The United States(!) of A

burleigh wrote:Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?
Yep, that's why i'm up at 6am you donkey.
Love your deflection as usual.
How come you didn't address the article from The Times of Israel.
Ahh that's right, because you don't actually believe any of what you say.
Just trollin.
Whatever makes you happy i guess.

andy-mac wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Telegraph has been doing some great reporting on the events in Europe:
My takeaway is the US 'rules based order' that existed post WW2 is now kaput. It's gone. What has replaced it is power, just pure power. If a great power wants to do something in the 21st century to a smaller power, it just goes and does it now. Might is right. Alliances based on a great power now depend on its whim.
The implications for Australia, a middle power, are profound. It would be helpful at this stage to not only have the submarines, but a complete nuclear deterrent. In fact last week would be a good time to have that ready.
Hi VJ...
This popped up.
You reckon Chinese propaganda or element of truth?
If true pretty big implications for subs.https://m.
Surely submarines are going to become unmanned underwater drones in the (very near) future?(prob before the ones we signed up for are even made ) . Cut the things to half the size without having 150 sailors and all the living space .
Australia buying expensive outdated equipment , maybe the US has some cases of old muskets they can throw in to sweeten the deal !

southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?
Yep, that's why i'm up at 6am you donkey.
Love your deflection as usual.
How come you didn't address the article from The Times of Israel.
Ahh that's right, because you don't actually believe any of what you say.
Just trollin.
Whatever makes you happy i guess.
Happy days Southern! Strange times , saw burls linked and article from the ABC the other day.... after years of accusing them of being liars.
No point letting the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy aye?

hahaha classic MH.

mikehunt207 wrote:andy-mac wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Telegraph has been doing some great reporting on the events in Europe:
My takeaway is the US 'rules based order' that existed post WW2 is now kaput. It's gone. What has replaced it is power, just pure power. If a great power wants to do something in the 21st century to a smaller power, it just goes and does it now. Might is right. Alliances based on a great power now depend on its whim.
The implications for Australia, a middle power, are profound. It would be helpful at this stage to not only have the submarines, but a complete nuclear deterrent. In fact last week would be a good time to have that ready.
Hi VJ...
This popped up.
You reckon Chinese propaganda or element of truth?
If true pretty big implications for subs.https://m.
Surely submarines are going to become unmanned underwater drones in the (very near) future?(prob before the ones we signed up for are even made ) . Cut the things to half the size without having 150 sailors and all the living space .
Australia buying expensive outdated equipment , maybe the US has some cases of old muskets they can throw in to sweeten the deal !
Yep MH, that is what I have been thinking.
VJ has some valid points on why he thinks we need them.
I think that we can no longer rely on USA and need to become more self-sufficient defence wise. Reckon the Sub deal is going to cost us a lot and deliver little, if anything. Especially now with the way the US seems to be going.
We might need Chinese subs to defend us from USA. ;)

mikehunt207 wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?
Yep, that's why i'm up at 6am you donkey.
Love your deflection as usual.
How come you didn't address the article from The Times of Israel.
Ahh that's right, because you don't actually believe any of what you say.
Just trollin.
Whatever makes you happy i guess.Happy days Southern! Strange times , saw burls linked and article from the ABC the other day.... after years of accusing them of being liars.
No point letting the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy aye?
You still think Covid was legit and governments acted responsibly?

More positive trump news.
"Trump wants to lower the cost of IVF. New executive order seeks ideas to do that
President Trump issued an executive order on Tuesday with the goal of expanding access to and lowering the cost of the infertility treatment known as IVF, or in vitro fertilization.
The order directs Trump's assistant for domestic policy to come up with a list of policy ideas for "protecting IVF access and aggressively reducing out-of-pocket and health plan costs for IVF treatment" within 90 days."

They should interview some of the people that are well over 100 and ask them for some tips on MAHA .

burleigh wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?
Yep, that's why i'm up at 6am you donkey.
Love your deflection as usual.
How come you didn't address the article from The Times of Israel.
Ahh that's right, because you don't actually believe any of what you say.
Just trollin.
Whatever makes you happy i guess.Happy days Southern! Strange times , saw burls linked and article from the ABC the other day.... after years of accusing them of being liars.
No point letting the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy aye?You still think Covid was legit and governments acted responsibly?
Burleigh the troll. Classic deflection. It never ends.
Hey Burlz, keen to address that post by the Times of Israel, incidentally published 3 months before the Al Jazeera article that you were so critical of.
Would really be interested in how you view an Israel article posting about Israeli surfers in Sri Lanka being under threat of a terrorist attack due to IDF war crimes in Gaza.
Please show a little bit of backbone for once Mr bravery award.

southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?
Yep, that's why i'm up at 6am you donkey.
Love your deflection as usual.
How come you didn't address the article from The Times of Israel.
Ahh that's right, because you don't actually believe any of what you say.
Just trollin.
Whatever makes you happy i guess.Happy days Southern! Strange times , saw burls linked and article from the ABC the other day.... after years of accusing them of being liars.
No point letting the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy aye?You still think Covid was legit and governments acted responsibly?
Burleigh the troll. Classic deflection. It never ends.
Hey Burlz, keen to address that post by the Times of Israel, incidentally published 3 months before the Al Jazeera article that you were so critical of.
Would really be interested in how you view an Israel article posting about Israeli surfers in Sri Lanka being under threat of a terrorist attack due to IDF war crimes in Gaza.
Please show a little bit of backbone for once Mr bravery award.
Israelis surfers are only at risk because there is radical muslims in the area that want to take their frustrations of seeing other Islamist get their arses kicked on Israeli's surfers on holiday
Sri Lanka has a history of religious conflict including islamic terrorist groups and even bombings.
In 2019 three Churches were bombed (suicide bombers) and three hotels

Perhaps let Burlz answer for himself @Indo.

southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?
Yep, that's why i'm up at 6am you donkey.
Love your deflection as usual.
How come you didn't address the article from The Times of Israel.
Ahh that's right, because you don't actually believe any of what you say.
Just trollin.
Whatever makes you happy i guess.Happy days Southern! Strange times , saw burls linked and article from the ABC the other day.... after years of accusing them of being liars.
No point letting the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy aye?You still think Covid was legit and governments acted responsibly?
Burleigh the troll. Classic deflection. It never ends.
Hey Burlz, keen to address that post by the Times of Israel, incidentally published 3 months before the Al Jazeera article that you were so critical of.
Would really be interested in how you view an Israel article posting about Israeli surfers in Sri Lanka being under threat of a terrorist attack due to IDF war crimes in Gaza.
Please show a little bit of backbone for once Mr bravery award.
Oh dear, here he goes. Batten down the hatches.
Aljazeera is a arabic media outlet that causes divide/hate. Their article is very different to Time of Israel you absolute donkey southern (your brain not whats in ya pants)
Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account.

wonder why certain people don't want Elon doing his audit. Blows my mind

Ahem “ Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account. “………hang loose , that way ya can’t lose .

burleigh wrote:Aljazeera is a arabic media outlet that causes divide/hate.
Fuck me this comment just shows how ignorant you are. How about getting a bit of diversity going in your life.
What is Fox News then - a white supremacist media outlet that causes divide/hate.
Not really. They all just report news to suit their demographic.
Problem is your pea brain sees Al Jazeera's demographic as hateful arabic muslims.
You'd be surprised how many normal educated people in the western world watch Al Jazeera nowadays Burleigh.

burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?
Yep, that's why i'm up at 6am you donkey.
Love your deflection as usual.
How come you didn't address the article from The Times of Israel.
Ahh that's right, because you don't actually believe any of what you say.
Just trollin.
Whatever makes you happy i guess.Happy days Southern! Strange times , saw burls linked and article from the ABC the other day.... after years of accusing them of being liars.
No point letting the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy aye?You still think Covid was legit and governments acted responsibly?
Burleigh the troll. Classic deflection. It never ends.
Hey Burlz, keen to address that post by the Times of Israel, incidentally published 3 months before the Al Jazeera article that you were so critical of.
Would really be interested in how you view an Israel article posting about Israeli surfers in Sri Lanka being under threat of a terrorist attack due to IDF war crimes in Gaza.
Please show a little bit of backbone for once Mr bravery award.Oh dear, here he goes. Batten down the hatches.
Aljazeera is a arabic media outlet that causes divide/hate. Their article is very different to Time of Israel you absolute donkey southern (your brain not whats in ya pants)
Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account.
Hows the article different Burleigh? In detail, context, substance?
I see the same message in both.
You're really showing your bird brains today.
btw your insults are futile, knowing your sole motivation is to troll people.
You should try reaching higher than the lowest hanging fruit in life.
Will open up doors that you wouldn't believe.
So enlighten me about the key differences in the articles since it was you that brought this up in the first place.
I'd be open to a proper debate if you have the substance.

Supafreak wrote:Ahem “ Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account. “………hang loose , that way ya can’t lose .
Oh look, it's the spelling polici straight from Kuta.

garyg1412 wrote:burleigh wrote:Aljazeera is a arabic media outlet that causes divide/hate.
Fuck me this comment just shows how ignorant you are. How about getting a bit of diversity going in your life.
What is Fox News then - a white supremacist media outlet that causes divide/hate.
Not really. They all just report news to suit their demographic.
Problem is your pea brain sees Al Jazeera's demographic as hateful arabic muslims.
You'd be surprised how many normal educated people in the western world watch Al Jazeera nowadays Burleigh.
i don't watch fox news either Gaz. Please define normal for me

southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?
Yep, that's why i'm up at 6am you donkey.
Love your deflection as usual.
How come you didn't address the article from The Times of Israel.
Ahh that's right, because you don't actually believe any of what you say.
Just trollin.
Whatever makes you happy i guess.Happy days Southern! Strange times , saw burls linked and article from the ABC the other day.... after years of accusing them of being liars.
No point letting the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy aye?You still think Covid was legit and governments acted responsibly?
Burleigh the troll. Classic deflection. It never ends.
Hey Burlz, keen to address that post by the Times of Israel, incidentally published 3 months before the Al Jazeera article that you were so critical of.
Would really be interested in how you view an Israel article posting about Israeli surfers in Sri Lanka being under threat of a terrorist attack due to IDF war crimes in Gaza.
Please show a little bit of backbone for once Mr bravery award.Oh dear, here he goes. Batten down the hatches.
Aljazeera is a arabic media outlet that causes divide/hate. Their article is very different to Time of Israel you absolute donkey southern (your brain not whats in ya pants)
Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account.
Hows the article different Burleigh? In detail, context, substance?
I see the same message in both.
You're really showing your bird brains today.
btw your insults are futile, knowing your sole motivation is to troll people.
You should try reaching higher than the lowest hanging fruit in life.
Will open up doors that you wouldn't believe.
So enlighten me about the key differences in the articles since it was you that brought this up in the first place.
I'd be open to a proper debate if you have the substance.
The insults started with you champ. I'm not interested in a debate, i've seen this pattern of behaviour from you several times and it never ends well.
I'm out.

@burleigh wrote..."Just ask yourself why Aljazeera would want to bother posting a surfing article? They just want to create hate and you're sucked right in to the hate."
From The Times of Israel..
"But Arugam Bay, a hotspot for surfing around 400 kilometers (250 miles) east of Colombo by road, is a popular destination for Israeli tourists.
Following the US embassy warning, local police said they were unveiling a new security plan to protect tourists.
“In view of the war situation in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, the police together with intelligence agencies are working on a plan to protect tourists and resorts,” they said in a statement."
You see, this article specifically focuses on Israeli surfers in Sri Lanka. So according to you, they shouldn't be doing this unless they want to create division and hate right?

burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?
Yep, that's why i'm up at 6am you donkey.
Love your deflection as usual.
How come you didn't address the article from The Times of Israel.
Ahh that's right, because you don't actually believe any of what you say.
Just trollin.
Whatever makes you happy i guess.Happy days Southern! Strange times , saw burls linked and article from the ABC the other day.... after years of accusing them of being liars.
No point letting the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy aye?You still think Covid was legit and governments acted responsibly?
Burleigh the troll. Classic deflection. It never ends.
Hey Burlz, keen to address that post by the Times of Israel, incidentally published 3 months before the Al Jazeera article that you were so critical of.
Would really be interested in how you view an Israel article posting about Israeli surfers in Sri Lanka being under threat of a terrorist attack due to IDF war crimes in Gaza.
Please show a little bit of backbone for once Mr bravery award.Oh dear, here he goes. Batten down the hatches.
Aljazeera is a arabic media outlet that causes divide/hate. Their article is very different to Time of Israel you absolute donkey southern (your brain not whats in ya pants)
Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account.
Hows the article different Burleigh? In detail, context, substance?
I see the same message in both.
You're really showing your bird brains today.
btw your insults are futile, knowing your sole motivation is to troll people.
You should try reaching higher than the lowest hanging fruit in life.
Will open up doors that you wouldn't believe.
So enlighten me about the key differences in the articles since it was you that brought this up in the first place.
I'd be open to a proper debate if you have the substance.The insults started with you champ. I'm not interested in a debate, i've seen this pattern of behaviour from you several times and it never ends well.
I'm out.
hahaha what a fucken surprise.
So much for Burleigh balls of steel.
Predictable as ever.

burleigh wrote:Supafreak wrote:Ahem “ Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account. “………hang loose , that way ya can’t lose .
Oh look, it's the spelling polici straight from Kuta.
I thought it was pretty funny that you were telling SR to take a shower before he says something stupid while you were writing something stupid.

Supafreak wrote:burleigh wrote:Supafreak wrote:Ahem “ Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account. “………hang loose , that way ya can’t lose .
Oh look, it's the spelling polici straight from Kuta.
I thought it was pretty funny that you were telling SR to take a shower before he says something stupid while you were writing something stupid.
it was.

Burleigh wrote "i've seen this pattern of behaviour before"
Whats that burlz. Responding to your dumb comments with some facts?

southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:southernraw wrote:burleigh wrote:Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?
Yep, that's why i'm up at 6am you donkey.
Love your deflection as usual.
How come you didn't address the article from The Times of Israel.
Ahh that's right, because you don't actually believe any of what you say.
Just trollin.
Whatever makes you happy i guess.Happy days Southern! Strange times , saw burls linked and article from the ABC the other day.... after years of accusing them of being liars.
No point letting the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy aye?You still think Covid was legit and governments acted responsibly?
Burleigh the troll. Classic deflection. It never ends.
Hey Burlz, keen to address that post by the Times of Israel, incidentally published 3 months before the Al Jazeera article that you were so critical of.
Would really be interested in how you view an Israel article posting about Israeli surfers in Sri Lanka being under threat of a terrorist attack due to IDF war crimes in Gaza.
Please show a little bit of backbone for once Mr bravery award.Oh dear, here he goes. Batten down the hatches.
Aljazeera is a arabic media outlet that causes divide/hate. Their article is very different to Time of Israel you absolute donkey southern (your brain not whats in ya pants)
Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account.
Hows the article different Burleigh? In detail, context, substance?
I see the same message in both.
You're really showing your bird brains today.
btw your insults are futile, knowing your sole motivation is to troll people.
You should try reaching higher than the lowest hanging fruit in life.
Will open up doors that you wouldn't believe.
So enlighten me about the key differences in the articles since it was you that brought this up in the first place.
I'd be open to a proper debate if you have the substance.The insults started with you champ. I'm not interested in a debate, i've seen this pattern of behaviour from you several times and it never ends well.
I'm out.
hahaha what a fucken surprise.
So much for Burleigh balls of steel.
Predictable as ever.
Who saw this coming? lolz

Oh look, Hamas are also child killers.
Not to mention Hamas hiding behind families instead of coming out to fight like they wanted so badly resulting in many more deaths

The Christian Broadcasting Network looks like the sickest channel. Take that, Al Jazeera! There's even a prominent GIVE NOW button to show they're fully committed to the age-old tradition of born-again kook grifting. PRAYER MATTERS, YA'LL!


Well done Hiccups, instead of looking at the dead children that hamas kidnapped on October 7 you decide to do some real detective work and call out a channel i don't give a fuck about.

This guy founded CBN
Pat Robertson:
For more than half a century, Robertson was a familiar presence in American living rooms, known for his 700 Club television show, and in later years, his televised pronouncements of God's judgement, blaming natural disasters on everything from homosexuality to the teaching of evolution.
"in 1986, soon after the full importance of the AIDS epidemic began to become evident, Robertson was attempting to cure it by proclaiming people cured after prayer."
d00d was a riot!

Wonder the exact number of children killed by Israel in the last couple of years. Gotta be more than than the two bodies chhhamas just handed over, right? A couple more? Just a few?

Here you go hiccup:
I'm not defending that other channel, i couldn't care less.
i checked on Aljazeera but couldn't find anything...... weird

Hiccups wrote:Wonder the exact number of children killed by Israel in the last couple of years. Gotta be more than than the two bodies chhhamas just handed over, right? A couple more? Just a few?
No doubt, i'm not disputing that.

burleigh wrote:Supafreak wrote:Ahem “ Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account. “………hang loose , that way ya can’t lose .
Oh look, it's the spelling polici straight from Kuta.

Supafreak wrote:burleigh wrote:Supafreak wrote:Ahem “ Go take a shower before you say something stupid and loose your 4th account. “………hang loose , that way ya can’t lose .
Oh look, it's the spelling polici straight from Kuta.
haha, damn it.

garyg1412 wrote:burleigh wrote:Aljazeera is a arabic media outlet that causes divide/hate.
Fuck me this comment just shows how ignorant you are. How about getting a bit of diversity going in your life.
What is Fox News then - a white supremacist media outlet that causes divide/hate.
Not really. They all just report news to suit their demographic.
Problem is your pea brain sees Al Jazeera's demographic as hateful arabic muslims.
You'd be surprised how many normal educated people in the western world watch Al Jazeera nowadays Burleigh.
Um dude Al Jazeera is run by the Qatar government that offered protection for Hamas leaders, Al Jazeerai is banned in half of the middle east, pretty much all the half stable countries (for the middle east) Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Israel, and recently even got banned in the West Bank by the Palestinian authority.
It's been banned because of its bias content and misleading content and been accused of stirring up conflict and aligning or even having links to terrorist groups in particular the Muslim Brotherhood
It's also had temporary or limited bans and seen sever criticism from government and other bodies around the world for the same or similar reasons
That said the Arabic version is much worst than the English version that is toned down for westerners, but still contains the same propaganda.

indo-dreaming wrote:garyg1412 wrote:burleigh wrote:Aljazeera is a arabic media outlet that causes divide/hate.
Fuck me this comment just shows how ignorant you are. How about getting a bit of diversity going in your life.
What is Fox News then - a white supremacist media outlet that causes divide/hate.
Not really. They all just report news to suit their demographic.
Problem is your pea brain sees Al Jazeera's demographic as hateful arabic muslims.
You'd be surprised how many normal educated people in the western world watch Al Jazeera nowadays Burleigh.Um dude Al Jazeera is run by the Qatar government that offered protection for Hamas leaders, Al Jazeerai is banned in half of the middle east, pretty much all the half stable countries (for the middle east) Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Israel, and recently even got banned in the West Bank by the Palestinian authority.
It's been banned because of its bias content and misleading content and been accused of stirring up conflict and aligning or even having links to terrorist groups in particular the Muslim Brotherhood
That said the Arabic version is much worst than the English version that is toned down for westerners, but still contains the same propaganda.

What a carrot cake. How could the leader of the free world say this? Imagine how the Ukrainians feel about this after 3 years defending their land.

^^ you mean the same Qatari government that owns Qatar Airlines who along with Virgin Airlines will fly in/out of Australia 10 times a day starting this year??
Darn those Hamas protectors!

GuySmiley wrote:^^ you mean the same Qatari government that owns Qatar Airlines who along with Virgin Airlines will fly in/out of Australia 10 times a day starting this year??
Darn those Hamas protectors!
Yeah so they own an airline so what.
It doesn't change the fact they own and run a media channel banned by half the middle east or it doesn't mean they dont directly or indirectly support terrorist groups in some manner.
"Qatar and state-sponsored terrorism"'s,2013%20due%20to%20leadership%20conflicts.

GuySmiley wrote:^^ you mean the same Qatari government that owns Qatar Airlines who along with Virgin Airlines will fly in/out of Australia 10 times a day starting this year??
Darn those Hamas protectors!
Extremely floored logic here

Wow, @info are you really saying that Qatari Government “ …. directly or indirectly support terrorist groups in some manner. …” when its government owned airline flys in and out of every major country and city daily including Washington DC.
Perhaps you can explain what you know that every intelligence agency in the world doesn’t know about the Qatari government’s terrorist links.

GuySmiley wrote:Wow, @info the same Qatari Government that “ … directly or indirectly support terrorist groups in some manner. …” whose government owned airline flys in and out of every major country and city daily including Washington DC.
Perhaps you can explain what you know that every intelligence agency in the world doesn’t know about the Qatari government’s terrorist links.
I’m not sure if you’re taking the piss or you’re really that naive

If only they went with Bernie, not Hilary....
Would be a better different world I reckon.
What a shit show.

GuySmiley wrote:Wow, @info are you really saying that Qatari Government “ …. directly or indirectly support terrorist groups in some manner. …” when its government owned airline flys in and out of every major country and city daily including Washington DC.
Perhaps you can explain what you know that every intelligence agency in the world doesn’t know about the Qatari government’s terrorist links.
Are you going senile?
I will post the link again, try reading it this time.
Qatar and state-sponsored terrorism
If you google the topic there is plenty of other sources, as you can see some government or study papers.
But yes Qatar is smart they run a good airline and throw money where needed as we know money talks.
As an example
"Qatari involvement in higher education in the United States"
The research revealed that from 2001 to 2021, US higher education institutions received US$13 billion in funding from foreign sources, with Qatar contributing donations totaling $4.7 billion to universities in the United States."
For perspective on why they can get money to talk
"The Economy of Qatar is one of the highest in the world based on GDP per capita, ranking generally among the top ten richest countries on world rankings."
They might be acting as negotiators between Hamas and Israel but they are not at all a neutral party, they financially support Hamas with billions and offered protection for top Hamas leaders, top Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was only able to be taken out when he left Qatar and was in Iran.
"Qatari support for Hamas"

Damn, how good is this:

andy-mac wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Telegraph has been doing some great reporting on the events in Europe:
My takeaway is the US 'rules based order' that existed post WW2 is now kaput. It's gone. What has replaced it is power, just pure power. If a great power wants to do something in the 21st century to a smaller power, it just goes and does it now. Might is right. Alliances based on a great power now depend on its whim.
The implications for Australia, a middle power, are profound. It would be helpful at this stage to not only have the submarines, but a complete nuclear deterrent. In fact last week would be a good time to have that ready.
Hi VJ...
This popped up.
You reckon Chinese propaganda or element of truth?
If true pretty big implications for subs.https://m.
Hi Andy, probably truth. I've also seen papers on other methods they could use to spot subs using the most minute things, but won't mention those here. If it's truth, is it widely available and has it proved reliable? If so, a new sonar. Sub tactics might then change to "well, if I'm going fast and theres a plane overhead scanning, maybe I go slow until it's gone," or maybe countermeasures develop like "I have a device on the bow that nullifies or disrupts the magnetic signature". It might be that those searching use multiple methods, and get a magnetic hint, cross correlate with other types, and have a reasonable expectation they've found the sub. Technology on both sides will accelerate.

velocityjohnno wrote:andy-mac wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Telegraph has been doing some great reporting on the events in Europe:
My takeaway is the US 'rules based order' that existed post WW2 is now kaput. It's gone. What has replaced it is power, just pure power. If a great power wants to do something in the 21st century to a smaller power, it just goes and does it now. Might is right. Alliances based on a great power now depend on its whim.
The implications for Australia, a middle power, are profound. It would be helpful at this stage to not only have the submarines, but a complete nuclear deterrent. In fact last week would be a good time to have that ready.
Hi VJ...
This popped up.
You reckon Chinese propaganda or element of truth?
If true pretty big implications for subs.https://m.
Hi Andy, probably truth. I've also seen papers on other methods they could use to spot subs using the most minute things, but won't mention those here. If it's truth, is it widely available and has it proved reliable? If so, a new sonar. Sub tactics might then change to "well, if I'm going fast and theres a plane overhead scanning, maybe I go slow until it's gone," or maybe countermeasures develop like "I have a device on the bow that nullifies or disrupts the magnetic signature". It might be that those searching use multiple methods, and get a magnetic hint, cross correlate with other types, and have a reasonable expectation they've found the sub. Technology on both sides will accelerate.
Cheers VJ.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank