Next Federal Election

Nothing gaudier than a ridiculously unachievable nuclear power plan.

YouGov poll shows Peter Dutton in position to be next PM | ABC NEWS

yay! ...peter dutton PM!
fuck you labor
you've done this...
dutton will be a disasterous turn for australia
the cunt's literally got nothing to offer
except $1000 businessman lunches, and a nuclear brainfart...
not a single decent policy it would seem
he doesn't need to...
just head down and watch labor hand him the chair
I see labor have adopted his lacklustre no foreign investment in property pokicy though
there's a win
I think it's in the bag - dutton that is..
labor need to move fast... but they seem beyond unwilling...

interesting times when 'double haters' are the biggest voting block...
unprecedented you might say
maybe it will be good for australia?
best election outcome for decades?
my prediction, pauline hanson is gonna romp it in...


Optimist wrote:Salty, check out PRINS AUTOGAS….the latest petrols , diesels , hybrids as well as old cars running like clockwork and the future , without any alteration to the fuel systems, are bio gases.
The U.S. are bringing out new LPG trucks 4x4’s etc now as well.
Looks interesting Opti, but we don’t do enough k’s to justify the cost of conversion and availability of bio gases would be an issue for some time yet.
Mercedes are unveiling their new hybrid and ev range CLA models next month. They claim the ev CLA will have a range of 750 km, fast charging capability, and two speed transmission for better efficiency.
The question is “What’s the price?”
But the good thing here is that substantial progress is being made on range and fast charging.

indo-dreaming wrote:YouGov poll shows Peter Dutton in position to be next PM | ABC NEWS
Fairly wide margin of error in there though.
It shows that the average voter isn’t all that discerning given the LNP hasn’t revealed anything of substance yet.
I suppose you could call the LNP and its policies (or lack thereof) as “Dutton dressed up as lamb”.
It will take a monumental swing for the LNP to win in their own right, and I can’t see any teals siding with them.
An ALP minority government is most likely.

Probably should be in oz standing in shit thread but nonetheless these arseholes control elections in Australia.
And I mean complete arseholes with a C

A Salty Dog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:YouGov poll shows Peter Dutton in position to be next PM | ABC NEWS
Fairly wide margin of error in there though.
It shows that the average voter isn’t all that discerning given the LNP hasn’t revealed anything of substance yet.
I suppose you could call the LNP and its policies (or lack thereof) as “Dutton dressed up as lamb”.
It will take a monumental swing for the LNP to win in their own right, and I can’t see any teals siding with them.
An ALP minority government is most likely.
Dutton dressed as lamb - nice one Salty.
And according to Antony Green, the LNP need a 5.3% swing to govern with a majority.
"these numbers treat the contest as a two-party race and ignore that one-sixth of contests were not two-party races. Were Labor to win back any Green seats, its electoral buffer would increase. If the Liberal Party were to recover any seats lost to Independents in 2022, down comes the required swing for the Coalition to win more seats than Labor or achieve majority government.
Simply reducing the election to a two-party contest misses the increasing complexity created by elections where the first preference vote splits three-ways between Labor, the Coalition and third parties plus independents."

“ If the Liberal Party were to recover any seats lost to Independents in 2022 …”.
What with his: nuclear brain fart linked to the continual denial of climate action; Voice stance; and opposition to everything that the Government has introduced or attempted to pass it isn’t going to happen, in fact there could be even more Teals taking seats from Dutton. The absolute best the LNP can hope for is a couple of outer suburban seats despite the best efforts of a compliant arse licking media.
Only my opinion but seriously does anyone see Teal seats reverting to the same talentless good ole boys and gals that were there at the last election? The only difference is that they are older, even more irrelevant than before and the last of the moderates have left the party and replaced with FRNJ Christians candidates … the Australian Reactionary Party!

"does anyone see Teal seats reverting to the same talentless good ole boys and gals that were there at the last election?"
No, the trend has been clear for a long time - people want alternatives to the duopoly.
In 1951, almost 98% of votes went to the two major parties. In the last election, this number was down to 68.5%.
And in the past 45 years, the independent/minor party primary vote in the lower house has increased four-fold to over 30%.
The good old boys had better get their shit together because the public have their number.
Having said that, there's probably too much hubris and vested interest for substantial change to happen so we'd better get used to the idea of minority governments and interesting power sharing arrangements.

Hey Guy, check out p.18 of this Australian Election Study, quite interesting with regards to Teal voters.
Suffice to say that Teal voter's tactical anti-Liberal voting "far exceeds that found in most international studies".

seeds wrote:Probably should be in oz standing in shit thread but nonetheless these arseholes control elections in Australia.
And I mean complete arseholes with a C
Happy family ey.
Kind of like Rinehart's.
$$$ rich, but really very poor.

Cheers @andym

A Salty Dog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:YouGov poll shows Peter Dutton in position to be next PM | ABC NEWS
Fairly wide margin of error in there though.
It shows that the average voter isn’t all that discerning given the LNP hasn’t revealed anything of substance yet.
I suppose you could call the LNP and its policies (or lack thereof) as “Dutton dressed up as lamb”.
It will take a monumental swing for the LNP to win in their own right, and I can’t see any teals siding with them.
An ALP minority government is most likely.
hopefully it's a good old-fashioned aussie poll. i.e. send the message to Labor we think shit-lite are disappointing as hell. But then vote for them in the booths anyway, 'cause shit-heavy would be just too, too grim to stomach.

"the Australian Reactionary Party!"
Register the name @Guy before Clive Palmer grabs it

This is actually an old article from 2022 but it seems more relevant now than ever with quite a few signs that an upset is quite possible even if historically very unlikely.
"Governments usually win a second term. But could the new Labor government be an exception?
Addressing the first meeting of Labor’s new caucus, Anthony Albanese held out the prospect of “back-to-back premierships”. But a second-term in government isn’t a given, he implied – it is something Labor will have to earn. Does he really believe Labor might not be re-elected?
Not since 1931 has any government failed to win a second term. So predictable has the victory become that political commentators routinely refer to the “reluctance” of voters to despatch a government after just one term. Given the historical record, one journalist has even argued Albanese’s focus should be on a third term.
Predictably, Peter Dutton was having none of it. His plan, he told his troops, was to limit Labor to just one term. To anyone looking at the Coalition’s numbers, this may have sounded fanciful. Yet, some observed, this may not have been a bad election for the Coalition to lose. Labor has often won office only to be buffeted by economic forces beyond its control – after 1929, obviously; but also after its 1972 and 2007 wins. With declining economic growth in the United States and China, perhaps 2022 will prove to be no different.
Governments seeking a second term lose votes
What happens to electoral support for governments seeking a second term is rather different from what we might imagine if all we knew was that they almost always win.
Since the war, seven governments have sought a second term. Three were led by Labor prime ministers (Gough Whitlam, 1974; Bob Hawke, 1984; Julia Gillard, 2010), and four by Liberal prime ministers (Robert Menzies, 1951; Malcolm Fraser, 1977; John Howard, 1998; Malcolm Turnbull, 2016).
On every occasion, the government’s two-party vote went backwards. In the 1950s and in the 1970s and 1980s this loss of votes wasn’t particularly large: 0.3 percentage points (1951), 1.0 (1974), 0.9 (1977) and 1.4 (1984) – an average of 0.9. But since the late 1990s, the loss of votes has been greater: 4.6 percentage points (1998), 2.6 (2010) and 3.1 (2016) – an average of 3.4.
Make better decisions - find out what the experts think.
The contrast between the two periods is even sharper if we think of prime ministers rather than parties seeking second terms. In 2013, when Gillard sought a second term, Labor’s two-party vote declined by 3.6 points. In 2022, when Morrison sought a second term, the Coalition’s two-party vote declined by 3.3 points. In all the other elections, the prime minister seeking a second term was the same prime minister who had secured a first term.
It’s governments seeking third or fourth terms that have sometimes gained votes
Why might postwar governments have always been returned on their first attempt? Is it because the swings against them have been more muted at the end of their first term than at the end of their second or third terms?
For Labor, yes. Labor governments have shed 1.7 percentage points, on average, after their first term; after their second, the average figure is 4.0 points.
Read more: Confused polling distorts the debate on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament
However, for the Coalition, the contrary is true. At the end of their first terms, Coalition governments have shed an average of 2.2 percentage points. But at the end of their second terms, having increased their vote on two occasions, their average loss has been just 0.7 points. And at the end of their third terms – again, having twice increased their vote – they have actually gained a point.
On this evidence, the idea that voters are reluctant to throw out first term governments is mistaken.
So why do governments win second terms?
Governments fail to fall at the end of their first term because of the margins by which they are elected in the first place.
Elected in 1996 with a 40-seat majority, the Howard government hung on in 1998 despite a swing of 4.6 points that should have seen it lose. In 2010, Gillard survived because of the size of Rudd’s 2007 win, though she now headed a minority government. In 2016, Turnbull survived by the narrowest of majorities, saved by the size of Abbott’s win.
The idea that close results reflect voters’ “ambivalence” is a category mistake: electorates aren’t “ambivalent” even if some voters are. The view that close elections show that voters think neither side “deserves” to govern is another category mistake. Very likely, most voters think one side or the other deserves to govern. It’s just that those who think the Coalition deserves to govern are matched, more or less, by those who think Labor deserves to do so.
Labor get a second term?
If the swings endured by first term governments in 2010 or 2016 – or the swing endured by a first term Morrison government – are any guide, the chances of an Albanese government being returned as a majority government are low.
Although Labor won 51.9% of the two-party vote, it would take only small swings – 0.2 percentage points in Gilmore (New South Wales) and 0.8 in Lyons (Tasmania) – for it to lose its majority.
How many other seats could it afford to lose and still govern in minority? A two-party swing of 3.1 percentage points – the smallest swing suffered by any of the last three first-term governments – could see the government lose eight seats to the Coalition, leaving Labor with 69 seats and the Coalition with 66. A swing of 4.6 points – the biggest swing suffered by any of these three governments – could see it lose another four: Labor 65, the Coalition 70. Because the electoral pendulum is not a perfect predictor, these are estimates.
Read more: It’s been called the worst job in politics. Can Peter Dutton buck the trend?
Were the Coalition to win back a few of the seats won narrowly by the “teal” independents, then Labor’s position would become even more precarious. It might be able to count on the four Greens plus Andrew Wilkie to claim the support of 70 MPs. But if the Coalition won 72 or 73 seats and a bigger vote share (primary and two-party) than Labor, it might be better placed than Labor to strike an agreement with the remaining independents. Where Labor would need almost all eight or nine independents to form a minority government, the Coalition might need only three or four.
Other possibilities could weaken Labor’s position even further: a loss of a seat or two to the teals or to the Greens; or the Coalition’s winning back a seat or two from the Greens. If either of these things happened, Labor’s hold on government might be beyond saving.
The last one-term Labor government was a casualty of the Great Depression. Having secured 48.8% of the first preference vote and 46 of the 75 seats in the House in 1929, Labor managed only 37.7% of the vote and 18 seats in 1931 – even if we include the breakaway party, Lang Labor.
Will economic circumstances come to the aid of the non-Labor parties again?"

sypkan wrote:yay! ...peter dutton PM!
fuck you labor
you've done this...
dutton will be a disasterous turn for australia
the cunt's literally got nothing to offer
except $1000 businessman lunches, and a nuclear brainfart...
not a single decent policy it would seem
he doesn't need to...
just head down and watch labor hand him the chair
I see labor have adopted his lacklustre no foreign investment in property pokicy though
there's a win
I think it's in the bag - dutton that is..
labor need to move fast... but they seem beyond unwilling...
Not a massive Albo fan, but i actually think Labor have done some really good things in their term.
Especially banning kids 16 and under from social media.
Whether it's effective or not, it's a ballsy move that not many governments around the world would be willing to take, and one that can only be beneficial for our society.
There's a list of other things i can't be fucked getting into, but they've been very productive.
They inherited the cost of living from Australia shutting down industry during covid. Labor at state level can take alot of the blame for that one.

What do they say about if you can’t govern yourself …. from the Age today
Joyce, after flirtation with One Nation, set to be dumped if Dutton wins
Paul Sakkal
By Paul Sakkal
Updated February 17, 2025 — 3.50pmfirst published at 3.48pm
Nationals leader David Littleproud plans to deny his chief rival Barnaby Joyce a ministry if the opposition wins power after the former party leader was filmed uttering obscenities while sprawled on a Canberra footpath late at night one year ago.
Joyce, one of the country’s best-known but most divisive politicians, considered joining One Nation in the aftermath of that incident in February 2024 through a series of discussions that have gone unreported. But he remained in parliament as the Nationals’ veterans’ affairs spokesman …..

Load up on Labor, put the house on it, you can’t lose!!
For free and confidential support call 1800 858 858 or visit

velocityjohnno wrote:It's that time again, sportsbet election odds
Lib 1.53
Alp 2.50
Other 81
Two horse race but SleezyDonkey is false odds...about $4.90 is the correct price.

Labor have done some good things in this term being ignored my MSM. NACC is a weak lettuce leaf and unsure if the 24/7 nurse thing is operating at 100%, but did a lot more than the last mob for average Australians.
What's Dutton offering besides some uncosted unrealistic nuclear scam and further division with his dog whistling??
Stole this list from a comment in paper.
- Increase childcare subsidy rates
- increased wages to Aged Care and Child Care staff.
- Legislate 10 days of paid family and DV leave
- Reduce maximum charge of PBS scripts
- 24/7 registered nurse presence in aged care facilities
- Boost TPI payment for disabled veterans
- Provide ABC and SBS 5-year funding periods to avoid political pressure.
- Remove import and fringe-benefit tax on non-luxury low-emissions vehicles
- Make gender pay equity an objective of the Fair Work Act
- Deliver a one-off $429 increase in the low and middle tax offset in 2022
- Legislate federal anti-corruption commission
- Actually having an energy policy

24/7 YouTubed Dutto is On Demand + Jacinta I-View are streaming mandated wallpaper.
SKY News + 7/9/10 are offering 23 hr [L] TV with 1 hr Booster Packs
Media have rightly informed which Cross Benchers were elected & how they voted for [L] Govt
Back on Track to Typical Mass [L] Rorts > Reams of Corrupted Schemes
Gold Pass record high [L] migration > Rising interest rates > skyrocketing inflation > lower wages.
Chinese have listed fav [L] Ministers and Portfolios & media have informed Voldemort!
Voldemort has already intimidated Cross benchers to out their Voting Preference for him or die! warning by AEC to stop the Bully from running the election.
Government Efficiency Minister Price
Crew may recall Bess Price Rorts incorporated
Zodiac Govt Land / Housing Estate rezone the family's Aboriginal trusted supa-scheme
Latitude Travel Rorts...
132 counts of rorting $600k Govt travel thru Bess's office in 15 months
Here's a sample of Mumma Price Travel Expenses
$50,000 Bess NY Trip > $6k Waldorf $6k Washington flight $3k Driver $1500 spending
Bess denies showering in money is unhealthy + Guilty Chief of Staff walks without punishment
Jacinta Price "Minister for Bess Nation Efficiency"
July-Sept 2022 claims for 2 staff
Jan-March 2024 claims for 6 staff
July -Sept 2024 claims for 8 staff
Employee costs have also doubled to verify her PM upgraded 8 staff claim
(Correct Jacinta has her own Massive Taxpayer funded Media / Land / Travel Rort Council)
Jacinta's Office claims are not meant to be exploited as Party / Reffo Slushies
Yet her claims 106k double during 3 Quarters to Q 238k Voice Reffo then half 107k in next Quarters
Good guess Jacintas office claims have again doubled & soaring higher towards next election @195k
By her own admissions she constantly breaches Slush Mum Bess > Never held to account!
Flying High #1 Oz Travel Rorter (Again..tbb swears...this is by her own account)
May-July 2023
76 {Business Class} Flights = $77k
69 Nights in Hotels = $19k
Vehicle Hire ( Price / [L] Inflation )
Q3 2023 =$1,872 month > Sept 2024 = $2,978 month (That don't seem very efficient? Cough!)
Sky High Jacinta Price Watch (2023 /2024)
$10,543 / day Adelaide - Port Augusta ($165 Standard) 64x less efficient than average Aussie Voter
$10,543 / day Port Augusta - Alice Springs ( Oz Efficient cost = $300)
$8,478 Alice Springs (Return) Uluru (Apology : Traditional [CLP] Name Ayres Rock)
$5,900 Alice Springs - "Ayres Rock" Happy now Jacinta
$4,079 Darwin (return) Nhulunbuy
$3,500 Port Augusta (return) Alice Springs
$3,100 Alice Springs (return) Tennant Creek
$2,950 Alice Springs (return) Ayres Rock
Oz next Minister of Govt Efficiency officially declares she's 64x less efficient than every Oz voter.
[ Jacinta 4 PM Media Tart Drama Queen 24/7 Champaign Telethon ] Polls skyrocket
Footnote : Just received [L] ABC Conformation that Australian Voters are not the World's #1 Racists
[L] Voters are attracted to Jacinta's Price Watch Trust Fundamentals & lack of rorting accountability.
Makes them seem like half decent slave owners...
Like so I can now vote for more deplorable souls than myself to legitimize my evil cool!
Media Ordained Minister for Indigenous Australians / Govt Efficiency
[L] Govt Procured 100% Made in Oz Aboriginal Flag Royalties (Zero Accountability of Royalties)
So [L] Media Darlings could officially sanction digital decimation of their #1 Anti Voice Prop.
Aboriginal Flag in No media was 95% obliterated & decimated resulting in a resounding 60% NO Vote.
[L] Party knew by procuring Aboriginal Flag they alone held the Iconic Power Tool to manipulate [NO]
They also wrote the rules exempting their relentless denigration of #1 Iconic Aboriginal Sovereignty.
tbb examples how France force WSL to censor Tahiti Sovereignty Symbols from generic flag colours!
Or how Abu Dhabi force WSL to change flagged Jerseys to remove Pride & all Flags
Just saying this is business as usual for Dictators like [L] Party
This is very real & deliberate [L] strategy to Destroy & obliterate Aboriginal uprising in Prime Media.
[L] Army slyly procured & disarmed Aboriginal #1 Icon to shower an iconic Aboriginal Media shitstorm.
95% branding an Aboriginal Flag was now perceived to be Voting NO alongside [L] Flag owners
[L] Owned / Media jointly spat on Aboriginal #1 Icon/s at High Noon Hanging as world quivered.
#1 Decimator of Iconic Aboriginal & Australia Flags = Jacinta Price (Peoples Evil Queen Villain Hero)
(Wore her Exploited Iconic Tri Colour Layout as her Hate Slogan)
Jacinta's Mob #1 Prop exploited 24/7 media of ripped, torn, torched National Flags to divide our Nation
#2 [L] Media (Cartoonists) Lambasted Aboriginal Flag as piece of worthless filth rag enveloping losers!$zoom_0.4458%2C$multiply_1.1032%2C$ratio_1.5%2C$width_756%2C$x_34%2C$y_0/t_crop_custom/q_86%2Cf_auto/cf55f704585f5236e6a8d33d9d1d537fae9ca2c2$width_620/t_resize_width%2Cq_88%2Cf_auto/012b250bba7df16d341ef7237e4edc8c5ce8b5d1
#3 NO Merch Campaigners shit fucked Political NO Slogans over the Aboriginal Flag$zoom_0.195%2C$multiply_1.6402%2C$ratio_1%2C$width_378%2C$x_0%2C$y_0/t_crop_custom/q_86%2Cf_auto/76b78e435acfdff508b7b4aeecffaf6d5aa8225f
Never ever heard of one breach of [L] Aboriginal Flag Protection Policy
Only ever saw Mass Shit-fuck Obliteration by [L] Pollies & Violent mob of their procured $25m Icon.
[L] bought it so they can fucking destroy Aboriginal Icon & deny rallying around their precious [L] Icon .
Reminding it was [L] Govt that stipulates our Flags be treated with respect.
Yet [L] Govt / media are ever first & #1 Destroyers of our Iconic Flags to incite hate & divide our Nation.
Media Darling Indigenous Minister has never once accounted for [L] Govt Royalties on Aboriginal Flag.
Why buy the Flag & mandate Oz made Royalties then never once account for Royalties...Huh...
Only need the Flag to wipe out Aboriginals > Job Done > Now Ban it as Chinese Masters can't profit!
Once again only exhibits how utterly poor Jacinta's Indigenous Efficiency & accountability is...
At least have the decency to account how much Aboriginal Oz Royalties are lost by Banning the Flag.
How many Oz industries go to the wall by banning Oz made to please [Made in China Flag masters]
Oz Flag Values #1 Palestinian #2 Aboriginal #3 TSI (All top 3 are Oz Made Best Selling industries)
#4 Pride also mostly Oz Local made >
Then ya got this ...#5 [ Made in China Oz Flag ] Worthless to any but Dutto's Chinese Masters.
Cowards Dutto & Jacinta wish to destroy all Sovereign Royalties to mandate their Chinese Overlords!
Please if crew can point to where [L] designate Account keeping of Aboriginal Flag Royalties.
Only coz People pay twice as much & more for Oz Aboriginal Flags than Shitty [Made in China Oz Flags]
[L] must reveal what Oz royalties & job network loss by banning Aboriginal Flag / Welcomes.
Next [L] Govt / Stadium mandate bans ALL 100% Oz made / Aboriginal Welcome + Royalties
Thus mandating restriction of indigenous people to rally behind Aboriginal Icons = [ONEOFUS]
Now we taxpayers have got to account for lost Oz made Welcome / Icon / Arts Royalty revenue...
Indigenous Pride was paying for it's own we go back to the [L] Donor Kitty Card Rort
Now Jacinta wants us to pay for her 50% Cash out Card rort of 10x grocery / taxi fare price rorts
Still this week Albo is picking up the 10x grocery tab blowout on that [L] Card rort
[L] Jacinta's Welfare Card Club (Actual Price Rorts)
$45 = Block of Jacinta Cheese
$17 = kg of Live [L] Export Mince (Sea Slurry)
$11 = Pack of Tea Bags with bonus [L] Shop Price Rort Card
$10 = Carton of [L] Milk
$6 = Box of [L] Weet Bix
$5 = Pack of [L] Pasta
$4.50 = Bag of [L] Flour
All approved Grocery 'Price Watch Club Card Donations' go to [L] Liberal Party Charity Slush Fund
Indigenous Minister of efficiency prioritizes...
Welcome to Stadium only by certified Footy Teams Songlines.
Prioritizing Foreign Royalties to Russian & Foreign Armies by singing Gang Rape / Murderous ballads
Prioritizes [L] Gold Pass Chinese Masters by mandating flying Chinese Made Pommie Bastard's Flags.
Ups Aboriginal Groceries by 10x with Jacinta Price Watch Club Card (All Luv watching [L] Price rises!)
Like which Racist Oz Nazi wouldn't Vote for highest level of Oz sell out treasonous rort genocide.
Thankfully Oz swear they ain't Racists...should work out fine...Right!

This is a video break down on that You Gov poll, quite interesting.
LNP 2% increase in primary vote
Labor 3.5% decrease in primary vote
Greens small increase
One nation big increase with absence of AUP
Independents/others big jump in votes.

andy-mac wrote:Labor have done some good things in this term being ignored my MSM. NACC is a weak lettuce leaf and unsure if the 24/7 nurse thing is operating at 100%, but did a lot more than the last mob for average Australians.
What's Dutton offering besides some uncosted unrealistic nuclear scam and further division with his dog whistling??
Stole this list from a comment in paper.
- Increase childcare subsidy rates
- increased wages to Aged Care and Child Care staff.
- Legislate 10 days of paid family and DV leave
- Reduce maximum charge of PBS scripts
- 24/7 registered nurse presence in aged care facilities
- Boost TPI payment for disabled veterans
- Provide ABC and SBS 5-year funding periods to avoid political pressure.
- Remove import and fringe-benefit tax on non-luxury low-emissions vehicles
- Make gender pay equity an objective of the Fair Work Act
- Deliver a one-off $429 increase in the low and middle tax offset in 2022
- Legislate federal anti-corruption commission
- Actually having an energy policy
This could be interesting

seeds wrote:andy-mac wrote:Labor have done some good things in this term being ignored my MSM. NACC is a weak lettuce leaf and unsure if the 24/7 nurse thing is operating at 100%, but did a lot more than the last mob for average Australians.
What's Dutton offering besides some uncosted unrealistic nuclear scam and further division with his dog whistling??
Stole this list from a comment in paper.
- Increase childcare subsidy rates
- increased wages to Aged Care and Child Care staff.
- Legislate 10 days of paid family and DV leave
- Reduce maximum charge of PBS scripts
- 24/7 registered nurse presence in aged care facilities
- Boost TPI payment for disabled veterans
- Provide ABC and SBS 5-year funding periods to avoid political pressure.
- Remove import and fringe-benefit tax on non-luxury low-emissions vehicles
- Make gender pay equity an objective of the Fair Work Act
- Deliver a one-off $429 increase in the low and middle tax offset in 2022
- Legislate federal anti-corruption commission
- Actually having an energy policyThis could be interesting
My guess is that if anything happens, it will be public servants that will take the fall, not any lnp ex or present pollie.

I hope not considering the illegality of the scheme, the inaccuracy of it and the damage that it had created (to put it lightly) was known by the responsible ministers and presumably the prime ministers.
Where does the buck stop?

seeds wrote:I hope not considering the illegality of the scheme, the inaccuracy of it and the damage that it had created (to put it lightly) was known by the responsible ministers and presumably the prime ministers.
Where does the buck stop?
Not with any pollies unfortunately.
Albo's govt really had a good opportunity at the start of their term to go hard with a NACC, but they watered it down. This was not the only policy where they played shit lite unfortunately, which could see them a one term wonder.
I would guess that Taylor, Dutton, Joyce and a few other would have retired (or worse) from politics if there was a proper anti-corruption commission. Sure there would be a few Labor scalps, but the LNP were up to their necks in corruption.
I agree those that deliberately continued scheme knowing they were killing people indirectly should be in jail, Morrison and Robert.... at the very least.

The potential hung parliament might make a change.

Gawd here we go. Clive’s back!!
Burliegh will be happy.

"A week after billionaire Clive Palmer failed in his bid to re-register the United Australia Party, he is back with a new party and the same fluorescent yellow vibe.
Palmer held a press conference in Parliament House to announce he is now chairman of the Trumpet of Patriots, a party that will essentially copy US President Donald Trump's policies.
Palmer listed a few Trump-adjacent policies he would adopt, such as that there are only two genders and there should be less immigration."

thermalben wrote:"A week after billionaire Clive Palmer failed in his bid to re-register the United Australia Party, he is back with a new party and the same fluorescent yellow vibe.
Palmer held a press conference in Parliament House to announce he is now chairman of the Trumpet of Patriots, a party that will essentially copy US President Donald Trump's policies.
Palmer listed a few Trump-adjacent policies he would adopt, such as that there are only two genders and there should be less immigration."
Good on him. We won't succeed but good on him.

thermalben wrote:"A week after billionaire Clive Palmer failed in his bid to re-register the United Australia Party, he is back with a new party and the same fluorescent yellow vibe.
Palmer held a press conference in Parliament House to announce he is now chairman of the Trumpet of Patriots, a party that will essentially copy US President Donald Trump's policies.
Palmer listed a few Trump-adjacent policies he would adopt, such as that there are only two genders and there should be less immigration."
The cringe is real.

Just thinking aloud... if Clive does succeed, will he drop the $300 billion lawsuit he launched against the Australian government?
Oh and also the second lawsuit against the Australian government (for just $41.3 billion).

burleigh wrote:thermalben wrote:"A week after billionaire Clive Palmer failed in his bid to re-register the United Australia Party, he is back with a new party and the same fluorescent yellow vibe.
Palmer held a press conference in Parliament House to announce he is now chairman of the Trumpet of Patriots, a party that will essentially copy US President Donald Trump's policies.
Palmer listed a few Trump-adjacent policies he would adopt, such as that there are only two genders and there should be less immigration."
Good on him. We won't succeed but good on him.
For someone who prides them self as a fine physical specimen I’m surprised you’re into this Jabba the Hut looking creature burls

goofyfoot wrote:burleigh wrote:thermalben wrote:"A week after billionaire Clive Palmer failed in his bid to re-register the United Australia Party, he is back with a new party and the same fluorescent yellow vibe.
Palmer held a press conference in Parliament House to announce he is now chairman of the Trumpet of Patriots, a party that will essentially copy US President Donald Trump's policies.
Palmer listed a few Trump-adjacent policies he would adopt, such as that there are only two genders and there should be less immigration."
Good on him. We won't succeed but good on him.
For someone who prides them self as a fine physical specimen I’m surprised you’re into this Jabba the Hut looking creature burls
we need big change and if the only person that can possibly shake it up is jabba the hut then im all for it.
Australia is full of old left units so he won't succeed right now, but as these old dinosaurs become extinct then real change will happen and big clive has the power to make it happen.
Just need a bit of Elon magic to help him.

Imagine thinking that this country is run by the left. bahahahah

Hiccups wrote:Imagine thinking that this country is run by the left. bahahahah
Oh look, here's a dinosaur.

burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:Imagine thinking that this country is run by the left. bahahahah
Oh look, here's a dinosaur.
He's got a point though. Australia hasn't been left since Whitlam - so fifty years ago - and I can really only point to two economic policies out of thousands over the decades that could be deemed 'left'.
Doesn't matter how you slice it, our major parties have been on the right side of politics since the 70s and almost every economic decision has also been shaped by right-wing politics.
We are a right wing country. If you've been told we're communist, socialist, or left you've been lied to.
In fact, Australia has never been further away from those ideologies as we are now, so if someone or something is telling you they're the problem then that voice needs to be questioned.

But the main problem Stu, is that it doesn't rhyme with 'leftard'.

stunet wrote:We are a right wing country. If you've been told we're communist, socialist, or left you've been lied to.
In fact, Australia has never been further away from those ideologies as we are now, so if someone or something is telling you they're the problem then that voice needs to be questioned.
buleigh probably furiously googling the definition of communist, socialist, and left rn. Boy, he's gonna be crestfallen when he realises he's been beer-bonging the Kool-Aid.

thermalben wrote:But the main problem Stu, is that it doesn't rhyme with 'leftard'.
But leftard does rhyme with blowhard so I'll keep hold of the talking stick...
We're clearly at a turning point in history though I've no idea what direction we'll take, or whether it's for the better or the worse, however if you're an Australian celebrating the rise of MAGA then you need to be really clear-eyed about what you want Australia to return to.
Almost certainly it's an Australia with more left-wing economic policies.
That's what Australia was. Even under Pig Iron Bob Menzies we leaned harder left.

burleigh wrote:goofyfoot wrote:burleigh wrote:thermalben wrote:"A week after billionaire Clive Palmer failed in his bid to re-register the United Australia Party, he is back with a new party and the same fluorescent yellow vibe.
Palmer held a press conference in Parliament House to announce he is now chairman of the Trumpet of Patriots, a party that will essentially copy US President Donald Trump's policies.
Palmer listed a few Trump-adjacent policies he would adopt, such as that there are only two genders and there should be less immigration."
Good on him. We won't succeed but good on him.
For someone who prides them self as a fine physical specimen I’m surprised you’re into this Jabba the Hut looking creature burls
we need big change and if the only person that can possibly shake it up is jabba the hut then im all for it.
Australia is full of old left units so he won't succeed right now, but as these old dinosaurs become extinct then real change will happen and big clive has the power to make it happen.
Just need a bit of Elon magic to help him.
How exactly would you like to see Australia change?
Give some points where you believe the so-called left have had too much influence and how that affects you.
What can Palmer, a billionaire miner do that is disruptively positive?

The good thing about Australia is i think we have a system that works, so when we do get left leaning leaders with silly ideas the public rejects them and pull's them up.
We saw this with Rudd trialing an open borders policy and then needed to totally back flip back to reality with a totally different policy this was from public pressure
We saw it again with the voice.
Is high immigration a left or right thing?
Maybe you could make an argument either way.
I think that and even multiculturalism is now hitting a point where it failing and affecting our way of life in many different ways.
This sounds good
"Palmer listed a few Trump-adjacent policies he would adopt, such as that there are only two genders and there should be less immigration.""
But I will still pass on voting for Clive though, i think Pauline has her heart in the right place* but not Clive, dont like him or trust him, and he isn't Australia's answer to Trump.
* Even if i dont always agree with her

stunet wrote:burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:Imagine thinking that this country is run by the left. bahahahah
Oh look, here's a dinosaur.
He's got a point though. Australia hasn't been left since Whitlam - so fifty years ago - and I can really only point to two economic policies out of thousands over the decades that could be deemed 'left'.
Doesn't matter how you slice it, our major parties have been on the right side of politics since the 70s and almost every economic decision has also been shaped by right-wing politics.
We are a right wing country. If you've been told we're communist, socialist, or left you've been lied to.
In fact, Australia has never been further away from those ideologies as we are now, so if someone or something is telling you they're the problem then that voice needs to be questioned.
Great succinct post Stu.
It's truly tragic that people still fall for all that nonsense, it's been so detrimental to this country.
I've got faith though that the public will choose a crossbench which will chase, say, NACC reforms rather than choosing a muppet like Palmer who is just a shit dribbling windbag.

AndyM wrote:stunet wrote:burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:Imagine thinking that this country is run by the left. bahahahah
Oh look, here's a dinosaur.
He's got a point though. Australia hasn't been left since Whitlam - so fifty years ago - and I can really only point to two economic policies out of thousands over the decades that could be deemed 'left'.
Doesn't matter how you slice it, our major parties have been on the right side of politics since the 70s and almost every economic decision has also been shaped by right-wing politics.
We are a right wing country. If you've been told we're communist, socialist, or left you've been lied to.
In fact, Australia has never been further away from those ideologies as we are now, so if someone or something is telling you they're the problem then that voice needs to be questioned.
Great succinct post Stu.
It's truly tragic that people still fall for all that nonsense, it's been so detrimental to this country.
I've got faith though that the public will choose a crossbench which will chase, say, NACC reforms rather than choosing a muppet like Palmer who is just a shit dribbling windbag.
Some Lefty loser nonsense...cant believe that source can ya

If your point is that the Labor left has been dead since the early 1980s then I agree with you.
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: