Glass House Mountains / Surf Parks Australia

Victoria is World Wave Pool Capital with (9) wavepools
Sunny Coast is World Wave Pool proposal Capital with (7)...(*Approved)
2000 Surfing World / 2004 Adventura / 2014 *Actventure / 2019 SurfLakes (Licence) /
2019 Blue Heart Attack / 2020 Bain Manor / 2020 Project Urban.
The last two Wave Pools being by AWM...(re Waco / WA Surfhouse / Hawkesbury)
1999 Sunny Coast site was approved for a Tourist Venture ( Positive! )
The site is closer to Brisbane than Noosa > (Actventure Wavepool is 20km north)
Moby Vics Povesi is Tradie Smoko / Truck Stop Coffee Capital + Few touros here.
The area is iconic for Traffic Jams (re: Dual Pit Stops)
Site shadows Wild Horse's big Wed' paddle in. (re: Glass Mountains' Legend)
13.43H 520m Hwy / 265m Johnston Road (Half of Pineapple Plantation stays)
See Plan above...for following...
The entry hugs West side > Nth > East around the Plantation > 110 [P] lot. Entry.
Shuttle Buses are shown with Loop > Possibly [L] Corp groups or Rail connect.
Rail/Bus rules out earlybird sessions + long way for Gromz or Locals to sneak one.
Times- am CBD pamper > Midday Kombi Backpackerz > pm Tradies > w/e Brizzos.
Water Supply / Pools
Spring Fed Dam can be topped up by main...Runoff possibly into Coonowrin Ck?)
Wave Pool 315m x 92m (28,980m2) Bigger than like Hawkesbury & Japan pools.
Pool breaks both L&R in unison (see Plan) so rides may be shorter not longer.
(Unsure if this pool can run a 2x full length extra long Waco type ride?) Be Cool!
Waco + Japan are reversible breakwall / Hawkesbury is a reforming A frame.
Project Urban is dual breakwall splitting L/R wave direction in unison.
Nearby Actventure (Endless Summer) does same, further splitting into A Frames.
(Quality) AMW 20 capacity can better compete with soon Bne Wavegarden 40 cap
Head High Hollow Waves that keep size & power longer.
Note: There is also a Bikini Model's Pool in N/E corner.(see images)
Entry image shows no turnstyle, but a free flow to an inside peek a boo.
See next photo set & Trendies Queue for a Table not Swim / Surf...(But like a Club)
Almost like a free invite to inspect or sample before entering Pool dinning area.
Old Goldie trick of luring Hwy Chix to the posh loos then grab hubby for a drink!
What's weirder is you don't see surfers only 20 y'o urban white trendy Dinners.
With Bikini Chix swanning about Playboy Mansion Wave Grotto.
You'd have to say it's a pretty fucked up yuppie vision of a wave pool crowd?
Pasty white 20 y'o suit'n'ties with Bikini Models at a Tradies / Truck Stop...Ok!
Class Warfare comes to Moby Vics..."The lady said she doesn't want a paper cup!"
Olympic Venue...
Nearly all Wave Pools break towards a console denying spectators.
Others split the crowd to hub sidelines left or right with money shot far from fans.
This Pool separates fans to each side & yo-yo the view as basketball or tennis.
With sun glare on distant court, spectators need to be more athletic than Pros.
Kiosk site faces 'West' & North > West Sun bounces off the Pools.
Note yuppie architect harnesses Peak Solar Flares to incinerate guests. (Nice!)
The lower the Sun drops the brighter the glare on spectators turning them to ash.
You need lead shields or to hose yer guests in Sun Block & turn sprinklers on them.
Olympians surf with arse to crowd addressing blank wall at opposite side of pool?
Olympians again surf further away before vanishing into thin air, way down there.
Interesting (Car) image shows rare best viewing spot is farthest from Beach Bar.
Just sharing Qldurrz tips to assist.
Sun belted Kiosk has no shade & can't run air-con + Winter winds blast guests.
Offshore seabreeze is wishful thinking, flip the design & hang gets cooler with day.
Images show most guests in Kiosk so any breeze is more precious to hot dinners.
Long term Water loss (Wind/Sun) with Pool rotation needs factoring either way.
Light Poles are very minimal & hardly Olympic standard (hrs 6am -9pm)
Surrounding shots shows neighbourly developer is treading lightly.
Leaving most of Plantation & utilising existing shared laneways
Dam is left as lighting lines the laneway & may have to share with pool.
Think the idea is to keep it simple to win approval & upgrade later.
Learning that owner is in Real Estate, the site may also anchor more development.
Nevertheless the developer is going local & treading light & Qld folks like that!
Anyhow that's a Qldurrz surf thru of our current Project Urban proposal.
Just thinking! Project Urban doesn't sound a bit 50,000 Motorway slums?
Ok! So tbb bitched about Athlete's Bums in the Sunny's perfectly normal.
Sunny Wave Pool curse is pretty wicked but tbb thinks this one ticks the boxes.
Qld has only ever approved 3 Wave Pools (one twice) & all line SEQ Coast Hwys.
Stands to reason that local's Hwy Wave Pool is looking like the 4th! (Pool Party)

Project Urban Wave Pool Disco ~ SCC Priority Project
23rd Dec 2020 Development Application Lodged...
20th Jan 2021 Glass House Country & Maleny News
Surfs Up at Moby Vics ... (Pages 4-5)
Site Plans + Council Correspondence
tbb notes - Flood Overlay dictates the orientation of the pool + developer states so!
Not trade/offshore winds or Sun Glare but a high'n'dry Disco dunny block decides.
tbb may have been wrong about free entry.
As guests were queuing for dinning + Entry Ticket booth is before Souvenir Shop.
Outside possibility it's a Glass House Mountains Food/Wine Trail cheesy pit stop.
Wine Tasting + "Honey... did ya see my Head Dip with chips & salad."
Sunny hinterland Tours ban NP swims > pull up at cool learn to surf midday break.
Can buy a Pineapple Surfboard!
Pool is 6ft deep thru whole surfers can string 'mid' air combos.
Also hints that split direction waves can equally sweep a full 315m...(Not verified!)
The wave is heavier than Waco as it pushes 2 [L] wading waves across from wall.
The [L] waves are the Star...Look at me! I can surf pissed > Blooper Wipeouts!
Surf hire is shunted around the back & Pro waves face away from bikini models
Hwy Bikini Parade lures the Heroes to rise to the occasion!
tbb was right about bus Loop. (400 visitors/day includes staff)
Looks more like Hwy / Tour coaches than Rail link shuttles.
Even weirder that Plans show coaches entering from Station side exiting to Hwy?
PU: "Public Buses +Taxis > (No Boards)"... (However! Plenty of Oz Zoo buses can?)
Note: Link with Theme Park Coaches that only have Prams in Cargo Bays.
eg: Bus GC 7:30 > Bne 9:00 > Oz Zoo @ 10:15 Wave Pool (rtn) Bne 4:00 GC 5:30
Wave Pool surfers could book these free Coaches with meal ticketing conditions.
This + surf'n'lunch Sunny tours would value add the quiet weekly midday sessions.
Sunny Coast Council...
The current main council concern on Sunny is the loss of Food Production.
Wave Pool does knock out a portion of Pineapple Farm.(50% food production)
This is offset by the Farm to Plate value add...(Local grown jobz, as the sweetner!)
13 Jan 2021 SCC serve an Action Notice (Application not properly made)
* Giant 250m2 Yuppie Disco > needs State Govt approval to get that sloshed.
* No Bushfire Hazard assessment & Management Plan
* No Flood Hazard assessment prepared by RPEQ
* No onsite wastewater treatment & disposal report. re: backwash for site effluent.
SCC : "20 days to comply or application is deemed not to have been made."
9th Feb 2021 Request further period / Council agrees to extend Action response...
11th March 2021 - The new agreed deadline....
Qldurrz dodgy Whiteshoe Fast Track, forgets to leave the Beer Money on the fridge
An empty brown paper bag won't fight off pesky Fire & Flood inspectors.
Forgets to plumb a dual flush for the Posh Yuppie Dunny (tbb is just shit stirring!)
These Plans are well down the track & tbb could see SCC fast tracking this project.
Eg: PU stated they'll contour additional stormwater...SCC just wanna check on that!
Site has no Sewage & PU informed they'd address this later as private / adjunct.
The Flooding & Fire are obviously dictated by odd site...just more box ticking.
Ok! crew are right to think that it's looking like another Sunny Wave Pool fail.
But...not so fast!
See for yourselves the plans & site cleverly lend to Wave Pool development.
SCC won't get a better Tech upgrade for that Billboard pocket Hwy site...Win! Win!
tbb actually thinks someone very clever targeted this site for just such a wavepool.
Objection to Sunny Fast Track?
Qldurr clubbies will tell ya...Surf/Sun/Booze is no recipe for success.
Lifeguards untangling Lobsters from Crabpots being battered by a Wave Turnstyle.
SCC have said PU Wave Pool well exceeds local XXXX consumption
State Govt pours out foreshore tipples & refuses Beach Bar proposals.
Qld Councils / Body Corps refuse grog anywhere near public / shared pools!
Cops / Clubbies crack down big time on Waterways Grog for any craft or vessel
Alcohol is responsible for 41% of 15-29 y'old drownings (Many more not recorded)
Qld Water Park history...only takes one drowning > [All over - Park Closed]
Truly shocked by the Alcohol content in this pool...gotta sober up a bit!
Can't see a Qld community fast tracking the World's Biggest Wave Pool Pub!
What it shows is....
Cold Water Wave Pools refuse to heat water so they can sell year round Wetties.
Warm Water Wave Pools won't erect shade so they can sell year round grog.

All the Bushfire / Flood / Sewage Docs were submitted & seem OK.
However! Johnston Road is a State Rd...meaning that ramps the Entry / Exit criteria.
Developer got caught out on the Liquor Licence being to large for Local Council...this is the same.
tbb pointed to keen Bus Loop set up...that was for a comply with State Rd Access.
As the Surf Park plans involve more International enterprise then Site Entry must ramp also. International Surf Comps + Gigs + Shop + Pub " requires Peak Transit Hub convergence compliance.
Basically the Wave Pool Transit Drop off site must be State of the Art (re: Theme Park Standard)
Nothing short of "all" accessible Translink compliance for Ped xings / Paths / Bikes / Taxis / Buses
Also that 'shared lane' tbb referred to earlier needs Legal compliance as to not block shared users.
Oz most successful wave pools all 'share' First Class Transit Centres.
Wet'n'Wild / Dreamworld / Darwin Waterfront / Tulla Airport all scam free "Host" Transit Drop offs.
They also operate under Precincts / Theme Parks / Resort Acts for standalone certification.
Not one of these 'Wave Pools' needs to provide Transit to venue...A few [P] + bike racks at the most.
re: Urbnsurf > (Airport Precinct / Sydney Olympic Park Precinct / Cockburn Station -All transit Centres)
Note all are Precincts unto themselves, needing self examination of standard laws of sorts.
The wave pool simply plugs into free World Standard Transit Centres with no liability or upgrades.
Sunny Coast ACTVENTURE "Comp Wavepool" utilises 'waterpark' Transit 6/bus [P] > 2 bays / 6 taxis
This borrows from traditional Goldie Theme Parks Wet'n'Wild & Dreamworld entries.
Very similar...just off Hwy State Road & approved by same Govt's last week.(Traffic Report)
There was talk of the Endless Surf Pool having a/h Local access [P] in "Future Stages".
Stand alone Transit Centres don't come cheap & need compliance & security along with Wavepool.
XXXX bowser fuelling Bus loads of crabpots during a World Comp? (Good Luck!)
There is no other way, than to divert priority resource from Pool/Comp to Translink obligation.
Perhaps a hard lesson to learn, let's be honest...most here would have found out late & same way.
tbb pointed out the developer tried to get on top of this...but a World standard entry is hard to cop.
None would blame the developer to walk away...but equally salute a lone player that steps up!
This is a real Deal Breaker & unlikely costed standing at the crossroads.
tbb is not saying that a World Comp doesn't need World Transit...only that it costs the Earth.
Is AWM worldly enough to 29th July we'll soon find out.

June/July Update : Material Change of Use info request knock back.
Cont from original compliance...
Govt seek upgraded Designs for Flooding & Transit Centre
Flooding : 25m Roadside Culverts Upgrade...possibly for reworked Pineapple Plantation
Transit : (Upgrade > tbb referred to this & developer needs more time to think it over)
It certainly looks like a complete Transit Loop do over is needed...not that Plans were bad...
Needs to prioritise free flow for 2x Buses + Disabled Taxi
Current Loop design shares random [P] machinations > No guaranteed safe thru -fare
Loop forces Bus driver to compete with an array of cars pulling in/out at any given time.
Airport / Motel / Theme Park > slip lane entry > drop off > exit merge lane is standard.
Only here the Development is near an intersection so all share the one entry / exit lane.
Crew can read that it's not a simple fix to retain max [P] + upgrade the Bus Thru-fare.
Once's not front & centre when designing a Wave Pool but needed for Comps.
All here would need extra time to rework an international gateway from a bog standard lane.
Looks like a deal breaker but our Sunny Developer is hanging in there...Good Luck!
Developer was provided a "Stop clock" & will utilize such until - 9th July

24th Aug : Update
1/2. Amphitheatre + Bio Retention was left out of plans & is deemed a Flood Hazard
[P] + Viewing Mound runoff to Dam storage may impact on near sites or Floodway.
International Carpark requires retaining & fencing...negating any runoff...
3/4/5. Irrigation Landscape buffers
Southern Entry buffer for Farm purposes (Paddock to Plate) Seems to be kept separate in this case!
re: Plans omit onsite Tourist Exhibition Staging / prep / Juicing / or Recycling process as promoted.
Perhaps a rural style roadside Stall is incorporated at later stage?
Eastern side irrigation needs shallow broad root plantings which require large 15m East side setbacks.
6. Bushfire Western side ( Wave break wall ) requires a 7m setback extra to laneway (Lights?)
7. Sound wall (extra long-costly) height - 2m < 4m > 2m above water level on Wave break westside.
8. (Includes a Local's take) 28th Sept Resident's Wildcard email...
"We here, don't want your Monstrosity spoiling the area!" ...(Broken world record Sunny catchphrase!)
We do Pineapples/Strawberries/Macadamias ... "go to the Goldie where it belongs!"
Refers to 360' Panoramic White Horse Mountain Lookout....One can Google Earth
Zoom inside the Lookout > look up & Zoom in on bulkhead Map to lineup site...Perfect!
Here + services on right of path can be planted out without impacting on foothills or View shed.
Thinking a small contribution for NP Native plantings should re-nourish northern landscape.
8 continues...
However there is a lot more to this...Sunsets are the main drawcard & Wave Pool Glow is an issue.
Not just the Flood lights but the light reflection of the Breaking Waves & Moving Water.
One could envisage a dancing Pro light show bullying the iconic Sunset / Lightning Majesty!
Even if Wave Pool is planted out...the glow may devalue natures finest spectacular.
Pretty sure Council are onto this & developer may find this a bit tricky...coz there's another secret! Shh!
(Note Kelly's Pool is facing the same in California..."Reflective Sky Glow taking out the Moon & Stars"
Wave Pools need Nuke Radiation to bathe the Pros in all their glory...Kiss goodbye to Night-time!
Glasshouse Mountain Legends will be haunted by monster sized Pro Surfer shadows of the night...
Wild Horse Mountain Grom gets hassled outta Sunny lineup by Shadowy Goat Mountain Hodad.
Legendary Tsunami Tag Team family vs VIP Pro Circus Disco Ball (No Contest!)
8. Amenity Outdoor : "Submit a Lighting Impact Assessment > Glare, Spill Light, Reflective, Sky Glow!"
9. Council ask Question about Giant mystery object...hint: "Amphitheatre ~ Viewing Decks!"
Giant 14.5m high Screen....Lookout will cop an eye full of Cheeky Wet'n'Wild Dive in Movies.
Long laneway with Overflow Carpark with a great view of the Drive in Movie Screen? Mystery Solved!
10. This same Overflow [P] on adjacent Farm Buffer Zone...should be on Tourist attraction site!
Possible lower priced ticketed live Screen Venue alternative outside VIP members Arena (Re:Tennis)
11. Bus & Service Vehicles must have own access route or loop separate to [P] pull outs.
Thinking the Overflow Set-up shares the Screen view & that's bossing Bus / Taxi thrufare.
Only council can't locate Screen or Overflow [P]...Strange! As it's hiding there before our eyes!
International also ramps council to up their game...almost a year on & is this any closer to to approval?
tbb still thinks the developers are true, but it must be world standard as they themselves wished.
Residents are right to protect their World Standard Lookout...Tough gig to turn farm into a Pro Arena.
Plenty of novel International Wave Pool standards are presenting on this standalone venue!
tbb still thinks the Sunny Hwy site is doable, with a nod to Council, developers & the locals!
Better that community demands & defends best standards...developer gets no break as yet! Tuff Gig!
Goldie salutes Sunny as Wave Pool experts! Goldie have learnt a real lot from Sunny Pro ventures!
19th Oct - Stop Clock was extended 5BD to 26th Oct ...
19th -26th Oct Council have 21 'Stat days' to respond.

Year one review! Congratulations Sunny Coast on your new Wave Pool.
Dec 2021 Approval! (For 6 years + extension!)
Change of use to Surf Park Attraction...conditions are kinda strict (The Big One First)
* Approval to source water from on site up with water Main > (Nearby Bore Water point)
(Note) Clean ample free run off Water or at base Price...not an issue on this site!
Compliant "Council Check" Pool Water Quality (re: Municipal Pool) Not like Ski -Surf Lakes.
Pool Base would need to be Solid or Quality 100% HD Non Tear Lining
* Wave Pool Approval is not as of right a green light for Pro Comps! (But Wait!)
Temporary Event Permit Approval can be acquired. (Note: Kelly's Ranch must also apply for Comps)
Meaning the Council look set to fleece The Wave Park for each mention of a VIP.
* No Building Footprint expansion within agreed size.
(Max 8.5 m height) May rule out the Mega 14.5 m Drive in Movie Screen.
* Must not operate before 6:00 or after 9:00 pm (Standard for Sunny Coast, as all transit ends early)
This also concerns any Body Corp lease.
* Tourist Shop must comply with goods related to Surf / Pineapples / Grog... etc!
* Council picked up on the Glare / slip Factor > Not highly reflective is Very subjective?
Could involve either Scorching West Sun/Slip Reflection or Reflective Night Glow at Sunset.
Flip side being Council want all Paths / Lanes lit up for safety > (Could interfere with Replay Screen!)
* (No Hwy Signage) Again, not unusual for SEQ ("Route" rules apply!) Big Players Only!
See: Height Limit...Restricts Site Sign visual from Hwy...(There are a few loopholes for mates)
eg: Surf brands utilize the rear of Main Roads signs without much resistance! Crew know that!
* Min 140 [P] + Overflow [P] Approved (For Events) > Council seem OK to pre-approve events for a cut!
* Event Staging requires referral > possibly win more self approval rights with each Event.
Anyhow! Another Qld Wave Pool gets the Tick!
Crew nod the hard work & congratulate Sprout / Project Urban / Surf Parks Australia.
Surf Parks Australia Approval > ( Page 4 ) Architectural Plans [Download]

2022 Glass House Mountains Surf Park "Interim Timeline"
It took some work to dig this up as tbb is sure Surf Parks Oz only did the one interview all year!
Let's see wot we got...possibly just enough 3rd party here say to get a handle on mystery Surf Park!
We start with the Bombshell News
24th Jan Sanad Appeal Sunny Coast Council Tourist rezone of rival Surf Parks Australia.
18th Feb Surf Parks Australia let slip that AWM deal is not yet finalized.
3rd Mar ~ Sanad sponsor RACQ Care Flight (Coincidence!) Rival Servo Site are gold RACQ supporters!
Note: Not the only thing they borrow from their neighbours...
30th March ~ Sanad vs Sunny Court Date seems to pass with no show?
6th May ~ Joint H'wy Servo Sites Redevelopment Plans ...(Note: Anchors Surf Park Australia)
"The Surplus Land together with the Proposed Surf Park on adjoining property provide immediate development add on, on which we have already made solid progress with our partner De Luca Corp.
The redevelopment will compliment the New Surf Parks Australia Development adjacent to the northern site, ensuring customers are well serviced into the future!"
6th-30th June Sanad switch from Endless Surf & Claim Exclusive AWM Qld Contract.
AWM being central to Surf Parks Australia Plans...but as said ... never finalized?
13th June ~ Servo sites were recently bought in March for $25-30m + Walker (re: RACQ link!)
Now tbb is revisiting this development news because it signals a change in the wind...(read again)...
New companies plan to triple the value...but what comes next is interesting in regards to Wave Pool...
Noting SCN reported this during the Sanad takeover of AWM (The Servo's approved Wave pool?)
# "Once Complete, (they might be complimented) by a proposed Wave Park on adjacent north facility."
Now that is some tricky reporting right there, smack bang in the middle of The Sunny Wave Pool Wars.
We don't think...We know that the Sanad poaching of AWM has changed the locals reported!
tbb will add a back up link on that gutsy case of any MSM delete...
Sanad seemed to have skipped Sunny Court Appeal but poached & tied up AWM deal.
Local News are now unsure if Surf Lakes Oz are still up for a Surf session or a putt putt for the Servos?
Just when Surf Parks Australia seem done & dusted...up they pop!
No! Not in the News but resubmitting Plans to Sunny Council ...Huh! (Check the Doc drawer!)
Not for a new Wave Pool Design or not just yet, but something more exacting or tricky maybe...Huh!
21st -29th Sept Surf Parks Australia resubmitted Plans & were approved the very next week?
Bizarrely to alter boundaries by 0.052m x 0.037m + another to avoid tree roots.
However! This new covenant first requires a cancellation of original Lot Plans...(Interesting!)
Possibly the re-gazetting of property absolves the former Sanad appeal on original Plans or Site?
Noting this was all signed & approved within a week & never seemed to have cost anything much!
Anyhow! Good Luck Sunny...seems as though Surf Parks Australia are still 'planning' to proceed...
Possibly being held up with bigger 3x value add Plans of these big servo players.
The size of the Massive redevelopment by 3rd party backers may impact heavily on the Wave Pool!
Might be wise to hitch a ride alongside their bigger partners rather than be swamped by them.
Straight up! Any Coach Entry / Exit might now need a Massive Dual Servo / Accom Upgrade!
Neighbouring Accom site is also a massive Trucker's Watering Hole! A lot going on here!
So for Wave Pool fans...we could be looking at a combo Site approach unless we hear different!
Basically the Wave pool was the first casual approval of four larger busy components if ya like.
Reports weigh heavily on this Northern site as being a vital component more than an add on.

2023 Sunny Wave Pool War Timeline
Jan ~ Crosstown Wave Pool Warmongers are wheeling out AWM Perfect Swell lounges
Flooding out any chance of a decent matter as they've blocked Glass House AWM.
March ~ AWM (Perfect Swell) nuzzle up to Sanad pool bullies & send out Wedding Invites.
Not the first for Sanad but only reciprocal Sunny Coast Wave Pool promotion
"Glass House Pool Boys have been in the AWM Dog House since brief AWM intro news bite!
Even that can't be tracked down with new website...ancient history!
After intro > Sanad / Sunny Coast Court Action.
AWM have never promoted Surf Parks Australia Glass House Wave Pool despite approval.
Surf Parks Australia Glass House have been silenced by Court Case.
29 April : udo black ops mission secrets out WAR Court trial Docs from behind the banana curtain.
Loaded with Oz surf / wave pool stats...Clauses [33-59]
29 April : Glass House News "Court Approves 2nd Hinterland Wave Park!"
4 May : icandig pops head outta the trenches waving the White Flag...
Sunny Wave Pool War truce will only last a month until review!
Sunny Wave Pool War Truce...(Temporary Anomaly)
(1) Pool Bully : "It doesn't make sense to have two of exactly the same thing 20kms apart."
(2) Sanad Troop Leader : "Glass House is a Solo Pool in the Middle of Nowhere!"
(3) Surf Parks Oz Commander : "We're core > Sanad are more Gromz & Dagwood Dogs!"
Judge Cash : (Can't be bribed!) Just take a nanosecond to think it through guys!
(All Swimmers train in exactly the same $5/day Olympic Pools) + Council goes Broke & Pool Closes!
(All Surfers train in exactly the same $200/hr Olympic Pools) + Council rubberstamps $200 Gig Tickets!
How can any Wave Pool overlord ever lose any durr!
Sunny Wave Pool War Court trial is a Double Triple Ooch!

Sunny Wave Pool War (Truce holds) for Prisoner Swap...
Dec 2021 Glass House Mountains (Surf Parks Australia) enlist Perfect Swell
30th June 2022 Sanad abort (Endless Surf) to commandeer exclusive Qld Perfect Swell license
4th Dec 2023 Gold Coast (Endless Surf) Approved
21st Dec 2023 Sanad lose Wave Pool War & surrender (Approved Perfect Swell site is up for sale!)
2nd April 2024 (Surf Parks Australia / Perfect Swell) (Rebrand) > (Surf Farm / Endless Surf)
3rd April (Official)
New Plans (here)
SEQldurr tbb can only assume the change is to upzone density for higher on-sell speculation...
There has been zero surf stoke from Warring Sunny Wave Pool Factions...
Seemingly exploiting Wave Moats to up-zone Sunny Hodad Kingdoms!
Of interest being The Wave Pool War is smack bang in Oz fastest growing Housing Battleground.
Begs the question if these Wave Pool Promos are simply Sunny Hodad Bait...Golden Breed Promise!
Oz Hodads are dreaming of retiring to Fantasy Hodad Kingdoms...just gotta keep same dream alive!
Kinda like...Property is just up the road from Proposed Wave Pool...(Well in that case...where do I sign!)
$30m 'Project Urban' by Surf Parks Australia
Farm to Plate Tourist / Major Events Facility is a SCC Priority Project
Bruce Hwy, Glass House Mountains, Sunshine Coast Qld.
Designed by American Wave Machines
Developed by Town Real Estate Director (Craig Morrison on Left + Jamie Vibert)
Thanx Udo : Sunshine Coast News