Great winter waves over the weekend

Steve Shearer picture
Steve Shearer (freeride76)

Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Fri 4th Aug)

This weekend and next week (Aug5-Aug11)

Central QLD:  Great winter waves over the weekend

Stacks of fun waves over the CQ coast as tradewinds fill out the Coral Sea.

No great change to the weekend f/cast. Current ASCAT (satellite windspeed) passes show a very healthy fetch of SE-E/SE tradewinds extending through the Central/Southern Coral Seas with plenty of fun E’ly tradewind swell expected over the weekend. Size in the 2-3ft range is expected and this should hold right through the weekend.

Healthy spread of SE-E/SE winds in the Coral Sea

Not much change expected for the outlook for early-mid next week.

Reinforcing high pressure moving towards and then East of Tasmania maintains a fairly weak ridge along the sub-tropics with a light/mod SE’ly flow Mon and Tues. 

Size will hold into Mon, before an easing trend Tues.

From the middle of next week the tradewind flow breaks down completely and we’ll see retreat back to seasonal averages ie tiny/flat.

We’ll keep fingers crossed and see how it looks Mon.

Until then, have a great weekend!