No significant swells

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)

Eastern Tasmania Forecast by Craig Brokensha (issued Monday 10th August)

Best Days: No good days, check the South Arm forecast


Good fun waves across south swell magnets over the weekend with a strong pulse of S'ly swell Saturday, easing from the S/SE yesterday. Today the swell was on its last legs, easing from a small 1-2ft.

This week (Aug 11 - 14)

There's nothing significant expected for the coming few days with the SE swell due to fade to nothing tomorrow, with a possible weak N/NE windswell in the mix.

The only other swell due this week is a possible small refracted S'ly groundswell Thursday afternoon from a polar front pushing up towards the state and past us early in the day. A small 1-2ft wave may be seen across south swell magnets later in the day as winds tend variable, before fading Friday from a tiny 1ft.

This weekend onwards (Aug 15 onwards)

A small and weak windswell may be seen Saturday morning from a very weak and short-lived fetch of SW winds being aimed through our swell window Friday afternoon.

This won't offer any major size, while a small refracted S'ly groundswell due into the afternoon also isn't expected to reach above 1-2ft at south swell magnets.

Longer term, small refracted S'ly groundswell energy is on the cards for early next week, but again to no major size. Check back here Wednesday for an update on this though.