AFL Footy Tipping Comp

I'm in like sin Craig!!!


Yep im in, GO the PIES!

I'll be in, too Craig. Can't let you southerners take all the glory.
But you have to have a go in my NRL comp, too.

yeh! i'm up ! Go West Coast!

The Pies should go well this year, I hear all the players have met all the bail conditions set by the court. And with good legal advice should be able too postpone all court proceeding till October. See you on Anzac day.
Go Storm?????

Yeah for sure ill do it keep us updated
Essendon Premiers 2010! yew!

Doggies are going to do it this year,Barry Hall just kicked 4 goals in his first quarter with them. Awsome!

Yeah mate that sounds sick.
Year of the Saint!

What website will you guys have this comp on??
And will there be any Prizes??
Cheers Zac

I give up Craig.
That's the most confusing site to navigate I've ever run across.
Been f*cking around now for half an hour joining, logging in, finding the Swellnet comp.
Done all that.
Cannot for the life of me work out how to actually register tips. I've clicke don every active link on the page.
I might go back later and try again.
Never had a problem on a website of any kind before.

Hmm, I'll have a look and get back to you. If there are issues I'll just put it on Oztips
By: "craig"
I might have been spoilt but oztips is just so easy to log onto and go straight to your private comp(s).
Among other things the bloody thing signed me up for a "local" comp run by the local newspaper even though I didn't ask for it, just because I nominated NRL as my favourite sport.
If you stay with them, I'll have another go at signing up. I've deleted my original membership. Obviously I didn't untick a box somewhere but..........

That was easier.
Thanks Craig.

Okay, just joined up to both lol....
I guess we are using the Oztips now then....Anyway Hall was on fire on Saturday night, not looking forward to facing the Dogs in round 1

Too many sydneesiders on this forum....
Alright I'm in
Go the TIGES!!! Another decade coming up maybe we will see you win a premiership in this one?

And one Queenslander!

first post :) thought i would join in on this tiping comp... 2nd Queenslander :D

Woo who! I'm in.

what was that knock out comp??? people that tipped less are still in :'(

Sweet, pretty happy with my tips thus far. On another comp I got all 8 :(......What a win by the Pies, so please with that :)

Tigers had a win, WOOHOO!!! :o Was getting worried they'd have to go pants down at the end of the season.
Now if only they can win every match from here on with a 300 point margin they have a chance to make the top 8. :/

Why the hell not. I'm in.

excuse me, loyal subjects why on this great planet of mine would anybody want to play those cretinous games? boofheadball or thugby? to top this all off you want to "tip" on them, tip what? tar? rotten fruit? full ashtrays? i do belive that i set a better example for all of you to follow than that do i not? well i must say i am bismerched. tipping things on people is not the way to go. if you are tipping something and looking to other sports (is there any other sports other than semipro mal comps?) does that not affect ones surfing? if you need to see grown men act like children then go your local pub im sure that you will see it there. now before you all get on the "bigwaynes a big girl" bandwagon why can we not follow boxing? i as you can imagine have 22 world heavyweight titles to my name (one for each voice in my head) now that is a mans sport. no running away from each other like the other forms of "manly" pursuits. now i am sure i have upset someone today and for that i am truly sorry but i feel it necessary to right the wrongs of my (not so) loyal subjects. feel free to abuse me if you want im used to it from the lower classes anyway and if there is no abuse then i have gotten through to the great unwashed and maybe we could get back to the surfing. this site is for surfing not football.this rant was bought to you by the undisputed bigfella himself and all round top bloke

showing your age once again i'm afraid bigwayne. Boxing has been replaced by UFC, much in the same way as snowboarding has replaced skiing (at least for anyone under 40 years of age). The average fight fan is sick of seeing the farcical mismatches that prevail in the boxing fraternity due to cowards like anthony mundine being able to handpick some washed up paul briggs to beat up live on main event. This situation is avoided in UFC as all fighters are contracted to the UFC and are told who they are to fight - even legends of mixed martial arts will end up with win/loss records of perhaps 25-11 instead of the 40-2 commonly seen in boxing. Sure there is the occasional fight that finishes within the first round, however the difference is that in UFC they are ended by a knockout or submission due to a choke or the threat of a broken limb while in boxing they end when a glancing clip on the ear forces one "fighter" to realise that the money is already in the bank so he might as well take a dive.

Good call scoopmaster, now back to AFL footy tipping comp.

Only 1 week actually. I think it kicks off this week. Thursday?? So 2 days.

Ah Craig you forgot to tell them first prize is a two week free trip on the Indo Odyssey....
Hi guys and gals,
Just throwing out the idea of a Swellnet footy tipping comp.
Now I'm talking AFL, none of that other rugby stuff, I think Bombora may start up a comp for that.
So register your interest here and if there's enough people I'll set up a comp on Oztips of