Tim Stevenson // Home and (far) away - video
Monday 04/07 6
The Bells Trials winner puts his hoof down at home and in sizey Indonesian barrels.
The Bells Trials winner puts his hoof down at home and in sizey Indonesian barrels.
Computer shaping can deliver racks and racks of identical model surfboards, and yet board design has never been more diverse. So where are we at with surfboard models?
While crewmen packed up the Cape Fear comp site, Eddie Blackwell, Spud, Richie Vas, and Laurie Towner took advantage of the deserted lineup.
Jamie O lights up some Puerto Escondido caverns using a hand held torch.
An (almost) unknown surfer laying it down in an old school Aussie style.
First Lorne, then Tasmania, next Byron Bay, and now the Falls Festival is travelling to Western Australia.