Rubber Soul
The huge swell that just hit the south-east coasts of Australia first made landfall down in Tassie. Max wave heights of 18 metres were recorded at Cape Sorell on the west coast while some of the more protected spots in the east and south lit up under the heavy swell conditions. The swell arrived with extremely cold winds and heavy rubber was at a premium. The fella who took these pics, Mick Gullan, works in a surfshop and reckons he's never sold as many gloves, boots and hoods as he had in the three days of the swell.
It's a hardy soul that wants to dip his toes when there's snow down to 200 metres, but judging by the photos there's a few hardy souls in Tasmania.
Mick Gullan takes photos all around Tasmania, to see more of his work check his Surfscape blog.