Locking ignition key inside car and insurance

Shiiit. That's hard luck @Bec68. Sorry to hear that!
I don't know of any myself personally but would be interested if anyone does.

I dont think anyone covers this, it has been discussed in other threads over the years. The solution is to keep your keys away from your vehicle. Either take it with you (a non-electronic version) or use a key safe if you like, just not attached to or near enough to your car to identify it. Either that or drive a shitbox that no-one wants to steal. Works for me :)

Leave it with me. I might know a guy that knows a guy. Might take some time, but will post back here if i can make a convincing spiel. There's definitely a market there....and insurance companies love markets. ;-)

Right you are @southern.. I’ll round up the gang and get the emergency supply backpack from the clubhouse. We'll meet you back here at midnight..!

Yep, previously covered

hahaha. No not that kinda 'know a guy who knows a guy' @basesix. Literally know some crew that could endorse that for their company. Unlikely, but you never know if you don't ask, for your surfing brothers and sisters right? btw i'll bring my groucho marx mask if it comes to it! You know i'm good for an old fashioned rumble!

haha. aaaawwww.. I thought a good-old fashioned caper was afoot : (
(brett028's 'surf key lock' thread 2019):
(rikodriko's 'Electronic Car key - where do you hide it?' thread 2022):

I made the mistake of putting my non electric door key in the ignition, and I couldn’t get it out, 3 1/2 hours and $550 later,
I was on my way!
Thanks bro , I think?

It's a civilised country where you can nurse a shitbox into its old age, and be a premium member of a nation-wide reciprocal-arrangement Auto Club that will always get you back on the road, or give you a free tow, for less than a dollar a day.

basesix wrote:It's a civilised country where you can nurse a shitbox into its old age, and be a premium member of a nation-wide reciprocal-arrangement Auto Club that will always get you back on the road, or give you a free tow, for less than a dollar a day.
Except that the auto club couldn’t get my key out, and told me to ring the mobile locksmith,
Hence the time delay.

Good work crew...might wanna break this down a bit...
tbb has some frontline experience as a victim...
[ Road Side Assist ] have often broke into tbb's cars with Keys / wallet inside
Now listen up...( Ya can Choose to flag for Emergency )
This once involved tbb's locked car running in idle on a Hillside Entry opposite letterboxes...doh!
See : Hillside + often [M1] switches to a default Emergency Assist...
Priority = If ya hostage a Child / Dog / Gran.
But! Big But...this is not classed as "Officially Insurance" Ok!
Here's some of tbb's beach side car theft insurance examples...
tbb towel rolled his key & placed in a patrolled Beach Flag zone with "Full view of quiet Swim Zone"
The thief operates with a HI-Rise spotter...as soon tbb is set in the ocean...
The thief unfurled the towel under full view of Council Patrol & clear line of sight to tbb swimming!
He made off with tbb's car...(Same day they scored a dozen cars + Council Truck from same WSR)
After an agreed period (2 weeks) Perhaps the Police had not traced the Thieves...
Yes! tbb received confirmation of imminent payout...even agreed on a generous value...But...
11th hour Cop is stoked to inform tbb of locating his Bomb! Oh! That's fuckin' great news...#@!%
So Yes! If yer Key is outside yer car but under Official Regulated Supervision at all times by all...Yes!
Insurance considered the Key / Car theft as a deliberate planned targeted attack upon an innocent!
Another was alone surfing overcast day at big time Dreamtime
So Whole town knew that's gotta be the basher'z car with all them herbs & shit...
The local crew jimmied the key lock with a screw driver...tbb reported it but decided not to claim? Huh!
The $500 excess was more than the Lock Quote...
But! Everyday since...each time a Cop Car clocks yer busted lock they run a trace on ya!
Yes...this does happen...they'll pull alongside & suss ya...(Busted lock attracts Police attention!)
So much so they'll run ya off the road & write up a fake fine...just to run background checks...
tbb was furious & detoured via Police Station on way home...
Desk Cop says ya wanna report them...Yes! They've made a mistake...
RAP squad tail gated & run tbb off the road for doing 67km in middle of avery long 80km stretch...
Guess wot...tbb actually saw the desk cop nod to other cop to Track me...& they did so openly...fark!
They tailed me closely right to my door...Police intimidation...
tbb was determined but ...let's say a family member advised not to fight Premier's RAP Squad in court.
So if they break yer lock...might wanna rethink to pay the excess coz cops will hunt ya down!
Ok! tbb...that's not gonna help....but it's opening the door to that fine line...threshold....
Ya gotta read in between these deals...ya see it's almost possible if ya could get (Roadside-Insurance)
Like a generic international travel : All nations Road Side Assist with {Platinum} Insurance upgrade
Consider your insurer is now obliged to break into yer car if it presents a risk to other motorists.
Meaning if yer car was stolen & left on train trax yer Roadside / Assist Agent must slip on his/her cape!
Well outta tbb's league...but happy to assist crew...
But tbb warns it won't come cheap...
Not investigated this fully but tbb reckons to expect strictest "10 year No claim" entry level...
Read Cops above...Insurance Company is also likely to post a hitman on yer door...
Coz only NRL offer [Mad Monday should be in jail this time for sure] upgrade cover !
(Only for Premium ***** Platinum Rockstar Clientele!)
* Titan's border run drug mules
* Goldie Chick Boogerz
* Pre season opener of unlicensed Doped out Bronco Police Chase Fiery Inferno on tonight's telly.
Insurance covers that...apart from severe cautionary excessive slap on the wrist with a wet lettuce leaf!
Either upgrade to NRL Mad Monday insurance package...or...these international Rescue Platinum Rorts.
Crew will know but tbb thinks a high end international Mob offered a safari deal a good while back...
Possibly enquire here...coz it might be the blurring of National / International compliance that yer after.
Yeah! Coz this might be a weird arse entry level anomaly...they'd be better able to assist!
Here's 3 big Aussies that cross Roadside Surf Safari assist with 'Platinum Hodad' insurance perks.
Likely offer $100 roadside key Dramarama to Platinum "Ultra Premium Insurance Pamper packs!"
Once again you'd wanna cue an angle for Emergency exempted forced lockout by a Rainbow Serpent.
Notice they push these emergency Packs >
Ask why not secure yer 'key' with 24/7 "Emergency Packs!" Huh! Along those Med Kit lines!
Guessing in this case...it's these high end Pamper Packs where ya start this Key lock conversation
Ok! Freebies...everyone wants a free life hack...
There are a few twists ya can play upon to turn the law in yer favour!
Owners must not obstruct their Number Plates...
Attach yer Keys to yer inner side or tuck them under yer Number Plate...Why do that tbb?
Well...as soon as any touch yer pates ya gotta report it (LAW) as a major crime = 20 penalty points...
Police Case # will force insurance to involve in Lost Key...Got it...
Say this : I only ever secure my Key under Police patrolled Govt regulated /EV\ Licence Plate.
Tampering with 2 levels of secured Priority Govt Property...terrorist could've blown up a first responder!
We need all Police involved & full Compliance from yer Insurance Agent...No time to waste!
Let's try another along same [Official Police Visual Warning] of tampering with yer car's inside gear!
If you engrave your property > ( Need be only one item in yer car Ok! )
Then by law you must display an [Official Police Warning to intruders Sticker]
Once again...any theft or missing keys becomes an official breach of Police Compliance...
A police matter...therefore a case file # = Insurance priority!
GPS Alarm [Stickers] Also advertise that they Engage Local Police Tracking
tbb is unaware if Police are indeed notified of any Vehicle Crime taking place...
So therefore 'may' by default > involve insurance of any official ongoing police engagement
If all else fails...
Ya could share ya have an endangered [Australia Ant] locked in the Car...
or a Stoned Fly...
Insurance : Think ya mean a Wingless Stonefly tbb...Yeah...then It got stoned somehow...
We better rescue it...could be trippin' out...

I use the key safe lock for electronic key but have a steering lock that I put on steering wheel and either keep that key on me or hide elsewhere in car.
If they grind through the lock safe and get access to the car they cannot drive off, well in theory anyway.
Not perfect but makes is a bit harder for them.

Hidden Toggle Switch [Tiny] connected to Starter Solenoid Wire - DashLights only no Turn over
Or Toggle Switch to FuelPump / Relay -Will Fire but only run for very Short Time
2 Wet Keys cut - Keep One in Leggie Strap other Wired underneath Car.

^ @udo MacGyver
Has anyone found an insurer that will cover you if you lock your ignition key in the car, or in a key safe, while you go for a surf, and the car gets stolen?
I've tried 3 insurers today and they don't cover it.