Couple and young girl threatened with handguns at Cabarita

Got a link Ben? Was it some vanlyfers getting hassled?

Sounds like a pretty heavy situation (have had that myself before) and no time for flippancy, but is Browntown in this area? It seems a dangerous place with all the choomas around.

Think it is VJ.
Reckon choomas love a bit of meth.

Choomas on meth are the worst kind.
My chooma was loaded to the gills and turned mellow, lucky for me. On the spot and with pistol in face, I made the smart decision not to go through the crowded lunch room as I was taken hostage, and thus spared many of my co-workers the whole anxiety and PTSD stuff. This kind of thing fucks you over.

What the hell is a chooma?

Try this

Righto. I’m chooma enlightened.

hahaha. Come on Benno. i lived in Hasto's 10 years ago and Caba was already a suss zone then after hours on a weeknd. Had multiple experiences of dealing with rowdy groms along that whole stretch. Tweed Breed. Yew!

Work takes me to Hastings on a weekly basis, heaps of signs of meth around there.
The place got the front door kicked in and all the cigs stolen a week ago.
Cops caught the guys breaking into the pharmacy in Caba.

Chooma's, haha WTF!

It's more that the Browntown location in the series really looks like it could be Kingscliff or Caba, with Goldy skyline to the north... and choomas are pretty destructive of people and property a bit like users of a certain chemical combo.
FWIW Chooma Island 2 is a religious experience, have a watch.

Definitely is VJ, Goldie to the north, Mount Warning visible inland in the series.
Chooma Island 2 is all-time, absolutely classic.

Oi Benno, i reckon the attempted robbery with a hand gun is the Caba crew grown up....or something along those devine paths. Tweed breed. Only a 603 ride away.
There were some pretty full on confrontations along that stretch. I'm not exaggerating . I grew up in a small coastal town where violence amongst young crew was an accepted thing, (you know the town benno..the mighty Crown!) but this place is/was a step way above. .The thing that baffles me is the irregularity of incidences such as this. We always had a saying about Caba. It's a sick place up to the high tide line.

Nah fair enough. Maybe things have changed since i lived there...but it was rough as guts around the 2006-2010 time. I vividly remember chasing crew into the caba headland bushes on saturday nights who were trying to break into my chicks unit, And being in the surf and watching crew go from car to car trying car handles.....front yard confrontations with gangs of homeboys at Hastos, beachfront confrontations with homies at Hastos headlands....but it was only ever on the weekends. Weekdays....a different town,,completely. Could have been Yorkes Benno!

Monday morning a couple years ago, went for a surf down the beach at caba. Stupidly parked at the last bush carpark coming into caba from casuarina, people used to dump a lot of rubbish there. Fun waves perfect morning till we came walking up the path my mate heard a smash so we ran up the path to just see dust from a car leaving and a big boulder thrown through the window and my wallet stolen. Luckily we must have interrupted them as our phones, camera ect. Were still there. I think they have bitumised that carpark now. Cops didn't give a shit and told me to ring a report line based in Sydney

Rubbish is everywhere now. It’s a disgrace.

Been a big police presence at Caba today.. and they've only just revealed why... Apparently it was an attempted roberry.
Didn't ever consider the Tweed Coast to be that kinda place.