Rotterdam builds wave pool in CBD

thebeard's picture
thebeard started the topic in Thursday, 24 Apr 2014 at 11:51am

Came across this initiative by Edwin van Viegen. He campaigned for a wave pool in Rotterdam CBD, the Netherlands and seems to gotten approval from local authorities. More about the project here: (in Dutch unfortunately, but using google translate would give you some idea). Imagine that happening in Brisbane or Melbourne. You'll have comps by the Yarra River Board Riders Club. Pretty innovative people, these Dutchies.

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Thursday, 24 Apr 2014 at 12:54pm

it's gotta be voted on in the "city initiaitve"on 11 June, results announced 10 July.

On another note, what about a 'wedgepool', push a wave against the wall, and another along the wall???

thebeard's picture
thebeard's picture
thebeard Thursday, 24 Apr 2014 at 2:02pm

Thanks Mitchvg, sounds like you know more about this. What I find interesting is that these guys look beyond the actual technology of a wave pool and think about the application. If I'm right, they're planning to build a wave generator in a canal between to walls, in city center. Is that what you mean by "wedgepool". That's just mind boggling. It's going to take some damn fine engineering to make this a success.
I've been to the Technical University in Delft a couple a years ago and visited the wave lab. Huge! Some interesting experiments they were running back then. One of them was to estimate the impact of some island they were going to create in the North Sea. Can't quite recall the name of it but something with Maas in it. Guess if anybody is going to be successful in building a wave pool in a natural environment, it's gotta be the Dutch.

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Thursday, 24 Apr 2014 at 2:12pm

No worries octobeard, I'll watch again tonight and translate :)

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Saturday, 26 Apr 2014 at 4:36pm

1st guy: water will be filtered & wave generator will be behind him. It's exciting!
2nd: Wave (golf. Pronounced gholl-eff) will be 1.5m. "really heavy first section", then mellows for beginners. Actually will be a nice outdoors lap pool too.
3rd: Building a beach house in the middle, where the wave will be travelling towards you while sitting down with a cup of coffee. It's gonna be like a festival!
4th: They've got together a bunch of experts so that all Rotterdamers can enjoy the spectacle in the middle of the city.
5th: In english
6th: For everyone. Changable height.
7th: Safe
8th: a successful project often needs to be specialised, interesting and have a bit of weight to it. Also, be well integrated into the city and setting. It's unique. It bites at the opportunity (City Initiative). It's got the local flavour & it's spectacular. It's like an incubator project which can stimulate many social & public functions.
9th: Pond water...but there's change coming!
girl: and I'm the first, vote for RiF010 too

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Saturday, 26 Apr 2014 at 4:20pm
thebeard wrote:

If I'm right, they're planning to build a wave generator in a canal between to walls, in city center. Is that what you mean by "wedgepool". That's just mind boggling. It's going to take some damn fine engineering to make this a success.

That's right.

When I mentioned "wedgepool" though, I had the shape of the wave in mind. Imagine several peaks, double the height and punch. If you assume most of the customers will be 1/2 decent surfers (if one were set up 1/2way between Brissy and GC), you might be able to say...
1 wave generator = 1 wave per 10secs with 1 surfer per wave. Everyone has to line up.
2 wave generators: 1 groundswell wave and 2 windswell waves per 14secs.
forms peaky wedges.
Surfers dissipate like a beach break. Some getting reforms.
I don't know how to do the math, but would that result in more waves surfed???? And would it be worth the extra cost?

But yes this pool does look like a wedge, and multi purpose at one time!

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Saturday, 26 Apr 2014 at 4:25pm

Lucky you though, every surfer must have created an image in their head about wave mechanics, you got to see it in a controlled environment!

thebeard's picture
thebeard's picture
thebeard Tuesday, 29 Apr 2014 at 2:39pm

Wow Mitch, thanks for translating! I'm no expert, but it sounds to me like they're trying to fit in too many purposes in one. But if they get this done, I'm pretty sure it will be a success money-wise. Especially if they're creating some retail and pubs/bars/restaurant around it. Must be freezing though in winter time. Was just looking at the air temps for Jan-March: time to buy some neoprene! Now there's a business idea! One of my mates is originally from Holland and showed me videos of Scheveningen. Howling on shores, snow and an air temp of 4 dgrs Celcius: and still groms out having a ball. Pretty humbling as I can be picky when it comes to weather and swell conditions.

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Wednesday, 11 Nov 2015 at 10:19pm

Looks like the wave pool in Rotterdam is going ahead!

thebeard's picture
thebeard's picture
thebeard Thursday, 12 Nov 2015 at 9:14am

Thanks Mitch! From what I was told by a DutchyI ran into a while ago, the water seems to be polluted. Wonder how they're going toe resolve that. But geee, what an interesting project;. What if those Dutchies turn out to be just as good at buidling wavepools as they are in engineering stopbanks!

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Thursday, 12 Nov 2015 at 10:41am

The Dutch know how to make the biggest man made wave - Delta Flume.

thebeard's picture
thebeard's picture
thebeard Thursday, 12 Nov 2015 at 10:50am

Ha Udo! Just googled it. No point bringing my mal I guess

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 1:20pm

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