Kelly Slater And The New King

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Sessions

Kelly Slater whirled like the proverbial dervish during last week's swell on the East Coast. One minute he was spotted at Tamarama, next Cape Solander, and later again at an unnamed suburban beachbreak. Photographers everywhere were in a lather trying to chase and capture the King. All except for one, that is, and he had good reason to be blase about the royal visit.

Steen Barnes was in hospital celebrating the arrival of his first born son, Gwil Maxwell Barnes, when the east swell hit.

On Thursday he took a lunchtime leave pass and with camera in tow he headed for the coast. There he lucked into one of the sessions of the swell. When he turned up locals Dane Cartwright and Aaron Blackburn, plus Mick Lowe and Todd Prestage were going crazy in the four foot A-frames. Then, to everyone's surprise, Kelly Slater rolled up with Pat Gudauskas and they proceeded to put on a show for all and sundry. At one stage Slater snapped his board so he began to ride a Tyler Warren-shaped mini-Simmons owned by Pat Gudauskas. The Gudang then burnt Slater on a filthy right pit (there's a headline for you: Gudang Smokes Kelly).

All up it was an epic arvo for the unsuspecting locals who were treated to a display of world champion surfing. Everyone went home stoked, none more so than Steen who got the shots of the King then returned to hold his very own King in his arms.


*Gwil is short for the Welsh name, Gwilym, which is Steen's old mans name. Long may the Barnes boys run.


stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 13 Jun 2023 at 4:07pm

These photos were rescued from a previous Swellnet website and reprised here to complete the story of this session from twelve years ago:

See Steen's FB post here.

steeno's picture
steeno's picture
steeno Wednesday, 14 Jun 2023 at 4:46am

Cheers Stu

batfink's picture
batfink's picture
batfink Saturday, 17 Jun 2023 at 4:21pm

Ha, got here finally. Stu, your newsletter took me a page I’m “unauthorised to access”, or something like that.

So via the next link, then to Facebook pics, then the link in there to this story.

Nice rescue. Great pics too, so clear.