Airwave inflatable reef

Thanx Ash! November is pretty soon in today's timeline of Artificial breaks.
Swellnet has a couple of sites for 'Airwave' & just about every other wave .
No harm to link the other sites onto your updated site...
2014 Air Wave Artificial Reef by Indo-Dreaming
2018 Artificial Reef - Airwave by Simba
2019 Airwave Inflatable Reef by Ash....(here)
link to recent (Save Stockton Beach)
link to above said MS Interview...thanx a lot Ash for the excellent update...

19th September 2019 , South Western Times (Trades & Services-Page 25)
City of Bunbury (Tender)
Supply & installation of ... .... tbb can only say Council has activated Airwave trial
The ad has a lot of detail but Press Reader 'zoom' can't frame the fine print...
Please: South Western Times/Press Reader subscribers...(Day/date above)
Spare a copy of the complete Airwave tender & share project description. Cheers!

Airwave's new cool website includes [News Archive] +[FAQS] + [surfcam...soon]

The truth is out there!

I rode a novetly wave that was marginal at best on the weekend, and it was 2x as long as that thing!
Only value was that I had it to myself, sitting at the bottom of a big cliff with just me and the reef.


Of my novetly wave?

If it’s not too revealing, definitely.

Sure, was fun on my fishy twin, sucky shallow take off that goes fat quick for a few cutties, or if a wide grower better turns that ran into this inside of the bay. Fun when everywhere else was poor and because I had it to myself and could pick the best ones.

A solo session is already a cut above.
Looks like a good time.

factotum blew out his social credit when hijacking the "Helloworld Medivac"
So the crew are escaping in that pod...How much for a window seat

ABC local radio asked for potential names for the new 'spot' (in the spirit of other spots like The Womb and The Box they mentioned).
Some responses:
"It's Bunbury aka The Butt Plug?"
"The 8 ball"
"Hep B...for Bunbury"
"The Colostomy Bag"
"Bunbury (crack) Pipe"

"SWE" - Shortest Wave Ever

tbb's big brother is larger than life in Bunbury > Fitzys .
Airwave sits at Back beach up to Rocky Beach up to The Groyne
tbb tributes the (Bunbury Backwash Boogerz) with two local Names!
1) 'The Bunny Hop'
2) "Cannonball"
Here's the Pounding that the Airwave will cop!

Naming Rights. see factotum photo of (Bunbury Naming)
Council's $75k kicker buys exclusive City Branding
Also exclusive World rights to any installations up to 24 months.
Aunty waded in over her head, wanting 2 bob a day to name a watchamacallit.
Reef's ongoing identity crisis keeps triggering the Beach Buoy's alarm bells
2013 Bunbury Artificial Reef sits 4km directly offshore
2019 Bunbury Artificial Reef II sits 4km out offshore
2019/20 Bunbury Artificial Reef sits 40m offshore
Reefer Madness it is!

Was made offshore now in Australia..

Ash thinks tbb knows a secret about WA Artificial Surf Reefs.
Since you asked so nicely...tbb has been camping on a WA Reef & it did rain today!
Recent Reef proposal is meant to be half baked or something but it is the real deal!
This year WA State Govt did actually do a feasibility study into a Surf Reef...(Huh?)
Only problem being this WA Reef is at Spot X....
Although tbb can happily wave you onto your own www swellnet surfing safari...
If you should bump into Spot X Artificial Surf Reef, you'll know what not to do!
Earlier Reef Proposal..

13 Nov 2019 Worlds first Artificial Surf Reef only weeks away.
Install (3 weeks away)
28/Nov/2019 South Western Times (Short article-full transcript.)
Delay on Artificial Reef install.
The Airwave artificial Surf Reef has arrived in WA.
However there is a slight delay, according to the City of Bunbury.
It is expected the smoother summer sand pattern will allow for a Back Beach install in mid-December.
Hold Up! Waiting for smaller swell & tides to smooth out ridged winter banks!
New install date (Summer bank + Least Tides- range - 16th-22nd Dec)
Bunbury 3 day Surf forecast courtesy swellnet + pro
Note: Bunbury Winds may delay install more so than surf height!
pressreader only links every other time...(Still good / re: same as above anyhow!)

Ok, so the location is 33°19'39.39"S 115°37'42.69"E give or take a couple of metres. Or, look on Google earth or maps and find the Surf Life Saving Club on Ocean Drive and it's directly off the small building (toilet block) at the south end of the club building.
Current activities has the beach fenced off with temporary fencing and what looks like a large portable slurry pump with a bunch of hoses ready for filling the bladder.
Bit of a concern that some people think its going to be full of air ?? whereas logically it must be filled with slurry / sand. There is a lot of expertise & hardware locally due to decades of slurry handling in the mineral sands industry.
Otherwise the location is a bit of head scratcher. At the beginning of winter while Bunbury still has straight sandbanks left over from summer, the north-westerly swells ( the same swell events that produce epic sessions at the north end of Injidup Beach ) produce point-break like right-hander sessions right through that spot. Obviously this will disturb that bank, and who knows what the result will be?
Its also right on the southern boundary of the surf club activities, = just an unnecessary conflict of beach uses.
I wouldnt have chosen it.
I was a local City Councillor for 4 years from 2007 and I was trying to progress a multi-purpose reef. The ducks just werent going to be lined up and I realised there were too many strong forces working against the concept. And I honestly couldnt point to a built reef as an example that was anywhere near successful. Globally there were some complete failures. A serious bout of Ross River Virus put me on my arse and I had to walk away from Council, but during that process I realised that if a reef project were to proceed it needed to be sold as a trial project so needed to be small scale, relatively close to the beach ie: 50 metres max from summer high tide line, environmentally inert, and removeable. This project ticks all those boxes.
And, there are several locations that presently had good beach access from a carpark, no existing recreational activities and that would benefit from having a structure that would potentially have a nearshore sand aggregating effect.
Anyway, this project is small scale in a small scale surf environment so it's an ideal trial I reckon. You have to start somewhere.

(7th Dec 2019)
Fantastic local insight Noel...crew wish you good health...
tbb has visited the beach here but knows very little...
1915 Surf Cub is the swell magnet that centres the Tourism Precinct.
Airwave needs 2 days set up & access in Southern part of Tourism Hub.
Presumably sited for beach access + not to interfere with prime tourism ventures.
Outsiders can see why location fits the bill but can't guess the local issues.
Photos + Google show Noel's righthander at southern hub of swell magnet.
Noel's right hugs small gutter so small Reef right might fade but kick in big swell.
It seems certain that the Reef's left break will run wide across into the Flags.
Noel can maybe share how much is council's doing as to SLSC inaction.
Important to hear of local Noel's take on before & after... (Also SLSC angle!)
Being so close to shore may curb any lead inside erosion as with GC reefs.
As Noel said it's an unusual maybe risky place for a trial...
Potential erosion of #1 Beach + Surf Boards in flags smack bang in Tourist Precinct.
Perhaps Surf Club & Council are sharing Airwave Cam as Precinct Patrol Cam.
Council did advertise for Reef Cam... Not Airwave or SLSC so Council chose site.
Noel! This Multi Purpose Reef (Bunbury has 2 reefs already)
So we're guessing inshore Reefs must be more things to more people.
Is it possible the Reef "Bunbury" Logo, doubles as a Tourism Heart PROMO
Perhaps Camera default centres on 'Bunbury' Logo in mostly calm clear seas.
Bit like an old school Water Tower naming above the town?
As Noel says..perhaps this Reef is to play a leading role in another sense.
(12th Dec 2019) Postscript reference to this comment.
15 Nov 2019 Tracks article:
Council view Airwave as a way to stimulate surf commerce as to (Margs')
Wanting the world to know in no uncertain terms they have the Airwave.
Surf Cam is State of the art "Hard Wired" (One of the best in the world!)
Meaning the Web Cam is hard wired to the Surf Club - Tourism Precinct
Hard wired cam now explains why Airwave is banked tight with the Surf Club
Logo is as big as biggest Panel affords with best cam to view > [ BUNBURY ] <

Cheers TBB. Bunbury is a near-shore surf environment, no decent reefs, inconsistent sandbanks, less swell than down south and drops off to deep water quickly. The description 'almost coast' suits it well. Lots of "if only"s...
I dont have any inside knowledge of this project so cant confirm how far from the beach they plan to put it.
We will probably know shortly though.

[ATTENTION] Airwavers
9th Dec 2019 Installation Begins
Open Date: This Weekend
Airwave action starts Sat 14th - Sun 15th December 2019
Bunbury Airwave Surf Forecast by swellnet
Live Cam
Punk Theme Song ~(Sorry! No Choice..Let's Rock 1234)
Ramones: "We Want the Aiwaves"
+ Bonus New Mag...
Raised Water Research "Glam (Surf Reef/WavePool) Mag" (featuring Airwave).
Why does this Site look familiar?
Heaps of cool nerdy stats along the same lines of other Wave Pool research sites.
re: Surf Park Central / Wave Pool Mag / Australian Leisure Management / Parkz
Airwave [f] Dec 9-11
Crew thanks Goodearthsurf for sharing Airwave installation photos.
9 Dec...Airwave Sunbaking
10 Dec...Beach Boys Toyz 4 The Beach Buoys
11 Dec...Airwave hits the shorie & calls for a Towie.

Rock solid Ramones reference, TBB.

I've got business that neck of the woods today. Maybe go for a gander.

Just went past and had a look.
From what I could see with the crew's activities on the beach I'm pretty certain they are getting punished by the sand slurry pumping gremlins. Bladder seems to be partially filled. One of the support divers was standing on it and the water was up to his waist. bloody hot work though, high 30s here now. 2pm.

14 Dec 2019 - The West Australian via (pressreader)
'Riding a Wave of optimism' (Full Script)
The South West is now home to a world-first artificial reef.
The Airwave, 'installed' at Bunbury's Back Beach, mimics a surf reef's shallow leading edge, lifting, peaking and hollowing to create a concave tapered wave that peels across the inshore water.
City of Bunbury CEO Mal Osbourne said a lot of hard work had gone into getting the structure into the ocean. (See above tbb [f] post diary...11 Dec)
"There has been genuine interest, with people standing at the beach watching the progress throughout the week, which has been great to see," he said.
"It's been an exciting project...and we are confident this first trial will be successful for all involved.
"This is not just about bringing people to Bunbury, this is as much for our own community to be able to surf and take their kids down after school or work to enjoy."

She fucked already...seam on the bag split...oh no !!

"We had a lot of undertow — a new swell came through that was a very deep swell that we weren't planning on, and it was pushing the undertow through the line-up," Mr Bottegal said.
Interesting explanation!
If it cant handle a sub 1m swell at 13 sec im not sure its going to work

Yea lampy it seems a bit gimmicky.
Kinda hope it works but to me it seems as functional as a motorised fin on your surfboard.

Hmmm. I wasn't forecasting for this region, but Craig's notes from last week suggest a couple of swells in the 5-6ft range across the Margs coast - a pretty average size for this region (and of course, surf size would have been a lot smaller in Bunbury). Wonder how it'd handle a proper groundswell event with periods in excess of 18-20 seconds?

Bunbury port has some swell buoys. Buoy 3 is a good one to reference. It is slightly sheltered but gives a good indication of the swell in the area.

The aerial shot shows how close to the shore it is.

what a hoax ,was never going to work/last imo,should have spent the money on something more permanent.......going to super glue it together..hahaha..feel for the guy whos idea it is but its so much like that other thing they put out off Ballina a few years ago.......its was probably made in china....warranty?......

Here's the tear.

Above timeline shots of install are abit-howya-goin.
[f] Dec 11 (Airwave is attached securely to Buoyed frame).
[-3:29...-3:25] Bobcat releases chain but frame/Buoy get caught on Tracks.
Bobcat revs & spins tracks to free Frame possibly pinching the Airwave.
Both weighted double hard drop & skidding of tracks has interfered.
Hindsight! Maybe Check at this Point!
[-3:20] Signal to Boat
[-2:35] Airwave is taking water (re: Bobcat side)
[-2:20] Airwave is sinking & Boat revs but can't budge it, so cuts engine
Despite this missing sequence ...we can assume damage was done onshore.
Clearly the incident with Bobcat will be closely examined...
We also see Heavy frame bar dragged across Airwave by other 2 operators
Goodearthsurf Dec 11... shows a float pipeline to damaged side of Airwave.
Seemingly to refloat the Airwave...only then verifying the split.
The buoyant edge is secured to boat with underside straps
Next photos (Above)
Aerial Photo of Project completed with Airwave resting 45m out from low tide.
Underwater Photo shows said open seam... re: Video may shed light on that!
Local comments all pledged Bunbury bogan spear-fishers would beat them to it.
Day 1 or Day 2 puncture...were the only bets in town.
tbb was ready to blame NBN for freeze framing world's best Surfcam
[fact check] Weekend- Bunbury was blanketed in very heavy smoke.
Same eitherway, as all recent wave pools ruptured their lining.
No loss of town water & no flooding the neighbourhood is a bonus
Easily twice as successful as CyberTruck Launch.
All in all for 2019 this counts as a big time win...Get a trophy for that!
Crew send sillyseasonings to all concerned...Hang Ten Bunbury.

17th Dec "The West Australian" (Not all swell with Airwave)
17th Dec (Triple M Podcast with Troy)
Airwave is fallible during free float but robust when anchored.
Jan-Feb 2020 was the initial install date. (Winter test trial)
Bunbury Council wish for 4 Airwaves to create iconic Surfers Destination.
Wed 18th Dec (Today) Divers will inspect Airwave Damage.
Troy wears the cost (Council's baby from 1 month operational)
Note Bunbury is well provided with expert boat & dive operations.
Possible that mates of mates could limit the financial burden & provide solution.
No insurance for something so out there!
Apparently there is a contingency built into deal for replacement in such an event.
Note that the blame is fast drifting toward 'natural causes'...
New Install date:
Mid Feb 2020 ( 'Airwave 2' ) Should that need arise.

A fin chop or a board nose pierce on a new bladder and its all over

Or a territorial pufferfish.

The Bladder makers are supposedly internationally certified leaders in there field.
Stu have you heard of this ( ) before? MS has an article on it and its inventor Troy Bottegal who plans to trial it in November at Bunbury WA.
I'm dreaming that it can create waves like the photo MS added into the interview, but I'll have to wait till Nov.