Toonalook Anti-Waxxer Movement Publishes Manifesto
Toonalook’s anti-wax cohort is calling on like-minded souls to take to the streets next Tuesday arvo to protest the dangers and ineffectiveness of waxxination, and shine a light on the shameful links between Wax and Big Petroleum.
In a manifesto nailed to Ding Alley’s bureau door, this movement, coming off a successful deck-grip-causes-autism campaign, have published a stirring call to arms that implores the good sheeple of Toonalook to open their eyes, not just to the truth, but to the all-caps, exclamation-marked TRUTH! … of the whole, rotten surfboard manufacturing game.
Following is an excerpt from the Anti-Wax manifesto. Out of consideration for the reader, Ding Alley has converted several dozen emphatic instances of ALL CAPS to a more genteel lower case:
Surfboards are bad and shapers are untrustworthy.
It’s an undisputable fact that all shapers are in the pockets of – and colluding with – Big Petroleum. Manufacturers are deliberately making petrochemical surfboards designed specifically to break – when it’s a fact the materials and technology have long existed to make organic, unbreakable surfboards. But where are the riches in that model? No, shapers are sharing the spoils with Big Petrol, creating a constant and totally unwarranted need and dependency on Big Petroleum products. There is no middle ground to examine here. What is the most fragile, brittle material known to man? Glass! What are surfboards encased in? Glass! Designed to shatter! How the hell do you explain that little doozy. You can’t.
But this is only the start.
When you view the surfboard world through this awakened prism of truth, when the scales fall away from your eyes, knowing in your heart of hearts what you know, everywhere you look, everything you see, only confirms the facts of the matter.
Take Fins. They're completely unnecessary: you’ve seen Derek Hynd have a whale of a time at J-Bay on his finless creation – indisputable proof that fins are a scam – but worse still, their razor-sharp edges are clearly designed to slice flesh.
Helloooo, paging Dr Big Medicine!
And if further proof of this decades-old diabolical attack on the decent, common surfer is needed, consider the deliberate proliferation of fin set-ups over time, from one, to two, to three, and now to four. That’s right, multiply the fins, multiply the harm. Fin gashes are grotesque and entirely avoidable, but the media stays silent on this, and you really need to stop and ask why? What are the media hiding..?
Let’s not get started on the pointed noses of surfboards, shall we? The pointed nose of a surfboard bears more than a passing resemblance to a myriad of weaponry, from a dagger to a spear to a nuclear warhead. This similarity cannot be disputed by any rational mind. And to put this shame beyond doubt, riddle me this: surfers have died from accidents involving surfboards, and countless have been injured, so how then is it possible to deny that only the forces of silence and corruption keep every board shaper out of prison for conspiracy to murder.
How can you fail to join these very obvious dots?
It gets worse. It goes all the way to the top. The big daddy, Numero Uno. Australia has the highest skin cancer rates in the world, yet every day, surfboard manufacturers encourage surfers to expose themselves to hours of radiation from the Sun, the evil yellow dwarf star with which shapers are clearly in cahoots. The sun that surveils our every daylit moment. Is it not sinister beyond comprehension that these folk have the means to strike such a deal with a gas-emitting monster 93 million miles away?
Stop and consider the lengths that have been gone to here. The implications. The lies.
Untangle this web further and what do you find – Big Medicine profiting from countless in-clinic procedures, needlessly excising mostly benign Basal Cell Carcinomas, suturing victims up with the very same thread used to make legrope strings, thus inflating the demand / price for raw materials! Hello Big Nylon! Hello soaring surfboard accessories prices!
Legropes. Nooses in disguise. War Crimes. If you haven’t raised the alarm, are you not complicit?
I know, you’re having your mind blown here, but it’s simple, really. You just need to see and think about the world through the questioning prism of truth. The blessed internet has given us all a voice, and much like a baby activating its vocal chords in response to the world it perceives, nearby infants will surely join the chorus, in the cacophony of confirmation that keeps us in thrall to our glowing pocket-hypno-boxes. I laugh at the suggestion that such a device may in fact be driving a dagger through our traditional collective sanity.
No, it’s the wax that’s the problem.
Many say wax has been of great benefit to surfers over the years, which is simply not true! And I can easily expose this lie for what it is.
OK, so people ride skateboards all the time with categorically no need for wax. In inarguable ways, surfing and skating are parallel pursuits – so similar as to be indistinguishable. You’ve seen those clips of skateboarders riding in a tube created by some friends running alongside with a blue tarpaulin? That is surfing. With no wax.
Ergo, wax is a hoax. Fact.
And I have evidence that Wax simply doesn’t work anyway. Just this morning, out at Toona Point, I saw, repeatedly, surfers falling off their waxed surfboards. What more proof do you need than this? For goodness’ sake, you see it – every, single, day – with your own two eyes. I implore you to just open them!
I can’t imagine more proof is required, but while I’ve got you: I did not see one surfer fall off an unwaxed surfboard.
Does this not open your eyes to the Great Big Lie?
If, by now, I haven’t convinced you by the sheer weight of evidence presented above, perhaps nothing will, but allow me to appeal to your intuition.
Close your eyes (literally, as metaphorically they are already closed, friend) and picture the scenario. You are picking up a new surfboard. The shaper, who may be outwardly pleasant, but I assure you is not what he seems, hands you your murderous, petrochemical, designed-to-break surfboard. He may hand you some fins as well (while most likely fantasising about them severing your windpipe in a shorey double up – I defy you to prove to me that he isn’t).
You exchange pleasantries and turn to leave when, with a well-rehearsed nonchalance, this nasty piece of work says, “Oh! Hang on. I almost forgot, here you go!” and reaches behind the counter and hands you a block of wax.
For no charge?
Well that’s just a little bit suspicious, don’t you think?
Just ask yourself.
Why in God’s name would someone do that? What does he stand to gain? Eh??
I’ll wait.
If the anti-waxxers need to swell their numbers they could combine forces with the moral crusaders:
More examples of sweet-smelling pornographic filth here:
I remember as a grom my old man had a block of breast shaped wax. Was good stuff.
When I watched The True Cost I was so shocked to learn of the nexus between Monsanto, Genetically Modified Cotton, Glyphosate, cancer and cancer treating drugs, that I’ve never bought so much as a new pair of undies since.
But this takes the cake. Thanks Toonalook Truthtellers. Wax and all related products are out for me now. I’m beyond proud and beyond grateful for your courage in shining the spotlight on the Main Stream Surf Industry.
Ps. FYI. Some people on Parler are pointing out that Chris Cote was advertising on the Mexico webcast today that all Kelly Slater’s boards are entirely organic and biodegradable, and thus the appearance of this manifesto on the same day is no coincidence. People are saying that the The Toona Anti Waxers are Slater and Cote surrogates and that the goal of the conspiracy is to discredit the MSSI so Slater can achieve market domination with his organic and biodegradable surfing equipment.
Keep your third eyes wiped.
There was a time, a long, lonely trying time , when I thought I was the only person on Earth who knew of this TRUTH.
Welcome Gra. Good to have you in the trenches beside me as we stand erect and give it to Mrs Palmer and her five daughters - HARD!!!!!!!!!!
Watch for our secret handshake
Geez blowin, you've gotta stop posting selfies mate.
That’s a hand double off the Internet. Can’t put my own hand up or else you’d take the piss out of my choice of nail polish.
Probably true, but no judgement here. Man Polish is a thing.
Very interested to hear what the manifesto says about wetsuits and the need - or not - to wear sluggoes underneath. I think it could be a conspiracy by surf clubs to infiltrate surfing clubs. Devious.
Not only is surfboard wax allergy potentially deadly, so too is body waxing:
" Potential reactions include excessive swelling, skin rash, hives or difficulty breathing."
Health experts are struggling to get the message through to anti-waxxers that back, crack and sack waxing is still very safe for those under 30 and strongly recommended for those over 80.
The risks are low and the whole community benefits advised the Prime Minister after showing the way on national TV.
Why stop at wax? Waves are the real threat here. Think Tsunamis: they're out to get us.
Perhaps they wouldn’t be anti-wax if Gary’s soft hands had been applying it. Gary is a waxing enthusiast fr way back
Normally I wouldn't trust anyone else to wax my deck. But I'd make an exception for Gary G.
Thanks Tubeshooter; the pleasure would be all Gary's
"When you view the surfboard world through this awakened prism of truth...
2 obvious questions there:
1. Does a prism of truth break truths into sub truths?, and
2. Where can you buy a prism of truth?
A prism of truth creates a *R*A*I*N*B*O*W* of truth!
Everyone loves rainbows don't they?
Truth, when seen through a prism, can be clarified or distorted. How does one know what effect one’s prism is having on the truth, or sub truth, that one is examining?
That's philosophy right there.
Thank you, great to have your back Ding Alley.
Sitting in the line up today literally thinking we need a good laugh, wondering what's happened to D.A....and viola!
Gra, nice one. Terrific cartoon David, throw back to Looney Tunes.
Pink Floyd album cover "Dark Side of the Moon", triangular prism, white light refracted into ROYGBIV!? Now we're talking conspiracies:
-"by the way which one was pink?" shine on you crazy diamond.
-what really is on that dark side of the moon, cheese, wax, ze Germans Tommy??
-who is this Roy G Biv?
God Bless
Viola! Viola! It’s voila, my dear servant. ;-)
Many thanks batfink (....& karate?).
Sorry about that typo, which rendered my French voila = "see there", to a viola, midsized string instrument! Ha..ha.
Didn't like French at school and my spelling in any language is definitely not my strong suit.
God bless you fella
P.S. I'd never win a spelling bee, .......or cee, or dee!
(one of my best Grandpa jokes)
Cheers servant. Have decided some time this year to edumacate the good folk of swellnet on using English goodly. All in good spirit
Newsflash from Toona Advocate : "Viewings of 'Mad Wax' now banned in Toona!"
Now that's a tragedy. One of the great surf films.
I had a feeling you were from Toona Rexy. Shame about the news flash, bit of a travesty really.
Timely read DA, it's been a while, and I for one appreciate the moderating of ALL CAPS.
Had a thought but don't have the time or the technology. What if you copied the manifesto into a computer talk conversion program, pick a completely obvious voice that sounds like a computer program, pop in a few photos/clips of guys falling off boards, fibre glass chemicals, fins etc etc, and whack it on Youtube with an as yet determined ALL CAPS must read life or death headline, and see where it goes?
I'm calling 5 million views minimum.
Hmmm, might need to chuck in a heap of exclamation marks into the headline, and some dramatic background sound track for added effects.
Just brilliant. Welcome back.
I've been nailing letters on Ding Alleys bureau door for months. The mail box was full.
I'm surprised the Anti waxxers found room with all the notes from disgruntled confused readers , debt collectors etc Oddly enough there were several photos of scantily clad females, and possibly one from Gary G. Although one of the girls, in very heavy make up, is pointing to a baby and making a hand gesture that seems to suggest a request for cash.
The notes that came with cut out letters from a newspaper were a little more disturbing. Glad to see your still with us DA.
Was missing Ding Alley, glad you are back with another ripper!
Needed a laugh....
Do anti-waxxers play vinyl?
We've got a few Anti-waxxers down here on the farm . Hairy buggers , almost wooly you would say . Whenever we get them near the shed for some "waxing " they get very agitated and try to jump the fence , so to speak .
Notice Ampol are back in a big way making wax selling it in there stores along side motor oil sponsoring events who will be the next pro surfer to have their sticker
DA, you guys are so far ahead of me I can barely see the soles of your feet when looking through the Hubble space telescope.
Humbled, humbled I am in front of your greatness.
Deck grip does cause autism.
But the sun is white now, not yellow.
"I did not see one surfer fall off an unwaxed surfboard." - classic! And SO TRUE!!! (ahem)
This is just the kind of 'interesting' logic our friends Clive Palmer, Alan Jones, and Craig Kelly like to employ, sad fools / bad statisticians that they are...