Active Coral Sea (finally) brings an extended surf pattern

Steve Shearer picture
Steve Shearer (freeride76)

Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Fri 2nd Feb)

This weekend and next week (Feb3 -Feb9)

Central QLD: Active Coral Sea (finally) brings an extended surf pattern

Fun waves developed yesterday, a little smaller today, with plenty more to come. 

Surf built through yesterday

No change to the outlook. A small sub-tropical low has now moved NE into the Coral Sea, bringing an increase in swell to CQ yesterday. The low sits semi-stationary new New Caledonia from today, anchoring a tradewinf flow in the Coral Sea that will provide an extended period of fun waves for CQ, especially spots open to swells through the Breaksea Spit- Capricorn Channel swell window.

We'll see pulsey 2ft surf rebuild over the weekend and persist right through next week. There is some model disagreemnt about a SE surge next week  but common to all major models is a robust tradewind flow through the Coral Sea which will favour the sub-tropics for size into the weekend 10-11/2 and hold plenty of pulsey E’ly tradewind swell in the 2-3ft range through most of next week from Tues. A lingering tropical low near New Caledonia may deepen and move back towards the QLD coast during this period, with uncertain surf potential at this early stage. 

It’s a very active outlook so check back in Mon for the latest revisions.

In the meantime, have a great weekend!