Ric Gath on Jeremy Flores' Tahitian headwear
It's been a long time since the surf world had seen a competition surfer wearing a Gath helmet atop their scone. But that's just what Jeremy Flores was sporting last month when he won the Billabong Tahiti Pro at Teahupoo. While surfing Sumbawa the previous month, Flores received a severe head injury requiring 35 stitches and suffering a bad case of concussion. The wounds were barely healing when the Tahiti waiting period began so Flores, who's in career best form, opted for the accesory du jour from the early-90s, the Gath hat.
Ric Gath produced his first surfing helmet in 1989 and within a few years they were seen in lineups everywhere from his homewtown of Margaret River to Hawaii and beyond. A number of surfers even became synonomous with the bulbous headwear, most famously Tom Carroll, and most infamously Liam Macnamara.
Rather than become a surf accesory staple, however, Gath hats faded out through the 90s as Ric became embroiled in a dispute with the directors of the company who licensed his name. In 1997 the company became insolvent so Ric once regained control and ownership of Gath. He's run it as a lean, modestly-sized operation since.
Which makes it a terrible shame that Ric was on an overseas holiday when the best bit of free publicity in 20 years came his way...
Swellnet: Were you aware that Jeremy would be wearing a Gath in Tahiti?
Ric Gath: No. I heard that he'd had a surfing accident and fractured his skull and the doctor advised him not to surf in the Tahiti comp so he chose to wear a Gath. I'm not sure how accurate this story is. Watching the replay though, it definitely didn't cause him any problems. Awesome backhand deep tube riding.
Which model was he wearing?
He was wearing the original Gath hat. The one with neoprene headband.
Has the design changed much since the early 90s when Gath helmets won an Australian Design Award?
The original design is still available but now comes in two options - basically the same model but with different fitting systems. Head shapes vary a lot so the goal was to cater for this and provide a comfy fit for all.
Over the years Gath has increased its product range to suit most water sport needs. For instance, the new GEDI model has higher impact protection and is more suited to jet skis, sea rescues etcetera. We also have a new surf convertiable model that converts to a very lightweight surf cap, ideal for freesurfing even in beachies. It has detachable ear pockets so is good for warm conditions, or with the ear pockets in it's great for cold conditions with minimal bulk on your head.
Also, there's more accesories available these days - visors and peaks etcetera.
When was the last time a contest was won by someone wearing a Gath?
Probably most outstanding was Tom winning the Pipe Masters in the early- to mid-1990s. But to be honest, I don't really know. They've been a few top surfers in Pipe comps wearing Gaths.
Reckon you might see a resurgence in sales?
It has been a long difficult road so any increase will be welcomed. There seems to be more acceptance these days. I'm just happy to pay the bills.
Are you surprised that, despite slab surfing becoming more popular, helmets haven't been more widely adopted?
Most definetely. What crew are doing these days is bloody scary. It makes sense to wear the gear that will help you survive to do it again another day.
I fully understand that surfing is a freedom sport and we all just want to surf in boardies, no legrope, but we wear wetsuits to keep warm and we wear legropes to save swimming. Helmets take a bit of getting used to but my belief is the positives most definetely outweigh the small negatives. The main reason I developed my surf helmet was to protect against the cold wind and the sun to keep mself in the water longer. But when coming unstuck and being smacked in the head it's a great feeling to paddle back out knowing you've just avoided a trip to the doctors or more serious injury, especially when you're on a surf trip.
Heard any stories recently about Gath's saving someone's skin?
I probably average one a month. There are so many stories. People send us their stories of how they are convinced their Gath saved their life. I'm stoked that top athletes use my product but it's always a buzz receiving stories of how a Gath has saved someone's life.
Liam Macnamara from 'Hawaii 91' wearing his Gath:
Holy shit the nostalgia is killing me. Loved that movie.
...and here's some footage that's aged a bit better, Tom Carroll at Pipe wearing his Gath. Same year, 1991:
TC charging! So good.
"Charged" and Charging !
Too true!
So many items that make surfing safer or more comfortable but the image is as much as the act it seems. Sunnies, rashies, surf hats, gath helmets and booties all so damn practical yet struggle to be adopted by the wider surfing community.
Would love to see Mick surf his next heat fully decked out doesn't the Wsl have an OHS officer.
And lets not forget Sally
Everybody wears a helmut at the snow. If the surf is warranted wearing a helmut why not?
Better than a hose on your head!
On my last trip to Indo I got sconned by my board on a medium-sized wave. No real damage (thick skull!) but a huge lump, sore head, bruise that has lasted 2 weeks, and a severe scolding from my family asking why wasn't I wearing my helmet. Well, I didn't really have an answer - "coz it makes me look like i can't surf" is just lame.
It could easily have been worse: being hit by a fin or the nose or tail instead of the rail, resulting in some stitches and time out of the water, through to getting hit in the eye or even being knocked unconscious (not good in powerful waves where nobody can get to you quickly).
Big wakeup call for me.
Roy have you always worn a Gath ?
Tried wearing one years ago but found it clostraphobic. Wish i had it 2 weeks ago while surfing a solid reef break by myself. My board hit me in the ear and ruptured my ear drum, lost total equalibrium, coped another 4 on the head. So scary not knowing which way is up.
Worst feeling in surfing. I've done it three times and I can assure you the first time is the worst. Not that you can do anything about your equilibrium during subsequent ruptures but at least you know what the hell is happening.
I've still got one I bought in 1990, throne with the visor, great to know I can get new parts for it now
I wore one for a while after busting an eardrum. Didn't take long to get used to it...in fact with the knowledge my scon was protected I charged harder than ever.
I wish I'd had one last summer when I came up after a wave with fin cut to the top of the head. It was bleeding a lot but I couldn't tell how bad it was. The only other person on the beach was a non English speaking tourist and we engaged in a brief but lively pantomime while he indicated the size and severity of the wound.
Yes, a Gath helmet revival is long overdue. Let's hope it's more of a permanent change than a fad this time.
Accidentally left mine on a boat in the ments circa '04. Haven't seen a shop with them since.
Definitely wished I was sporting one at Cloudbreak a few years back. *squelch*
I know a few guys that had close calls while wearing a Gath. The helmet, they say, saved them from serious injury or worse.
I don't think any of them wear a Gath anymore.
Says a lot about human behaviour.
I wore one for quite a few years not so much to avoid traumatic injury as to avoid repeated ear infections. So a few points. The model is important. The hats were lighter and more comfortable. The helmets gave more protection. They reduce heat loss and so help keep you warm in cold conditions but if you are wearing them in Sumatra or similar climates you need to be aware of over heating. Don't wear a black one in the tropics! Regardless of design or colour take it off between waves and cool your head! I had a a minor neck injury caused by the helmet having a greater surface area than my head in a side head slam so keep those neck muscles strong. Mine did the job of clearing my ear problems. It may have been just keeping the water out but I think the reduction in pressure during impacts also played a part. I don't wear one at the moment but given I have had a couple of ear infection this winter I might have to consider it. Like anything you need to do your own cost/benefit analysis and wave size and power are only two of the major variables as many serious injuries occur in relatively small waves. Crowds, the presence of over sized SUPs and mals, the skill level of those you are surfing with, and quite a few other factors are all worth considering.
Too true BB I recently kooked it over the front of my Board on take off on a 2 footer at the Alley. Head butted a rock on the bottom, resulting in a good graze across my forehead and a cut to the left eye ball. This has resulted in permanent damage to my eye sight in that eye and I have to wait another couple of months to see whether I will require and operation to correct the blurryness in that eye.
Great points Blindboy. I wear one surfing tropical reefs, however its silver in colour so I find it actually keeps my head cooler by reflecting the sun off it. I never feel the need to take it off like Flores was doing in the Tahiti comp (maybe because he was wearing a black one). In fact, I forget I'm wearing it most of the time, it's so light and unobtrusive. It's true that smaller waves can be just as dangerous and often there are a greater number of inexperienced surfers in small waves who are on big, dangerous boards so there's an argument to wearing one whatever the conditions. I'm really impressed with the one I bought, with the removable earpieces, as its so light. The only deterrent I have is that people will think I'm a kook before I've even paddled out, although by the time they've seen my first wave, they'll realise that their pre-conceived Gath-based judgments were not totally unfounded ;-) I was stoked to see Flores wearing one and prove that they don't hinder performance. If anything, they enhance it as there's an encouragement to charge harder when you're wearing one.
As soon as I read this article I went and purchased a Gath helmet.....I work in an ICU and in acute critical care and thought I better practice what I preach!
Thanks to the locals who patched me up after I kissed the reef headfirst at Walkerville during a recent swell and thanks to doctors and nurses at Rosebud Hospital who "glued" me up and, as always, do a great job.
What do you mean "as always"? Sounds like you should've bought a Gath years ago.
I think Kerby Brown should own one .......nasty head first on his insta.