Winter 2015 wrap
Winter is over and what a mixed season of waves it was! How did your region rate against the rest of Australia?
Winter is over and what a mixed season of waves it was! How did your region rate against the rest of Australia?
Allow Julian Wilson to illustrate the difference between the best freesurfers and 'CT-level surfers.
"A substantial work that easily eclipses anything comparable and instantly achieves classic status. Anyone seeking to understand surfing across the last 50 years will turn here first."
Blindboy reviews the highly anticipated surfing memoir of William Finnegan.
For the first time ever, three concurrent Category 4 hurricanes have developed within Hawaii's forecast region.
"It's been a terrible winter here in Perth," said Mike Maxted forlornly, yet immediately after uttering those word he quickly pepped up. "However I managed a little swim this arvo with some fun results."
"It's been a terrible winter here in Perth," said Mike Maxted forlornly, yet immediately after uttering those word he quickly pepped up. "However I managed a little swim this arvo with some fun results."
William Finnegan is a staff writer at The New Yorker. In 1978 he travelled through Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji, where he and his travel partner, Bryan Di Salvatore, were among the first to surf Tavarua. In this excerpt from 'Barbarian Days', Finnegan's surfing memoir, he and Di Salvatore have just landed in Australia, a nation of "smart-mouthed diggers with no respect for authority." Best of all, Kirra is just beginning to break....Read the full feature 37
A short documentary on the recent history and current state of the funnest left in the world, Macaronis.