
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher started the topic in Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 9:17am

RiF010 : Dutch word for [Reef] + [Rotterdam Downtown Postcode 101]

2014 Wave Making project enters Rotterdam Downtown Renewal Comp.
SurfLoch generated 1.5m Right-hand Canal Wave running 12 seconds.
Jan : Model
March : Wetting the Bar
Grom Chiko Chick..."Rotterdam is for the Gurlz!"
April-June : Promo Stalls / Hipsters / Flyboarders / SUPs
June : Gromz Art
Dedicated Comp Entry / Vote Web Page
Signature Cut'n'Paste Promo Gallery

Rotterdam Comp Winners RiF010

2014/15 Plans

Wave Canal Models' Gallery

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 1:15pm

24 April 2014 - 12 Nov 2015 Original swellnet RiF101 site Started by thebeard (Here!)

It became clear this 10 year Timeline would both precede & out date the original site.
Started afresh here...Saluting & including original Site...
Feel free to add new clips / updates to either...tbb will run a link < > original...

2014 Puff Pieces

Jan 2015 Finished Wave Canal Line Up Render


Website (Under Construction)

Dec 2022 Xmas Promo SurfLoch Credits

April 2023 Work Starts + Tools of the Trade
Sept Wave Machine + HM gear to Blow you away

Surf Canal Ai Surf Vid (Adding 1.5m wave each 8 secs / .75m trail wave!)

Sept Wavepoolmag (1m sightseers + 35-50,000 Boardriders / year = 8-9 sec rides )
100% Solar / Wind Powered (No Chems) + Engineering + Law suits
Envisaged Session Prices were pegged between AUD $40-$90/hr

Nov : New Website +Promo > 6/7 July 2024 Festival > Boards / Boogerz / Kayaks / Diving
Hire Wetties / Boards + Surf Credits (Convert 2 weeks Pre Surf sessions > see : New Website


Surfin' Santa

Jan 2024 : Rainbow Rising
Surf Hang / Shack Plans
Feb : Inter Urban overdrive

April : Wax Models
Site inspections

April ( Cumulative Project Costing = AUD $16.10m + )
May : Sets the Date 6 July 2024 Open
Site Clean

Grom turns the Tap on...Great shot of Lowest Tide Chambers before tide come in...

16 May Canal Volume = 4,000 cubic metres or 4m L from The Rotte.
Cleaned > Drum Filter (Large Fine Mesh Cloth Cylinder recycling the Canal every 7 hours.)
( Takes a "Few Days" to initially fill the Wave Canal )

Surfer Mag ( Pre Open Review )

Let there be Waves

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 12:58pm

Mobilis TBI Project Team Site...Tech Vids Gallery are Not in English but share much detail.
Pretty much the Nuts'n'Bolts Guts of the Project...highly recommended for Wave Canal Geeks.

May 2024 First Boardriders


Surf Canal Shack Takes Shape

Wavepoolmag ( City Council Funding : AUD $4.83m ) + 450 waves/hr
Rotterdam Wave Canal Session Prices (See : *Sept 2023 Prices)
Beginers Wave = $57/hr (*$40/hr)
1.2m Wave = AUD $81/hr
1.5m Wave = AUD $97/hr (*90/hr)

June : ( Surf Credits > Surf Jocks Rule Downtown )

July Ultimate Cut'n'Paste Tribute

6 July 2024 Opening Event + Surf Canal Tent Accom

Wave Canal Updates

Urban Surf Tik Tok

{f} RIF010

RiF010 Website

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 1:48pm
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 1:42pm

More soon...

amb's picture
amb's picture
amb Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 2:29pm

incredible right in the middle of the city! what was there before TBB?

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 11:23pm

Kinda answered that yourself amb...middle of the city is the Key to the Project.
Swimming is natural for residents in Euro Cities...since the 1930's they became polluted.
Over the last 20 years many cities are reclaiming Swim Zones.
Netherlands Swim Season runs from 1st May -1st Oct.
They also have Family Wave Pools ( Note : 'The Dark Blue Lines' > tbb covered this Topic in Munich Surf Town Link )
So neither is odd or new!

Cities produce Interactive updated Water Tested Map Symbols of Safe Level Pollutants Swim Zones.

Now ...crew can see that Ocean-Side is Fine > Regional Rivers > Lakes all fine.
Slowly zoom in & see that Populated City River Ports / Lakes / Canals share very Few swim Zones.
Usually very little "Green Flagged" All clear options in 5-10km cbd's radius...

( re: amb "Incredible right in the middle of the City! ) Yes! That would be incredible in any City.

Greens proposed similar Policy for Brisbane & were laughed at! 100% locals said yer Mad!
Sydney / Melbourne / Perth residents also wary of Sharks & Pollution.
Euro Cities offer more Swim Zones than Oz City Centres...Bne City Beach is Similar!

You'll be fined swimming in many City Navigation Zones + They're Highly polluted!

City dwellers reinvent odd very expensive VIP Baths or Hiring & Piloting Hot Tub pontoons.
In itself has exposed how contaminated their canals are...this 010 precinct was contaminated.

Also that city folk engage in Weird Canal Swim Craft...so a Wave Canal is not that alien...more essential!
Many readers rightly Share all of Munich Bodysurf their Garden circuit.
History of 100's years share City dwellers are attracted to Turbulent Swim Zones + Bashin' Bore Waves.
All were ever surfing River Rapids long before Surfing on boards...none of this is new in swim history!

At the crossroads...Dead canals are no life for a Family or place to bring up Kids...all too obvious!
Gotta reclaim yer City...canal by canal...The 7 hr flush cycle Wave option is perfect.
Also not said is the new easy wade in access that will immediately invite & attract many families to enter.
That's why City is kicking in big money to lure "Families to live a healthy life within Cities > Massive pay off!"

You'll notice they talk about the Market Place > Mega Bucks is nearby...
Iconic Market Place Units / Gardens & proposes to grow & sell food on site.
So you'll read no chemicals in the water but ultra fine natural filtering...

Same Developers one interconnected project...
The ultra clean Wave Canal Water also grows the nearby food...Like a Yuppie Oasis for VIPs.
Council focus is on School Children = Families Healthy Sustainable holistic Surf'n'Turf...
Surfing = Wetties = Endless Summer Beach Zone to attract Healthy VIP Corporate Family Life
Live Work Play Surf Grow Eat where ya sleep & raise a Family.
Surf Shop (No Disposable Items) Sustainably Produced Surfboards.
So far most are invited into canal but little is said on how they allocate sharing it!

Like a giant Beachscape transforming Backwater Canals to VIP Endless Summer Aquacade Oasis.
Wave filtered Water grows the Healthiest Food to bring the boys to the Yard.
Reef's Market Garden supplies onsite Vege Vans / Stall with freshly picked produce as ordered.
See Iconic Market Hall & Stalls surround the Gardens at RIF010 Wave Generator / Filter end of Canal!
One would imagine the Filtered Canal waters the tiered Food Gardens surrounding the Park.
Food Garden
Market Hall Freshly Picked Chopped Food Stall
The Wave Flushed Filtered Water will grow healthier Food for city families!

amb's picture
amb's picture
amb Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:17am

amazing, the Dutch are so far ahead of the rest of us in there thinking...would never happen here.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:31am

Yep the Dutch are really good at tank testing scale hull designs, when I saw the boaty bit powering past I was like, ah, seen this before.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:18pm

Yes! Good points there...the Wave basin is actually suspended...
The reports said that the original timber supports were historic relics (Don't Touch!)...(see photos)
Also as Holland's solid soil is up to 30m down.

Basically deeply studded out a cradle for a formed basin...very costly but their only choice.
Included that Karcher Promo to example how clean the basin is > then Flushed / Filtered - no chems!
Showing they're as clean as ya like to brew beer or wave gardens...for consumption...

This raises some interesting scenarios...(Little is said as it's all trial and error!)

* Will they allow swimmers to fully immerse! (Most new Wave Pools & Early Rotterdam forbid such!)
* Will they allow infants / Pregnant women to swim! (Most Wave Pools + early Rotterdam forbid such!)
* Will they allow sunscreen (Many NP Habitats : Rock pools / Tea Tree - Lakes forbid such!)
* Will they extend the Garden to grow edible Water Grass / Wall Plants / Moss to filter the line up!
Only coz one or two shots seem to feature moss in the finished Line Up...not joking.

Nland desperately filtered precious little water resource thru their garden ponds...hence ~ wavegarden.
Brazil Sao Paulo Surf Club Gardens

tbb has shared a few papers on the Natural evolution of surfing a river ecosystem back to health
Wavegarden Grubs bug the V Dub Grubs < > The V Dub Grubs bug the Wavegarden Grubs.
Feel free to recycle the wavepool lifecycle if that bugs ya!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:30pm

Update : RiF010 run {f} Note secondary links (NOW) require subscription.
Also annoyingly locks out visitors each Link...gotta go back to new link & re-start
So we'll continue with that in mind...tbb can post links...but you'll need to access {f} for more! Ok!
If any local Dutch crew are onto it...let them know it's not cool to lock out fans!

On a local level...keep yer eyes focused on Spectators forming an arena...
Depends on Weather + Surfing Quality + Chix
Wanna leave this observation open & may or not report on crowd further if it changes.
Mostly coz it's an ultra rare opportunity to sample general passing town folk interest in surfing
Try & keep a spare eye on demographic...mostly coz ya can kinda make out some age groups.
Also interesting to suss any evolving surf hang!

14 June 2024 Team NL dropped in to test slightly bigger wave settings.
18 June [L] Group already shares a Hodad or two...super cool observation!

22nd June Surf Shop has a cool vibe ( O'Neill Wetties for those interested )

29th June : Credit Surfers can hit the line up!
Next link is a vid...Ok!
30th June : VIP TV star pops in for a session & (Draws a word of mouth moderate crowd)
A few logos on the Wave Generator Bridge...just an observation Ok!
Crowd hang nearest to 'Take Off nook'...as said just keeping tabs on the Hang!
Mostly as the scene is changing real fast as it opens out onto open streetscape!
Can just pull up in yer car & check out the Lineup...Yeah! Right there, like that!
Tip : Think that Yellow Rashie guy is a Lifeguard on the Shore shoulder...well spotted!
Also reckon he has a tuff job keeping the Town Spectators from falling in!
Sitting on the top wall is Ok? He keeps his lower shoulder tier free from Spectators!
As it stands...spectators can lean over railings above the crew but not near any open drop zones!

Ok! So that sounds corny but it's all still new with no real rules!
So tbb is simply marking out the Line Up map...Not Official! Ok!
Said that will change as it rolls out...all figure as much!
Just a heads up...tbb has checked ahead & Yes! Gets a bit wild & free later on!
How Weird...you'll have to wait & see!

1st July ( Last Credit Day!) Local Crew of younger Men are Stoked with decking hang! Cool!
2nd July 1st General Public open Booking day

This report finishes with Opening Promo for O'Neill UK Long Board Pro Ben Skinner

This brings the crew up to Opening Day Ok!
tbb can't continue a longer review with {f} Blocker! Taking forever! Need a break!

We'll start afresh with Opening day...all cool with that.

That will last as long as tbb's patience....stoked to share wot little we can...
If ya can't wait ...tbb will oblige the crew to surf on ahead...
Only coz their privacy setting seems to have changed to lock out 3rd party open engagement.
Not sure if this is a {f} Default coz other sites go cold then come good again...we'll see!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 28 Aug 2024 at 6:38pm

Curtain Raiser will buy tbb some time to bypass Facebook subscription...
Will find a backdoor or doggy door...to be sure!
Trialling that here...so tbb can have a crack at breakin' thru NATO Surf Hang defences!

Before tbb's delayed opened day special...will share an overview.
Chiko Chix have been included fairly not equally but relative to involvement.
Chix casually feature in Promos > Trades > even Turned the Taps on...so happy to share no sexism here!
Boogers feature equally as Cruisers / Pros + a few Hodads [L] Hipsters...(Typical Downtown Crew Ok!)

Also point out that disabled access works in with neighbouring Maccas Toilets as a Town Hang would.
So it all seems relative to a rejuvenated confined CBD site that wishes to be the life of the town.
Nothing seems outta place...it's about as natural a fit a Town Wave could be with the new wade entry!
From a world away...any would be stoked to light up the town square with this Dutch urban surf hang.
Just noting the Water is filtered but will change colour from Dull Grey to Murky Green...It's an anomaly!
Slight delay allows tbb to scout the Site upgrade for solid Opening Safety info / Prices

Surf Session (Supervision/Safety) Surf Instructor + Lifeguard + Spotter
Yellow Attire with Descriptive Role (Worded in English) on part red/black wettie/rashie uniform.
ISA / ILS mandate Universal English Language
Surf Instructor : Trained by ISA + 1st Aid
Lifeguard : Certified by ILS + 1st Aid
Spotter : Monitors Take Off Zone [ All Clear ] Line Up.

Arrive 45 mins early for Briefing
Min age 8 + Swim Cert! ( Filtered / Not treated water...Health law may rule out Younger ages)
Line Up Cap = 18 Practice > 25 Surfers Max.
Wave Train = 7 seconds
Waves / hr = 10 (minimum)

Board Hire ( Brands : Mahyem / Lost / Lib Tech ) + O'Neill Wetties

colour"wave(aud)$hr > 5 block 10 block
R/1m Beginner..$74 > $330 > see next (2023 prebook $57/hr) + RiF Bodyboard $57/hr
R/1.35m Inter....$82 > $395 > $740 (2023 prebook $81/hr) + RiF Bodyboard $75/hr
B/1.5m Cruiser $82 > Not available in Block
Y/1.6m Expert $100 > $470 > $865 (2023 prebook $90/hr) +RiF Bodyboard $90/hr
O/1.6m Barrel $100 > $470 > $865

City Canal SUP (aud) All gear supplied (6km > Lake Range / Not Main River)
$27/hr > $58/half day > $96 /all day
(Last Comment) tbb mentioned wild & free = (SUP & Clear the Canals)
Bag a free Coffee / Drink on VIP Terrace )
Started out as a Daggy / Flat crumpled bag...very tricky
Now ya Net the Cups'n'cans & Top up yer Floating Bin to claim yer reward.
RIF use Disabled Toilets @ Maccas & Their Cups will fill a SUP Bag (Double up Deal is in order!)
pickerupperer tbb salutes the green gromz Canal Clean, less about the reward > stokes town pride!
(Truth) Bloke bought tbb a coffee = 4x 50L bags of rubbish cleared around his Town's 5 lakes! (3hrs)
Best to reward the SUP Slave Gromz a free ride + Meal Deal & all can see it's a Win Win.

Canal Canoe (aud) All gear for 3/4 (6km > Lake Range / Not Main River)
$25/hr > $60/half day > $110/all day > Possibly a 2nd / End drop Point
Just wondering if the end game is to tie'n'ride...like them hire bikes! Let the market decide fav runs!
Might find it grows as worthy alt transit during Peak Hour bottle necks > Supper glides by...Hey! WTF!

Dive Lessons / Certs + Pump Cycle Track (Clinics)