland health a letter and tell them about your outrage and how extremely disturbed you are.
I’m sure they care…they might send you a care package. A roll of toilet paper to wipe the spittle that flys as you explode in fury and a hanky to dry your tears.

Top 10 Crisis Nations
All these Nations live with increased Infections + Hospital Crisis + Deaths well above World average!
Each of these nations can claim a new WR with any Mass Vaxed Hot Mess you like! ( Just nominate it! )
You can be assured one or more are breaking a WR right now & tomorrow & forever! (Can bet on it!)
That's how absurd the world is...we all know, but choose to ignore mass Vaxed Health Crisis & death!
These Top 10 form into a further 3 groups of Infectious Set Waves
Group A ( Endless Mass Vaxed Crisis as a lifestyle choice )
Israel / Cyprus / Finland + Token Mystery Island
Group B ( Mass Vax Peak Pros that are moving up in the world! )
Norway / Denmark / Taiwan
Group C ( Late Starters but big finishers ) Breaking our Broken Record collection is just the start!
Australia / NZ / Japan
This is just an intro...crew may form links...that's the point of sharing this research if we're to claw out!
All isolated Gold Standard Healthy Wealthy Nations with zero hope of ending this or any Pandemic.
Do not let these experts buckle up yer seatbelt...
Experts : "Vax is like Seatbelts!" (Yes!'s that simple stupid!)
(eg:) Experts give an example...just for us stupid people!
Buckled up Vaxed driver rides & heats up brakes downhill > (Unvaxed / Unbelted Passenger bails out!)
Vaxed driver's weight transfer jams his belt tighter & smashes into one of them VIP Cruise Ship funerals.
Expert VIP Coroner's Inquiry :
That deplorable lowdown cowardly unvaxed passenger kick-flipped the car to spark the mass inferno.
All say Aye! Gruff! Gruff! One of Us! One of Us! One of Us!
Moral of the story ..."Just tell ya Kidz not pick up unvaxed hitch hikers...but make it sound really scary!"
PS: Dozens more examples of Seatbelts causing death where if being unbelted would've survived!
Pig headed narrow mindedness is why we're forever trapped inside this VIP Snowdome!
Record Low Vax Rollout bonus...
Very few Nations still believe Vax will save them...from anything at all.
Note record Infections / Hospitalizations / Deaths in NZ /Oz / Japan resulted in a burp of Vax & no more!
All these Vax lovers decided enough was enough...& rate is falling as with half mentioned below...
Here's the current top Vaxers / million ( Most use Outbreaks to mop up their piles of soon expiring Vax )
2.75 Rwanda ( 1.14 Oz Peak 23rd Sept 2021 ) .72 Bangladesh / .56 Liberia ( .55 World Peak 27th June 2021 ) .5 Uzbekistan / .47 Afghanistan / .46 Nepal / .42 Japan / .36 Tanzania / .31 Uganda / .3 Taiwan / .23 Peru / .22 India / .21 NZ / .2 Egypt ( .09 World current ) + ( .04 Oz current )
Highest African Vaxed (Rwanda) + Hi Vaxing Tanzania / Uganda surround least vaxed Nation (Burundi)
Any can see this mass vax resulting in a massive immune escape to infect least vaxed Burundi.
Expert Ring Vaxing ploy was used in US/ force defensive panic vaxing onto Burundi.
Even experts say it's else to explain yer backwater neighbours are instant Top 10 Vaxers?
Most vaxed Rwanda ( Higher boosters than US) (vs) Least Vaxed neighbours Burundi.
(Background) Nations are similar (10%) in size / ages / World pop / sq m3 / Lake lined coastline / km
One huge difference > WHO > PPE > 70% Vaxed Rwanda (vs) 0.1 Vaxed Burundi
(Pre vax Covid era) Burundi would be infected first but Rwanda had larger outbreaks!
14th Jan Rwanda Rollout begins...before too long Rwanda vaccinated now headed the infection waves!
Rollout Orchestration...
Rwanda Mass Vax leads & ramps larger outbreaks with each waning outbreak to ramp more Mass Vax.
Each Mass Wane Vax cycle ramps escape pressure to infect the neighbours Burundi in a timely fashion.
Clear to all that Africa's leading Vaccinated Rwanda are driving the pandemic to infect neighbours...
Rollout period to now...
70% Vax Rwanda > Cases 114,868 Deaths 1,227 (vs) 0.1% Burundi 43,036 Deaths 35
Do we need experts...Really?
However! As tbb said...All three of Burundi's land sided neighbours are group mass vaxing as one!
Yep! Seems odd as rest of the World binned their vax...yet here we gotta mass Vax attack contract!
Burundi Cases are rising...but not high as yet...but this disorderly Mass Vax is deadly (See above data)!
Here we have neighbours showing the world how damaging Vaccines are on a straight comparison!
Ok! We do have an outside anomaly in that Covax decides which Vax for which Rwandan Age Group...
tbb only knows that 3/4 different vaxes are allocated to different age groups & switches with boosters!
That's about all things Vax for the here & now!
WHO are offering up their Wuhan Lab for a half decent half safe Vax...all know that!

We’ve had more than a few pro covid vax heroes try to convince us all to get whacked through the seatbelt analogy… from the highest levels of government to the lowest levels on this Swellnet forum.
This angle on it is particularly profound tbb.
‘Buckled up Vaxed driver rides & heats up brakes downhill > (Unvaxed / Unbelted Passenger bails out!)
Vaxed driver's weight transfer jams his belt tighter & smashes into one of them VIP Cruise Ship funerals’

shortenism is switched on...less about seatbelts (vs) Vax...all about Us!
One can apply the same Seatbelt (vs) Vax reasoning to rally the troops.
Sticking point being our Experts refuse to apply common sense!
We can intro a Surfing example by simply substituting Vax for Wax to reawaken our senses.
Once again...this sounds like the most dangerous option but impossibly rings true to yield results!
Grom buys a surfboard but no Hodad ever said he needed Wax or Legrope?
OMG! ( Let's hope public enemy #1 get's to die...surely! )
Can't swim! So each day he trained his body > Legs > feet to grip better with each session!
Logical natural comparison to training our Human Immune system...
Expert Hodad sold 2nd Grom a board & Leggie & told him to Wax up & sponsored him Cakes of Wax!
Expert forgot to inform Grom that with each Wax Job the grip wanes & becomes less effective!
Grom had a legrope as insurance so falling off was a laughing matter of Zero importance!
Logical natural comparison to Human waning efficacy...
The 2 Groms go head 2 head for the Summer Bay Goblet
Unwaxed Grom has trained his body to grip like a cat & never puts a foot wrong to soar over the VIPs.
Sprays Red Bull cordial over his Chiko Chix & Breaka Boyz!
Multi Wax Layered Grom keeps slipping off his giant bar of soap..."Tosses board & blames his Wax!"
Brat wiped out & must isolate high'n'dry without any stickerz.
Experts forgot to tell the Waxed Grom he needed a new Comb over for each new Wave of the Day!
Sounds familiar... tbb is not saying anything we don't inherently know!
Occasionally we lose sight of what's essential & we lose our way.
Don't need to share what is painfully obvious...dream up yer own ending!


Been watching the Commonwealth games and started thinking shouldn't we be seeing athletes peeling off left right and centre from Vax related problems even some deaths.

Jeez Snuffy Smith you're right, that little anti vax trope fell flat on its face, forgotten about and washed away like footprints on the beach.

A couple of competitors have died, BUT, big pharma in conjunction with secret govt departments are controlling the media. They are not showing the truth…it’s a total coverup.
It is……..Extremely disturbing stuff.

July : NZ redefined Deaths from with Covid to from Covid...
This was meant to peg Deaths beneath former Omicron Wave Peak.
(re: tbb said Good luck with that!) > Oz / States also massaged data to hover beneath Omicron.
No matter what, both OZ / NZ are sadly posting Record deaths...crew sends best to all families.
tbb also reported on NZ boosted Dashboard being ripped out & locked in the boot.
So! We got these Hospital Stats to go with...even they had % lopped off as they started to climb.
Clearly OZ/NZ are under the pump to stall their Booster shame below record rising data.
(That's 3 Sticky Censorships for NZ in just one month > '4 actually'... losing count!) Oz the same!
NZ Sticky Wave [Start] 20th June > [ Peak ] 22nd July (re: Case Data)
Salute Daily NZ Hospital (Peak Patient) Ward Data
No Vax [ Low 27th June ] 31 (14%) > [ Peak 29th July ] 69 (13.2%)
1 dose [ Low 20th June ] 1 (.5%) > [ Peak 30th July ] 6 (1.3%)
2 dose [ Low 20th June ] 37 (16%) > [ Peak 11th July ] 82 (17.7% Patients)
3/4 dose [ Low 20th June ] 150 (67%) > [ Peak 22nd July ] 425 ( 84%)
Patient Ward ( 'Low < % > Peak' ) Efficacy Chart
No Vax 17% > 11% ( 6% Patient Drop in 30 days ) to be 6.83 beneath Unvaxed Pop 17.83%
Both World & Unvaxed data proves "Sticky" is not a concern to anyone but the highly Vaccinated.
In fact...Unvaxed patients keep healing & saving more each Wave! All can see this every time!
1 dose .4% > 6% ( 5.6% Patients slowly peak over 38 days )
2 dose 16% > 17.7% ( 1.7% Patients peak at steady pace over 33 days )
Boosters 63% > 84% ( 21% Patients peak in just 23 days) or 32.9% above Booster Pop = 51.1%
Vax ward chart shows a reduced Peak virulent efficacy with each prescribed dose of Vax
Result is clear > What now takes 1 month for a Vax Crisis would Bomb us in just 2 weeks!
Nsw Health already shows 4th dose filling Wards faster than 3 doses.
Any future 5th dose would see VIPs fill Hospitals in under 2 weeks > 6th dose = 1 week (full)
The more NZ Mass vaxes the faster / larger / cost blowout each Mass Vaxed Health Crisis.
If Crew give the NZ VIP Ward Chart a clean bill of health... then yer free to spend the night there!

Stok wrote:Jeez Snuffy Smith you're right, that little anti vax trope fell flat on its face, forgotten about and washed away like footprints on the beach.
Making fun of people that have had real vaccine injuries?
Showing your true colours Stok. You’re a germ

Geert sussed out that VIPs being infected prior to vaccination may retain part innate memory.
Nations primed with pre rollout outbreaks as far along as Delta have better natural defences.
This is starting to show in the data!
On the flip...nations with lesser pre rollout outbreaks then > Mass Vax have less innate immunity.
tbb just shared these Top 10 crisis nations with increasing waves of Hospitalizations > Deaths.
[factcheck] Geert's theory...
True! These similar early less infected pre vax Nations share largest rising repeat infections.
These poor bastards never got to train their innate immune systems prior to Borg assimilation.
They can't recognise the Virus & Vax can't neutralize reservoirs for next breakthru crisis.
Just noting that Mass EU / American Vaxers still suffer but less so on increasing record scale.
Clearly as many can still innately recognize the virus...if only just enough to matter!
Upon review...Geert's astute observation rings true.
Further example of this being Oz recent BA 4/5 Sticky wave...
Early heavier infected NSW / Vic copped a Delta Wave whilst being low/part Vaxed
All recall Glad'/ Dan's broken record that Delta hesitants were #1 infection source.
These formerly infected Hesitants are today lowering post Vax infection / Hospitalization rates.
All can see that both these High Vaxed Oz states managed to curb BA.4/5 Hospitalizations.
Whereas least pre infected Qld / SA / WA / Tas / ACT ... broke Hospital Records in no time.
Oz experts lazily & falsely claim that low Booster rates are to blame...(We can check that...)
Record Hospitalization WA > ACT > SA > Tas all have higher Booster Rates than NSW / Vic.
Can we now toss out the HMV dusty broken record collection...Yawn!
For the 100th time...Geert is well ahead on Pandemic observations & predictions!
For the 1,000th time Experts feed us more shit!

Joe Biden - 4 jabs caught covid. Treated with anti viral drugs, now caught covid again! hahahahahahaha

burleigh wrote:Joe Biden - 4 jabs caught covid. Treated with anti viral drugs, now caught covid again! hahahahahahaha
The vaccinations don't stop you getting Covid mate. They do help stop long covid and death though. If you are elderly, which is effectively a co-morbidity for Covid, you are inviting problems if you don't vaccinate.

burzum wrote:burleigh wrote:Joe Biden - 4 jabs caught covid. Treated with anti viral drugs, now caught covid again! hahahahahahaha
The vaccinations don't stop you getting Covid mate. They do help stop long covid and death though. If you are elderly, which is effectively a co-morbidity for Covid, you are inviting problems if you don't vaccinate.
Got any proof of that? Or you just going off what the media tell you?
Remember it wasnt very long ago when they told you the vaccine stops you getting Covid. Joe Biden even said it himself

Burleigh, do you have the capacity to understand 'reduces risk' vs 'stop'?
There may have been some media outlets, months ago, years ago even maybe, that said something along the lines of getting vaccinated is your best hope to stop you getting covid. It seems the anti vax portion of your brain anchored on to this point hard!
I've never seen anyone/group/organisation claim it stops infections. Just clowns like you who - surprise surprise - 'went off what the media tell you' - and have stuck with the line that apparently 'THEY' said the vaccinations will stop you getting covid!
All rational people, i.e. the 95%+ of people who got vaccinated, understood it would reduce the risks only, not stop. Reduce the likelihood of getting infected, not stop. Reduce the severity of infection, not stop. Reduce the likelihood of passing it on, not stop. A reduction in risk for essentially no cost (other than a sore arm and mild tiredness) is worth it, unless you're a idiot who would rather live in the dark ages prior to medicine.
Got back to clown college.

"...There may have been some media outlets..."
you are very kind...

kind of funny...

Stok wrote:Burleigh, do you have the capacity to understand 'reduces risk' vs 'stop'?
There may have been some media outlets, months ago, years ago even maybe, that said something along the lines of getting vaccinated is your best hope to stop you getting covid. It seems the anti vax portion of your brain anchored on to this point hard!
I've never seen anyone/group/organisation claim it stops infections. Just clowns like you who - surprise surprise - 'went off what the media tell you' - and have stuck with the line that apparently 'THEY' said the vaccinations will stop you getting covid!
All rational people, i.e. the 95%+ of people who got vaccinated, understood it would reduce the risks only, not stop. Reduce the likelihood of getting infected, not stop. Reduce the severity of infection, not stop. Reduce the likelihood of passing it on, not stop. A reduction in risk for essentially no cost (other than a sore arm and mild tiredness) is worth it, unless you're a idiot who would rather live in the dark ages prior to medicine.
Got back to clown college.
Lol you are a fool.

sypkan wrote:kind of funny...

ADF lowers it's Covid Shield for a strategic withdrawal.
PM ordered the Lt General to cease fire...lay down yer arms.
The last shot has been fired.
{R.I.P} Rollout Taskforce
PM pulled the pin on Covid Shield due to record wave of hesitancy sweeping Vaccinated Aussies.
Vax Taskforce Covid Shield
{ Born 8th June 2021 - Died 1st Aug 2022 }

"He said in a speech to the Australian Medical Association national conference on Saturday that vaccine rates for third doses “have just stalled to quite an alarming extent” among those who received their booster more than six months ago, despite a government information campaign.
“There are about five million Australians who effectively have tapped out of the vaccine program,” he said."
that's quite a turnaround...
I'd love to know people's reasoning
they don't trust the vaccines?
they just think they are useless?
both perfectly rational responses given certain numbers and the amazingly stupid (mis)information campaign...
this has to be the biggest fuck up in public messaging ever
a litany of fuck ups actually, not just the messaging

"I'd love to know people's reasoning"
risk benefit.

bonza wrote:"I'd love to know people's reasoning"
risk benefit.
I think the reasons are varied and numerous . It’s such a weird virus in how differently it effects individuals, young or old , healthy or otherwise. The same goes for the vaccines, some have no reaction what so ever and others get flogged and swear never again . Some have had malaria or shingles reoccurring after a jab , I personally got the worse throat infection I’ve had in decades 4 days after first shot . With the latest varients easily getting around the vax , maybe people just think what’s the point ?

bonza wrote:"I'd love to know people's reasoning"
risk benefit.
yep, pretty much just that
and supa's more in depth little break down
hard to believe it was public acceptable to call people all sorts of things for that position just 6 - 12 months ago...
and look at those numbers now
the world truly went quite nutty for a while there

Yes burleigh...if we're meant to follow the scientific data then...
Hospital waves vary by size & rate of Infectious Peaks, being less reliable to predict the next wave!
Sure! Occasionally if a nation has predictable wane / Test patterns then it will scale up uniformly.
(See below)
But! Big But! Wouldn't be right for tbb to withhold any hint of any near rapid onset Health crisis!
If one was to rule a straight line thru all the last 4 waves (base level) of Oz Hospital Patient Data...
All instantly notice that each Hospital Crisis base starts from an alarmingly measured higher peak.
Example Delta Base 15 > Omicron Base 500 > BA.2 Base 1,700 > BA.4/5 > 2,500
There is no relief...Oz lives forever with high to higher Vaxed Hospital confirms this!
Currently 5,000/day > We can assume that the next Hospital Crisis will kick in at (3,500 - 4,000)
Oz has about 3 weeks to prop up our Frontline to gear up for next waning VIP Hospital Crisis.
But hold on! Surely this is just an Oz anomaly or some weird arse data glitch? Please be so!
tbb does wanna say it's one of those! (All in this together!) Families / crew as one!
No one is saying that a 5th wave of Data has to climb in scale from the 1/2/3/4...
tbb is just pointing out the obvious in order to best prepare with our now smaller window closing faster!
(From Above)
Japan is currently fighting their 7th wave of precision escalating Health Crisis...(Frightfully real deal!)
Not sure what bigger example or wot branded tattoo on our foreheads we need!
Surely tbb has scripted some sorta happy ending...well durr!
There is a best case scenario model should a VIP wedge his {Gold Pass} in the doomsday escalator.
No need to be an expert to predict or compare Nation's of post vax infections for Lower range Crisis.
Oz best crisis kicks in around (50%) 2,750 Patients/day or an extra month to mid late Sept.
Just saying...there is no end to what we do together...forever!

burleigh wrote:
Never trust a bearded scientist. Let alone two….

How good is Desantis. Next USA president?

burleigh wrote:How good is Desantis. Next USA president?
For USA's sake i hope so.

worldometer ~ Pandemic of the Mass Experts
(New Cases) 375,357 / 403,375 or just 4x4 Highly Vaxed nations are currently infecting 93% of the planet
All the experts are cheering it on...amore!
(81%) #1 Japan 231,597 (88%) #2 South Korea 107,849 (87%) #3 Australia 29,479 (86%) #5 NZ 6,432
(New Deaths) 315/479 or just 4x4 Highly vaxed nations killing off 66% of the planet
(81%) #1 Japan 157 (88%) #2 South Korea 34 (87%) #3 Australia 77 (86%) #5 NZ 47
This is the most horrific longest international mass poisoning & killing in the History of our World...
Please end the expert's mass cull of the human race.

Yep and now the monkey pox vaccine! So if you are following advice of the good doctor as of today you’ve had 4 covid shots, a couple of flu shots and now a monkey pox shot.. how many of them I wonder.. that’s a lot of shots. No wonder ppls systems are fkd and we’re creating consistent and persistent dis-ease. You don’t have to be Einsten to see it. So you do have to wonder what the end game is.

No wondering…. ;)
Do as you are told ;)
Don’t question.
They call it ‘democracy’ ;);)
Hard to define tho … really
Kinda like ‘recession’ or ‘dementia’ or ‘sovereign’ or ‘illegal’ ;);)
When there is an elite ruling class and enough sheep then you can make shit up as you go, never be accountable and then blame others when things don’t add up or turn out as planned ;);)
If you enjoy raw instability and have a penchant for progress via state controlled propaganda then we are living in a pure dystopian dream ;);)
Grab your organic popcorn, explore all 72 genders and strap in with your electric strap on and paint a rainbow ;)
Everything will be just fine ;);)
And… put ya mask on while eating…

Just last week articles were circulating that the science had been settled and covid had a natural origin and didn’t come from a lab leak . Then this article pops up from a far left magazine .

Aside from Monkey Pox deadly effect it can render many blind.
Fatality rate is high 0-11% (kids) > 3-6% current & general
In Africa for Over 50 years thru 11 countries "Largest Outbreak" 200-500 cases > 3 deaths
Noting that Africans host a plethora of pet parasites that can ward off new invaders...
Meaning these low end stats will likely play out larger in Modern Nations.
1970 > 2003 Out of Africa > Monkeypox via Rats infecting US pet Prairie Dogs infecting 70 humans.
2018 -2022 Recent African outbreaks > Israel > US > Singapore
13th May 2022 UK ( Current Outbreak ) Initially one family then UK sex clinics.
22nd May Belgium Mandates 3 week Quarantine for Monkey Pox cases
22nd July WHO declares Global Health Emergency 70 days from o/s outbreak
Mandated Prisons / Armies Vax are in the mix for Monkeypox outbreaks
28th July Oz "National Significance" Monkeypox cases = 58
Australia Monkeypox 2022 Vaccines 100,000 doses + 2023 Vaccines 350,000 doses
Again...these Mass Vaxes maybe bound for Male Prison populations.
5th Aug World 26,500 in (80 countries in 70 days)
The National infection rate is lower than Covid but the spread across the World is no less...Huh?
Yep! One of those! We gotta work out why such anomaly exists & we can measure such!
{Recent Waves of global infection spreading timelines ... swellnet exclusive}
Each nation of viral origin differs greatly but world transit is the one great leveller.
Interesting to see how similar each wave spreads...tbb never knew or sought to unveil this aspect.
WHO declared global emergency 58 days from o/s Covid oubreak (re: WHO Monkeypox above 70 days!)
Wuhan Covid 13th Jan - 6th Feb 2020 - 26,500 cases in (24 days) Date was chosen to compare above!
13th Jan- 3rd March 2020
(60 countries in 50 days)
Delta Mid April-1st June 2021
(62 countries in 47 days) > (80 countries in 61 days) > (104 countries in 80 days)
Omicron 19th Nov-15th Dec 2021
(71 countries in 26 days) Likely reflects en mass Xmas Peak Holiday outbound anomaly?
BA.2 - 23rd Dec 2021 - 2nd Feb 2022
(57 countries in 41 days) Likely reflects the staggered Peak holiday return trips.
Monkeypox (Above)
13th May 2022 - 5th Aug 2022
(80 countries in 70 days)
Crew can debate if o/s Transit Peaks dictate the Global infection rates above the type of virus.
Certainly looks as if Transit decides who gets what & when in similar time frame.
Easy to argue that Omicron spread at record speed with record Xmas Transit Waves.
Mostly as BA.2 was meant to be more infectious but took longer to spread globally during off peak!
Exactly! There's lot of devil in the detail that experts aren't sharing or not even considering!
Hence experts will ever record super fast spreading waves during super fast record transit waves.
Certainly should be considered #1 reason for Fastest spreading Wave...therefore #1 Science!
Mostly because all other Waves are similar...really interesting exercise though, as it is still relevant!
All see monkeypox spreading as fast as Covid...all have read, this also caught many experts off guard.
We could be willfully ignoring Transit as #1 mover of infectiousness above the virus itself.
Simple examination of Pacific Routes with current outbreaks also allude to this.
(NZ < > Oz) + (Japan < > South Korea) These are Sister Nations with dual outbreaks!
These High Vaxed VIP nations may very well be repeatedly infecting one another in loop patterns?
Something so simple as that is easily overlooked...possibly until now!

udo wrote:
A Dr not prone to irrational outbursts. Apparently some of his patients (just his patients, no one else's) are ejaculating blood after getting vaxed….seems legit.

Roadkill wrote:udo wrote: Dr not prone to irrational outbursts. Apparently some of his patients (just his patients, no one else's) are ejaculating blood after getting vaxed….seems legit.
You act like he’s the only Australian doctor standing up against these vaccines.
These doctors are on YOUR side toady. Your 3 vaccines didn’t protect you at all.
Maybe you should question why, and why they are pushing a 4th + kids still

Ummmmmmm maybe the vaccine you jammed into everybody?

Interesting logic Burleigh.

At times like this I think it’s certainly best not to look for any context nor to keep a level head.
On the contrary, jumping to conclusions that support your ideology is certainly the best course of action.

When you ask for context you must mean previous examples of the industry responsible for the vaccines displaying its repeated oversight of basic humanity in pursuit of profit?

Or are you looking for evidence of the egregious behaviour routinely shown by the corrupted authority which wholly and solely created the impetus for global acceptance of the vaccines?

burleigh and logic, does not go together.
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..