The Daily Good News
Recall Chang the Qld Groper got lonely during Covid Lockdown...
Went on a hunger strike...
Sunny the Star Sunfish was missing his fan base > went on a hunger strike..
Superstar feels sunnier with his Cardboard Cut-out Only Fanclub base.
They're real Dedicated Fans Ok! My peeps...they love me!
Gotta feeling this might catch on...tbb could do with with a few cardboard only fans...
That's my kinda Japanese Fan!
On a busy day, with devil wind on the points, I surfed my fave spot with a pair of Maui Dolphins.
I know there are a few people on here with close relatives that are hearing impaired , just wondering if you have come across these glasses before ? How stoked is this young girl after her mum gifted her a pair.
Dedicated to good news ....