Extended run of Point surf ahead with a few early bird windows for the beachies
South-east Queensland and Northern NSW Surf Forecast by Steve Shearer (issued Fri Feb 9th)
Features of the Forecast (tl;dr)
- Extended run of strong trade swell, becoming large later Sun, peaking Mon, easing very slowly Tues onwards
- Fresh SE winds the norm for the next week- tending more E-NE on the MNC Tues/Wed, then S-SE again from Thurs
- Plenty of other swell sources on the cards, but with these conditions the next two weeks will be best suited for the regional points
- Possibly beachbreak windows Wed AM and Thurs AM (keep tabs on local winds)
Pulsey E’ly tradewind swells (and a small amount of SE short range swell in NENSW) have continued to offer surf in the 2-3ft range with a few bigger sets on offer mostly at favourable tides (higher for the beachies, lower for the Points). Mostly S/SE-SE winds, favouring the Points, with some windows of lighter and even offshore SW breezes on the backside of rain squalls (typical monsoonal wind pattern).
Clean and pumping this morning
This weekend (Feb 10-11)
We’ve got a very strong high pressure belt at the moment with a cell in the Tasman (twin cells actually, straddling New Zealand) and monster high moving in from the Bight. A trough off the NSW coast is focussing SE winds along the Eastern Seaboard, with a strong front/low traversing the Lower Tasman. A tropical low near New Caledonia is anchoring a trade-flow in the Coral Sea.
No great change to the weekend f/cast. Winds will be from the SE, with some softer patches in the morning, and possibly even tending SW around rain squalls. Otherwise favouring the Points for quality. There will be some longer period S swells in the mix later Sat and into Sun from a strong front (see below) adding some 3ft energy into the mix- bigger at S facing beaches but highly wind affected- but mostly low down as a weak signal amongst the prevailing trade-swell energy across the Points.
Local tradewinds do ease through today so we may see a slight easing trend through Sat, from 3ft to more 2ft with the occ. 3 footer. Likely offset somewhat by new moon tides where the a’noon low tide will show the energy more on shallow banks.
The E’ly-SE’ly fetch gets reinforced later Sat by a new high pressure ridge squeezing up against a tropical low hovering NW of New Caledonia so we should see surf start to build again through Sun, again, tidally affected by the big new moon tidal amplitudes. Expect 3ft surf to build up into the 3-4ft range with a few bigger outliers likely on outer Gold Coast Points as the tide drains.
Next week (Feb12 onwards)
No great change to next week’s outlook. The tropical low near New Caledonia remains, although unlikely to deepen further into a tropical cyclone at this stage of the game. The super-charged tradewind fetch is likely to develop a fully developed sea state which is a function of duration and offers the maximum amount of swell energy for a given wind speed and why these trade swells tend to punch above their weight.
That should see plenty of 4-5ft surf across the Outer Points, grading smaller into more sheltered inside Points and Bays with some unruly 5-6ft surf across the beachies for the very keen. Winds remain moderate SE, tending more E/SE-E south of Ballina.
That should hold into Tues morning before a slow easing in size through to Thurs, with a floor underneath of 3-4ft at a minimum.
S’ly groundswell in the mix Mon will supply some 3ft sets but again, with the prevailing wind and swell regime it’ll only be a minor player, if that, at a few semi-exposed Points in NENSW.
We should see winds soften later Tues into Wed, possibly offering up some clean beachbreaks for SEQLD. NENSW will see a more NE flow through this period, possibly tending mod/fresh on the MNC as a trough approaches. Winds then shift S-SE again from Thurs.
A decaying front Wed looks to send some small S swell up the Pipe, likely adding some small 2-3ft S swell in the mix Fri at NENSW S facing beaches. We’ll review that Mon.
There is a bit of model divergence later next week with ECMWF suggesting a deepening trough anchoring the E’ly fetch in the Northern Tasman with a bit more swell potential for temperate NSW and easing surf in the sub-tropics, while GFS holds a more stock standard Coral Sea based tradewind fetch favouring Northern parts of the state. Either way we’ll continue to see E’ly quadrant swells over this period.
There’s still some chance of cyclogenesis in the South Pacific next week although latest model runs now favour the Samoan region, with a SE track and not much direct surf potential for the East Coast. That could change so we’ll track it over the weekend and see how it looks on Mon.
Seeya then and have a great weekend!
Greenmount cam is so lined up.
Dreamy imagining without the crowd.
Spot X cam looking amazeballs.
Dbah cam not too shabby either!
spoilt for choice … love those easterly swells
im gunna let the cat outta the bag..........greenmounts cooking.........keep it to yourself ok.....shhhh
And so it begins.
Ben, have you gone Hawaiian on the swell size? Sets are every bit of 4' at Snapper through Cooly right now
And changed his name to Steve.
Haha! The email header said Ben
Shouldn’t be crowded in the morning
Yeh I reckon rainbow bay about 8am should be pretty chill.
Shouldn’t be crowded in the morning
three days into the swell event and I am cooked - surfing round the traps... didn't pace myself......
I think everywhere on the goldy today had a wave......
Haha. Awesome.
Damn fun after work sesh around here, not the perfection of the Goldy and a bit of wind on it, but still some nice waves.
love these swells..
Fair Fcking pumpin where I was today particularly this arvo just as the tide turned, swell pulsed and period rose. All the elements came together.
Anyone seen the glow phenomenon on the cam replays- friday 5.00am on the burleigh cam, really bizarre stuff. Crazy one around the 1m mark
Someone with a head torch making the most of the pre-dawn waves.
Out there every day, rain hail or onshore.
Mike getting Swellnet famous.
yeah that was crazy...what was that ??
Still nice clean lines around here this morning, size looks to have settled a notch but hard to say with such a massive morning tide swamping everything.
Looks like the tropical low near New Cal has moved a bit further W than modelled yesterday (now near Vanuatu) and expected near Fiji so doesn't quite anchor the trade flow as strongly as forecast.
That will likely shave off a bit of size from the top end Sun/Mon.
On the flip side, fetch looks to rebuild mid next week stronger than it looked yesterday.
Swings and roundabouts.
Ski Free Day on the Goldy
Pumping this morning, best waves I've had for a long time. Some solid ones amongst them.
Where is everyone getting this pumping surf?? Pretty rubbish where I am this morning
Goldy id assume, checked broken to the north belongil this morn and no where was worth it, wreck looked ok but not worth the crowd. Maybe earlier was better, I went at 7
Yep surely, there wasn't much to write home about north of Moreton from what I looked at and saw
Was good this morning at Burleigh, got better as the tide came in.
Noosa points got swallowed up in the big high tide quickly this morning.
It was almost totally flat. Picked up as it drained out thankfully.
Really fun pulsey 3-4ft here this arvo, very squally for the first half then wind backed right off before and up to dark.
If anything Tweed Offshore and Mooloolaba bouys looking better than yesterday.
First morning on the SC that it's not so good (so far). Sure there'd be a couple spots.
Super early looked good then dropped off as the tide started coming in -- opposite to what's been happening last few days.
Not complaining.
forgive my ignorance, but as it said in the surf report, there was some bump and funk to the surf today, even in places which were offshore all day in the prevailing winds. why was that? i was expecting it to be a lot better than it was. not naming spots, but im in qld.
I think, there was more E'ly wind direction over night and that led to more short period E'ly chop and lump in the swell- that was definitely the case down here at the less sheltered point I surfed.
Do you have a view on whether we are still likely to see an extended run of swell over the next few weeks? Or have things changed so that set up is no longer as certain? Just planning a bit of a two week road trip from the 17th onwards (and can go anywhere out of Vic, SA, Tas, NSW) but the forecast last week had nearly locked us into the East Coast! Cheers, Turkey