Healthy recipes

Sounds bloody good Megzee
chinese style steamed fish (chili, garlic, soy, ginger etc) is my go-to for something healthy and satisfying.
Simple recipe, you'll find heaps of versions on the internet...
Add some brown rice and steamed asian veg and you've got a feast.
Another good one is vietnamese-style rice paper rolls.
chicken or firm tofu (or lean beef, or even fish... or roo, anything goes) marinated however you like (lemongrass is good), crunchy veg (carrots, snowpeas, cucumber etc), avo, mango, leafy greens, mint, coriander, vermicelli and/or rice noodles.
Grille the meat, cut the relevant stuff into strips, wet your rice paper, chuck in whatever seems good, wrap it up and throw in your gob. Good stuff. For a good dipping sauce, mix up some hoisin, sriracha, soy, peanut butter, lemon and a touch of brown suger, heat it up on the stove (or even the microwave) and mix it up... taste and adjust.

Yeah, my stomach's rumbling just from typing that.
Word of caution - the rice paper's pretty finicky and tends to split if you leave it too long between wetting it and wrapping it... some brands hold together better than others too (can't remember the name of the one I normally use unfortunately).

I'll bet... guess I'm just telling you what you already know!

Spuds in coconut oil and whole grain mustard.
Level = piss easy.
Chop spuds and roast in coconut oil and wholegrain mustard.
Ta da!
(Great topic megzee, good one).

Great topic megzee, I get the feeling it will be a good one like the vegie thread.
Mine's questionable on the "healthy" topic, but was an old favourite on just about every voyage we ever did. My custom was to leave port cooking a traditional lamb roast with all the normal trimmings. Would always get a decent sized leg of lamb or two and the leftovers were used for a curry the following evening.
Lamb (obviously)
Tandoori paste
Garam masala
Lime leaves/lime rind/lime juice
Coconut milk/cream
Chopped tomatoes
Mango chutney
Serve with rice, snow peas, and poppadom's!

Contrary to popular belief, we didn't eat fish that much when we were at sea. After dealing with them all day, generally the last thing you wanted to do was sit down and eat it too! But, we would eat it probably around once a week and couldn't get any fresher!
You need inspiration once in a while from the standard fish dishes and I love curries but can't be assed with making a paste from scratch, but this one was pretty easy and delish!
Fish cut into chunks
Red capsicum
Ground cumin
Ground coriander
Fresh or dried curry leaves
Cherry tomatoes
Tomato paste/puree
Coconut milk/cream
Lime juice and grated rind
Orange juice

megzee, yep, roasted. Turn on oven to 200 or so. Scoop a few heaps of coconut oil into oven dish/tray and place in oven so it melts (if you're up north it will already be in liquid state so just pour it in).
When it's melted add a few scoops of grain mustard, swish it all around, throw in chopped spuds, smear 'em around so plenty of coconut and mustard on each one and roast away. Boil spuds first before chopping if you like, it gives the middles a fluffier texture.
Roast till they're all crispy. That coconut mustard crispy flavour is great.

Hahahaa, very far from it megzee. I can butcher (ruin) a meal as good as anyone.
Just a love of good food and learning from good cooks.

Nice one too Patrick. I'll definitely try that one. Sometimes I struggle getting crispy soft fluffy roast spuds!

papa used to make it fresh whenI was there with fresh squeezed coconut milk, (he'd sieve the milk from grated coconut meat).
lime juice
red onion,
salt and pepper.

easy peasey.
let us know how you go.

"Large fresh tuna just landed on my doorstep" ..I was gonna say you must live bloody close to the water until you clarified it was for services rendered.
I've never had tuna done that way , out of curiosity , what sort/size did you score megzee .?

Haha nice megzee.
I agree on the size thing , I wasn't actually thinking old mate fisho needed a forklift to deliver it though .
Yellow fin is awesome. The colour looks nice. Bon appetit

hahahahah, sounds good.
not my recipe though.
stayed with Papa and Ginette at Teahupoo and it's theirs. I think every Tahitian family would have a slightly different take.
few Hinano tallies, some fresh poisson cru after getting barreled at Chopes is living the good life.

Hey megz
That should be wave of the day
Can you pm me the lat and long :)

Cheers megz
Just loading the softboard wax side up on the roof racks now.

Questo sembra delizioso.

Clearing out the Pantry...Use by 2013...that was a can of Olive Spray..
This is not unusual as the Pantry had loads of Pre War Spice & Essence...
But why?
Turns out many had no use by dates...Brands like Queen / Hoyts (Packets)
Question to know if they're safe?
There are many sites but each dance around this or only go part of the way.
eg: Longest list had less than half the plant types & gave equal generic use by dates (Huh!)
Others were into recycle & others were good with cooking & storage tips or spirits
Never really knew wot to expect > Thinking like calorie counter or side of a cereal box?
tbb pressed on & got enough data from a dozen sites to get a good solid foodie guide.
Best to thank & credit each & every site evenly...sounds fair as tbb was new to this!
Note: What you read here is averaged out from all sites to reach a reliable consensus.
You could say it examples from least > longest use by dates of Health / Industry standards
Arrived at a point where another 10-20 sites wouldn't upset the data displayed here.
Pantry Plant life expiry chart is dedicated to swellnet foodies.
Firstly! There are some age old simple golden rules
Same rules apply to these 'natural products'
Priority Rules : No refrigeration (Clumping / Crystallization) / Minimum Air time + lid tightly closed.
(Refrigeration Exceptions) Red Peppers (Saves colour!) + Seeds (Oils) Prevents mould - going rancid.
Essential Storage : Glass or Ceramic in Cool / Dry / Dark places (Avoid absorbing Plastic under lights)
Stainless steel is fine but conductive near heat...( Avoid metal container/s near Cooking )
Warning! Supplies / Storage / Correct Temp are advised as many do get sick and some die!
Secondary Warnings for Use.
One can mark dates on own goods if need be!
Note many Condiments come with own grinder / Use the lid. (tbb lost a lot like this!)
Where possible use a spoon instead of sprinkling near steam or Heat.
One can add spice first or onto palm of hand to avoid the steam fouling goods!
Moisture can cake spices & harbour Mould (Recall Tight lids for fridge / no steam)
This is also the quickest way to spoil goods.
Shake, Crush & or Sniff for potency > No Odour = neutral or void of use or recycle goods. (See Next)
Avoid overdosing on low potency soiled goods > Likely a mild headache or increased bacteria risk.
Bacteria risk is by heated / moist Air temp changes over time with lids off & Fridge / pantry mix up!
Reinvigorate > Revamp > Recycle.
Ground Spices > In Pan on Low-Med > Stir Wooden Spoon to enliven fragrance > Cool & restore.
Spices > Fry double Old Spice in Oil prior to cooking > then add ingredients (As you would with Onion!)
Spice Potpourri > Use as Fragrance or insect repellent against Mozzies & creepy crawlies.
Fungicide or cleaning agent / Carpets / Scented Drawers / Fridge / Laundry sachets or health ointments
*These goods can improve with Age
Spirits *Vinegar (Infinite) > Cooking Wine 1-2 years
Essence / Extracts (Warning : Check on Blended Vape Flavours > re others)
*Vanilla Extract (Infinite) Almond / Peppermint / Lemon / Orange (3-4 yrs) Others 6-12 mths)
Citrus blends need strict minimum air time practice to avoid bacteria.
Syrups - *Honey + * Maple + *Soy + *Corn (All Infinite if unopened) Molasses 10 years
Sauces / Jams / Preserves (Pickles) 1-3 years
Oils - Olive - Sesame 1-3 years
Minerals *Salt (Infinite)
Spices (Whole) 3-6 years > slowly degrade + (Ground) 1-3 years (re: Above shake / crush / sniff)
Sturdy Peppers being the longest survivor here!
Herbs / Leaves / Flowers (Includes Tea) 1-4 years
GM medi crops are breeding out Mould Species for better or worse
Dried Fruits - 3 mths (open) > 6mths (Pantry) -2 yrs (Fridge) > Infinite (Freezer!)
Seeds 2-4 years > Optimum Infinite (Pretty sure World Seed Bank is fine)
Smaller Poppy/Sesame Seeds last 2 years > Note seeds are also susceptible to Mould
Grains - Oats > Wheat > Rice (3 >10 years) > Popcorn (Infinite?)
Legumes - Beans / Lentils Dried - (Infinite) Ground Coffee 10 years
Barks 2-3 years
Roots (Whole / Portions) 3 years > Ground Sugar (Infinite)
Processed - Pasta / Noodles / Cereals 1-3 years
Canned Tuna + Fruit - 5 years + Dark / Cooking Chocolate 2 years
Synthetics > Food Colouring (Several Years)
Powders - Jelly (Infinite) + Milk 10 years
Happy to share...enjoy yer meal.

Classic TBB.

Thanks for nothing TBB
Seeds 2-4 years > Optimum Infinite (Pretty sure World Seed Bank is fine)
Smaller Poppy/Sesame Seeds last 2 years > Note seeds are also susceptible to Mould
I’ve been to the doctor. It’s all good now.

Seeds’ Smokey Fruity Hot Sauce
- smoke a shit tonne of habanero chillies ( I dehydrate them for storage and use later)
- roast one large brown onion in skin until slightly caramelised
- roast whole head of garlic wrapped in alfoil until cooked and soft but not too browned(the cloves inside not skin)
- roast whole punnet of ripest richest cherry tomatoes you can find until they look like your sack after a 2 hour winter surf but still have moisture
- put 12 chillies and all peeled ingredients in a blender
- add 2 tablespoon of vinegar (malt/apple cider)
-add 2 teaspoons of sugar(to balance)
Wiz the shit out of it.
Taste for balance to your liking
- squeeze in juice of half a lime
Taste and possibly add more lime
Funnel into sterilised bottle through a sieve with a spoon. Makes about one small Worcestershire size bottle worth
Let your tastebuds sing
Gets better with age

^ Appreciate the announcement but it's a hard no from me. Like Vegemite, you don't fuck with the original.

I don’t know. That newish milder smokey one is pretty good too. The original has that lovely fermented zing which is what it’s all about. Scorpion similar but scoville numbers are higher.
ps I’m a fan of the less salt vegemite but still spread the original on like road tar
Surfers have always had an solid affiliation with good healthy food and a balanced diet.
When I moved out of home at 17, a mate and I got a flat down the road from the Bamboo Flute which was a Hare Krishna restaurant on Point Danger back then and Wednesday nights they would throw on a free feed. It really was great vegetarian food. Later it was taken over by the Wood sisters, and they had the best tucker on the southern end of the Goldy. As I was in the last year of my apprenticeship and saving for my first Indo trip, I got a job dishwashing 4 nights a week which included a free meal. My love of good healthy food was entrenched from that time on. 5 nights out of 6 MP could be found tucking in to his favorite flute dish.
I brought my kids up on good tucker and the old breaky favorite of Avo and poached eggs on wholegrain toast was always a plate licker.......Followed by the lamb roast and veggies on slow cook under the barby hood, which would be ready to serve after the late arvo surf. Not to mention the camp oven or fresh fish feeds in the NW many, many years ago.
As a close second to the veggie garden thread, it would be great to hear and see what delicious healthy recipes and meals hit your table.....
Tonight, I'm knocking up my world famous mackerel patties......