Onshore Weeknd with some great days ahead next week
Western Australia Surf Forecast by Steve Shearer (issued Fri 12th May)
Features of the Forecast (tl;dr)
- Window of good winds Fri AM with solid leftover surf
- Mostly onshore winds this weekend with some moderate pulses
- Favourable winds expected early next week with solid swells, biggest Mon
- More moderate pulses expected from Wed into later next week with mostly favourable winds
- More active storm track expected medium term, check back Mon for the latest
Lumpy solid surf in the 8-10ft range yesterday between the Capes, 2-3ft in Mandurah, 2ft in Perth tried to clean up through the day under variable winds. Today has seen cleaner surf under a NE flow with solid 6ft+ surf between the Capes, 2-3ft in Mandurah and Perth. Winds are now tending more NNE through the day and expected to clock around NNW in the a’noon.
This weekend and next week (May12 – May 19)
No change to the weekend f/cast. A weak front tips the SW of the state and brings an onshore W’ly Sat, tending SW on Sun, more SE in Perth/Mandurah. We’ll see some moderate pulses over the weekend, from follow-up fetches to tomorrows cold front. Sat should push up into the 4-6ft range in the SW, smaller 2-3ft in Perth/Mandurah.
Another pulse Sun reaches similar heights with better winds north of Bunbury.
Monday still looks the goods as a high pressure ridges in under the state and offshore winds establish. A strong zonal storm generating 20-30ft seas in a wide swathe between 50-55S as it tracks through the WA swell window is on track to send 6-8ft surf through Mon, smaller 2-3ft in Perth, 3ft in Mandurah. Expect that swell to fill in mid-morning.
Light offshore winds Tues under a weak, troughy pattern see easing surf from Monday’s peak with 6ft sets in the morning, 2-3ft in Mandurah, 2ft in Perth. Light/late seabreezes are possible in the a’noon.
Winds look to remain mostly offshore through most of next week with another stanza of small/mod pulses ahead. A slow moving gyre under Africa sends some long range pulses for later next week, with a suppressed zonal storm track in the more favourable WA swell window. An intense but compact cut-off low tracking well north of Heard Island Sun/Mon (see below) generates a moderate pulse for later next week.
Easing surf should stabilise around 3ft on Wed smaller 1-2ft surf in Mandurah/Perth.
A fresh pulse of moderate SW swell rebuilds surf to 4ft between the Capes later Thurs, easing into Fri.
Further moderate pulses f similar size are expected over the weekend 20-21/5 with SE winds.
Further ahead and the storm track becomes more active in the Central Indian Ocean suggesting a more substantial week following this next one.
Craig will be back Mon to look at that wth fresh eyes so tune in then.
Until then, have a great weekend!
Absolutely pumping today.
One for the books.