World Music... oops, I mean, music that is perhaps unfamiliar to western listeners because it's from underrepresented places..

Went down a bit of North African vibes rabbit hole after watching Lost Track Atlantic and found this guy.

I dont mind some Indonesia music of various types.
One musically style in Indo you will hear a lot on buses, taxis and even shops etc is Dangdut it's popular in village area's and among working class and its weird because when live they often have scantily clad women thrusting and gyrating .
Indo is a crazy place full of contradiction's.
This is typical of the sound and lyric's etc.
And this one is typical of the more raunchy side, tame by our standards, but remember Indo is majority muslim country.

And this is a band that is kind of like Indo's Tism or Regurgitator celebrating that style of music with a bit of rock dangdut blend

Zam rock.

Spanish fly

These guys were huge in Indonesia about 20 years ago, pretty mainstream sound but i still dig some of their songs, good for my Indonesian, a mate pretty much perfected his Indonesian from drunken Indo karaoke nights.
For perspective of their popularity this video has 103 million views.
The lead singer Ariel even had a leaked porn video that went viral and he and GF Luna went to court over it*
Not sure if he did the sentence or paid the fine or what, crazy and sad.
* Porn is technically illegal in Indonesia, even Vimeo is banned because of nudity but i swear half of Indonesia has porn dowloaded on their phones, including half my wife's friends.
"Prosecution demands five years jail for Ariel Peterpan"

Always dug this song and band from 90's 00's Indo.
Good memories singing with buskers in Jogya....

K-Pop ok?

Sticking with busker theme. Bob Dylan of Indo, Iwan Fals.
Song about his son when a young child who sadly died later in life of Herion OD I believe.

zenagain wrote:K-Pop ok?
Of course bring it on, for some reason my daughter loves it but for some reason she loves anything Korean or Japanese, be it food, fashion, music, art, cartoons, culture.

Few North African toons already, which is good to see. A style I dip in and out of every few years is the desert blues of Ali Farke Toure or the more complex patterns of Tinariwen.
Was a time I could sound this whole song. Sounding being a version of singing when you don't know the words but pretend you do.

I do like the Tinariwen groove. Big Sky guitar sounds, psychedelic and hypnotic.
In a similar vein from the land of Zen.

Blackers, mate, I farking love that band. Superb musicians and great stoner music.

zenagain wrote:Blackers, mate, I farking love that band. Superb musicians and great stoner music.
Awesome zen, would love to see them live sometime.

basesix wrote:can you play tapes @blackers?
Pass me a bugle and I'll give it a crack, can't guarantee anything tho. :)
If you meant cassettes, yes I still have a working deck.

No problemo, none taken. Amore Muerte.. are a 3 PBS special, heard it on the way home from work. Thought it sat as well here as anywhere, perhaps even in the "I wish it was 1994 still" thread.
As for the walkman, it's great to see young ones revisiting ancient technologies. Know anyone who wants to buy a mini disc walkman?

A bit more North African stuff. Bit of a collaboration this one.

That's my kinda...Sticky Wicket Hat Trick
Stoked to get The basesix Ball rollin' with our Rare Titty Shaker...(Can't say...nevermind!)
Word is this '60's Sax Siren Guru plays in a WA Band of same name...Shh!
1970 Ravi Shankar's nephew Ananda performs Snow Flower from his Debut LP
Dedicated perfect delivery to sound out the basesix World Music Pitch...
Well played Sir... runs in the family!
Our World Music Psych Guru basesix Tribute...completely bowled over & far out dudes!
Gromz : "So that's wot you Hodad's call a number!" Pass!

Radio Mundial - Tuesday night - 8 to 10 pm. Bayfm .org . Also has podcasts if you miss the program . Brilliant world music show , Steve Snelgrove , been doin it for years , used to be on Lismore uni radio , now at Byron

Man are there some quality trax being cued here...getting off on these sounds...Salute the whole crew!
Do ya think we're sounding a bit too posh...'Like Yeah! I have this on my turntable'...sure, right!
I'm a very well rounded worldly person underneath my usual swellnet false front...fooling no one!
So have we out played YouTube & Are we even capable of coming back down to earth.
Just wonderin' if basesix will except exceptional Record Selector Rejects that don't officially exist!
Like if ya cross-polynate Mah-Na-Mah-Na Go Go singers with a wild crazy Keem-O-Sabe drummer.
Pretty sure ya can't mix world music like's got to be cultured or some shit...back me up crew!
Weird Track is by The Dave Pell Singers...Dave is a Quality Jazz / Big Band Leader / Producer.
So what's Jazzy Dave's big claim to fame then tbb...
Dave was the Band Leader for...[ No matter what shape your stomach's in ] Fantastic Instrumental! Yes!
Go on...sounds real ya can't just go back in time and stir up shit...tbb begs to differ!
No harm in letting the crew get off sniffing thru the reject pile in a 1969 record bar bin!
swellnet drum circle Rubber Stamps Dave Pell's shit hot Drummer...well there ya go...that settles it!
World sound : French GoGo Gurlz Scatting Indian Keem-O-Sabe + drummer smashes up wrong studio! Typical!
Ok! Here we go...just saying this Track doesn't officially exit outside of basesix World Music Oopsies!
tbb adds this track / LP is impossible to find on Google Search / YouTube...unless ya know shit...don't lose this link!
Also there are a few odd 60's LP's that out-do the original Track they sorry's just what we do!
Which in this particular case is near impossible...(Note both versions were released in Oct '69!)
Could be that Dave's band were to be the franchised tour band if the track hit pay dirt..
As Iconic Original was by a long established Top selling world performer artist Len Barry.
Makes this interesting with Quality Producers reworking this iconic track in Oct '69
Coz both Dave/Len's arrangements are sharp & ahead of their time...mod-new wave delivery!
That Keyboardist / drummer could play in Blondie...damn fine power pop unit here! Pay to see that live!
See birth of Disco... MFSB / TSOP > plenty of quality re dos in Disco era to follow up here.

Dessert blues
Tuareg musicians from Saharan South Algeria and Northern Mali Azawad region.

Tough life

Think this is the wrong gig & the wrong era again...Why does this keep happening!
Wait up Strange time tripper Dude!
Can ya just hold yer hip tune for 60 years or until Ben's Tunesmiths get up to speed...
Ok! We're Ready...with yer wildly underrepresented stage for yer weird gig mate...
So wotz this mental song about...Wot makes it so shit hot...
It's a 60's Buzzcocks Blank Gen Backbeat 'bout Trump's Back 2 the Future Biff Hamburger Gig!
Sounds like something the crew would get off on...can't wait to serve it up to them...
Let's Rock'n'Twist Slop Hully Gully
not to everyone's taste.
so to keep the tunes thread punky and cool, here's a thread for music from cultures who's music may be unfamiliar to western ears.. no real term for it.. 'world music' is like the term 'foreign films'.. depends where you're from/very USA-centric. 'music from many cultures' sounds forced, bland and over-manufactured.
Anyway. Cool music from around the world.