Vaccinate or not

20 Sep 2023 Oz KP3 Covid Wave continued from above...
tbb: "Sorry crew...hard to argue against 5 matching rising data spikes...looks like an outbreak!
Previous Vic Spring outbreaks (Often pause/drop 2 weeks before wave starts)".
Continues with Global / Interstate time stamping of that exact fore mentioned seasonal adjustment.
This was possibly the first near global Covid Hiccup as near all skipped a beat...
The only take on it is XEC challenged KP3 but backed down then partnered to team up as a dual wave.
tbb can only guess it spells the overlapping of real time flip seasonal dual global waves.
Mostly coz they adjusted at exact same time thru 100% open real time gateways.
eg: Sydney o/s Data is rock solid & shows exact same pause in Data to rise again.
This pause was across the board more amplified to our region as more identical.
What the data is showing is a Euro/Asia/NZ/Oz-States Pause/Reset Covid drop at end of Sept...
Then Asia/NZ/Oz-States mid Wave Covid peak at start of Nov 2024
NSW RSR Page 9 Other Surveillance Indicators
Can check this exact / extreme KP.3 / XEC Variants Dual / Drop & Rise here.
Seem to amplify dual spike/drop new (vs) Parent Waves much earlier with Peak variants.
Shouldn't do that...( Learning real fast...)
Like peak mass transit racing new variants as existing Variants equally rebound on same return flights!
So we have this meeting of Old/New variants for longer permitted time = longer defined shared periods.
More like the Variants are accepting they must live & survive as one on same aircraft for instance!
Basically timetabling these gap seasons to be ever ready to flip at either World Peak Seasons
Another example being...
Spring Fever / Covid / Flu / W Cough / RSV / Shingles / M pox (One moderate rising Wave on now)
Kinda like a Viral Summit that none know about...going on right now under our noses...
Who gets to ravage which useless humans...reckon it's testing the Hospitals...
Like one of the 70's SciFi Insect invasion flicks! All goes quiet...then all the bugs / birds attack at once
eg: mRNA vax altering immunity > mutates all viruses to break thru at peak low immune Springtime!
Be interesting to Tally a Peak infection Period...coz right now is a good place to start yer research!
Q : Is right now our lowest Immune Period (vs) Multi virus Mutation Peak.(Whiteboard is showing such!)
We could be blowing our best chance at slowing or halting these Mutations with keen moderation.
Meaning : Have a look around...None dare speak of washing Hands post Peak Vax rollout...Why?
This is the one best directive that all agree upon...(Correct!) Well...Why aren't expects onto this...Huh!
Also interesting to note that many Shops / Med centres keep up the sanitizers...but very few use them...
How does tbb know that...Huh!...Well coz nearly everytime it's clogged & spits on me and...(Wait for it!)
Someone is ever ready to that Simpsons Kid...Ha! Ha! Whole world all know this!
We are laughing away our only ever agreed upon basic Directive to ward off record Viruses!
Might get back to this...miles'n'miles of cost effective wasted opportunity goes begging & we all pay!
Covid Data Compliance of 234 nations
90(38%)Cases > 43(18%)Hospitalizations > 30(13%)ICU > 30(13%)Deaths
Note the cases reflect Emergency Testing + AV Scripts were recorded (re: Oz).
Covid Data ( Censor > Paused Data....)
*Germany are soon Axing Wastewater Data
WHO (Possibly sample own branded Wastewater studies) Well! Ain't no one testing 20% Rats.
20% France / Corsica / Belgium / Swiss / Hungary
15% *Germany / Holland / Lithuania / Slovenia / Slovakia
15% Ghana / Kyrgyzstan (2 Low vax nations are WHO mandated Majority Healthcare Vaxed)
Note China / India (No case data of Note)
US (Rising States High) New Mexico (High) Maine / Oregon
Note : Dependent on Migrant Processing +
Which States received & bothered to register Biden's 1yr Expired RATs
Incidentally would have massively blew trust in Dem's Covid Cred Election Campaign
Many bloggerz were disgusted by Joe's scummy Year old Tests...timed with Ballot Mail outs!
WHO October (Month data) +
You'll get tbb bonus Extra Varied useful Oz / States Data by comparison...
Recapping these are all strictly capped Emergency Hospital Testing + GP Scripted [+] Cases
Often said to Represent around 2-4% of all current cases (No private / Outsourced Health!)
113k Russia
39.68k Australia Lab/AV > H 1,149 > ICU 18 (Deaths Winter 660 Avg/mth> higher than 2023)
37.8k Italy (Deaths 441 mth)
25.8k Czechia
25.3k Oz AV Scripts = 15.13% higher than Sept!
20k Italy H 7k Deaths 450 (Based on 2wks x2 Approx within 10%)
19.9k Poland
16.7k Greece
14.6k UK
10k Vic > H 395 rising (Freeze Censor @104wk) Said to be a Systems upgrade?
9.5k Vic AV (+33.8% on Sept 7,135)
8.6k NSW > H 262 (rising 12% wk)
7.7k NSW AV (+5.16% on Sept 7,338)
7.7k Lithuania 7.4k Croatia 6.3k France 5.6k Belgium 4.8k Swiss 3.9k Norway
3.6k Qld > H 262 (rising 12% wk )
3.6k NZ
Hosp/wk 15th Sep 76 >22nd 83 > 29th 105 > 6th Oct 107 rising ( Freeze Censor)
3.5k Malaysia
Hosp/wk 21st Sep 238 >*28th 287 >5th Oct 281 >12th 253 >19th 399 >26th 479 >2nd Nov 549
3.2k Qld AV (+11.5% on Sept 2,875)
3.2k Oz Aged Care (Oct a/c Deaths = 28)
3.2k Slovakia / Sweden
Oz States Waves Exactly the same as tbb's above seasonal pause/drop/rise forecast) Standard!
24th Sept Vic/NSW/Qld/SA > (Pause) 2nd Wk Oct > (All these States Waves now Rising)
Wkly Drop delay in this smaller / remote order ACT > Tas > WA (All these States Waves now Rising)
tbb has these States data if crew anomalies or rank in Above Chart.
Not ruling out any spike in lead up to Xmas!
*Long Covid = Oz 10% US 20% US Marines 25% China 30%
Canada = 1x[+] 13% > 2x[+] 23% > 3x[+] 37%
(Covid Germans taking 20 sickies yr)
Holland 300mth registering with LC = 32,000
UK : 14,000 Teachers / day call in sick.
Oz Deaths : 2024 Oz Covid still killing 5x more than record high Flu Year (Victims)
Let it Rip (Articles)
Oz Life Expectancy Drops 2 years in a row due to Massive ongoing Covid Deaths
News : Vic / Qld CHO's are leaving 2024
Summary : Malaysia / NZ / Oz / Wave is still rising
Happy to still be able to share a pretty decent relevant Covid Chart update!

Thank you for all the data points there tbb
Here's the actuaries: mortality higher in 2024
tbb's first most recent post
"Despite record highest pre vax Mandated record Testing to lowest ever Voluntary Testing
Just since Sep-Oct 2024 Cases tally higher than Total pre Rollout era.
Just Aug-Oct 2024 Hospitalization tallies above Total pre vax wards
Just April-Oct 2024 Oz lost more lives than total pre Vax Death Toll..."
In the pre-rollout era there were far more restrictions on transmission with lockdowns etc, and so less infections overall, and so lower cases/hospitalisations/deaths would be expected. This will not happen again as economy is now open and growing at 0.2% lol
Noted was the increase in NSW data linked 90 y.o. and above testing and confirming for covid, it's a sad situation for them as the aged care environment seems to have a high risk of infection for both residents and staff.

Thanks for reading velocityjohnno and for the lockdown era insight...
It is very much at the centre of Multi viral record outbreaks...but...
Seems that argument is losing steam as experts move into Vax mutation theory!
Current wave sees 2,500 Vics / wk scoffing down $1300 scripts + last wave > 35-70/wk dying.
Gold Standard Expert Response : Vic censor all Data & CHO is goin' walkies...
Qldurrz know the feeling...feel like crackin' open another exemption right now!'s only natural that yer caring northern cousins continue to kick yer can of Covid down the road.
Like...You got a massive pandemic thingy hanging 'round yer neck...looks lovely don't it...all are jealous!
Once a Covid Health Crisis is now yer everyday typical multi viral record Hospital Crisis thingy...See Ya!
vj is right to alert Lockdown era delaying the onslaught of them there record viral outbreaks...
But Health experts are now queuing to point to corrupted Vax immunity ramping all viral mutation...
tbb just promised to examine this orchestrated Viral Symphony further as it's now #1 on Charts.
One big breeding ground of multi viral soup as we speak & few know how, why & where it spills.
[factcheck] Ye' good ol' expert lockdown era exemption got sick of being targeted by Expert Bullies...
It's all them Dictator's Fault...We hung them all...we buried the pandemic...all feel better now! Fine!
Q : So Vic's massive 33.8% Oct rise > $12.4m Covid AV addiction is coz...
(a) Not a raging outta control Pandemic or anything to panic about
(b) It's Ok to bury the bill under Dictator Dan's stair repair?
(Pause!) for Official alarming cause & FX : e harmony envoy official warning follows...
{ Dictator Dan's 'Steps' were the origin of the Covid Pandemic } = $1m swellnet fine!
Yeah : The Lockdown Era reduced immunity & delayed our multi Viral Health Crisis Pandemic..&....&...?
Wotz New : { Yeah! One of those...Everybody Run coz tbb ain't no Expert Viral mRNA Censor }
mRNA immunity wane is now mass mutating all Virus to evade respective vax = Multiviral Motherlode!
Nope! Not tbb saying this...Not anti Vaxerz but Vax experts are queuing up to chorus the Viral Motherload!
VoN were lambasted by tbb's eons long iso age crusade...
"It's the Freeze'n'thaw contamination, I tells ya!" (What a fuckin' Tin Foil Hat Loon!)
Says : Vax / Stoppers/Syringes/Plungers even them vile HM Vials all breached & mix at minus 50*
tbb reckoned that 100 more Toxic Compounds gassed'n'merged & when thawed & shaken...Stand Back!
Queues dip sticked contaminated Toxic Shit into every pound of flesh prior to the Deltoid Touch Down.
Resulting in corrupted thawed toxic brews fucking up Mass Vaxed immunity forever mutating viruses.
Like who is that fuckin' stupid to believe some expert Acid trippin' surf bloggin' Mental Outpatient?
Exactly! Like so far it's only Pharmacy and Pharmacology reports backing up tbb's fucktard diagnosis!
Discussion : "The fact that many individuals came down with the infection post vax agrees with the report indicating that components of some Covid Vax could be "VIRULENT".
The inability of the Vax to provide protection in some individuals may be attributable to the LACK OF STABILITY of the Vax, (The emergence of the Mutants and Vax Components)
6 month shelf life & storage condition of -60*-90* mRNA Vax (May be more vulnerable to spoilage)
24-48 month storage of -40* Janssen Vax (Then each so respectively)
9 month storage of -60* recombinant / Adjuvanted Vaxes
High risk clinically important Acid/s that mutations of high incidences may portend a... High Risk of Covid Vax failure...the Variants with the amino acids could be Pathogenic.
Goes on to say Dose size being relevant to risk of causing relative continuous mutation...
Just as that ignorant caring bastard tbb kept pointing out for eons of iso ages...
It ain't Rocket Science...tbb's class mate is a Fridge Fixerupperer...but never had to ask him anyhow!
Any dopey bastard not knowing this...still licks on Exploded Stubbie ice Blocks...still good!
Please all you pissed off yer face bastards don't listen to us dopey sober drugged out bastards...
Experts mandate to sample #1 Toxic Brew...Fuck Oath says Straya...queue goes' round the block!
Months old Mouldie Mushies would be safer than Months old Petro Chem CFC Toxic Brew Time Bomb!
Well of cause it don't matter if it's free...just stand in line for yer Kool Aide Nectar of The Gods.
For a Taste of Hell...Rated (PG)
e Harmony envoy : 2nd Warning tbb...
Stop drumming up fear good can come from Truth Telling...[Censored]
Did tbb tell ya 'bout UNSW blaming Covid Vax Mutation for Whooping Whooping Cough Pandemic!
UNSW Research "suggests" that...
"Whooping Cough (Nat Disease)
may be evolving under Vax pressure...Much like we saw with Covid 19"
[Commercial] " Having said that, the vax is still very effective at protecting against serious disease!"
Team found Virus had evolved to no longer produce any 3 components from last lesser peak 2012 Vax
Wot about the Flu boycott during Lockdown...
That mRNA Flu Stain rocketed after 2nd Dose Wane
2017-250k > 2019-313k > 2024-290k (Current)
Record Flu Strain still 5x less deadly as current Invisible Covid Pandemic
Yeah but No but tbb...
Sure...after the Corrupted Immunity Outbreak the Flu mutated into more virulent Strains...but,,,
Official Expert [Factcheck] 6.2% less Flu Jabs caused the = 22% larger outbreak of '24
Oz orchestrates a Pox on The Monkey Pox (Alert-Nat Disease)
Exactly the Same Story starts & tracks mRNA VIP waning multi viral mutating VIP populations (Shh!)
2018-19 (2 mutations/yr)
May -Aug 2022 mRNA Vax Wane Peak period (50 new mutations not seen in previous Strains)
Monkey Pox vax shortage led to downgraded less effective jabs...
Can share #1 NSW Monkey Bars Ward Chart > 11 Nov (2024) Qld =109
Oz ordered a Massive 450,000 3rd gen (2x Jab) Note 1/2 gen was that Smallpox prong...You bet, Ouch!
75,000 need to be vaxed just to slow the Outbreak...
250,000 jabz needed just to put a dent in it!
Measles (Alert) Cases are said to be imported
2014 (339 peak) > 2021 (0 cases) 2023 (26 cases total) 2024 Rising 50+
25th May 2024 = 35 cases
Oz Rising Viruses 2009-2023
Shingles 2009-2.8k > 2020-16.4k > 2023-12.5k + (nsw) Monthly Ward Chart
Shingles (Unspecified) 2009-7.9k > 2023-19.5k
Hep C 400 > 800 + Hep D 40 > 80 + ( Hep B is rising
Gastro 15k > 42k
Pneumocococcal 2009-1.5k > 2020-1.1k > 2023-2.3k
Rotavirus 2009-1.8k > 2020-1.7k > 2024-8.4k
Malaria 2009-500 > 2021-60 > 2023-390
STEC 128 > 915
Jap / Enceph (2022 lone wave 41)
Clamyd' 63k > 110k / Gon 8k > 40k / Syph 1k > 6k
2021-2023 (Many of these these Virus may sit higher but have recently risen fast)
RSV 1.5k > 128k (Seasonal RSV/Flu/Covid o/s % Oz waves on the rise as last year)
Strep A 250 > 2.8k
Hep A 25 > 215 + Hep B 4.6k > 5.2k + Hep E 6 >35
Crypto 1.8k > 3,7k
Listeriosis 44 > 90
Para Typhoid 5 > 120 + Typhoid Fever 20 > 280
Shige' 470 > 2,900
Mening' 75 > 145 + Invasive 1.1k > 2.3k
Mumps 20 > 126
Dengue 11 > 1.1k
Ok! Again tbb thinks that's a neutral concise review of our Invisible Multiviral Souped up Pandemic
Viruses that Dropped off the scene
Rubella > Oz kids are Vaxed for this but also Measles (Above-Alert)
This may prove important to understand Immunity
Ross River + Barmah Forest (Both are Floodborne)
Basically an Antigenic Shift from Lockdown theory to corrupted Vax immunity mutating all viruses!
Again...Ask the Experts...there the ones pointing the Bones at Mass Vax Hot Mess!
So yes...More open debate on Questioning Vax but without denouncing it...
Second dose / booster are no longer recommended for Healthy folk...
That's because any questioned immune damage stems from 2nd / Booster doses!
tbb simply opens the sliding door to hear Ambo Sirens orchestrating the latest Hospital Chart Topper.
Sounds like Covid!
tbb is not hiding he shares 'family Heart issues' > Been in Emergency twice recently...Salute!
Mentioned to Hospital it felt like a hidden virus > tight on the chest! (Sure Enough!)
*Wanna see the real surprise Virus Spike...biggest in 30 years they say...(Shh!)
This started earlier this year...
GP acted surprised by Xray revealing underlying Pneumonia ( Zero Symptoms )
So may also be mutating by hiding symptoms...( Read Next...)
Sounds weird but tbb checked & the internet Lit up..(Walking Pneumonia Plague is now a fad)
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae > Ok on kidz but hides well in us Hodads > It will stop ya dead in yer trax!
Took tbb 11 days to self diagnose this Mutant disease...(Nope! None confirm this...Wonder Why! Huh!)
It's Viral Chest Pain & us Hodads know what it feels like & said so at's viral Doc!
Check this...all over the internet...10-20% have got this...
If ya wanna blow up the internet > simply Type in [ Walking Pneumonia ] That's the Bomb!
Been goin' on all year & Crew don't want this for Xmas...can tell ya that!
This ain't no one week off trip...gonna be a month easy...suck it up tbb...ya got caught out!
Pays to check ...Huh! ( Ya'll been warned...tbb has suffered silently due to being on Antibiotics)
Super tight very tender chest & hurts to breathe (Real Bad!)
So...thinking the Antibiotics are keeping it at bay...explaining the cloaking...
Well...if yer exercising you will wanna cough up flem...the idea is for the virus to glove you!
Not joking 'bout that...drives ya a stand off...holds yer hostage! Tender Ribs/back...Tick!
No Cough as yet as virus knows it would near kill tbb to order it's immediate execution..
Although others do notice that yer sweaty...but the infected Host is denied diagnosis...(Virus is Hiding!)
Yes! Difficulty Speaking...That's the Symptom fuckin' tight...struggle with a bowl of cereal!
Also the sore throat...but that comes and goes...virus toys with that also...
That's it's thing it Masks as yer comfort pet while squeezing the life outta ya!
This is a very cunning Virus & lives comfortably as a natural would easily crush older folk...
11 days on & tbb can't get a half decent breath...this is one clever cloaking mechanism...A Slave Master!
Yes it does seem smarter than us an alien Virus that toys with us!
After reading up on it...Yep! Got this bastard for weeks more yet...OMG! Better to know that!
Actually thought it was me Heart...& reckon the virus also danced around that to hide...& it did!
World of Walking Zombies without any knowing they are precious is that huh!...Fark!
Ya do burn up inside like a kettle & need serious Watering to cool yer chest down + feel rag dolled.
Yes! This is a respiratory virus...the son of a bitch...(Might wanna Mask up Xmas shopping!)
How did they hide this all year?
Well as they said tbb...World run outta good gettin' yer hopes up...
Explains why Doc keeps overriding tbb's choice of Antibiotics...keeps scripting the shitty stuff.
No know's no accident! Precious commodity...
Hospital Emergency Bay Screens still pump out Covid Directives...3/20 Prompts!
For sure it's still a thing in the Ambo Bays as tbb says...Covid is still the #1 sound about town!
But we must not mention the Xmas Grinch...nuthin' to see people...move along!
Interest on CDC
Would be run by separate Officer (Not overruling Oz CMO)
Davroz Cyborgs Gates / Halton / abs > Family Guy Sutto is Red Hot Fav.
Anyhow...this review notes National Diseases lack a one stop Shop Ward Charts / Alerts
Almost as if Oz is happy to play them Down...
Only now does tbb realize the call for CDC or similar is needed during mid current outbreaks
There is a shocking lack of National Awareness driving Vax rates down without need to blame Anti Vax.
tbb credits this AIHW Chart ( July / 2024) About the best you'll get...Happy to Share...
Sharing coz it's not real easy to search or access...(Note how it passes off as Oz CDC with Layout)
( Infectious and Communicable Diseases )
Just goes to show...This Walking Zombie Virus ain't even on the Radar with 20% suffering...
Our Health Minister says Nothing...can't find any Warnings...Why!
Back in July...Worst in 3 decades > run outta Antibiotics to treat it...Imagine That! Merry Xmas!

"This paper clearly and unambiguously showed that the COVID “vaccines” make you more susceptible to getting COVID, not less. It’s a disaster. And it was as clear as night vs. day 2.5 years ago when this paper came out. If anyone was paying attention that is."

Ward Charts show 'Every' disease in Oz right now is skyrocketing to record 2x > 1,000x
Vic Footy Finals > Cup > Xmas Shopping Wave
Sept-Oct $1300 Covid AV scripts soared 7,135 > 9,549 (33.8% spike in 50+ High Risk Covid Cases)
Vic Health Emergency Response
1. [Censor] Month old Wastewater Surveillance showing Vic is drowning under rising Covid Waves
2. [Censor] Ward Age Charts revealing Pollies Super funded Pfizer Sponsored Health Crisis
3. [Censor] Death Stats showing 1 Vic dies from Covid every waking hour from 9-5 each day.
4. Delay Data from Daily > Weekly > Fortnightly > Monthly until Wave has Passed!
4. CHO My Job is done > Year long End of Covid Emergency Invisible Hospital Crisis Vanishes!
God ordained Vic Health to censor Crisis Data till after The Cup...( That's LAW ) KILL KILL KILL
Good Plan until the Ward Charts started flapping off the Bed Ends...get me outta this Covid cess pit!
All had forgotten about the Xmas Grinch
14th Nov 2024 Vic Ward Chart ./ Aged care...5th Sept - 14th Nov 2024
Outbreaks 32 > 84
Res [+] 119 > 513
Staff [+] 47 > 140
Did that provoke a response from Head Office (Hell Yeah! You bet!)
Wotz New in Vic Health (Covid Trends > Nuthin' Special)
15th Nov 2024 Vic Health Ward Charts (3rd Sept- 12 Nov 2024)
[+] Test Rate 3.7% > 10.7% (189% [+] Rise)
[+] Min. PCR Tests permitted by Grocery Price Watch 605 > 1,398 (131% [+] rise)
Hospitals Avg / day 91/day > 173/day (90.1% rise)
ICU avg/day 4/day -9/day (125% rise)
Again...Hate to say it Vic...(How to put this nicely for #1 Lockdown Town)
Try to let ya down easy here...
But don't look now...
Coz you gotta Covid Grinch sneezing over yer Myer Xmas Window Display
Q : Is #1 Oz Respiratory outbreak being censored
A : Yes! But Hot Tip...It's Not Covid nor The Flu...
(Reading in part from tbb's 'Confidential Discharge Letter')
tbb pleaded he had a Viral infection underlying [000] A Fib Ambo ramps!
Last Release : tbb has raised White Blood Cell Count due to recent Pneumonia Diagnosis
tbb pleads innocence from Oz & crew...for unknowingly spreading #1 Pneumonia Plague
Coz despite tbb pleading he had a viral infection > No Doctor / GP ever informed tbb of Pneumonia
Only found out by myself after Rewarding 20 Health Staff Likely all now infecting the Whole of Qld.
Wow! That sounds serious tbb...
Q : Why did no one confirm or share diagnosis or script any treatment for yer Pneumonia?
A : Because Govt informed all Health Workers not to treat Oz #1 Respiratory Outbreak! Huh?
Crew all read openly Flagged + implemented + Denial of Treatment.
RFK #1 Antivaxer now oversees Oz CDC Vax Rollbacks
Left Wing Leaders Refuse Non Vaxed access to Respiratory Healthcare
Right wing Leaders Refuse Country Abortion access to Reproductive Healthcare.
Q : Are Hospitals actually refusing "Non life Saving" healthcare under CEO's political preference!
In otherwords...Adopting / Exploiting High school principal powers
Are we really seeing open political class warfare from Hospital Heads..."Not my kinda patient!"
Ok tbb lets examine this calmly & rationally...promise to get to the heart of the matter.
Firstly media are gonna milk this either way & you'll seldom find harmonious uniting consensus!
Sure... thru the pandemic the GPs were frontline & usually forged common ground...What's their angle!
After wading thru piles of meaningless sensational grabs this RACGP article cuts through...
Mostly because it does recognize Ground Zero > The Record Viral Soup that Oz is drowning in. (Salute!)
This is very good because it does tackle an alternate universe New Viral Pandemic in open society...
Also how it shuts down the Whole System. (We are not ready for any Viral Ramp!)
12 July 2024 What do GP's need to know about [ Walking Pneumonia ]
(With a current 'Soup' of respiratory infections coupled with Antibiotic Shortages, an Epidemiologist outlines basic advice for GPs)
* Oz #1 Leading Airborne Virus [+] 10-20% soaring above Covid / Flu / RSV
* Outbreaks every 3-7 years caught the Lockdown Gen Gromz off-guard (Coughing like Crazy)
* Low Immunity
* Spike in Respiratory Infections
* Antibiotic Shortages
Mycroplasma Pneumoniae (Walking Pneumonia)
# Unique Bacterium
# Lacking a Cell Wall
# Resistant to Some Antibiotics
# First Line drugs : Azithromycin / Clarithromycin + Doxycycline (Adults)
Q : So why not just prescribe these Drugs to halt #1 Virus Outbreak & cure Heartbroken tbb?
A : National Shortage due to "Unexpected Increased Demand by rise in WP/WC/Respiratory Viruses
(Note) TGA links often refuse we just gotta be happy with general Stocktake
Azithromycin Powder / Liquid
18th April 2024-31st Jan 2025 Zithromax (Pfizer)
18th April 2024-31st Jan 2025 Pfizer
17th Oct-1st Dec 2024 Sandoz
Azithromycin Tablets
3rd Sept -20 Dec 2024- Zithromax (Pfizer)
13th Sept 2024-4th April 2025 APO (Arrotex)
13 Sept 2024-4th April 2025 Pfizer
2nd Oct 2024-21st Feb 2025 Zithro (Arrotex)
17th Oct -1st Dec 2024 Sandoz
Exemptions for Patients Dying within a year > Next Pregnant > Newborns & so on!
18th June 2024 Govts requested GPs to Limit Scripts of *Azithromycin / *Clarithromycin
[ Carefully consider the need for Antibiotic treatment and if prescribing an Antibiotic, consider current availability by consulting your pharmacy ]
This Article hints at Pfizer playing God with the Supply Line...
GP's argue to attack frontline Hot Spots to slow the Outbreak
Hospitals argue to reserve Pfizer supply to hold Fort & save the Dying (LAW)
RACGP Chair : "We really need to hang onto Antibiotics for the more severe cases!"
"But we need supply to prevent Hospitalizations!"
All agree this Virus is gonna spread without Antibiotics...It's a very large concern!
So it is political but driven by unexpected Viral Soup of record respiratory viruses.
It's being censored because Oz has no response for largest Viral outbreak of 20% Aussies
Oz has lost control of containing any viral outbreaks requiring antibiotics!
We're sitting ducks at the very end of Supply let's not alarm anyone...spread the Xmas cheer!

Hey tbb, one thing I forgot to add about last link I attached, it seems they have reset the baseline and it effectively restarts at +5%. That seems weird, perhaps some looking into why might be in order.

tbb's 3rd Ambo ride to hospital in 3wks catches out Qld Govt Covid Bullies.
Crew know tbb is Heartbroken & this week's 3rd Ambo Trip was to be expected & unlikely the last.
Thanking legendary crew for getting tbb this far...
Ya see this time tbb listened to his Heart & called [000]
Was in return granted a free ride home from Hospital...(Much smarter!)
Again us outpatients salute all crew that ever wish the best & conjure up fellow man's Healing!
All will be rewarded & repaid in kind as our recovery to Good Health prevails.
100% vouch tbb & his fellow very ill Ward Buddies likewise heal folk equally freely & reward frontline.
Gold Standard Flock that also resource / donate to save like ill folk on Streets, in Hospitals!
Here's where tbb's Hospital Stay relives a Dark Covid chapter > A grim Frontline end of life directive
tbb is sharing coz most would believe this Directive was illegal & likely to be first Covid directive axed!
Not So! Quite the opposite in fact
Our Interim Ward Stays of Rare serious illness are curtained off by 4 unisex Beds
The wards clear a pair of ill each arvo by discharge or sent to higher floor longer twin share stay
So after cleaning...1/2/3 patients > welcome 1/2/3 new Dinner time or later evening Patients...
Most are wise Hodads & Old Chooks. (100% Friends...not unusual to swap Phone numbers!)
We all know share Courteous gestures of privacy, respect + Compassionate Warm Smiles
Well durr tbb...everyone knows this...( Cough! ) Well..all but those paid to care the most...WTF!
Coalition Qld Govt campaigned to wipe all Covid Directives & reinstall Healthy up front Practice!
tbb shared he was diagnosed Pneumonia when Leaving Hospital & upon return the staff Masked up!
tbb recalls saying that's a smart move...
But when near other Patients, the Doctors/Nurses swear they got tbb's diagnosis wrong! WTF!
Kinda like I stopped the Boats > LNP Decide who has Viral illness & Whenever it starts'n'stops.
Normally few would care but with 20% Pneumonia & rising Covid Waves it amounts highly.
LNP Qld Health new improved infection policy even creeps out the Hospital Crisis.
tbb's Discharged Ward Chart = Pneumonia (vs) None Mention Pneumonia near patients...(Got it!)
tbb explained that Federal Govt directs States to play down cases & prescriptions (re: Global Shortage!)
Exampling a 2024 / 3x Pneumonia Flu Patient suspected of Covid is perfect to mutate next to tbb.
If crew think this is the sickest thing to happen to us Oldies...(Not even Close!)
Pay Attention to how New LNP Qld Health Thugs welcome this suspected gravely ill 'Covid' Patient.
100% swear this took place at end of tbb's On again Off again On Again Pneumonia bed
(tbb never got sleep on night one & was again awake...monitored neighbour was also presumed asleep)
Wotz New in LNP Moral Degradation Directive :
LNP Health Mobster : Pegs out this Sign [COVID ZONE] Very scary! As elderly patient was coughing.
Hospital Bully starts with : "Would you like a Power Of Attorney lil Ol' Lady!"
New Patient > Very Sick Elderly Lady replies : "Gee I dunno! I just wanna Live please!"
Very next morning the fearful little old lady of 3rd Pneumonia bout + Flu > Now Presumed Covid [+]
Says this to tbb + 3rd lady next door
."Did you Guys see that Covid Sign, then hear Wot was laid on me last night!"
Presumed Covid infected Neighbours shared: "Hell Yeah! We're officially shit scared for us & you!"
We all assume both Dumping Covid Patient in with others + Covid Elder Abuse was Illegal.
Here's the Flip...Both tbb + New Lady are right now Officially Cleared of Covid + Pneumonia!
But during last night...
We were exploited as #1 + #2 LNP Executive Scam Props...until Lady said Fuck off to LNP Creeps!
Can shove yer LNP Viral Elder Abuse up yer arse > Quit scaring us & fleecing innocent little Grannies.
Quit Stealing & Start Healing...
tbb has still never got his diagnosis but copped a Covid Scare & called out Gold Standard Elder Abuse.
Inform as Many Hodads as possible...Lil' Davy is after the Seachange Honeypots!
tbb heard this open & brazen as ya like...
Guess Wot else we heard...
When LNP Covid Executor Plan was denied > Heavy cruelly hit on Lil' Grannie to switch to Private.
Lil Grannie : "I wanna stay in Public Hospital because it's Better...
LNP Midnite Shock jock tried twisting her arm but Struck out Twice!
Next day tbb & neighbour Lady....
Both saluted Super Gran for Kicking LNP Hospital private Executor Bully in the shins...(Fuck off Creep!)
LNP are trying to fleece Half the Hodad's Will & Sell off Public Health propped up by Hodad's remains
Saw It & heard it ....sleazy LNP Mobster at the end of tbb's bed just Last Night...
Official...LNP Elder Abuse + Hospital Privatization is new official Qld LNP Midnite Mobster Sport!
LNP are right now stealing half Grandmas money & privatizing the other half...
Nothing ever changes > LNP Midnite Thugs prey upon sickest Grans crying for help.
tbb wasn't shocked...coz copped the same as a Youth often daily / Weekly by Joh's Police State.
Fools just Voted for Qld LNP Thugs to prey on Dying Seniors in World #1 Crime Spree!
18th Nov 2024 Midnite at a Qld Hospital
Hodad tbb + (L) busted Official LNP Health Bully maliciously hit on elder Victim (M)
Davy's LNP Mobsters are #1 Official cowardly Low Life Scum of The Earth.
Cowards preying on sickest weakest Grans during Witching Hour, when all are asleep.
Not this time...Not on our all ears, one eye open watch,,,busted pure Evil LNP Scum.
LNP thug's Senior Crime Spree ...[Senior Crime / Senior Time]

Not a Fan of spreading about LNP Virulent Ward Grade Contagion Plan...
(Warning! This is Hardcore Frontline feint hearted patient banter...not for the lion hearted!)
Started each of last 3 weeks in an Ambo ....
Sunday start's week 4 > tbb has contracted an LNP Hospital Grade Contagion Strain.
November in Hospital 4th / 12th / 17th-19th ...Today the 24th (see above)
Have one finger on the [000] Dial for Ambo #4...with sirens blaring as usual for Silly Season Strains.
Us ill patients questioned why New Qld Health wheeled in an assigned Covid patient as a bed buddy!
Thankfully M...' tested [-] but nor was she released after tests...(There she remains curtain's closed!)
tbb is now also obviously infected with same LNP Hospital strength strain & also ran a [-] Covid Test.
Like my infectious Hospital bed buddy tbb has severe Heart & Chest issues...
21st Nov "Diagnosed with Pnuemonia > GP swears it's severe (Costochondritis)
Reports state it's often misdiagnosed as Heart Attack / Pneumonia!" (Explains Hospital misdiagnosis!)
Begin Week 4 with 3 Discharge Letters + Closed curtain Ward Virus combo severe Costochondritis
Symptoms : tbb is literarily coughing red raw ribs off his chest with LNP Hospital grade contagion.
This ain't good news for tbb's worn out spluttering A Fib Heart Clinic appointment on Thursday.
All agreed that was meant to be a chill out session...not working up a hot date with their Ambo mates!
Never ever imagined being too ill too call for an Ambo...but tbb can ill afford another chest infection.
Just gotta suck it up & ride it out...keeping well clear of Spluttering Health Crisis Petri Dishes...
tbb has shared enormity of Hospital Viral Deaths & now experiencing this first hand...heed own advice!
Despite Pharmacy reviews / No one...not GP or Hospital Medics prescribed ill tbb any NSAIDs
Thankfully tbb is a good listener + asked GP to spell out Costochondritis for self therapy (Agreed!)
22nd Nov tbb wised up on Costochondritis then doubled back to procure a pack of NSAIDs
Without these Internet Quacks stressing NSAIDs...tbb would be in 4th Ambo at start of Wk 4 Crisis!
Qld Health / GP advise tbb to restart Mental Health treatment but...first hear this out...
None of these experts prioritize tbb's Costochondritis to medicate or treat...quite the opposite.
One or two doubted tbb's 0-20 second onset fatigue & ran a bizarre emergency mad panic tour test...
No Shit...with Top Doc manhandling tbb thru diving darting shocked onlookers WTF dude!
tbb says : Am I going to emergency surgery...Nope! Trust Me..The Mad Doc was instigating Panic for all.
They make up shit like tbb has High Level Exercise Intolerance or he's putting it on...(Wrong & Wrong!)
tbb shared he recently partook in Physio Diabetic sanctioned 12min Treadmill trial for Heart Stress Test
Even said if you think tbb is Mental...Fine...Bring the Paperwork & we're sorted...Yeah! Exactly...Huh!
Had to wait for next day scan > 2nd > 3rd day promise...tbb said this is costing all a fortune...
They shrug their shoulders...this is off the charts...elevated bed was inflaming tbb's red raw tight chest!
Hard to imagine that Internet Quacks gazumped the lot of them...they advise to take Emergency Action.
Internet Quacks stress NSAIDs for tbb's severe disabling, lifeless, painful to breathe condition.
NSAIDs relieve Chest swelling just enough for tbb to catch a breath and keep Wk 4 Ambo at Bay!
Without them tbb wouldn't be typing this...if any crew are reading this then tbb ain't the Crazy one!
New LNP Policy of infecting wards of ill patients ain't says their near dying patients!
Please isolate any suspected highly virulent Covid patients...Can't breathe with one finger on [000].
Repeating that the World & Oz has lost control of Viral Chest infection's now a default norm.
Business mandate Govts to STFU & then direct GP's to not script rare in hot demand Antibiotics.
The only directive is to censor it & openly spread it with a sign on yer Ward Chart...[You're Next] Gulp!
They were right to post their x/?\x Sign...cause tbb got their Contagion message alright! FU.
Swimming against the tide, self scripting & self isolating, refusing to sprinkle Silly Seasoning about!
Yes! It's true...we patients conferred & firmly agreed that Virulent infection must still be isolated.
That includes the infected patient...who was most shocked & apologetic for infecting Ward buddies!
Med Experts label tbb as Mental for not spreading their Virus ya go mate...Just dial [000]
See ya next week...Kept sayin' it...(Nope! Not playing this crooked game...tbb is not a victim!)
tbb has a lot of respect for Oz...tbb don't think, he knows we sick isolating patients are saving lives.
Rest assured, we the positive outpatients still promise to commit to isolating for Australia's sake!
Fuck the Business Class Cattle Class Directive...we are Human beings not sheep dipped Xmas Baubles.
Spread the positive message not the eenie meanie Mussolini head kick strain...Good Health Straya!

Hey tbb, much compassion for you in what you've been going through, get better mate. Good on you for the iso, just be sure to make the call if things get so bad you judge you really do need the help. Despite the misdiagnosis, they are usually angels, angels with great training and equipment.
VJ decided to elect private at public hospital in life threatening situation(s). There is a moment where you are a bit preoccupied wondering if you are dying, and someone hands over a clipboard and 'sign this' and that's a very confusing moment - but overall, by doing so the public hospital gets much needed external funds for the service. And if you've been paying private for your adult life, good on them for paying you back a bit of it.
There have been other flus going around, the NSW health link before noted which ones had biggest spike. Rest of fam got it (worth it: going out meant new relationship for one) and VJ managed to avoid with a bit of intra-home seclusion. MIL just had surgery and copped covid on the way home from it, not what you want at that age and in that condition. How to protect the elderly and vulnerable when psychopaths make the decisions?

Compassionate plea for VJ in return to inform Vic yer back...
Don't look now but you got a Fresh [ Covid Alert ]
26th Nov 2024 (Active)
Victoria is currently experiencing "Increased Covid-19 Infections" in the Community, which is resulting in an "Increase of People being Hospitalized with Covid-19!"
1 : Stay at home if you are unwell with symptoms of Cold or Flu!
2 : Test with RAT
* [+] If Eligible take the AV's asap.
* Stay at home until no symptoms Avoid ' Sensitive Risk settings' for 7 days (Wow! TISM)
3 : Get Vaxed
* Get Boosted
* Vax is still Free from GP / Pharmacy
4 : Wear a Mask
5 : Fresh Air
6 : Take AVs to save on getting sick to need a Hospital Bed.
CHO Note : If you are at risk of falling very sick, you may be eligible for AVs...See yer GP.
Get stuck into 'em within 5 days > Sooner the Better...
+ Yer Northern Cousins Qldurrz...likewise...on News Tonight...
Qld Brainz : "Covid is increasing > People Dying regularly!" That's his words...not tbb.!
TGA approve New Booster > Available 6th Dec 2024
PS : Vic Wave started mid Sept in both Aged care & Community...
tbb informed it will (Pause) End of Sept as said the strain did exactly that & goes again..
Oct started rising higher again as said & Start of Nov kicked in real good & soaring now!
You get the Warning a little late as we discussed >
Footy Finals / Cup / Schoolies / Xmas Shopping > #1 priority to spread Virus First then ya Get Alert!
Watch this space for further Alerts...tbb has warned that there are several respiratory virus about..
tbb copped an exotic Gold Label Mystery Ward Strain...Can't breathe...squeezing me chest!
Take Care Vic...Sanitize > Be brief > Touch only what yer need > do ya thing & get the Hell outta there!

Vic Covid Alert
Qld Covid Safe Message
NSW Repay ALL Covid Fines
2022 : NSW withdrew 33-36,000 / 50,000 fines (Refund $36.3m)
2024 : NSW withdraw 23,539 / 50,000 fines (Refund $15m) + Offer Support to impacted people!
NSW crew can send thanx to Redfern Legal Centre for kickin' their shins!

Vic Covid Wave Headlines
28 Nov [ Amber Alert ] South Gippsland Hospital / Several House-Community Staff [+]
* Community Transmission n the rise
* Sign in Entry / Must wear a Mask / Sanitize
29 Nov : Top Doc Urgent Warning > Huge Covid Surge threatens to wreck Aussie Xmas
CHO : Suggests Hospital Visitors wear Masks
29 Nov : Stay Home : "Covid hits ahead of Xmas"
CHO : If ya need to go out > To Hospital or Risk setting [ Wear a Mask ]
29 Nov : "Still a drastic Disease" Oz facing a Xmas Covid Wave
Scripts increased Sept > Oct
Aged Care Cases rising Oct > Nov
Peak starts Early Dec > Early Jan
*Alarming Covid Survey of 1,000 Aussies
Massive 33% refuse to Wash / Sanitize hands when Transiting
Only 42% of Symptomatic would bother to Test
A higher 66% of Symptomatic do not plan to Test before Transiting
Frightfully 19% of [+] Would refuse to isolate & still go out spreading Covid in Public
30 Nov : Vic Health Urgent Warning / Significant rise in Covid Cases
Cases jump 44% Hospitalizations jump 59%
Symptoms may appear severe up to 14 days after exposure (Note CHO : " [+] Isolate up to 7 days)
"Extreme Sickness : Shortness of Breath > Fever / Chills / Sweats / Fatigue / Vomiting / Diarrhoea"
Man...that sounds like some serious wonder Vic CHO is alerting [ Urgent Warning! ]
Just to back this up ...Cath Bennett said to Isolate for at Least 7 days...
Recapping Nov Vic Wave...
2023 States / Feds once reduced Iso down from 14 days > 7 > 5 > even 3 days then No iso at all...
Xmas 2024 Hospital Staff Wave [ Amber Alert ] Mask Mandate for ALL
Xmas 2024 Vic CHO + CG > (Now advise Isolation is ramping back up from 3 > 5 > 7-14 days ?)
Vic CHO also advise the disease symptoms are presenting more severe for longer period
19% of infected refuse to isolate > 66% of sick refuse to Test before Travelling...
6 Dec New Covid Vaccine
tbb sure ain't no expert....
But it sure don't sound like Covid has gone anywhere & seems to present as a more serious threat?
Outta my Way You > I got Covid & I'm gonna use it...You're my next Victim Mate...STFU.
(Aussies were once such Lovely People!)
30 Nov : Latest Wave most advanced in Victoria
CHO : Number of indicators >
Higher # of Tests
Higher proportion test [+]
More Severe than numbers indicated
We're a little bit further into the wave
30 Nov : Covid Cases surge in VIC as festive season approaches
Mask Mandate is Back (Update)
Qld Health pinned a Covid sign near enough to tbb.
Also Passed my Covid Test...makes tbb an expert!
Considering' Vic & Qld CHOs are walking out + Oz are Short of 402 Drugs
Expert tbb will have a Quick Walk around the Ward
[ Vic Health Covid Data ]
Test [+] Rate at start of Sep 4% rising thru Oct 6% to end Nov 9.5%
Cases rose Sept 600/wk end Sept pause/fall 800wk > Rising to Oct 1000wk > end Nov 1,600wk
Hospitalizations started rising from Start Sept 90/day (Paused Oct 100/day) rising to end Nov 197/day
ICU started rising towards end of Sept 3/day to 5/day thru Oct to end of November 11/day
A/C wk 5th Sept O/B 32 Res 119 Staff 47 > (Peak) end Nov O/B 95 Res 513 Staff 170
Vic no longer report Deaths...( Oz Winter 2024 higher than 2023 ) "Oz A/C " currently 21/week {RIP}
[ Vic Health Response ]
Sept Weekly Surveillance reports are delayed to Fortnightly [Censor] Variants / Wastewater)
11th Sept : Full Vax 18+ 437.5k A/C 26.2k (55%) > NDIS 9.5k > First Nation 2.8k
End Sept AV Scripts 7,135 (34.3% of Oz Total)
Oct Weekly Surveillance reports [ Censor ] Rise in AV 65+ Patient Demographics
9th Oct : Full Vax 18+ 420.8k A/C 25.3k (53.5%) NDIS 9.1k First Nation 2.6k
End Oct AV Scripts 9,549 (35.76% of Oz Total) vs (Vax = 27.4% of Oz 2.7% Up 2 Date Total)
World #1 scripted $1,300 AV doses Oz Pollies Retirement Fund is fuelled by Pfizer share stock.
1st Nov Vic CHO to stand Down end of 2024
1st Nov (Fortnightly Surveillance Report / Cup Censorship) > Next report 1 month
6th Nov : Full Vax 18+ 356.5k A/C 27.1k ( 56.8%) > NDIS 8.2k > First Nation 2.2k
15th Nov Surveillance Report returns fortnightly with [Censored] Death Data
26th Nov CHO [ Covid Alert]
26th Nov : Extended 14 day symptoms > 7 day Isolation
28th Nov [Amber Alert] South Gippsland Hospital Mask Mandate
28th Nov CHO : ALL Hospital / a'c Mask Recommendation
Notes : Expect AV scripts will be higher for November + Vic to suck up the Lion's share!
6th Dec : New Variant Booster (Free)
Free [ Telehealth ] Will still accept Covid Case calls / scripts
Free Mask / RATs > Now hard to find in Vic >
[Co Health] Searches say ya GP Referral can access a free kit
Notes :
We see Vax compliancy rise with Outbreak in A/C but sliding in Public / First Nation / NDIS
But! Could be that a few Vax groupies are holding out for new Vax...we'll see!
Aged care 56.8% Covid Vax may yet rise to = Vic 65+ Flu Vax = 62%
Possible 2nd Pause in Outbreak right now before we rise again (Normal enough for silly season!)
Not unusual to have 2 Steps before 2024/25 Peak
However crew won't see any cartoon data as 95% are not tested + Vic expanding AV access.
But if they were it would present as a longer lower rising bulky 3 slab wave set.
You would also see record regional Vic Wastewater rising higher for longer...
The very reason that Data Set was Censored alongside any AV 65+ Hospital Demographics...Shh!
Last Vic Wave = 1/ death per every waking hour (60/wk) > Vic Health censored that for 2024 Xmas.
CHO scrubbed out all them Nasty Data sets before she get's rewarded her Leave Bonus...Nice Job!
Survey said 66% are in agreement with burying the truth...rather not know!
Rings a bell don't it...66% Would rather Not Know how to Vote No or Test Positive...Woteva.
People absurdly speak of Pandemic being over...
Then why is this current Vic Review taking tbb so long to compile & they say it's only half cooked?
Good Health Vic!

Hmmm only 136 pages, felt more like 1,360 pages this one.

Before we start...
tbb is not picking on's more so Media are issuing Vic Health Directives..
With the back of it opens yer can of worms...
Just saying Whole region from Malaysia / NZ / Oz States are reporting rising Covid waves to Xmas.
eg : Singapore PM travels abroad & gets his first case of Covid...back to the beginning it is...
26th Nov Vic Health CHO would prefer to go out with some dignity.
General Covid Directives now sound pretty dire...More like a Parking Meter covered [ Red Traffic Light ]
* If yer not Well Stay at Home (Does that include stubbing yer toe? STFU.)
* Wear a Mask if yer Visiting Someone in a High-Risk Setting
* Ensure Ventilation by letting fresh Air in or Meeting Outdoors
* Test if you have Symptoms before going to a Party or Gathering
* Immunity Wanes over time, make sure you're up to date with your Covid Vax
Comments are even more dire & blunt.
* If only you published the stats weekly...
People would have a better chance to evaluate the risk before it gets to this point.
Disappointing abandonment of Public Health management during a Pandemic. Do better!
* Wear a Mask ...Always!
* I've heard of quite a few cases in our area. Back on with the Masks in overcrowded areas!
People are sick, be thoughtful take care!
* It's Rife in Aged need to protect vulnerable members of the community...
(You need to relate this message in Mainstream Media & more Avenues!)
* [+] Relative phoned to cancel a Hospital procedure...
* Mitcham Hospital : "Covid is Rife at the Moment!"
* Omeo Community Hub : "It's in the Omeo Region STILL! ( That's a small remote region ? ) Fark!
4th Dec Monash Uni Clayton Campus open Moderna mRNA manufacturing facility.
* Vic is only S'Hemisphere Plant > (end 2 end R&D 2 Market)
* Produce 100m Vax Doses / year ( Covid / Flu / RSV )
* First mRNA batch in 2025
* 2035 Rail Connect Bio Med Precinct ( Parkville Metro Tunnel < > Monash Sub' Loop)
5th Dec : Some Posh Footy Boof is Black Listing Dictator Dan over Vic Lockdowns
tbb knows he's supposed to know this VIP Boof ...Sorry!...comes across as a Bully Cry Baby!
Sorry tbb can't change Vic Data to Bully yer Lock Downs
Vic (Dan) Lockdown Deaths Avg 1.7day
Vic (Dan) Open Borders Deaths Avg 6.67 /day
Jacinta's deaths Avg 6.63 / day until she pulled the Plug mid Year @ 8 deaths / day [Censored]
If any World City could restrict Covid Deaths to 1.7/day > Leader would be heralded a God! ( TRUE! )
Pause to Consider this Oz Dictator Stood tall & proud each'n'every day & owned each'n'every death!
Have these Bullies got any better Ideas to curb Covid death...Please do share...Waiting!...then STFU!
Don't think Vic have the Luxury to be that fussy...WTFU yer drowning in a sea of Covid right now!
60 just died from Covid in Aged Care this Month...
Maybe Jim could mow the Cemetery Lawns or his other Thug serve Covid Frontline some free Grub!
Well! tbb is sick as a dog yet cleans his Covid Town & Mum feeds town for free...Why not just Rise Up!
Footy Boofs boasted 100% [+] Spread Rate...tbb will listen to any fair minded healthier caring Boofs!
tbb is no Vax Dictator fan but a fan of lowering the heat amidst rising Xmas Wave of Mass Death.
Boycott these pathetic brain dead whinging bully Putter Nutters / Jims Moaning / Thug's VIP Grub Club.
Same Media was first to ban Mobster unleash a Flash Mob of Heavyweight VIP Thugs.
If ya got any spare Hot Air left then paddle battle over yer rising 2024 deadly Xmas Wave.
Hot Air Puff Piece by Vic Overlord Thugz...grow a fuckin' brain...people are dying in Vic waves...Now!
And this is the Thug Boycott Alert our Media Spread...ya only making us all sicker...mask these Morons.
In 2 Heart Clinics last week & both had pure evil nut jobs fuelling hate one was Journo Greg Sheridan.
Mum just phoned & simply wants prescribed eye drops that don't burn her eyes out...GP says No!
And Guess What...tbb said hang on Mum...I'll just check...[Computa Says]
Govt : Harmless Brand of Eye Drops [ Out of Stock ] None due until forever!
Oz can't get harmless Eye Drops ...Outta Stock along with 400 meds since Aug says Govt!
So...Wot Now...World is killing itself faster & all dying for simple no brand pain relief...
same as dud meds & can't hobble about.
Cellulitis getting worse by the day for over 6 months now...Sue Clive or WHO...or is it Dan! Yes! Dan!
Let's all Loop Dan...FFS! Give it a rest you sad hate filled vile thugs!
WHO : 2025 SEERS Epidemic (Read Vic Sandra's Comment fuelling 2025 Mass SEERS Panic)
If crew are masking up for seasonal Xmas Crisis then shop around for Wotz new Mystery Disease X -
It's another one of them rapidly spreading Killer Airborne Viruses...Shh!
Santa : Pretty sure it'll blow over...making sure of that!
Doctor : Cautions against calling it Disease X ...
Mass Media : [ The Mere mention of New X Virus will Kill you...Virus name has been censored! ]
Expect a Daily > Weekly > Fortnighty > Monthly > Annual Alert after Record Xmas Wave of Death.
[Factcheck] If yer too stupid to know what Covid is then ya can't possibly be infected by it...(Correct!)
Grom : "Will I Test [+] after the Naplan Test?"
Teacher : "Don't be so Stupid...that's the dumbest thing I've ever Heard!"
Principal Alert : "Will Teachers Don Masks & Gloves then carefully remove Naplan Tests from Class!"
ACA Prime Time Parent interview : "So yer saying the Naplan Test spreads Covid!"
Smart Arse Parent : "Yeah! That's Right...but only if ya pass the starts eating yer Brainz...
Yeah...Like my deadset useless Kid has Immunity but them Chess Club Kidz copped a real bad strain!"
ACA Chick : "Security...Now!...Said Dial [000] Hurry!"
Repeat...this not a Fake Ratings Coup...send ASIO...or E harmony Envoy!"

Roll up your sleeves ya bunch of sheep. Don’t back out now after your years of defending the clot shot.
The Dill can be up first, followed by AndyM

@ pure blood burls. That final select committee report above on covid and its effects, (which btw is highly partisan and politically biased by the republicans), which Rogan is bragging and saying I told you so about, clearly states that your hero- President-elect Donald Trumps operation warp speed- which encouraged the rapid development and authorization of the covid 19 vaccine - was highly successful and saved millions of lives. Also, no mention of your death jab causing millions of sudden deaths, or that covid was a hoax so govts could control the people and start a new world order. Any comments on this. Cheers.

old-dog wrote:@ pure blood burls. That final select committee report above on covid and its effects, (which btw is highly partisan and politically biased by the republicans), which Rogan is bragging and saying I told you so about, clearly states that your hero- President-elect Donald Trumps operation warp speed- which encouraged the rapid development and authorization of the covid 19 vaccine - was highly successful and saved millions of lives. Also, no mention of your death jab causing millions of sudden deaths, or that covid was a hoax so govts could control the people and start a new world order. Any comments on this. Cheers.
Is it possible that you're more brain dead than Biden?

Exactly the sort of answer I expect when someone is on the ropes with nothing.
Btw I have never said a good word about the democrats or the republicans.

old-dog wrote:Exactly the sort of answer I expect when someone is on the ropes with nothing.
Btw I have never said a good word about the democrats or the republicans.
No ropes here Pal. I actually have no idea what you're trying to say.

In that case you must be the brain dead one, or don't like being reminded of the crap you fell for during the pandemic. Cheers pal.

old-dog wrote:In that case you must be the brain dead one, or don't like being reminded of the crap you fell for during the pandemic. Cheers pal.
Lets see what truth comes out when RFK goes to war come January.

Vic Health Alert ((Active)) : Advise all to gather outdoors with a Vic Health approved Mask = $200 Fine
Vic Police Alert ((Active)) : Advise all outdoor gatherings to remove Vic Health Masks! = 15 years Jail
Vic Policemen's Ball [Cancelled] Due to Infernal Code Red Victorian Prison Ward Lockdown Health Crisis.

Unprecedented whooping cough numbers at the moment.
Saw a little baby coughing and gasping for breath the other day, not nice.

AndyM wrote:Unprecedented whooping cough numbers at the moment.
Saw a little baby coughing and gasping for breath the other day, not nice.
AndyM. Hi mate.Concerning numbers above.
I’ve got a book you’d like. How would I get it to you ? AW

What is the theory, evidence related to the rise? Vaccine hesitance post-COVID or other reasons?

AlfredWallace wrote:AndyM wrote:Unprecedented whooping cough numbers at the moment.
Saw a little baby coughing and gasping for breath the other day, not nice.AndyM. Hi mate.Concerning numbers above.
I’ve got a book you’d like. How would I get it to you ? AW
AW, that's incredibly generous mate, I appreciate it greatly.
If you can get it to Mr Steve Shearer Esquire I'm sure he will be able to forward it to me.
You're a good man Alfred.

Roystein wrote:What is the theory, evidence related to the rise? Vaccine hesitance post-COVID or other reasons?
Sounds multi-factorial, COVID measures such as masks, distancing and hygiene helped, also, booster rates are low, driven by a mistrust of vaccinations after COVID.
There's also talk that testing has improved, GP’s can now do a respiratory bacteria test that wasn’t routinely available just a few years ago.

AndyM wrote:Roystein wrote:What is the theory, evidence related to the rise? Vaccine hesitance post-COVID or other reasons?
Sounds multi-factorial, COVID measures such as masks, distancing and hygiene helped, also, booster rates are low, driven by a mistrust of vaccinations after COVID.
There's also talk that testing has improved, GP’s can now do a respiratory bacteria test that wasn’t routinely available just a few years ago.
Better get those whooping cough vaccination numbers up they hey AndyM.

If I had a young kid/infant at home I 100% would.
What about you?
I hope your approach wouldn't be "leave the kids alone" like you've said about polio and (I think) measles.

Whooping Cough From ....(VoN) 20th Sept 2024
Record 10x Whooping Cough Wave colliding with new infectious VOC! Tough start for today's babies!
(Part 2) Continued From Above)
15th Nov tbb followed up the research...
Here's what Research said at that time on Whooping Cough NSW Epicentre
(It does very much involve Vax Mutation of the Virus)
Nope! Not tbb saying it...Whole World is saying mRNA has mutated all Airborne Virus
mRNA Immunity is pressuring every virus to mutate faster & more virulent!
World of mRNA Asymptomatic Super Mutating Spreaders of all airborne virus.
Very reason why Govts ban GPs treating Oz #1 Virus Walking Pneumonia...20-30% / 2024
(Massive global Shortage of Erythromycin + 417 drugs) List keeps growing each time tbb posts...
UNSW (Epicentre) Research "suggests" that...
"Whooping Cough (Nat Disease)
may be evolving under Vax pressure...Much like we saw with Covid 19"
( tbb said...these are State / Uni experts saying this ...not a conspiracy!)
[Commercial] " Having said that, the vax is still very effective at protecting against serious disease!"
Team found Virus ...this being Whooping Cough...
....had evolved to...(no longer produce any 3 components from last lesser peak 2012 Vax)
Ok! Try this link...actually better...
(Part 3) NSW follow up research on Whooping Cough as crew requested...
25th Nov 2024 " Understanding 2024 Spike " by Hunter Med Research NSW
Only it don't share research just uses same lame worn out record Covid Lockdown iso excuse...
But it's clear to all ...prescribe record doses of Vax ...soon also run short of this Vax at this script rate!
So tbb is including this Review for Vax Chart ( Happy to share that...)
* Vax does not provide Life Long immunity
* Vax 2 / 4 / 6 / 18mths > 4yrs > 11-13yrs > Frontline + Risk (Regular Boosters)
Adults every 10yrs > Pregnant 2-32 weeks + (Mothers / Frontine / Risk > 8-10yrs)
That don't sound like Vax is helping very much...
Just saying they reckon it's better than on...
* Ongoing bacterial & Viral Infections expected in coming years until equilibrium
* 5th Dec 2024 Latest research picks up from UNSW > Bacterial Strains are Evolving
* New 3rd Gen Vax is needed >
Vax effective Age Chart...0-5yrs 98% 5-10yrs 81% 11-20yrs 72% > (drops to 42% / 5yrs)
General 79%-84% Prevention > 91% preventing Hospitalization.
1 person in a room will infect 90% within 1 hour!
Meaning the virus is shifting up in age infections from Kidz > (Waning school Youth).
Oz 40,000+
Again...Not tbb saying this > Data / Experts point it out!
Be unhealthy not to example the obvious > High Covid Vaxed walking dead mRNA Teens!
Also getting slammed with Walking Pneumonia ...spreading like wildfire in this same group.
Asymptomatic Zombies keep infecting each other...Wot...It's Nuthin' Exactly the Problem!
France 35,000 Hospital -130,000 (GPs) Worst in 25 years
Both France / Oz had Mad Vax Dictators Closing Society for longest time to unvaxed
Both pushed Teens to Vax in very high % = Both getting slammed with Mutated Whooping Cough.
But this longest VIP separation of Highest Vax Teens = VIP Precious Zombies mutating record Virus!
Sure...if crew or experts have other anomaly then please share...
Only know that high numbers of mRNA VIP Teens are spreading record mutated Whooping Cough!
Exactly...The Elephant in the Room that all dance about...
NZ 1300-1500 cases in 2024
UK 14,400 cases
US 2024 = 28,000 (Highest in 10 years)
Ok...Wotz the Plan...How we gonna stop Le poo poo yuppie VIP mRNA teens from infecting everyone...
Vax Gens
1st Gen : Low-Middle "Cheap / Effective Whole Cell Vax 100,000s Antigens" = Serious FX seizure
2nd Gen : White Trash "Posh Acellular Vax" Handful of Antigens = Safer immune response
Recap : 1st Gen protects Corpses from Whooping Cough > 2nd Gen is Safer for Octolimb Vax Junkies
3rd Gen : (Live Bacteria > Minor Side FX - Runny Nose) 'Live' > Can't be tested on Kids (Adults only)
2025 Trial > 2026/27 Rollout (Decades protect, transform as Nasal Spray to achieve 90-95% uptake)

AndyM wrote:If I had a young kid/infant at home I 100% would.
What about you?
I hope your approach wouldn't be "leave the kids alone" like you've said about polio and (I think) measles.
How many of the whooping cough cases were vaccinated? And how many not vaccinated?

As pointed out Above roughly 95% of Aussies are vaxed for Whooping Cough
2/4/6/18 months + 4yrs before being allowed to enroll in Govt funded Childcare.
Family Allowance is also cut if fail to Vax 12-13yrs shot. (6 Shots total until Adult)
Adult Cases 20yrs over = 53% (Normal year) > 2024 Outbreak is mostly Waning Teens
Adult Vax 18-45yrs = 24% > 50-65yrs =21% > 65+ = 20.5%
73% would Vax for Whooping Cough if prescribed by GP.
Example > You would likely be Vaxed for Whooping Cough within DTaP Tetanus Shot.
Few would ask for an isolated Tetanus Shot > (Around 30% Adults) 20-25% Likely Vax Both.
About 4,000 each in Sunny Coast Hills + Central / Mid North Coast NSW
Likely around these parts don't immunize Kids > Operate Online Family Communes
Pretty much remained under the radar until Covid...then about 4x moved into Home School Hubs
So they built up a kinda Anti Vax resistance that bugz authorities...
They're not exactly poor...tbb knows a few that would pay hefty Private School fees...
Also sell properties worth a cool million before switching to Freestyle online linked Communes.
Seen a few pinch & grip their Kidz tight...Rod of God Stuff...they think none see...
So they act the part of Free Love to others but will abuse kids...More so...
Like KAP ban Rape Dungeon Slave chix abortions + demand to smack, kick & Lynch kidz (Psychos!)
Everytime tbb has seen habitual vicious Child Abuse, even in public it's by this Rod of God crew...
Where ya think tbb got that name from...they openly swear by Rod of God...(Yes! Child Slave Whipping!)
Highest authority exempts abuse...tbb wanted out of their w/e camps before they beat my kids!
Ya don't want them near the Kindy or school Kids thanx...not most of the God Squad tbb has met.
A few moonlight as Home Nurses that slip into LNP Red Unions to source frontline Govt intel.
Might see a few tip off LNP ACA about Next Week's ALP Hospital Killing Spree!
Today's News from new Oz mRNA Lab...
Interesting that we opened a New Covid Vax Lab if Covid is Over...Doh!
Oz researchers are trying to solve the Fucked Up Boosters Mutating Virus & Killing innocents!
May have Solved the Imprinting issue that reduces effectiveness against mutated Mass Vaxed virus.
Antigenic Sin when immune response becomes less effective to newly Mass orchestrated Variants
New Vax is encoding surface proteins of Receptor binding domain (Spike!)
Study Paper
Tested their mRNA RBD-TM Vax (3rd Dose on mice)
Increased antibodies having potential to overcome immune imprinting to protect against new strains.
Saying Next Gen Vax was needed to protect Risk patients from future mutant strains of the Virus.
Paving way for a home grown Covid-19 Vax.
More Importantly...
Smaller 25% dosing makes it more tolerable + more stable at higher storage Temps.
A feature important for future mRNA Vax.
tbb recently shared that -50* maxed out Syringes / Stoppers / plungers before integrity failed.
100's of HM / Petro Chems gassed openly into Vials which also delaminated into a Deadly Toxic Brew.
Each copped a shaft dipped in unmeasured Lucky Dip slurry that contaminated all tissue before target!
May 2021 mRNA Victoria
This Covid Vax was first Vax trialled of the 1st of 57 Research Projects (Totalling $29m)

Burls you sound like Margaret Thatcher.
Next, you’ll be wanting me to name them.

It was a simple question. Why can’t you answer it?

"In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:696-697, 1981)"

Richard Cheese wrote:"In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:696-697, 1981)"
Remind us of what year it is please, Richard.
I wonder what type of attitude you’d have towards it if one of your very young children was crook as.
There’s been all manner of vaccines globally that have not cut the mustard, I doubt whether any parent who has an infant emergency would not consider assistance.
I’m neither for or against vaccinations. You make your own choice, then live with the consequences of your decision.
It’s all very well to sit here and cut and paste clips, I’m sure you can find them for positive affects also.
Very, very small sample set I’d say. Just my opinion. AW

That first link is well worth a read RC, probably for AndyM. Pretty straight down the line.

Yeah she's a quality read that one.

burleigh wrote:It was a simple question. Why can’t you answer it?
Guess what Burls, yes people who have been vaccinated can still catch whooping cough.
Also, the effectiveness of the vaccine declines rapidly after the first four years.
No one is putting forward a simple argument saying that it's perfect, although you seem to like simple arguments the other way.
Anyway, here's a graph of the effectiveness of pertussis vaccination and duration of immunity.
The related study from the Canadian Medical Journal Association found the following-
"We observed high effectiveness of the pertussis vaccine within 3 years of vaccination, but with clear evidence of waning of immunity beyond 4 years and little-to-no protection beyond 7 years from last vaccination. The odds of pertussis increased by 27% each year that passed after receipt of an acellular vaccine. Individuals primed with acellular vaccine had a 2.2 times higher odds of disease than those primed with the previously used whole-cell vaccine."

Richard Cheese wrote:"In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:696-697, 1981)"
From the first link
"In many children, the retention of vaccine poisons within the body may not cause any acute or noticeable symptoms, but it will cause a lowering of the child’s vitality, which in turn, weakens and impairs its intellectual, creative, and imaginative powers, its physical energy and strength, and all of its internal metabolic functions and immune activities. What this means is that the child will operate at a level well below its true potential."
And here we all thought it was mobile phones and social media impairing our kids intellect, creativity and energy. Turns out we were all wrong.

Is much of the reality we have believed our whole lives now being exposed as a lie and is crumbling all around us? I developed autism in my teens.
Anthony Fauci called RFK Jr. a liar for stating that not one of the 72 vaccines mandated for children has ever been safety tested*.
In response, RFK Jr. took legal action, and after a year of delays, Fauci's lawyers conceded that RFK Jr. had been correct.
"There's no downstream liability, there's no front-end safety testing... and there's no marketing and advertising costs, because the federal government is ordering 78 million school kids to take that vaccine every year."
"What better product could you have? And so there was a gold rush to add all these new vaccines to the schedule... because if you get onto that schedule, it's a billion dollars a year for your company."
"So we got all of these new vaccines, 72 shots, 16 vaccines... And that year, 1989, we saw an explosion in chronic disease in American children... ADHD, sleep disorders, language delays, ASD, autism, Tourette's syndrome, ticks, narcolepsy."
"Autism went from one in 10,000 in my generation... to one in every 34 kids today."
*in pre-licensing, placebo-controlled trials

Thanks for the reply tbb, AndyM et al., very interesting the evolution. Evolve or die!

prior to 1911, there were zero cases of 'autism' in all human history.

In the 50’s and 60’s, my son who is deaf, would’ve been described as ‘deaf and dumb’ . He’s certainly not dumb.
As the audiologist delivered the news on that first night, she said, just because he doesn’t hear, it’s got nothing to to do with intelligence, he’s got a 100% fully functioning brain.
Fortunately times have changed.
All the ADD, ADHD and other horrible acronyms, I wonder what they were called back then, probably a disparaging title like ‘ nut job’. AW

I'm just glad we have intelligent diagnostics and science now.. 'back in the day', before vaccines, antibiotics, ob-gyns, insulin, blood-pressure meds, and social support, one in four kids died, a good innings was 70.
And psychologically, 'back in the day' a feller who had been fiddled by his priest, smacked about by his dad, Jacosta-complexed by his mum, infantalised by his granny, bullied and abused through his short schooling, before begging for exploitative work and landing a cuckolding wife, then being sent off to catch diphtheria in a foreign trench...
well, I reckon diagnosing someone with any specific neuro-diversity through that would have been impossible..
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?