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AlfredWallace wrote:.... Putting my head on the block, it’s basalt plains isn’t it, please!!!
Sorry Alfred, was in transit and missed your post. Right on the edge of the basalt plains, between Ballarat and Daylesford.
Re b6's quote, I can see an album cover in your Rorschach test photo., Jello Biafra springs to mind but I will try to dig it out.

GuySmiley wrote:nice @AW, for me autumn is the best season in vicco
GuySmiley. Hi mate.
Beautiful morning here very early, best part of the day.
I agree wholeheartedly, Autumn in Victoria is spectacular. From a surf perspective, cooler mornings and late evenings, but everything in between is sublime.
Light wind, mostly from the right direction, swells start to appear and it gets bloody warm after about 10am and goes alllllllll day. AW

Moonah wrote:
Moonah. . Hi pal hope you’re well.
Yep, last evenings light was beautiful, no matter where you were.
On the coast especially.
I’m guessing you’re on a Victorian coast with that type of vegetation present.
Your moniker Moonah makes me think Surf Coast or Mornington Coast, I maybe wrong.
For botanical nut jobs like myself Moonah is the common name for the excellent plant Melaleuca lanceolata a highly valuable large shrub that’s integral to many areas of coastal ecology. Good stuff, great photos. AW

done me knee yesterday staggering about @AW. don't know what I've done, twisted it, or walked too much on ageing meniscus.. anyway, we's busted knee buddies, mate.. sucks hey?

basesix wrote:done me knee yesterday staggering about @AW. don't know what I've done, twisted it, or walked too much on ageing meniscus.. anyway, we's busted knee buddies, mate.. sucks hey?
Basesix. Hi mate.
That’s no good at all.
You could say we are both legless, but not lizards.
It sucks alright, mine is still giving me grief especially at night in bed when your body rotates periodically, feels like being stabbed in the inner side of the knee.
It better come good soon, Supafreak and I have locked in our entire trip, accommodation, flights, etc.
After this current surf hiatus, I’m going to have to put in a fair few sessions in the water before I trott off to Indo.
Hope yours comes good soon. Now, hop along!!!. AW

I'm gonna have to trust I can walk it off, @AW, lotsa urban walking to do this weekend. Fuck, I hope yours lifts its game before your trip!!

Hi basesix.
Did you catch Polly Jean at Womad last night?
My misso reckons it was an all time set.
I stayed home with the kids.

It was great to see her @mattlock. she was quite detached, but that's the reality of the big stage at womad.. set was kinda like 'soldiers wife' from nick cave's kurt weill september songs vid stylistically (a few choice props and flourishes.. i.e. new romantic put through a shinto thresher so it fits on a plane..)
she kinda lulled the audience into thinking she was gracefully declining into twilight career as kate bush and sting's minimalist lovechild. Then the second half she turned into the dirty-guitar vixen we love with her 90s back catalogue which got the kids vibing.. somehow done me knee but..
You're a good man, hope your wife had a good night. weather was pretty alltime : )

Cheers basesix
I had a look at the setlist.
My wife was well impressed that she played 50ft Queenie, among others.
PJ is an artist that I admire greatly but have never managed to catch live. One day maybe.
Love your review.
It was my wife's turn to go to a gig without the kids. She missed out on the Mr Bungle /Melvins show.

Very trippy looking clouds AW . I remember you writing how you were into cloud formations . A farmer decades ago pointed out what looked like horses tails and said you count them to know how many days before rain .

There’s a dude with a mustache and cone hat on in that bottom one.

Supafreak wrote:Very trippy looking clouds AW . I remember you writing how you were into cloud formations . A farmer decades ago pointed out what looked like horses tails and said you count them to know how many days before rain .
Hi mate. So true my fishing forebears of the Great Ocean Road called them mares tails.
Correct, we’ve had a long hot dry spell down here, in a couple of days it’s meant to rain.
Loving all of your Lembongan life, lingo, living and lavish surfing, keep it up. AW

seeds wrote:There’s a dude with a mustache and cone hat on in that bottom one.
Seeds. Hi mate, hope ya well. Yes I can see that.
Or, is it a man pulling a hot cone with his hat on ?

Could be me in the back seat of a mates Torana on the way up the coast at dawn early nineties

seeds wrote:Could be me in the back seat of a mates Torana on the way up the coast at dawn early nineties
Think we can all vouch for that. Some times you’d arrive at a surf spot, absolutely toasted and glued to the back seat, thinking I can’t paddle out in that sized surf . AW

Absolutely brilliant blackers , such high quality shots, well done.

That last one has a parrot taking off. Maybe an endangered ground parrot wondering what these wing things are for.
ps I know they can fly. Just like the devil’s parrot.

Cheers lads. We get great evening skies down here, always something interesting happening, particularly just before a change.
In semi lockdown I'm finally sorting through a lifetime of photos and inspired by what Craig and Andy recently posted I thought why not.
We travel a fair bit and there has to be some crackers in the vaults.
Good if we follow the Swellnet tradition of not naming or being too obvious.