Cyclone Seth Splits Bribie Island, New Channel Permanent

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

In 1898, a storm event overtopped a narrow isthmus on Stradbroke Island and split the barrier island into two halves. The combined efforts of waves and tidal flow saw the channel grow and become a permanent bar - the infamous Jumpinpin - while South Stradbroke and North Stradbroke became distinct islands.

Earlier this month, another of south-east Queensland’s barrier islands was split and scientists believe the result will, like Stradbroke, be permanent.

On the 2nd January, with swell from Tropical Cyclone Seth battering the ocean side, and an associated deluge raising water levels in Pumicestone Passage, Bribie Island was split, with waves breaking through a narrow spit at the northern end.

Aerial photographs show the extent of the breach.


A post shared by Bluey (@blueys_photography)

Northern Bribie Island has a long history of shifting sands. In the early 1970’s the entrance to Pumicestone Passage was well south of its present location at Caloundra and just north of the new entrance position (see image below).

More recently, waves overtopped and eroded the island in December 2020, however it wasn’t enough for a channel to form.

On January 4th, the Principal Scientist from Queensland’s Department of Environment and Science (DES) visited the site, observing the newly formed tidal channel. The formation of said channel leads the DES to believe that this will become the new northern entrance to Pumicestone Passage and that Caloundra Bar will slowly fill with sand.

Surfers will greet the news with mixed emotions as, though fickle, Caloundra Bar offers respite from northerly winds. No longer will the banks there be groomed by tidal flow. Conversely, the new channel, though more exposed to wind, is showing promise with a left and right on each side.

Locals will soon get a look at those waves, as starting tomorrow a fresh round of easterly swell from TC Cody will hit the coast, and like the last swell it will be a sustained event lasting till this time next week. The DES said it’s “not possible to speculate on whether any further washovers or breakthroughs will occur in nearby sections of the island”.

As the new channel is a naturally occurring event there are no planned remedial actions.


the-flying-dog's picture
the-flying-dog's picture
the-flying-dog Wednesday, 12 Jan 2022 at 7:26pm

Suspect shadow swimming through the left hander in the first photo when zoomed in?

tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Wednesday, 12 Jan 2022 at 8:43pm

the people from clowntown aren't the real locals

Rubble's picture
Rubble's picture
Rubble Wednesday, 12 Jan 2022 at 9:05pm

No locals in a national park, just lots of sharks

tango's picture
tango's picture
tango Wednesday, 12 Jan 2022 at 10:11pm

That'll be interesting to watch and see whether the longshore sediment cycle fills the breach in. Many variables! Love to be having a fish there, though....

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 9:20am

For a real time assessment of coastal dynamics it'll be great to watch.

Considering the swell to come (and a la nina summer yet to play out), plus the fact a tidal delta has already formed, my money is on this remaining the channel for a while to come.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 10:43am

An excellent one to watch, my feel is that is the new entrance now and it looks like it's already silting and diverting north of the channel and will close to the north as stated by DES.

Dec 2021

Jan 2022

tango's picture
tango's picture
tango Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 11:55am

Given that they're qualified coastal engineers, that's where my money would be too, but it will still be interesting to see how it pans out eg whether Coriolis influences water flow within the entrance system - my understanding is that it's Coriolis which influences at least the smaller estuarine entrances arising from breaches to meander north across beaches - and whether those estuarine sandbars in proximity to the entrance are stable enough to maintain the resistance. A substantial flow which the current entrance can't handle or erode fast enough to accommodate could bring the northern section back into play. And a whole lot of other factors of which we will no doubt experience over the coming 6 months at least.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 10:52am

I'm not sure people are aware of the strength of the tidal flow through Pumicestone passage either.

Lots of tidal flow.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 10:55am

Yeah which has now totally been diverted switching the whole coastal process setup.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 11:38am

And now it's a paddle across 2 rushing passes, if it's not ruined now. It's RARELY worth it, and usually half the size and quality of most beaches further up (swell loses a lot of energy getting in there) but I've had it as good as pumping TOS before, know your tides, the sand packs like concrete too. The core group over there won't be happy it's in everyone's minds now.

Peter Reynolds's picture
Peter Reynolds's picture
Peter Reynolds Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 1:37pm

Yep, everybody can fuck right off from my homebreak, if people think its shit and fickle - good, fuck off and never check it and leave it to us.

tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Sunday, 16 Jan 2022 at 1:43pm

freeride around 1.5-2 hrs after high yesterday it was ripping out through there ,

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 11:04am

Remember this wave at Caloundra Bar (RIP) during Cyclone Victor back in 2016?


tango's picture
tango's picture
tango Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 11:56am

That first bloke was into that if he'd done two more strokes.....

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 12:31pm

I thought second guy in white could’ve stroked in easy but had the most half arsed paddle you could imagine.

marcus's picture
marcus's picture
marcus Tuesday, 18 Jan 2022 at 6:53am


goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 12:01pm

Wonder if that first guy still regrets being such a pussy cat

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 12:07pm

Would haunt you for the rest of your life eh.

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 1:18pm

So that’s the river mouth there?

A. Is there more footage to confirm more waves of that quality?
B. Has it come remotely close to that before/again?
C. Anyone crowdfund my time machine?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 12:09pm

I lived in the old caravan park for a while up the inlet about a Km from the bar, I was true trailer trash and it was kind of fun good community vibe, the bar was the wave i use to surf whenever it broke even if a foot or two, fickle as all fuck and a real hard wave to surf and work out so shifty and lot of water moving around much harder to surf than Goldie point waves and super rare to get it overhead, but I had some fun ones out there, would be kind of sad to see it go, even if a new wave is created.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 12:23pm

Just quietly, Ive had a couple of the best sesh's off the northern tip of Bribie. Hard to get it on but when it all comes together...

Distracted's picture
Distracted's picture
Distracted Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 12:59pm

In about 1890 the Macleay River used to flow out at Grassy Head but then broke through at South west Rocks near its current alignment in a big flood. The remnant channel near Stuarts Point is the Macleay Arm and it’s gradually silting up.
If the Bribie breakthrough becomes the dominant outlet will be interesting to see if it the existing channel starts to close up.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 1:17pm

Yep, we were talking about this while putting the above article together.

Not quite as dramatic, but in 1999 the mouth of the Maroochy river shifted to the southside of Pincushion Island. I also thought that was the case at the Manning River, that Old Bar was, as its name implies, the old bar, and Harrington the new one.

Turns out Old Bar is still open and the Manning River is the only river in the southern hemisphere to have separate, permanent ocean deltas. The Nile is also a double delta river - store that away for future Trivial Pursuit games.

And though it wasn't natural, the entrance to the Shoalhaven River used to be at Shoalhaven Heads until Alexander Berry had his convicts dig Berry's Canal that connected the Shoalhaven with Crookhaven Rivers, the combined flow heading out at Crookhaven. The canal also created Comerong Island.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 1:40pm

Wow re those last two sentences.

Distracted's picture
Distracted's picture
Distracted Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 1:58pm

Very dynamic locations until the rock walls start appearing… be interesting to see if the navigation channels behind Bribie start getting impacted and there is then a push for training walls or similar.

With Old Bar, just check Google Earth before starting your Trivial Pursuit game, that entrance comes and goes, it broke through most recently in March 2021 floods after being closed for a while and may close up again. There have been various proposals for keeping it open permanently.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 1:57pm

Are you disputing Wikipedia..?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 1:59pm

Also, I think the 'groves behind Bribie are Ramsar listed so that's one further hindrance to getting rockwalls put in.

jordan.mar's picture
jordan.mar's picture
jordan.mar Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 4:47pm

In the last big flood the orignial shoalhaven river entrance tore back open properly and is much wider now than it has been in a long time. For a while there quite sure it was actually closed up at that side.

mike.logan's picture
mike.logan's picture
mike.logan Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 5:01pm

Yeah saw what happened at Maroochy - the beach use to be 150-200m from the caravan park, now right in front, and the park lost about 30-40% of it's area. There were two caravan parks then.

dazzler's picture
dazzler's picture
dazzler Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 9:07pm

I remember when they put the geotext bags along the front to stabilise the river mouth.

Got washed against them paddling in during the July 01 big east swell, was better than being dragged across rocks.

tango's picture
tango's picture
tango Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 6:55pm

The Shoalhaven has broken through at the Heads many times since the original training of the entrance etc, but it generally only tends to do it as a result of riverine flooding rather than overtopping or wave action. The training of the current entrance also creates a very different hydraulic environment to Pumicestone, so that as soon as the flood flow decreases and the trained entrance dominates, the outflow of water at the Heads isn't sufficient to maintain a separate entrance and longshore transport fill it in. It creates a delta, too, but wave action, currents etc soon dissipate it and bring it back into alignment with the beach.

Where-is-albo's picture
Where-is-albo's picture
Where-is-albo Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 9:04am

(Not my photos. Saved from the local paper at the time)

Shoalhaven heads 2020 flood.
You can see the canal in the maps image.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 9:08am

Great photos those last two.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 9:09am

Jeez, not much left on the northern side.

marcus's picture
marcus's picture
marcus Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 4:31pm

ive used to spend a lot of time there and out to the banks fishing years ago. that bar is sharky.

surfstarved's picture
surfstarved's picture
surfstarved Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 12:23pm

The Richmond and Evans Rivers might also fit this bill, except that it's a canal that links the two, just south of Woodburn.

marcus's picture
marcus's picture
marcus Tuesday, 18 Jan 2022 at 7:13am

Pretty sure mark philappusis had one delta.

Interestingly the hunter river delta used to join up with port Stephen's according to what I've read by geologists

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 2:01pm

It will be safer for swimmers now so that's good. ​

On balance it looks like the northern end of Pumicestone Passage is a flood delta and the south end is the where it drains out. Judging off the shape and orientation of the sandbars. The tide runs both ways at either end obviously, but I think more so in at the nth and out at the sth.

The relatively small amount of water escaping at Bulcock Beach (compared to the sth) would've caused some erosion and keeps it open, but I actually think that the inside of the island was eroded by the flood tide. Haven't been in there so I don't know if flowed sth fast against the bank in that particular spot but again, looking at the lobes of sand deposited, I'd say it was flowing southwards.

The erosion on the inside of the island (from the flood tide) did the bulk of the work in creating a narrow strip of island, but the run up of the waves was the straw that broke the camel's back. And now the ebbing tide will have to keep the ocean side from closing up. The inside still looks shallow so the new channel might meander or get blocked or whatever. But in the grand scheme of things, islands, points, grow northwards with longshore (sand) drift

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 2:09pm

The lighthouse used to be in the middle of the bush, it's footings have been completely exposed on the sand for ages now, it's lost a lot of seaward land too.

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 2:32pm

ah yeah is that where you weren't allowed to drive past?

Bribie is unique in that it's like a mini barrier island system within a larger barrier island system. It even looks like there's a channel off Bribie where Moreton Bay can drain out a bit faster than across the sand banks, and might be helping Bribie's foreshore retreat. You get these eddies of cold water from Pumicestone Passage, wrapping around the south end of Bribie too. So when you look at the whole bay it looks like it would erode along Bribie over a long period of time.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 2:36pm
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 2:53pm

oh yeah it must have been copping erosion from both sides

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 3:25pm

TAPP are off their head. Things change, so what. You can't geoengineer the crap out of the joint because one old chart and one way off angled photo suggests that 'nature' maintained the island width at 300m

tango's picture
tango's picture
tango Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 6:57pm on.

tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 6:39pm

nah thats the stop sign bunker, had some good times camping in that bthing as a grom

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 4:06pm

So it's logical it will oficially become north and south bribie island i presume?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 4:12pm

I wondered about naming too, however no-one's come up with anything yet.

'Spose it has to go through the Geographical Names Board

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 4:34pm

It'd take a few years i'd imagine to see how nature shapes the area.
Perhaps the northern entrance will fill in like some others commented here,thus negating the north side as physically being an island,and it becomes part of the mainland.
It's just a sliver strip of area anyway compared to south of the new channel so they'd likely rate it irrelevant for naming rights i'm thinking after looking at the complete map of the island.

tango's picture
tango's picture
tango Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 7:01pm

It would have to become a dedicated permanent fixture, I'd say, and that would be quite some way off.

In Qld it's a slightly different system to the GNB in NSW, I think. Years ago I was asked to help the NSW GNB out with formal naming of some surf breaks....interesting process.

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 1:32am

Tiger shark alley.

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 1:38am

Seth's passage.
Calling Gary G to the main entrance!

Andrew P's picture
Andrew P's picture
Andrew P Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 7:47pm

I’m proposing Repulse Island. Repulse is the antonym of bribe according to Google.

Or you could go Gordon Nuttall Island. He loved a bribe

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 at 8:35pm

If it is going to be permanent , I wonder if they'll need to build a 'Wave Break Island' (similar to the Spit G.C) on that sandy patch in front of Golden Beach .?

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 9:21am
“A key management principle of areas with high conservation and cultural value is to keep the areas as close as possible to its natural state, without human interference,” (Principal coastal scientist Sel Sultmann.)
“As this breakthrough is a naturally occurring event in a dynamic coastal environment at the tip of Bribie Island, there are no planned remedial actions."

spookypt's picture
spookypt's picture
spookypt Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 11:52am

I can see a long line of developers lobbying council to build a new housing estate on the NEW Sth tip of Caloundra now that the land is becoming available. (Pss take) Their pitch will be it'll solve the SC housing crisis but I see it just adding to the dog poo problem. (insert sound bite of grinding axe)

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 1:40pm

White shoe island estates!

bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Sunday, 16 Jan 2022 at 2:21pm

Yep was thinking the same. Will change the feel of that foreshore area in Caloundra too when most of that water dissappears.

tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 6:45pm

there was a big goanna in the old fort bunker , very surly bastard

Dannon's picture
Dannon's picture
Dannon Sunday, 16 Jan 2022 at 8:38am

Thanks for sharing Wingnut.
That was a great read.

Yippee's picture
Yippee's picture
Yippee Sunday, 16 Jan 2022 at 12:33am

Who cares what the learned “scientist(s)” have said after a quick “field” visit post comprehensive computer modelling.
I value the observation of dedicated intelligent locals.
I mean those that have decades of “lived” experience and perhaps longer as passed down.
Sand moves. We (surfers) do too.
So exciting to watch over the weeks, months, swells, seasons, years, and long period changes.
My local, a long RH point you are all familiar with, is changed, big time by a small gap in the rocks, either full, or empty of sand.
As Binky proved many moons ago.

shraz's picture
shraz's picture
shraz Thursday, 20 Jan 2022 at 9:53am

'Who cares what the learned “scientist(s)” have said after a quick “field” visit post comprehensive computer modelling. I value the observation of dedicated intelligent locals.
I mean those that have decades of “lived” experience and perhaps longer as passed down.'

- what makes you think the 'learned' scientists aren't local, dedicated or intelligent? or old and experienced? most of them are crusty old greybearded surfers born from crusty old fisho's and beachcombing bra-less granny's who came down outta the forests in the 1800's on logs floating downstream for a feed of fuggin' oysters!

Go and put a new sticker on your boogieboard!

Sunnysideup's picture
Sunnysideup's picture
Sunnysideup Monday, 17 Jan 2022 at 1:57pm

When I was a kid there used to be an annual Xmas carnival on a sandspit that extended out from Happy Valley. Used to be hundreds of meters of dunes. In time mother nature did her work and the channel moved up to where it has been the last 30+ years. The existing breakthrough is nothing new in my opinion - its where the original channel was in the 60s up to my childhood. Will the sandspit and carnies return? Who knows - the Rockwall at Happy Valley may prevent that happening. Either way, I am sure the recent development will be blamed on Global warming and Climate Change and there will be pressure to make some sort of man made engineered solution.....

The link below shows a few more pictures including a photo from the 60s and the "original" channel position.

spookypt's picture
spookypt's picture
spookypt Monday, 17 Jan 2022 at 3:50pm

In the mid 80's when I lived behind Jim Pollards house in Caloundra, Happy Valley extended a long way towards Bribie. Was not only a real beach it had a dirt carpark in the middle of it. From memory it was twice the length of Kings Beach.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 19 Jan 2022 at 2:20am

Salute to Stu & the Crew for the breakthru news..

Bribie Breakthru Timeline reward for the crew...
8 June 1933 > 2 part Breakthru (1st 75 Yards across > 2nd 200 yards across)
Has not affected the Old Channel 100 yards away...

1940 Channel was 50 metres from Headland
22nd Feb 1940 > Huge seas pound Bribie Island as far as they could reach?
As they were watching... a Freak Wave picked up the Shark Tower and carried it away.
Mr Goodwin retrieved it a quarter of a mile down the beach. (Logs / Tennis Balls washed up!)

30 Jan 1951 Cyclone filled in the Channel + (Page 5 BIB ) 2021 Newsletter
Feb 1954 Cyclone eroded Bribie foreshore then later in Aug... the complete Northern Spit.
Surfboat was on top of dunes got washed away + Bar was Flooded Wide...Tyres / Coins on beach.
1958 North channel silts > Mid Channel > moving South
1961 Mainland Spit continued 850m Southward...
1962 Channel formed...for small vessels only!
1964 Channel re: Sunnysideup (Thanx) more pronounced.

1970 Moreton Map (Great Detail) Shows Both Channels Open > read the Key > 6ft Deep Channel
1971 Opening retreats north with mainland spit by 500m or extending Bribie Spit
1970's Cyclones (Floods) widened the Channel
1979 -1982 Mainland Spit retreated a further 300m > to Current North Channel position.
1982-1992 Sand was placed on Mainland Spit butted at Park 160m from Headland.
Proving difficult to maintain...leading to Alt rock Revetment Works
2008 Erosion / Blue Hole Theories (Council)
2009 Over Wash breakthru (Photo + report) Similar split flow around same knoll.
Strong enough to take out medium trees / shrubs.

2013 Cyclone Oswald Erosion Report

2015 Breakthru Options (Final Report) 214 pages of Boomer Sea Changes

14th March 2018 Cyclone Linda Big Surf Broke Thru Bribie Island
(re: Play 2020 Channel 9 Vid > Coast Guard Commander )

25th Feb 2019 "Video shows Bribie Island at breaking Point" (That's the actual Video Title!)

14th Dec 2020 Bribie "Top Over / Break Thru" (Epic Video)
Page 5
2021 Review + (Note the Main Photo Boaties mooring at erosion site!
Qld Govt also saw the getaway attraction ...issuing a warning to keep anchorage (Too late!)
2021 Breakthru inevitable

Aerial Photos suggest that Day trippers were drawn to this site over the past few years.
Made easier with the oceanic pathway to Paradise.
1. Perfect visual to a private beach from the channel.
2. Safe all day Mooring within metres from yer Beach.
3. Easy going tracks and yer there in two secs...
4. Private Bar fridge & mod cons only metres away on board. (Too easy!)
5. Photos also show emerging L/R rip bank that may have attracted some crew.
6. Looks like a matching deep oceanside hole ramping erosion from previous breakthrus.
7. Inside anchorage + Engine Starts - wading - tracks - Boyz Toyz - would ramp erosion.

tbb is suggesting that after the many recent "break thrus" the locals did the rest,
Constant foot traffic wore it thin & within no time & vanishing vegetation...t'was all over.

Sorry 'bout them dead links...tbb will leave the file titles...for snoopers...not hard to track!
If you need 'em give us a yell & tbb can post Alt google search links..

Note: Tuesday Night Brisbane 9 News (Update)
Hot Tip! The right Hander Ramps Up into a sweet Lineup on the Outgoing Tide...(Serious)
The bank jacks up with a series of small face power pocket rockets...looks pretty good.
The left is trying hard to smother the Hot Right Bank (Boo!) & knit the the Spit back together!

During this research tbb uncovered a not so secret Bribie wave that has stood the test of time.
Nope, not the shifting Bar > Quite the opposite in fact...Goofs are in for a racy trip.
Just wandering if our Bribie crew are onto it...being Bribie...gotta polish it up quite a bit.
But it is legit & tbb will share a half decent...timeless photo album of this not so secret spot!
Quite a surprise to see so many shots...meaning it could be rated as a reliable Surfbreak.

Yuri's picture
Yuri's picture
Yuri Wednesday, 19 Jan 2022 at 4:47am


truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 19 Jan 2022 at 1:56pm

Bribie Island "Woorim Left Break" celebrates 100 years
Stormwater Drop off Outlet forges out to sea.
Very similar to Wild chunky bouncy Sunshine Beach Left Bank (Noosa)

swellnet crew salute & dedicate forum to Bribie Island Surf Club 100 years of service...(Thank you!)

Surf Patrol > 1922 onward > Inside left fires up & is off & running.

1975 (Massive Left Pipe) Insane Qld Surf Goof Photo with longest wall.

Back 2 the Future..Huge Clubbie Left Lines wind down the beach.

Outer Left Storm Bank arcs up
Outer Left Spikes into the washbowl
Great rare shot of a windswept reform Left middle break
2013 Aerial Frame of a nearby smallish Left Middle break

Healthy Outer Bank runner cuts clear thru the middle break and still winding up a long face

Unleash the Beast...outta my way you measly might wanna move that...
Beast 2 ...too wild for takers
Beast 3 just plain weird
Son of Beast bumps another human weakling...too bad-so sad!

Should've been here the day before bastards! Got to be kidding me!

Sweet Peaks hit the Middle Break sweet Spot

Middle break Vert Slab is brewing into a an evil little Bowl of goodness.

*Bribie Perfection (Holy Grail ) Seabird & Grom signal > Just choose either / either & keep drooling!
Wanna see that again....OMG...picture perfect...isn't it!

Needs a Perfect lineup...yep! Agree!
Wanna see that again...
Wot! Again! Can do this all day...
How about the Mini me micro version

Reform section into shorie...travels nicely

Lazy inside left sections are a bit of fun.
Mushy inside Left looks workable & inviting

Extra long face sweeping inside left runners...hooks a passenger.
Grom basher hooks an Inside Left Runner

Dawn Patrol wakes up a pair of clean faced Lefts ...' give us a minute!

2009 (Rad Vid of some good Lefts) Thanx guys...great Homemade Surf Vid.
Perfectly shows the Longer left runners (vs) Screw back Right handers

Freak Waves Bribie Bridge (Cyclone Oma)
Pitch Perfect Wild Wobbly Wonky Left...hell yeah...give it a bash!

Bonus perfect reverse screw back peaks for Bribie Naturals

Perfect chunky middle section A frame

Santa grab rail...

Crew salute Bribie Island Surf School...massive thanx for Sweet Surf Pix (Drool!)

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Monday, 24 Jan 2022 at 11:50am

TBB for WOTD guest selector

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Wednesday, 2 Feb 2022 at 9:29am

Widening 'gap' in Bribie Island sparks flooding concerns as Coast braces for more wild weather.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 9 Feb 2022 at 3:43pm

The Bribie split is changing tides within Pumicestone Passage, "by about 400mm to 500mm."

Amazing first photo in the article. The split is a major opening now.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 9 Feb 2022 at 4:10pm

Where-is-albo's picture
Where-is-albo's picture
Where-is-albo Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 3:08pm

Great time lapse. Amazing how fast the original northern channel is closing. It will form a tombolo and tied island soon enough.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Wednesday, 23 Mar 2022 at 9:48am
It’s official, the Sunshine Coast has a brand-new coastal crossing – and another island!
After mapping dramatic changes to the northern part of Bribie Island, the State Government has gazetted the impressive breach that has become a dominant feature opposite Golden Beach.
This means the new entrance will now be known as the Bribie Island Bar and included in updated charts used by South-East Queensland mariners.
The revised charts also will show two islands in the area: Bribie Island (North) and Bribie Island (South).

Plasticspastic's picture
Plasticspastic's picture
Plasticspastic Wednesday, 23 Mar 2022 at 9:56am

ok so has anyone surfed it yet? interested to see if, in it's formation stage, this new bar had potential. hopefully when it stabilizes it will....

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Wednesday, 23 Mar 2022 at 10:26am

Nah it's all over the shop. Might end up not enough gradient too. It's about as fickle a spot as you get even before the new hole. Won't be holding my breath for some new TOS.

SingleFin95's picture
SingleFin95's picture
SingleFin95 Wednesday, 23 Mar 2022 at 1:00pm

Crossed the bar this morning.

When I came back one bloke was mucking about on a SUP at the northern edge.

Looks like there could be a good left there in the right conditions,

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 26 May 2022 at 3:45pm

Last time I was down there that tower was right on the dune and you'd use it for shade. Was also the best spot, goneske!
Light tower lost: see how much of Bribie Island has been devoured by erosion


Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 26 May 2022 at 3:48pm


tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Thursday, 26 May 2022 at 5:15pm

mightve seen you over there before sprout, ive grown up and still live down the south end .

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 3 Jun 2022 at 8:56am

Cool mate, in my experience it was one of the last places people did the right thing too... if there's people on a bank you go find another one etc.

tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Friday, 10 Jun 2022 at 5:09am

yes definitely like that in the past , not so much now or maybe the last 5 or so years

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 3 Jun 2022 at 8:51am

Sand 'bridge' to Bribie: a stunning natural crossing has formed, but it's causing problems

'Double the mystery': maritime archaeologist reveals Bribie wreckage may be two vessels

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 3 Jun 2022 at 9:03am

Didn't take long eh. And played out as expected.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 9 Jun 2022 at 9:22am

Push for emergency dredging as major groups meet to discuss passage sand issues.
Alarmingly, another spit appears to be emerging in the passage near Lamerough Creek. It’s essentially at the entrance to the canals of Pelican Waters. It’s also the entrance to an an emerging multimillion-dollar marina, owned by Henzells.


Distracted's picture
Distracted's picture
Distracted Friday, 10 Jun 2022 at 6:06am

Ultimately they will have to rock wall if they want a permanent opening. Be a tricky job for access.

mitchvg's picture
mitchvg's picture
mitchvg Friday, 10 Jun 2022 at 1:05pm

Can anyone tell me if there has there been more than usual storm swells and foreshore erosion since the breach? I woulda thought so with La Nina but haven't been keeping an eye on it.

But yeah just a straight up replacement of the Caloundra bar. I thought it might not last given how shallow the general breach area seemed at first from photos. Thought the widening might exceed the deepening. But the northern side filling up one way or another was pretty obvious.

Also, what ferry are they referring to in the sand bridge article?
“That includes the ferry and the people in Pelican Waters, who can’t access Caloundra any more at low tide.”

Lastly, is there any refernece point to the original breach compared to the opening now? Looks like it got wide quick, and has just been deepening since

edit. nevermind, it's day cruises not transport

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Monday, 20 Jun 2022 at 9:46am

Sands of time: Pumicestone Passage returns to war years as epic battle with nature looms

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Monday, 20 Jun 2022 at 11:06am

So with Pumicestone Passage now almost blocked (can walk from Golden Beach to Bribie at low tide), how long will Caloundra Bar stay open?

We're now heading towards the quieter swell months on the Sunny Coast, so short of permanent dredging to maintain tidal flow I'd give it six months tops.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Monday, 20 Jun 2022 at 1:06pm

Looks like maybe 10m of deeper channel, not much different low to high, so maybe not too long until the north end closes and the new opening will be it.
Low tide

High tide.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 5 Aug 2022 at 9:09am

Bribie Island's iconic World War II relics lose their battle with the elements.
Two historic remnants on Bribie Island will be partially dismantled after recent wild weather caused more damage to them.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 21 Aug 2022 at 4:08pm

Crew dedicate Bribie YouTube Sunday Matinee to salute Sprout's wild Photo gallery

17th Jan - Good size swell fuels breakthru A frame line-up

17th March Bullock Head builds south narrowing Pumicestone Passage
Flyover of Both Passages
[9:20] Real scary Boyz Toyz Waterworld Invasion from the North!

29th March { The New North Bribie Island } Very unique Natural production!
A New Natural Wonder in it's own right...Tribute to Spit Island/s...crew will like this!


27th June -Dreamy Vid wakes up surfers scoping out tidal ramped lineups...(Don't lie!)

10th July Mellow dramatic Panoramic Pro Vid by Skyshots (Great stuff!)
Clearly shows within 6 months North Passage is sealing shut (vs) Navigable New Breakthru

31st July Great Surfside view of new island & Quality clear Bar views...(Good job mate!)

5th Aug - Wide inshore scopes out New Breakthru Channel @ [1:00 + 2:00]
[1:40] Wade the whitewater across Caloundra Bar ... (Looks Possible?)


12th Aug - Bleak Goth Version { The Dead Zone } Coast Guard now land locked at lower tides.

Crew thanx all the curious & adventurous Filmmakers for sharing Qld's new world of wonder.

Wot about our Bonus Blooper Vid?

Qldurrz are obligated to regurgitate one free Dumbarse Classic...
2022 Bribie Island Idiot Award goes to a Canungra blowin...(Goldie will Claim him!) One of Us!
Note: Initial reaction is for everyone to scram from the terrorist...Oh! The idiot needs help! Ok!

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 1 Sep 2022 at 11:11am
“We have been told officially now there will be no dredging in the passage,” Coast Guard Caloundra Commander Roger Pearce said.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 1 Sep 2022 at 1:04pm

Looks like an outer bar stops swell getting into that left bar as well..

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Oct 2022 at 3:15pm

Timeline Continues
Aug/Sept Marine Safety Qld (No Dredging Stance) ~ Reasons given...

* Pointless!
* Unstable Conditions!
* High Risk of sand refilling in very short time!
* Passage will only refill with sand again!
* No work until a clear understanding of likely outcome is known!

1st Sept - Coast Guard is Drydocked & Landlocked...calls mount for dredging

12th Oct - Caloundra Coast Guard score a new 5.5m vessel with ultra low 400mm draft.

21st October - Locals push for dredging thru Coast Guard to again meet with MSQ
Coast Guard say dredging is surely worth a try than having no access?
(Locals can fetch 100k signatures in no time...if needed!)
Also reckons if Govt knock back their dredging request there will be a huge outcry!

Dredging up Local Letters

25th Oct- Local's Dredging Plea is again dismissed by Govt both in June/Oct 2022.
MSQ : " Too Expensive & Inefficient...repeating original mantra!"
Coast Guard : "Caloundra Dredge $50,000 set up + $3,000/day?"

tbb : "These costs are vastly under quoting already 5 year old set industry prices...check it here!"
Goldie contract prices are 5 years old (Zero inflation Council deals - led to 30% pump improvements)
Gold Coast Creeks : Cost $500k each to dredge 30,000 cubic m in just 2 months (or $16,666 / day)
Roughly about 24 Olympic pools. ( Includes plug in - custom in built pipe / dump network ready to go!)
Recent dredging improvements (2021/22) save up to 30% Project Time...down from 3 months.
However! Goldie creeks are annually dredged so only require Canal Flooding / Boat safety mitigation.
Note Palmy / Currumbin still flooded early this year!

Now check Caloundra Bar...A splattered mess with zero pump set up + no stable banks.
This would surely be high end scale pumping by world best gangs with the latest shit hot gear.
Sorry to say! $3,000 / day ain't gonna move a Tourism Qld jumpy sandcastle.

Caloundra could push for similar basic " La Nina" Flood / Safe shared Bar operations Mitigation.
From Goldie perspective...that's the line in the sand (No more or Less than a fair go!)
eg: Currumbin Alley - Boat/ Surfer Safety requires Annual dredging to clear the line-up crunch point!
Dredging is timed to safely free both bars for Xmas Boating season...(Now is the time to push for that!)

Basically extort the Govt to clear the bar or a life will be lost on their watch! (Sadly...No! Not joking!)

Caloundra CG / locals could argue that limiting passage access is escalating recreational risk.
All can clearly see the current mayhem of speedsters fart arsing about the bar like blue arse flies.
Kinda like breaching Marina / Pool Numbers...( Line in the sand will likely out itself on Xmas News )
Oh! So now the Govt races to dredge the Bar...wonder wot changed their mind!
They were just waiting for the right moment...that's the one, now they're heroes, saving the day

Coast Guard - "As summer comes, only more backlash is expected by Boaties."
tbb agrees with sentiment but Caloundra Coast Guard need to play Currumbin Coast Guard Wild Card.

Coast Guard : "Desperate hopes are that a Cyclone that altered it, may in turn resolve it!"...
(Now! That's how ya play a Wild Card!) Well Played Sir...all applaud a last resort train of thought!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Oct 2022 at 4:13pm

(Correction) Sorry! tbb quoted $16,666/day Oops!
$500,000 divided by 30,000 cubic meters (That reads-cost per $16,666 cubic m) but not daily cost?
Coast Guard Quote was for Start up & Daily Dredge costs...( tbb apologizes!)

Gold Coast Creek Quote $500,000 - $50,000 (Start Up) = $450,000
$450,000 divided by 60 days (2 months) = $7,500/day
Why 60 days! Dredge works 2 creeks Spring - Xmas to avoid Cyclone < > ECL Seasons

Caloundra Coast Guard $3,000/day quotes are likely fair dinkum for standard auto Bay dredging costs.
tbb is simply quoting similar long established Gold Coast Creek mouth dredging costs!
Caloundra Bar would present more similar to low swell period dredging on neighbouring Ocean fed creeks.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 27 Oct 2022 at 2:12pm
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 15 Nov 2022 at 10:05pm

Continues from recent comments > udo / Sprout

24th Oct ABC (pod) Caloundra Coast Guard Commander Pearce...

9min ABC Pod goes next level
More importantly the Coast Guard Commander hints at higher Politico forces & enviro crisis.
Like these little bombshells

* 2022 Volunteer Marine Rescue + Coast Guard ...Merger in 2024 Qld Fire Emergency Services
Caloundra is one of the real little guys...Gum under their boot!

* 100,000 users + 38,000 boaties (Likely movements!)
This is a "Desperate" call as Google shows only a few 100 locally anchored boaties) + Locked

* Dredge will halt at toxic spoils & charges more to shift. (Noting this is a NP with Stricter parameters)

* Bribie Island is a NP ( Dredging needs to pass strict Science / Enviro / Fisheries / Safety standards )
Seagrass / Dugong / Turtles / Kangaroo are endangered more so after La Nina & Dam Releases.

* Bar is split by 2x safe Council seats / 2x safe ALP State electorates / 2x safe LNP Federal Electorates.

* 6 safe Pollies / Port of Bne / National Parks / Quandamooka all need to sign off on Bar dredging

Crew can see how the cards are stacked very high against these little guys...

Dep of Environment may need to act sooner...
Apart from recreational safety / Flooding there's (Water Contamination).

Listen to the Pod [6:20] Commander raises a weird issue of Stagnant Water Transfer to Locked / Canal.
tbb had no idea what our Commander was on can actually check out this weird set up.

Pelican Water's / North Lakes are Locked but their water is bizarrely piped from main stagnant channel.
So! From above it looks continuous with Pelican Waters but it is piped separately as a saltwater pool.
So each day the Bar water stagnates it amplifies any toxicity in the Residential North Lakes Canals.

Now Think!
If Govt says Dredging Bar is too toxic then North Lakes residents will die of shock!
So pretty much the Govt must rule out any Toxic excuse over delaying NP Bar dredging! (Correct!)

Here's those Pelican Waters Plans (Can see the Inlet Pipe from the main channel)
Need to Click [ Locality Plan ] as tbb can't load this PDF.

Can easily see why the Commander has rightly & cleverly raised the bar on the political urgency landscape!
Kinda weird but epic to see local small town Commander raise long can this last?

Interesting Comments on Pod : "Cheaper to move CG to New Pelican Waters Marina!"
On recent photos...Pelican Lakes (Entry) looks next to close over...

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Wednesday, 16 Nov 2022 at 9:54am

Great stuff TBB. I think the Noosaville canals are similar? in that it's not natural ocean/river flow but a system of pumps move water through the place daily, otherwise it would be a swamp. There was a great doco on the engineering of water flow through The Palms or The World in Dubai which sits in the gulf/ocean, you wouldn't think would need it, but got stagnant too.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Wednesday, 16 Nov 2022 at 10:06am

Coast Guard desperate for dredging after crew's rescue attempt impeded
"The rescue group was unable to use its primary rescue vessel to exit the passage and attend a mayday call off the coast, at low tide."

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Monday, 6 Feb 2023 at 5:01pm

"IN PHOTOS: See how the Bribie breakthrough has impacted its surrounds in 12 months."

Interesting new split in the last 2 photos. So many potential surf setups that will probably never occur.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 24 Feb 2023 at 12:23pm

"Sand expanse on show: Caloundra Bar provides a spectacle but blocks waterway."

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 24 Feb 2023 at 12:39pm

Don't think they've got any basis for calling it a bar anymore. It's all just Caloundra Beach.

Distracted's picture
Distracted's picture
Distracted Friday, 24 Feb 2023 at 2:35pm

Give it a few more years without intervention and Golden Beach will be a very upmarket version of Stuart’s Point.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 14 Apr 2023 at 9:38am

Interesting how the entrance has varied so widely, yet the breakthrough spot just got progressively thinner over the years. Great article and full report available here: (PDF, 17MB - larger, and more, images).
"Report details the causes of erosion that led to a tidal breakthrough at Bribie Island."


eat-your-vegies's picture
eat-your-vegies's picture
eat-your-vegies Friday, 14 Apr 2023 at 11:45am

Looks like a flathead metropolis to me

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 11 May 2023 at 7:36am

Went down and had a look recently. Ankle deep in the middle of the old bar at low tide. Walked from Happys down Bribie, around the corner at the new entrance, all the way in to the shore at Golden and barely got my feet wet. Just crazy amounts of sand IRL. Still looks terrible for surf potential though. Too much sand reaching too far out, not in a good way, reminded me of Redcliffe a bit. The old good spot is completely gone.
"Traditional entrance to passage on verge of closing completely: water quality tested."


stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 11 May 2023 at 7:46am

Any guess what another year of the same will do to the Caloundra 'waterfront'?

Yet more sand filling the corner at Caloundra till the Coast Guard has to move south and the waterfront cafes have to find a different selling point. With no tidal movement and only intermittent inflow from creeks it's hard to see them enduring as anything more than refreshment stations before the long sandy walk to the waves.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 11 May 2023 at 8:34am

It's still very deep down the end of Bulcock/ the boardwalk. Though from where that sand point's sticking out top right of the photo, it's not hard to imagine it completely closing off there and everything ocean side of it becoming nothing but sand or one day even bush from Bribie all the way to Happys.

Then if it blocks off north from the new entrance, maybe the entire north end will fill up with sand/bush one day. The change that's already occurred is pretty incredible. Interested to see how some El Nino years may change things too.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 12 May 2023 at 1:04am

Pelican Waters Community Update
2022 Spring Edition
Shifting Sands
Safety of recreational watercraft & Tidal Range water Quality!

2022 Summer Edition
"Protecting the Passage a top Priority!"
Concerns over water Quality at Northern end of the Passage.
Water quality could deteriorate that it becomes stagnant & uninviting!
Coast Guard can't do their job properly!
Dredging the secondary channel in our opinion is worth a try!
* I know what you did last Summer!
2023 Autumn Edition
"Best Bar Conditions in Ages"
New Entrance to Pumicestone Passage & a more consistent navigable channel for all!
Now it's even easier to Travel to Moreton Island, Tangalooma right from your own backyard!

"Boat Options May Surprise"
Reports of 1.5m depth at New Entrance

'So is that all sorted then!' ... Like Wot!
'Is one Season too soon for a Back Flip...'
'Coz ya can actually count this back flip over a year can't ya...surely that's cool enough!'

Sure! Why not...for a Real Estate lacking remorse & compassion...guess so! (Cool!)

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 24 Aug 2023 at 4:05pm

"Dead end: bacteria concerns as bar closes."


Dmiller's picture
Dmiller's picture
Dmiller Thursday, 24 Aug 2023 at 5:11pm

Any improvements on banks to surf at all?

Distracted's picture
Distracted's picture
Distracted Thursday, 24 Aug 2023 at 5:46pm

Without intervention it could end up similar to the Macleay Arm at Stuart’s Point, NSW North Coast with mangroves colonising the inside of the sand spit.

The Macleay River once flowed through to Grassy Head near Stuart’s Point but in the 1890’s broke through at South West Rocks near its current position. That left the former river channel the “Macleay Arm” as a dead end which is slowly infilling.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Tuesday, 24 Oct 2023 at 2:56pm

Not far off two years since Bribie Island was split, and now the former entrance to Pumicestone Passage looks like a regular straight beachie from the headland.

Here's the current view from our Caloundra Bar cam... we probably need to rename it Caloundra South!

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Tuesday, 24 Oct 2023 at 3:21pm

Visited recently. There's SO MUCH SAND in real life it's crazy. The new opening is way wider than the old one too and doesn't look promising for decent surf. Interested to see how the new stretch of beach goes though. How's the trich in the passage...

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 12:30pm
High tides provide temporary breach of bar but major event needed to unblock passage entry.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 10:55pm

Thanx Sprout and crew...deserve an award or reward...
Pays to read the local comments for further insight into this break thru.
Gonna need crew's help to access Facebook Comments to verify the reasoning.
tbb is locked out of Local Here say...but feels local banter fills in the Gaps.
Requesting if any (f) members could share the local Sunny heresay!

Sunny Whiteshoe Canal Estate breakthru conspiracy...starts up Sunny (vs) Goldie Whiteshoe War.
Fuck yer Sunny Wave Pool War > Who holds the Title of Dodgy Canal Estate Coastal Obliteration!

2nd Nov 2023 Trevor Smyth
"This shot shows the Impact Pelican Waters had on the breakthru!"
2nd Nov 2023 Paul Connolly
"That Picture makes it easy to see what caused the breakthrough. More Canals equal more Water flowing across the passage as the Tide Falls!"
3rd Nov 2023 Gayle Murphy
"Yep! Perfect photo showing how Pelican Waters Marina & Locks System comes straight out into the passage hitting the narrow "Weak Spot" on Bribie Island and breaking it open to make the New Bar.
Not MOTHER NATURE - Development has caused havoc with our beautiful passage and closed off the Caloundra Bar!"

Ok! Can we check on this...we can give it a run...

Sept 2020 $5.5m PWSL Lock Opening merges more South Lakes water volume each opening.
14th Dec 2020 Bribie Island Washover
2nd Jan 2022 Breakthrough (swellnet feature)
1st Sept 2022 Caloundra Coastguard say they'll relocate to Pelican Waters Power Boat Club
March 2023 Caloundra Coastguard relocate large Ocean Vessel to Pelican Waters New Marina HQ

What's interesting with this theory is that it reverse-mirrors Brisbane & Tweed River sub dredging.

Estuaries are dredged beneath sea level this mass ocean exchange ramps a Micro burst Storm.
Resulting in Meteo Tsunami forging long upriver tidal surge.
Kidz learn this by extending Sandcastle canal to invite ocean to perfectly gut & level out a full moat.

This tidal wave surge freely guts the upper River and Estuary to save a fortune on dredging.
Kinda like supercharging nature to cough it's guts up to clear it's throat & valves to free up shipping!
Massive enviro devastation but rewards are boundless for shipping!

Here the locals claim a reverse process of flooding more canals to breach back beach out to sea...
Kinda similar to Overflowing Dam release but nearer canal lock top overs have nearer ongoing direct impact.
Ramped outflow volume breaks thru the nearest weakest link to forge a direct deeper Superyacht Seaway.
This floods deeper dedicated boating channels for both Peilcan Superyachts & POB super containers!
July : Never impeded US Navy to ship tanks ashore to blow up SEQ hwys.

Too much coincidence that max Dredged Harbours keep accidentally inviting mass ocean inflow?
Coincidence that they all ramp weather devastation to gain max desired deepest shipping as a result
Also consider Port Of Brisbane control this new deeper boat channel & say nothing...
Coz it saves them dredging silted Caloundra bar N/W channel at Hamilton Patch > big turn corner.
Coincidence that both Pelican Waters & Port of Brisbane are supa stoked with new deeper Seaway!
No longer need to worry 'bout POB erosion at Bribie Is weak turn a strong point! Win! Win!
Should Bribie shoreline slowly disappear to widen N/W channel...only natural isn't it? Guilt free POB.
Pelican Waters now got a massive future Silted Lagoon to reclaim for endless canal estates! Problem?
Dry docked Caloundra Coastguard just gotta go with the Flow.

tbb don't need to say the Local theory holds water...does that quite well all on itself...well, don't it!
Salute Local Knowledge...thanx for sharing Sunny!
As said...tbb knows least on stoked if crew could rule it in or out with local know how!

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Tuesday, 6 Feb 2024 at 3:39pm

Great stuff TBB.
"Images show where tide has overwashed another section of Bribie Island."

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 8 Feb 2024 at 8:38am

Just checked some historical imagery, looks like it's been breaking through there over the past two years.

tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Tuesday, 6 Feb 2024 at 9:22pm

just south of the lions park , my favorite part of that beach has been destroyed,

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 7 Feb 2024 at 4:15pm

Agree! Great stuff from yer Sunny Boys to pick up on the Goldie Locks brew being just right!
Allows us brothers in arms to wade in a little deeper...we can do that here & now!
You guys keep up the fight & Goldie crew will roll out yer Whiteshoe Lockstep & Pork Barrels.

6 Feb : Sprout's King Tide { Wannabe Breakthru Drama }
Sea Rise Waves hasten the erosion of Islands & Coastlines
Sea Rise / KingTide ~ Waves Wash Over (Spoils) actually trawl over sand banks & Atolls.
When meeting an Atoll or sandbank the waves are slowed to trawl & deposit spoils on highest point.
This builds up Barrier Islands as longer less wide but larger Coastal Barrier islands...
Exactly what the News article implies...don't be fooled by ocean wash over as a new breakthru.
Basically sealing yer fate by walling yerselves in...only complete chaos will break thru...

Saltwater Morality Legends detail near all local sea rise / fall + river / ocean breakthrus.
River breakthrus are orchestrated by Snakes chasing Sparrow Hawks down mountains to sea.
Coastline Defenders are Water Rats / Turtles (Hills) with Dugong Barrier Islands guarding Rivers
Bribie / Moreton / Straddie are all Dugongs but each breakthru differs
Dolphin interact with Land Folk...Frontline Defence.
Sea Rise invaders are Gods > Serpents / Sharks / Vengeful Warriors
Bne River is by Sharks invasion (Sea breakthru) Fins cutting thru River banks (Kangaroo Point)
Moreton / Straddie is by Hawk > Rains unblocked River mouth forcing outbound breakthru of Spit.
Warrior becomes an iconic rising headland by reclaiming coastline villages as sea subsides!
Always was, always will be Aboriginal Land = Warriors grew our land (vs) Invaders are losing our land

Each moralistic tale details climatic most important ancient universal natural library.

Back to modern day Sunny Local's Pelican Waters breakthru theory that's gaining momentum...
Sprout's fantastic photo share...(Thanx!)
Clearly depicts Pelican Waters continually floods out...eating at Inside weak points of Bribie Island
We assume waves are breaching the Island but all clearly see it's an inside out Break-Thru...
Again...why only ever always directly opposite new Pelican Waters harbour...huh!

Ok! tbb can provide some answers...
5th June 2020 (tbb) [ Depth of Locks ] ...continued from (Stu's Sunny Wavepool > New Hyatt Coolum)
Then tbb dredged up WSL River Lock water quality / Public access

Larger S/E rivers flood a natural navigational tidal wave 1.5m draft at low tide
eg: New 'Forced' Bribie Island Breakthru is now naturally levelling out at 1.5m low tide.
SEQ dredge 2m for minimum "Open" Navigational channels / Creeks

1.3m Draft Lock height (Goldie Old School) has no impact to natural estuary.
Deficit being undesirable smaller vessels pooled in non tidal algal bloom fish kill -Stinky lake / canals.
1.5 Draft Lock height (Standard) allows tide to flush thru the system > moderate > HP Skiing vessels
2m+ Draft Lock is usually fitted well up river to extend natural inexpensive flushing for 2m navigation.
Flooding Impacts have ruled out progression of 2m depth without first raising upper Dam heights!

Seachange real estate attracts bigger fish mandating bigger luxury Game Charter Yacht Brothels.
No Blue Marlin Hunters = no record Canal it!

With limited natural waterway navigation real estate available...
Protected Bay Bar Passages are seen as premium secondary navigational Bay Real Estate.
But Passages vary from 400mm - 1.5m max draft...(Not enough to lure Seachange Gamerz)

Q : Why then did Pelican Waters lower locks to 2m Draft knowing full well Bars max low tide at 1.5m.
Pelican Waters is not sold to Water Ski crew or Hobby Craft Day Trippers...
It's designed as a Professional Nautical Hub for Fishing Charters > Mustangs to 55ft Rivieras.
Pontoons > House Boats > Traditional Sunny Coke Drop offs & Floating Brothels are back big time!

In short the old bar was silting up & slowing up Pelican Waters Pro Navigational Coke runners!
Extra deep 2m locks continually force flood a new 2m equal depth seaway directly out front...
That's how ya do a Coke run...(Thar she blows!)
Newbies shed a tear for Ye olde bar! Now supastoked with their direct newly forced deepening seaway!

All can accept that Govt sold off the Bay to POB...guessing this new seaway is their side order!

There does remain one or two unsolved loose end anomalies of transient land bank..

Castaway Island has no new offshore land title Claim by First Nation?
Castaway Island is clearly no longer secured or managed by Qld NP.
As such ...will fall into the hands of POB Leasing maintenance obligations.

Castaway Island has no connect to Bribie Island.
Castaway Island has no Connect to Mainland.

With that in must ask if POB have default rights to New Sand Bank.
If so then any / all future use or leasing will be exempt from Qld Laws!
So yeah! As it stands...Govt / NP don't give a shit about Suss Locks > New Seaway / POB Island!
This looks & smells like a Whiteshoe NP Land Bank grab of epic proportion...unless Wot...
Unless someone if...well durr!

Just reminding this Island lazes between every no man's land of every council / state / fed boundary!
Maybe that's exactly wot Whiteshoes are banking on...Mine Precious! POB will flip ya for it!

Not quite there yet...
This Pelican Water's Seaway may yet open much wider problems...
All see waves will start breaking on inside Golden Beach...quit droolin'!
Talking about Tax payers forking out for Wave Breaks / breakwalls / Beacons
Don't tell tbb that wasn't ever considered in the rubber stamped masterplan!
Like this Rogue Island is now a security threat that needs reelin' in...all gotta stoke up for that!
Pelicans obliterate yer Island & expect ya to provide a safe Harbour for Sunny Eastcoast Coke Runs.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 7 Feb 2024 at 5:51pm

thanks for sharing that tip-top 1
Got to wonderin' about NP duty and minimum NP obligation.
Here's the latest on Qld NP Ruling on (Breakaway Island)
This sounds well suss...
June 2023 - 30 Dec 2024 (Updated 30th Dec 2023)
Why is there a sunset clause expiry of 30 Dec 2024... is that significant...huh!


* (Recreational boundary) extends down to the mean low water mark and moves with accretion and erosion of sand.

* Newly formed sandbars and vegetated dunes at this northern breakaway section fall within the (recreation area boundary)!

Ok! That sounds like the breakaway Island is no longer NP Listed.
Meaning it's not protected!
Certainly not any fast growing shoreline beyond low tide..

Read that as NP may only apply to original mainland portion...
Should island be redeveloped perhaps only the original former portion remains gazetted as NP.

(Recreation Areas) : Rest Stops / Caravan Parks / Ovals / Showgrounds...etc...
Govt sell off Rest Areas > Caravan Parks...

Smart local would stick a Low tide Flag on fastest growing beach...
Sit at home & watch yer Surf Resort Tax Haven grow faster than sea monkeys.
Say ya only did it to stop whiteshoes hoovering it up...donate yer island back as a bird sanctuary!

Does Govt need to regazette this New Island as NP as it's own entity or are they gonna sell it off!
Does it get sold off as all other Qld Recreational Areas.
Reckon a local would wanna ask this island protected, or is it the next Whiteshoe Tax Haven

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Wednesday, 7 Feb 2024 at 6:14pm

Geez that would be something TBB if Pelican have done themselves in. What's the long term fix if it punches through? New rockwall? New wedge! Bring the erosion!

tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Thursday, 8 Feb 2024 at 6:22am

looking at the above photos, its almost a guarantee it will break through again , it gets undermined from the passage side tidal flows, then the wash overs break from the ocean side, pretty identical to what happened up near the beacon .
my opinion only here of course

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 8 Feb 2024 at 7:19am

Another new river bar? Almost...get digging kids.

So what's changed to have the northern end of Bribie again threatening to split?

Less sand flow on the ocean side? More water on the Pumicestone side? Changing currents perhaps..?

There's a better than even chance we're going to revert to La Nina later this year, which, if it happens, will likely bring rain and persistent easterly swell. Any vulnerable areas will be tested, the kids might not need their buckets and spades.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 8 Feb 2024 at 8:09am

Yeah with the coming Niña it'll be easily breached.

tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 1:07pm

stunet, its always been thin in areas right up the top end , before the first break through it looked like the passage side was being eaten away by the tidal flows, then larger storm surf and swells were washing over, just my take on this,

tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 1:07pm

stunet, its always been thin in areas right up the top end , before the first break through it looked like the passage side was being eaten away by the tidal flows, then larger storm surf and swells were washing over, just my take on this,

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 at 11:12pm

2006 Howard's Nuke Taskforce selected Bribie Island for a Nuke Reactor.
tbb is reminding how Bribie NP falls off the Map...better than being blown off the Map...Ouch!
(Burp!) 'Better quality WMD back in the Howard Era!

Obviously Qldurrz don't give a fuck if Howard or Dutto wanna Nuke wotz left of Bribie Island NP.
Pelican Waters Whiteshoe Cooling Pond + 2m lock was Bribie Nuke Plant pressure valve...well durr!
NP : National Park > (Howard's Way) > NP : [X X] = [ Nuclear Plant ] Better!

Weekend Time Machine...recalls when a free trip to the moon was a core promise! WOTD..../(C`..[Yew!) * ** ( ' ' )
Don't cry Sprout...Goodvibes won the Sunny Coast NWSR H-Type contract

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 12:53am

Just reminding it takes little time & cost to raise the 2m Lock > 1.5m (Bar depth)
IOU : 'Couple of XXXX Slabs!'
Then drop the Big Game Hunter's Canal Block prices by half & market it to Pro Wake Boarderz....err...No!
Shitshow should then flow as one with passage tides to alleviate or slow Bribie erosion...sorted!

Guessing Sunny Whiteshoes wanna ransom a free breakwall / Wavebreak as #1 Election Issue!
Save the Town win the seat - slot in the Nukes....(Please Stop tbb...gonna puke...already beat ya to it!)

Just waiting for their VIP Coast Guard guests to sign here [X] + here...[X] Here's yer Lock Code...'Free!'
Capt: 'Shifty Bribie Seaway is a trip hazard, needs a training wall...Now!...or before next State Election!'

Both Parties will brawl to bankroll #1 Sunny Coke Traffickers Route sooner than fix Ye olde Tinnie bar!
Gets any deeper & wider > be able to swing a Princess about in there...forget tbb said that!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 11 Feb 2024 at 2:16am

Bribie is good enough port'o'call for Lady Brisbane...
Be a splendid Voyage this one...not just saying that!
tbb cruised The Lady Brisbane from Gold Coast Spit thru the Bay up Brizzie River to Hamilton Wharf.
{ 300 Island Cruise } 8hrs...Plenty of Tucker & Cuppas + Authentic jovial interactive Historical Tales!
Backtracks 1864 Brizzo Robert Herbert's Main Beach Bodysurf Safari Crew ...Totally Wild Nostalgic Surf Safari!
Real good for ya to eat the waves said Robbo...think the crew are on his wavelength...all love eating waves!
Happy to cruise with this crew anytime...Mum usually pikes out on ships...stoked she was!
Ripper of a family day worries! Good as Rolled Gold...just soakin' it's a breeze!
Highly recommended for Locals and Visitors...breathtaking journey...must see & do!
That price went up a bit...still good value...should get a better deal if ya shop about...shall we!
Lil' beauty...let's try again...see how we go!
Howzat!...on a $10 or more with each click...have a crack!
Only runs on Spring Tides...last of an era...get on board before another dream boat vanishes!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 30 Apr 2024 at 6:21pm

Qldurrz dedicate this comment to inquiring Southern crews.
Thought we could share a closer examination + more Oz security insight.
Bribie is back in the news for Oz security reasons...Nuke Plant.
tbb was quite surprised by [L] connect to Bribie Nukes! Is this a thing?

First we can share 2 Excellent News Articles on these 2 Wash Over sites

End Jan (King Tides-Cyclone) early Feb 2024
New Bar is now 1.2km wide
Drone inspection of Dual Wash-over Locations south of Main Break Thru.
These are close up shots of the areas the crew (above) were predicting to breach.
There have been several similar wash-overs of these zones since 2008 > 2017

Next news article captures these (High Tide) wash-overs
2.1m Tide + Surge maxed out @ 2.4m > (Seth's Big break Thru was 2.1m > Surge of 2.6m)

Crew also spoke of Golden Beach being swamped...
Swamped Military Jetty throats the Pelican Lock is not near either bar

Golden Beach Tides now at 2041 Predicted Levels
MSQ updated HAT by 310mm
More Water coming in over the bar than going out!

None accessed the New Bar during cyclonic weather

Seems like there were approx 3 wash overs at each site during Jan / Feb 2024 Storm Tides
Very close to breakthru's > Mid winter Low or Next Summer will threaten again...
Let's be honest here...all things being equal it's pretty hard to argue it's not the lock.
Soon the whole shebang centres and gauges same depth as Mankind's Lock & POB Turning circle.

Which obviously leads to Securing a massive Port Sized Cash Splash Clash .
We're talking a lot more than occasional dredging of the old Bar.
Reckon we're looking at Oz biggest backers & Players.
The two biggest in the news are Port of Brisbane & Aukus
(Both deal in $Billions) & Both would love to secure this Berth at Head of Port of Brisbane!

Fort Bribie > massive ships.
1911 Koopa 1153 Pass (Orchestra / Casino)
1920's SS Doomba 1500 Pass
1942 Both Ships served in Bribie Royal Navy
Fort Bribie Naval Installation/s
1946-53 Koopa returned to Bribie cruises 1946-1953

Q: Is Fort Bribie still secured by Govt...because [L] targets Bribie for a Nuke Plant
Q: Are Sand Islands designated as Highly Radio Active Zones? > Nuclear Medicine Suppliers!
Got an icky feeling this Island is set to again play a Security Role for strategic reasons.'s a loose link...but it does localize the importance to Nuclear Industry...
Otherwise load these...

1972 PM McMahon & Joh's Nuke Plant Toorbul Point / Bribie was ruled out by Gough!
2007 Howard's Nuke Plant on Bribie Island was ruled out by Albo & Peter Garrett
2018 LNP State Conference did not rule out Bribie Island Nuke Plant

Is Dutto pushing for Bribie Nuke Aukus Sub Base!

May 2020 Nuke Free Bribie [No LNP Nukes Here]
So that's not exactly a new site & it's pretty solid with content.
tbb had no idea that Bribie is an ongoing [L] Nuke Quest...

Fort Bribie eerily has 34 servicemen...
Is Bribie still under Defence Contract!
Could ADF secure a renewed Aukus Nuke installation here!
Anyhow...tbb thought it was important to not rule out Bigger Fish.
We could be dealing with a Frontline Security Hub...explains the perceived Govt apathy!
Once again consider this site falls between all duristrictions...easy Target for Govt Exploitation.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 25 Oct 2024 at 10:22am

Study warns of erosion, flooding as waves compound storm tides.

"Anywhere with an average sea level height less than 4.7m, or within 200m of the Golden Beach Esplanade, should be considered within the wave zone, and buildings within the wave areas should be built to endure the wave forces."

Peter Reynolds's picture
Peter Reynolds's picture
Peter Reynolds Friday, 25 Oct 2024 at 12:56pm

Some more info Sprout, I live within 200m of the golden beach foreshore, just spent half a mill renovating our old house, any new build or renovation over 20 square metres needs to meet new flood guidelines which predict the water level in 100 years, that water level is more or less 500mm above most of the existing homes in golden beach, scary when you have to lift your entire block by half a metre! I hope my kids get to enjoy it!

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 25 Oct 2024 at 1:28pm

That's full on hey, crazy to think about half a metre of water over that entire area!

Smorto's picture
Smorto's picture
Smorto Friday, 25 Oct 2024 at 1:29pm

Painful but the Q100 is pretty standard and not unique to Golden Beach. You're lucky its only 500mm above the existing block level as some blocks in Palmy are up to 1.3m below the new Q100!

Gold Coast also make you consider the PMF (Probable Maximum Flood - i.e noahs ark 1 into 5000 year flood) and require you to build 2 storey homes so there is 'shelter in place' when the biblical flood arrives and washes away everything on your ground floor- crazy!

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 28 Feb 2025 at 8:04am

King tides and cyclone swell, another break inbound...


Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 28 Feb 2025 at 8:25am


Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Saturday, 1 Mar 2025 at 1:45pm

Some great photos and videos from Bluey's photography.

Old bar washing over.

New bar hole getting bigger.

Coming soon bar.

tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Saturday, 1 Mar 2025 at 3:17pm

just down from lions park, been pretty thin there for a fair while ,
the tidal movements around that area have always been quite dominant,
will be barreling into bells creek before we know it

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 6 Mar 2025 at 7:48pm

Cyclone Alfred Splits Seth Island, with Newer improved more permanent parallel Channel...Oopsie!
Sorry 'bout the cheap upgrade Stu...local crew are under the pump > racing ahead for next breakthru!

New foot deeper Lock split the Island + added a foot to the tide > [L] Pulled The Sand Back Pass
Then Double triple swamped Bribie Island with 3 Dam Releases Now gotta 1.65m Storm Surge...
Now run outta Sand Dunes + Beaches + Sand + Sandbags = Double Triple Ooch!

Joh / Howard / Dutto campaigned for a Bribie NUKE Plant or Fleet of anchored Bribie Nuke Subs. (Same Thing)
Since election [L] Genius Davy pulled the Bribie Sand Pump Pipes...then Flooded the Island 3x...
1.65m Storm Surge & thar she blows = New Aukus [Port] for Trump !

Please do not jump on any more sandcastles...



Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Wednesday, 26 Mar 2025 at 9:51am

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 26 Mar 2025 at 9:57am

Incredible, and not much holding back the next incursion either.