
damn how's the wrinkles on the arms , or is that a Tee shirt?

BB - Not a Nike fan and don't wear any jewellery or rings .
If they colours were red and navy blue I may consider the outfit .
Not surprised you fancy the jacket . Same style as your writing .

Blindboy although at times it might seem as though a collection of rings is the way to go, I have it on good authority that the intimacy afforded by one good ring is actually a better long term proposition.

Definitely no necklaces ! Never have worn any rings or gold .
My wife was happy for me not to wear a wedding ring due to my views . I would have if she wanted me to . I don't need a ring to prove to her or others I am married . Some people take them off when they want to .
I wear a nice watch .
Just shows how you have got me so wrong and your assumptions as you have already proved are so flawed .


Much more Smiley but not quite .
I am a cashmere jumper person ( not scratchy ) and no cravat .
Full head of hair though and usually a happy smile .

I was wondering what you meant .
"When venturing into certain venues in the late evening it was considered wise to advertise the fact that attempted violence would have consequences. "
Never had to wear rings for this . Never looked for trouble and by just looking at me seedy guys could see there would be potential consequences .

“ Don't hassle the weedy guy with a hand full of rings.”
Never a truer word has been spoken.
Just because you are weedy doesn’t mean you can’t get your finger into a ring.
Common misconception.

Lefty bullies trying so hard to project themselves as good people at every opportunity while being bullies. Attacking the person but unable to calmly debate the idea. Very common.

Political fashion
How the Fake Left think they appear….
How they appear to others….

Dont care for fashion much, but i have this huge collection of cool retro style shirts that many surf brand brought out in the mid to late 90s (and a few vintage), i never wear them as my partying days are over and they might be a little tight now, but i still cant part with them.
Been doing a huge clean out this week.

My wife buys all my clothes.

Style is everything !
d20 dice roller

Clearly a man of taste Super.

That’s the look everyone wants and only a few will ever attain.

Nice little bag and helmet.

Underwhelming package.

My wife and I met when we were 21 and from pretty much the beginning we’ve had a pact to make it to 64 and buy matching tracksuits. I asked her if that shiny Nike one was what she had in mind but she’s knocked it back and sent me this instead
Here’s a theory, maybe all old people are just taking the piss?

Socks and thongs .......on one trip to bali one of the boys was wearing these gems walking down the road in kuta back in the early 90s........oi oi oi aussie fashion statment.....

Noice, different, unusual…

Jeebus, wtf is the world coming to? I mean how do you dance in something like that?

Looks like he’s got an old wettie with loose cuffs :)
I mean, we’ve all walked up the beach with a case of wetsuit cankles.

Just providing a few more seats for his girlfriends or boyfriends.But looks like it would take an hour before you get out of that thing to dump a steamer.

I'd rather him / they / them / it wear that than this...
I know it's now all about 'body positivity' and stuff...
but I quite liked that quaint time when people who shouldn't wear G strings, didn't wear G strings...
