Tiny over the weekend and into next week with a surf pattern on the radar
Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Fri 1st Sep)
This weekend and next week (Sep1-Sep8)
Central QLD: Tiny over the weekend and into next week with a surf pattern on the radar
Tiny waves and onshore N’ly winds have been on the menu and are expected over the weekend.
Tiny wind slop for now, better days ahead
Tiny surf then persists into next week.
We do have a promising outlook though for mid/late next week as another high in the Tasman, and strong high in the South Pacific set up a long tradewind flow in the South Pacific and a shorter, proximate tradewind flow in the Central Coral Sea.
Handy tradewind fetch should generate plenty of fun surf late next week
If the models hold true, we’ll see surf start to build possibly as early as Thurs next week. Likely building further into Fri and holding at a fun size next weekend.
That's a ways off though, so check back in on Mon and we’ll see how it’s looking.
Until then, have a great weekend!