Fun swells into next week

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)

Southern Tasmanian Surf Forecast by Craig Brokensha (issued Friday June 7th)

Best Days: Today, tomorrow morning, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday morning, Friday

Features of the Forecast (tl;dr)

  • Easing swell over the weekend with N/NW tending variable winds tomorrow
  • Small SW swell Mon AM, with a better increase in size for the PM, peaking Tue AM
  • N/NW tending W/NW winds Mon, gusty N tending NW Tue
  • Strong SW winds Wed with a moderate + sized increase in mid-period swell
  • S/SW groundswell Thu with W/NW tending S winds, easing Fri with N/NW tending NE winds


The surf has held in the 1-2ft range the last two days, lumpy yesterday and cleanest today.

This weekend and next week (Jun 8 - 14)

Today’s small swell is due to fade over the weekend, with the odd stray 1-2ft set possible tomorrow morning with clean conditions, tiny Sunday.

From Monday the outlook is much more active with a progression of strengthening polar storms due to bring building levels of SW-S/SW swell.

The first will push up and under us during Monday, bringing a moderate sized pulse of S/SW swell for later in the day but more so Tuesday. Monday looks to be 1-2ft, with 2ft+ sets due later in the day, easing back from 2-3ft Tuesday morning.

Conditions look good Monday with a N/NW tending W/NW breeze, gusty N tending NW breeze Tuesday.

Behind this first front, a secondary stronger system should project gales up and past us on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, bringing with it a large pulse of S/SW windswell to 4-5ft or so on Wednesday along with strong W/SW-SW winds, with the groundswell coming in at 3-5ft Thursday along with light W/NW tending S winds.

We’ll confirm these winds on Monday, but Friday looks cleanest as the swell starts to ease. Following this the outlook is slower so make the most of the coming swells. Have a great weekend!


thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Sunday, 9 Jun 2024 at 6:51am

@Monka, just emailed you to troubleshoot the offline surfcam issue but it bounced. Please email so we can assist.

Monka's picture
Monka's picture
Monka Sunday, 9 Jun 2024 at 8:48am

Thanks Ben, its working now, I'll update e-mail